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P9 Project

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


    PORTFOLIOHannah Call

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


    TABLE OF CONTENTSBrochure Web pageStationary Business Card

    LogosPhotodesignEvent AdMontage

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    This is a brochure for a new jewelry brand, Glo Designs.

    Programs: Abode Illu stra tor, InDesig n, Photoshop

    Date:December 6, 2014

    Course: Visual Media-COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr

    Objectives:To set up and alig n a two-sided original brochure with an original logo. Also to incorpimages and to clip at least one in Photoshop and tex t-wrap it i n InDesign.

    Process:First I went into Adobe Illust rator and had to create a new logo. I used the pen tool to cdiamond and then used dif ferent typefaces to create the logo. Then I saved it as a png ait into my brochure in my Indesign document. I had to change my rulers a nd put 2 ru lercm apart. I also changed my margins to be only .5 cm on the rig ht and left and 1 in froand bottom. I went on Pinterest and got dif ferent images for the brochure. Then I chose

    colors. Then I changed the opacity of my front pictu re so that my logo wouldnt look willegible on top of it. I t hen chose a picture to put in photoshop and to use the quick seto remove the background. I used feathering and I smoothed out t he edges to make themhash. Then I inserted my brochure body copy I had writ ten and made my own paragrapfor the body and my headings. Then I made t he text w rap around my image I had createPhotoshop. This was a long process that involved a lot of skills a nd a lot of Adobe prog

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    A webpage de sig ned for my per sonal logo.

    Programs: Abode Illu strator, Photoshop, TextWrang le r


    November 23, 2014

    Course: Visua l Media -COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr


    To acquire a working knowledge of HTML and CSS. Also to size and optim ize an ologo for a web page and to write content describing it for an HTML page. Also must

    to use Photoshop to identif y hex colors to use in the HTML .

    Process: First I had to resize my logo that i had created i n Illustrator in Photoshop. I then hato open my html f ile and css f ile in TextWrangler. Then I had to link my css f ile intmy html f ile. I also had to go in and link my logo and my new background image fomy website. I left alig ned the text t hat I had so it wrapped around my tex t. I changesome of the fonts by making some st ronger and some emphasized, which made themitalicized. I had to keep referring to a photoshop document so I could use the HE Xnumber to get the color right on my website. I also removed the border around the btext box and I added opacit y to it. I changed my fonts and my si zes accordingly.

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    Stationary for a friends new business.

    Programs: Abode Illu strator, InDesign

    Date:November 9, 2014

    Course: Visual Media-COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr

    Objectives:To create a new logo for a company using Illustrator and to design a consistent stat ion

    layout for the company. Also to learn to use watermarks and drop shadows.

    Process: First I sketched ideas and then went to Illust rator to create my logo. I used t he pen toocreate the diamond shape and then tried to make the st roke the same as my font. Then placed my logo into my InDesign document. I used t he rectangle tool again and t he ellto create the circles in between the i nformation at the bottom. I also placed a photo in backgrou nd (as a water mark ) and cha nged the opac ity so tha t it wa snt a dist raction fr

    words that would be writ ten on the stationary. I also changed the colors to something tworked better. I also drew a line that connected where the logo was to the designers na

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


    647 Anza Avenue, Redondo Beach, CA 90505 343.654.8760 [email protected]

    Stephanie KarlDESIGNER

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    Abode Illu stra tor, InDe sig n

    Date:November 9, 2014

    Course: Visual Media-COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr

    Objectives:To create a new logo for a company usi ng Illustrator and to design a busi ness card t hconsistent with t he companys stationary.

    Process:First I created my logo in Illustrator and t hen created a new InDesign document wheplaced my logo. I used the recta ngle tool to create my business cards a nd put my logof the cards and t hen typed all of her information onto the other (backside) card. I alan outer glow around my logo to make it look like it was glowing because of t he n

    chose contrasting fonts and colors that complimented each other in t he design. I alsoa picture into the backg round of the backside of the busi ness card. I changed the opathat it was more transparent and t hen I put all of her information on top of it.

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


    S t

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    D E S I G

    N E R

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    E g l o d e s

    i g n s

    @ j e w

    l . c o m

    6 4 7 A n z a

    A v e n u e

    R e d o n d o

    B e a c

    h , C A 9 0 5 0 5

    K a r


  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    This is a logo for a photography business.

    Programs: Abode Illu stra tor

    Date:November 2, 2014

    Course: Visua l Media -COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr

    Objectives:To create three original logos using only Adobe Illustrator tools to create and drawthem. The logos must all be dif ferent and appeal to an intended audience.

    Process : The programs I used a re Adobe Illustrator. This was a really hard project for me. I sketched a lot of different ideas. Then I wanted to make something wit h an eagle anhave an eyelash be the wings. I made dif ferent eagles and thought of dif ferent waysmake dif ferent eyes. I used t he shape builder tool a lot to make my shapes. I also usthe warp wit h text f unction to make the letters around my eye in the first logo to wr

    them around t he eye instead of being on a straight l ine. Then I chose my color schemthat I wanted to use. It was also rea lly hard to chose dif ferent typefaces that workedtogether but I finally ended up with these th ree logos.

