P9 Noelle Helm Portfolio

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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8/10/2019 P9 Noelle Helm Portfolio

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Portfolio Noelle Helm

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ContactNoelle Helm141 S 1 W #1119

Rexburg, ID 83440661.476.9558


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able o Contents

1. Logos2. Photodesign3. Web Page4. Event Ad5. Business Card6. Stationery 

7. Montage8. Flier9. Brochure

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LogosDescription: Tree varying logos designed or the samecompany.

Date: November 2, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Adobe Illustrator

Objectives: Create three completely different, originallogos to fit a company or personal image that will appeal tothe audience. Do not imitate existing logos or use previousdesigns.Use only the Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos.

Process: I first began with sketches, ultimately drawing outabout nine varying designs. Using my avorite designs, I begancreating them via Adobe Illustrator. It was initially difficultto figure out how to use each tool to get the desired effect.However, I eel as though I was successul in creating thesefinal designs.

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PhotodesignDescription: A design created via Photoshop, utilizing a sel-

taken image.Date: October 19, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Learn basic photography skills.Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match those colors, thenincorporate the colors into the layout.Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it.Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool on

separate layers or NDE (non-destructive editing.)Size and crop the image, then place on an 8.5×11 page layout.Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements inPhotoshop.

Process: I used only a camera that I borrowed rom the campuslibrary and Photoshop. No other program was used in thisdesign.

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Web PageDescription: A basic web page design intended to displayand explain a logo and company.

Date: November 22, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Notepad ++, Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Acquire a working knowledge o CSS and


Process: o create this webpage, I used extWrangleror Mac, as well as Notepad++ or PC. I combined what

I did in those programs with a CSS document to ormatthe webpage. We were given a ormat that was already puttogether, but I altered it so that the design would look theway I wanted it to. I came up with the content, inserted thelogo that I had previously designed, and changed the colorso the webpage. In order to draw rom colors that were used

in the logo, I opened Photoshop and used the eyedropper

tool to get the correct hex codes.

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Event AdDescription: A flier designed to advertise an event.

Date: October 12, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben Pingel

Program(s)/ools: Microsof Word

Objectives: Comprehend image sizing (how pixels andinches work together) Find, scan and import a high-qualityimage.Create a ull-bleed design. Choose a color scheme andtypeace(s) that work or your message and audience. Learnto use only Word design eatures without using any Adobeprograms, including Photoshop.

Process: I first established the image that I wanted to useor this ad. Te original image that I had wanted to use wastoo small to scan, so I had to switch to an entirely differentimage. Tis worked out, however, and I was able to come upwith a design that I was happy with. I inserted the image intothe document first, adding the text boxes and logos later. Ittook a little adjusting to reach a design that I was happy with,as I ound complications with the clarity o my body copyont. However, I finally arrived at a final product that I can beproud o.

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Business CardDescription: Matching business cards and letterhead usingan original logo.

Date: November 10, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign.Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Donot imitate existing logos or use previous designs. Use thenew logo to design consistent layouts or a business card andletterhead.

Process: I first began with sketching out novel logos to useor these designs. I had to keep in mind the targeted audience,as well as stay away rom previous designs that I have created.Afer creating the logo in Adobe Illustrator, I transerred theimages over to Adobe InDesign where I created the layoutsor both the business cards and the stationery. Tis was a verytedious process that took a lot o time to get right.

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StationeryDescription: Matching business cards and letterhead usingan original logo.

Date: November 10, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign.Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Donot imitate existing logos or use previous designs. Use thenew logo to design consistent layouts or a business card andletterhead.

Process: I first began with sketching out novel logos to useor these designs. I had to keep in mind the targeted audience,as well as stay away rom previous designs that I have created.Afer creating the logo in Adobe Illustrator, I transerred theimages over to Adobe InDesign where I created the layoutsor both the business cards and the stationery. Tis was a very

tedious process that took a lot o time to get right.

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MontageDescription: An inspirational message conveyed via theblending o multiple images and use o typography.

Date: October 25, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Uniy a layout with a consistent theme anddominant spiritual message. Learn to blend two or moreimages together gradually, using masks. Demonstrate moreadvanced Photoshop skills or layout with multiple elements.WW

Process: I began with searching or images online, keepingin mind the message that I chose to convey. Afer finding andsaving two large-sized images, I opened them up in AdobePhotoshop and combined them. Via the lasso tool, I was ableto “cut and paste” the image o the hands onto the backgroundimage o the Salt Lake City emple. Achieving the right blendwas the most time-consuming, as I ound it difficult to decide

how prominent I wanted the image o the hands to be. I choseto emphasize the words “amily” and “orever” by using adifferent and larger ont than I used or the rest o the text. Foreffect, I applied the Grain filter to the background image. As a

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Flier Description: A flier intended to advertise a leadershipconerence or graduates.

Date: Oct. 5, 2014

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriatetypography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic

flier layout.

Process: I began with our sketches, ultimately going with a

 variation o my first sketch. As this was my first time workingwith Adobe InDesign, I spent time learning how to do the basics.

I created the outline, placed shapes where I wanted them, and

made sure to leave breathable white space. I applied contrast

within the mirrored shapes, as well as gradient within the

squares. Te text, image, and logo were given to me or this flier.

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BrochureDescription: A brochure design intended to display andexplain a company, utilizing a novel logo.

Date: December 15, 2015

Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 08 / Ben PingelProgram(s)/ools: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, olded document.Create an original, new logo and use it in a brochureIncorporate quality images. Incorporate at least our qualityimages, not including the logo. One should be clipped inPhotoshop and text-wrapped in InDesign so the text ollows

the cutout shape o the image.Process: Tis project was the most difficult or me, asit required me to draw on everything I had learned thissemester. I first established what I was designing or, andsettled on a fictional writing organization. I created a logo inAdobe Illustrator, then set up a tri-old brochure in InDesign.I created a grid, made the layout, then inserted the text that

I had previously typed. I printed multiple times until I wassatisfied with the product.(Te inside design is displayed above the outside design)

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