OCPA Compendium

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Orange County Paralegal Association monthly newsletter


Volume 33, Number 8 August 2012

Member of National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA)

Time to Network!E d u c a t i o n a l Conference: This year will be OCPA’s 26th Annual E d u c a t i o n a l Conference . In celebration of OCPA’s 35th Birthday we are letting ALL attendees in the Educational Conference for only $35.00, yep $35.00. The Conference will offer a total of 4.75 MCLE (2.25 of Ethics). The following areas of law will be covered at the Educational Conference:

Immigration Law, Presented by J. Anthony Smith, Esq.; Real Estate Law – “Real Estate Law and the Ins-and-Outs of Title Policies, Legal Descriptions, Public Land Survey System, and Subdivision Play”, Presented by Bruce Dannemeyer, Esq.; Litigation (Technology) – “Navigating Deposition, Video & Exhibit Management – Discovery Through Trial”, Presented by Jeff Koller, Esq.;Bankruptcy – “How Bankruptcy intersects with various aspects of our Lives: Family Law, Tax, Intentional Tort Judgments and Student Loans”, Presented by Renato Izquieta, Esq.;Labor Law, Presented by Sean Larsen, Esq.;Criminal Law – Criminal Procedure: Are we still utilizing those old Amendments?”, Presented by Guy Ormes, Esq.;Litigation (E-Discovery), Presented by Doug Hafford, VP Consulting at Afinety, Inc.; and Entertainment Law - “Everything

you ever wanted to know about Entertainment Law, but were too afraid to ask!”, Presented by Bill Grantham, Esq.

We will also have Sean Carter, Esq. returning as our morning “It’s not the Fruit, it’s the Root: Getting to the bottom of our Ethical Ills” and afternoon “Nice Paralegals Finish First” keynote speaker.

Sign up as soon as possible, as this event will sell out!

Lots of planning goes into this great event, come help us make this year’s conference better than ever. If you’re interested in helping out with this conference, please contact Kerry Swancutt at kerryswancutt.ocpa@gmail.com.

Scholarships: OCPA will be giving away 18 Scholarships in the amount of $750 each. Two of the scholarships will be awarded to Paralegals or Paralegal Students for reimbursement of paralegal education, seminars, meetings, membership, continuing education costs (i.e., CLA exam or preparation classes), or advanced certification fees (i.e., ACP). Check out our website for further details on how you can participate.

Also, we will give 2 scholarships in the amount of $750 each to each of the following institutions to give to deserving students: University of California Irvine, Cerritos College, Fremont College, Santa Ana College,

Disclaimer: The articles contained in this publication have been prepared for and are intended to provide information useful to members of the Orange County Paralegal Association (OCPA) and the legal professional community, at-large. The information presented is not to be taken as legal advice nor do the views represent a statement of OCPA policy.

President’s Message

Inside this Issue: President’s Message 1-2

Calendar & Events 3

Membership & Statistics 4

News & Events:

OCPA Board of Directors

Nominations 5

Superior Court Notice 6

OCFB Letter of Thanks 8


Your Job: An Opportunity

Not a Privilege 7

6 Unorthodox Paralegal

Careers 12

NALA Update 13

OCPA Corporate Sponsors 14

Sustaining Members 15

OCPA Board 16

OCPACompendium August 2012


Coastline Community College, Irvine Valley College, Fullerton College, and Kensington College. Look for information from your school.

Orange County Food Bank: In addition to collecting items at all of our General Meetings, you can volunteer your time. September 15 and November 3 – from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. are the last two Saturdays in 2012 to assist the OCFB with assembling food boxes for children and seniors at their distribution center located at 11870 Monarch Street in Garden Grove. If you are interested in participating in the volunteer activities, please contact OCPA’s Pro Bono/Community Services Chair, Cindy Mascio, ACP, CAS, at cmascio@rutan.com or (714) 641-5100, ext. 1625.

Specialty Sections:

Please join the Employment/Labor Law Section on August 2, 2012 at Nossman, LLP where Bradley E. Schwan will be discussing “Internet and Social media in the Workplace”. See flyer for more details.