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    Eagle Eye Photography

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    This is a demonstration of good photography skills and good photoshop editing skil ls. good demonstrat ion of using color scheme s in a pic ture.

    Programs: Abode Photoshop

    Date:October 19, 2014

    Course: Visua l Media-COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr

    Objectives:To learn basic photography skills and to choose color schemes to match t he colors of t

    incorporate them into the layout. A lso to learn basic Photoshop tools for editing photo

    Process:First I went and took some pictures wit h all of the Fall colors. I really l iked the color and wanted to incorporate them into my design. I chose one of my Lead pictures t hat IPhotoshop. I edited the colors a litt le more than I had original ly and tried to make theshirt darker so t hat it wouldnt interfere wit h my color scheme that I had chosen. I alspicture to be al l about Fall and how we were leaving Summer behind so I put a cute liabout that in. The swatches were the hardest part for me to incorporate into my designto use them to lead into my photo and then I used t hem again on the other side for reppurposes.

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


    EVENT ADDescription:

    This is a fu ll-bleed event advertisement for a 5K run for St. Judes Hospital using only Word and a scanner.

    Programs:Microsoft Word

    Date:October 9, 2014

    Course: Visua l Media-COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr

    Objectives:To find, scan, and import a high qualit y photo into a Word document. Lear n how to credesign entirely usi ng Microsoft Word.

    Process:I found a picture I had t aken of my sister and scanned it into a Microsoft Word documemade the image a lit tle more transparent and put a t itle on the picture. I researched difcharities and found a kids marathon for St. Judes. I changed it a little a made up the in

    for my event. I picked a color scheme and created dif ferent text boxes and shapes to puinformation in. The hardest for me is picking legible fonts and mak ing sure that the t ypon my ad flowed well. It was interesting to see some of the si milarities with InDesig n Microsoft Word. Im glad I know how to use this software bet ter for graphic design and visual media so tha t I can use it if I need to on a t ight budge t. Progra ms I used : Mic roCanon Scanner

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


    Teach you r k id s t h e i mpor t ance o f h e lp ingo t h e r s and come r un f o r a good cause !

    Must be 11 years old or younger to participate. Athlete must be accompanied by an adult in order to

    participate on race day Registration automatically makes you a St. Jude Hero Raise funds as a St Jude Hero

    A l l p r o c e e d s g o t o t h e S t . J u d e H o s p i t a l

    For more details and registration please visit:

    Saturday December6, 2014

    @ 1:30 PM

    Third Street and Madison Avenue


    St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend Kids 5K Run

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    This is an inspirational and spirit ual uplift ing message about being good examples acarrying yourself with the light of Christ.

    Programs: Abode Photoshop

    Date:October 24, 2014

    Course: Visual Media-COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr

    Objectives:To use Photoshop to unif y a layout wit h a spir itual message. To learn to blend two o

    images together using masks and to use a mask to apply a f ilter to one part of the im

    Process:I found 2 pictures t hat I thought would work well together and I edited both pictures vibra nce, levels, and made the blue s brighter. I used Photoshop and inse rted the girl my picture with a ll the kids. I f lipped the picture of the gi rl so that her face was leathe opposite way and she was looking towards the group of lit tle kids i n the other piThen I used the blending/paint tools to ma ke her look part of t he photo. I changed thopacity and sizes accordingly to make it looks as natura l and blended in as possible.chose a quote from a scriptu re and added some white glows around the words so thatlooked like they were in the clouds.

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project



    Black and White f lier promoting a Graduate Leadership Conference.

    Programs: Abode InDesign


    October 4, 2014

    Course: Visual Media-COMM130

    Instructor:Cory Kerr


    To apply design principles and to use good ty pography skills. A lso to learn how to uInDesign and how to create a basic f lier layout.

    Process:The first thing I did for t his f lier was sketch out all of my ideas on paper. Then I use Adobe InDesign to start put t ing all of my ideas toget he r onto the actual promot iona lI tried to create f low and organization on my flier by u sing a lot of white space. I al bulle t point s fo r the text so tha t it wa snt a big block of text and wa s easie r and peopwere more likely to read it. I also made su re to use a bolder and bigger font as a tit leto grab t he audiences attention. The di fferent variations of gray, and black also giveflier contrast.

  • 8/10/2019 P9 Project


    Leadership Conference

    Do you want to have the competit ive edge inbusinness?

    Come learn how at Vouant Communications annualGraduate Leadership Conference.

    Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrowsleaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace.During this dynamic three-day semnar, attendees will meetwith top executives of Vouant Communications to discussbreakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivatingattributes of leadership that will market to any employer.

    Conference is available to graduating seniors.

    Space is limited. Register online at: http:/ / leaders

    October 218 a.m. 5 p.m.