All meeting flyers are now available on OCPA’s website www.ocparalegal.org

Volunteers: Would you like to volunteer and get more involved with the OCPA? Please contact me at hilary.ocpapresident.2011@gmail.com. Volunteering is a great way to meet your co-paralegals and networking.

- Hilary Martin, OCPA President

OCPACompendium August 2012


OCPA Calendar & Events

To learn more, simply visit the OCPA website at: www.ocparalegal.org

August ===

Date Time Title Location

8/1 6:00 pm Board Meeting Sarnoff/Veritext

8/2 6:00 pm Employment/Labor Section: “Internet and Social Media in the Workplace”

Nossaman LLP

8/15 6:00 pm Education Conf Planning Committee Sarnoff/Veritext

8/16 6:00 pm OCPA Vendor Appreciation Mixer TBD

8/17 9:00 am Student Section Meeting Westwood College

Save the Date!OCPA 26th Annual Educational


Date: Saturday, September 8, 2012 Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Place: Radisson Hotel, Newport Beach

“Established 1977 – OCPA Celebrates 35 years of supporting & educating Paralegals! Who are we and what sets us apart?”

Please join our diverse legal community at this annual education opportunity. No matter your level of experience, come see how to enrich your career.

MCLE Credit Provided – 4.75 hours.

Speaker or Exhibitor Inquires? To learn more, please contact Conference Chair Kerry Swancutt at kerryswancutt.ocpa@gmail.com.

September ===

Date Time Title Location

9/5 6:00 pm Board Meeting Sarnoff/Veritext

9/6 6:00 pm Education Conf Planning Committee Sarnoff/Veritext

9/8 8:00 am OCPA Educational Conference Radisson Hotel

9/15 8:30am Pro Bono: OCPA/OCFB Work Day OCFB

October ===

Date Time Title Location

10/3 6:00 pm Board Meeting Sarnoff/Veritext

10/10 6:00 pm Litigation Section: Banking & Foreclosure Law for Practical Use - Jennifer Needs, Esq. & Patricia L. Peard, Esq.

Gibson Dunn

10/17 6:00 pm OCPA General Meeting Radisson Hotel

OCPACompendium August 2012


OCPA Membership & Statistics

Lorraine OrtizNeil MequiAngelina RothwellBonita ChavisRosanne HenehanMichelle PerciavalleLuis M. Rodriguez

New Members

StatisticsVoting: 345Student: 157Associate: 70Sustaining: 7 Total: 579

Do you have an issue or topic of interest to share with your fellow OCPA members? Simply send your draft to the OCPA Compendium Editor Tracy Hermans at ocpacompendiumeditor@gmail.com for publication.

Suggested topics range from professional development, technology and the law, research and writing, continuing education, and your thoughts on the profession. Articles will be reviewed and edited prior to publication.

Write for the OCPA Compendium!

August 2012





Superior Court of California

County of Orange  


July  6,  2012  




The  court  continues  to  seek  improvements  and  gain  efficiencies  in  an  effort  to  provide  ongoing  quality  

service  in  a  timely  manner.  As  a  result,  the  Civil  and  Small  Claims  Writ  and  Abstract  Unit  will  be  moving  

from  West  Justice  Center  to  the  Central  Justice  Center.    


Effective  July  30,  2012  all*  Writs  of  Execution  and  Abstracts  of  Judgments  must  be  mailed  or  delivered  to:  


Superior  Court  of  California,  County  of  Orange    

Central  Justice  Center  

Civil  Division  

700  Civic  Center  Drive  West  

Santa  Ana,  CA  92701  



Delays  will  occur  if  documents  are  mailed  or  delivered  to  any  other  court  location.    



*Writs   of   Execution   and/or   Abstracts   of   Judgment   submitted   as   part   of   a   judgment   package   and  

Writs  for  Possession  of  Premises  are  not  affected  by  this  change.  These  are  to  be  sent  to  the  justice  

center  where  your  case  was  originally  filed.    


August 2012


Career Watch

If you have not had an opportunity to review The Professional Paralegal: A Guide to Finding a Job and Career Success  that I co-authored with Charlsye Smith Diaz, PhD, you might believe that it focuses entirely on how to land a paralegal position. It is true that the first 8 chapters spotlight traits paralegals need to succeed, job search strategies, preparing a winning resume, and nailing the interview. Each chapter has valuable information for starting your paralegal career.It is in Chapter 9 that we get down to brass tacks with:Getting organized for your job;How to update your wardrobe to fit the current situation;What to do on the first day;How to settle into an office environment; and developing a good reputation at work. When you land a job, you have been given an opportunity. You will waste that opportunity and perhaps very quickly find yourself without a job if you:Spend your 1st or 2nd day at work linking to your personal email accounts,  providing your work number to family and friends and taking their frequent calls, and organizing your personal knick-knacks, instead of focusing on learning about your new job.This is not the time to haul in all your pictures, books, and trophies. It is not the time to talk on the phone for hours with your mother and your best friend. Instead, carry a notebook with you at all times and focus on the office: learn everything you can about the equipment (honest, no 2 copy machines are alike!) and office

systems. Take notes so you don’t have to ask questions later! Arrive a few minutes late and leave a few minutes early, especially during the first week of employment. When you start your job, you are establishing your reputation as a person who is punctual and dedicated to your work. Arrive early enough so that you have had your coffee and are ready to start work on time. Do not leave until quitting time.Express indignity when you’re asked to do something you consider to be a menial task that’s beneath you.  You are not above any work, especially when you’re just starting a job. You are a member of a team and it takes teamwork to complete legal work. Each task is an important piece of the final work product. Accept tasks with grace and do them well. If you can’t do even the small tasks well, no one will be willing to give you more substantive work. Also, it does not matter who gives you the work: another paralegal, an attorney, a much younger person…smile and get the work done.Exaggerating your abilities on your resume.  Never tell someone you can do work when you have no idea how to do it. In other words, if you’ve never heard of a trial notebook or CaseMap, don’t try to fake it. You will not win that game.Taking time off during the first few weeks of employment.  Unless you had a vacation planned and cleared the time off with your boss during the interview process, buckle down and take NO time off until you have earned it.Checking Facebook and Twitter every 5 minutes. You are being paid to work, not play on social networks. Save all of that for your own time after you leave work.And remember to NEVER post anything negative about your employer and co-workers. You will be in deep trouble (and you may lose your job) when your posts are discovered, whether you posted them on your own time or not. Arguing politics, religion and professional associations.  Keep this information to yourself, particularly if your opinions differ from those of your boss. 

While the First Amendment gives you the right to free speech, it does not take away your employer’s right to send you packing if you are irritating and belligerent.Blaming everyone else for your mistakes.When you make a mistake, do 3 things: 1) own up to it; 2) learn from it; and 3) move on. Blaming someone else does not work.Too many people ruin great opportunities in the legal field because they do not see the job for what it is: an opportunity.Many new employees have a sense of entitlement and an attitude that once they have a job, it is theirs forever. Your job is not a right or a privilege and you can be replaced.  Always remember that  getting  a job is not nearly as important askeeping a job. 

Your Job: An Opportunity, Not A Privilege

==========================© 2012 Vicki Voisin, Inc.Vicki Voisin, “The Paralegal Mentor”, delivers simple strategies for paralegals and other professionals to create success and satisfaction by setting goals and determining the direction they will take their careers. Vicki spotlights resources, organizational tips, ethics issues, and other areas of continuing education to help paralegals and others reach their full potential. She publishes  Paralegal Strategies, a weekly e-newsletter for paralegals, and co-hosts The Paralegal Voice, a monthly podcast produced by Legal Talk Network.



OCPA in the Community:

A Special Note of Thanks

August 2012


Orange County Paralegal Association�’s

26th Annual Educational Conference Saturday, September 8, 2012

8:00 a.m. �– 4:30 p.m. Radisson Hotel Newport Beach

4545 MacArthur Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92660

OOCCPPAA CCeelleebbrraatteess

ooff SSuucccceessss aanndd SStteeppppiinngg iinnttoo tthhee FFuuttuurree!!

Registration Fee: All attendees $35 �– Special 35th Anniversary price!! Registration Deadline: September 1, 2012

MCLE Credit Available: 4.75 hours (includes 2.25 hours legal ethics) Name: ___________________________________________________________ Specialty Designation? CP, CLA, ACP _________________

OCPA Member? yes no Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ( ) ____________________________ E-mail address: ________________________________________________________________

MCLE Breakout Sessions:

Please mark ONE Morning & ONE Afternoon session to attend (see Program for details): Morning MCLE Sessions Afternoon MCLE Sessions

Immigration Law Labor Law

Real Estate Law Criminal Law Litigation (Technology) Litigation (E-Discovery) Bankruptcy Law Entertainment Law

Lunch Choice:

vegetarian non-vegetarian

Conference Syllabus: OCPA is �“Going Green�” �– A link to upload your e-syllabus will be e-mailed to you one week prior to the conference.

Return this Registration Form with Payment via check payable to OCPA or via PayPal to:

OCPA Attention: Educational Conference

P.O. Box 8512 Newport Beach, CA 92658

PLEASE NOTE: Due to greater attendance this year, no walk-ins and no switching breakout sessions after selection.

RSVP confirmed via receipt of completed Registration Form and Payment by Sept 1st. OCPA is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider and certifies that this event qualifies for MCLE credit.

Questions? Please contact Conference Chair Kerry Swancutt at kerryswancutt.ocpa@gmail.com.



2012 Educational Conference Program

8:00 a.m. �– 8:45 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast, Get to Know your Exhibitors 8:45 a.m. �– 9:00 a.m. Welcome by OCPA President Hilary Martin & Conf. Chair Kerry Swancutt 9:00 a.m. �– 10:15 a.m. Morning Ethics MCLE Keynote, Announce Scholarship Winners

�“It's not the Fruit, it's the Root: Getting to the bottom of our Ethical Ills�” - In this unique legal ethics seminar, acclaimed legal humorist Sean Carter goes beyond the do's and don'ts of the Rules of Professional Conduct to get to the heart of the matter -- the common mindsets that result in ethical violations in the first place. Employing the witty one-liners and poignant stories that have made him a favorite presenter at bar events across the country, Mr. Carter demonstrates the root causes of our ethical ills. Furthermore, he will provide tips and insights on how to heal ourselves from these mindsets so that the ethical canons become guide posts and not obstacles in your drive to become successful paralegals. Presented by Sean Carter, Esq. - http://www.lawhumorist.com

10:30 a.m. �– 11:00 a.m. Morning Break, Get to Know your Exhibitors 11:15 a.m. �– 12:30 p.m. Morning MCLE Breakout Sessions

Immigration Law �– �“New Developments within Immigration Law (Obama Reform to U.S. Supreme Court)�” Presented by John Alcorn, Esq. Real Estate Law �– �“Real Estate Law and the Ins-and-Outs of Title Policies, Legal Descriptions, Public Land Survey System, and Subdivision Plat.�” Presented by Bruce Dannemeyer, Esq. Litigation (Technology) �– �“Navigating Deposition, Video & Exhibit Management - Discovery Through Trial.�” Presented by Jeff Koller, Esq. Bankruptcy Law - "How Bankruptcy intersects with various aspects of our Lives: Family Law, Tax, Intentional Tort Judgments and Students Loans." Presented by Renato Izquieta, Esq.

12:45 p.m. �– 3:00 p.m. Afternoon Ethics MCLE Keynote, Lunch, 35th Anniversary Presentation, Get to Know your

Exhibitors Game Winner and Drawings �“Nice Paralegals Finish First�” - It's been said that nice guys finish last. And while that might be true in the rough and tumble arenas of politics, professional prize fighting and marriage, nothing could be further from the truth in the practice of law. In this hilarious ethics presentation, legal humorist Sean Carter will demonstrate how to effectively deal with demanding clients, stubborn opposing parties and irritating partners (as if there are any other kind); and to do so in a way that best serves the interests of all involved. Presented by Sean Carter, Esq. - http://www.lawhumorist.com

3:15 p.m. �– 4:30 p.m. Afternoon MCLE Breakout Sessions

Labor Law �– �“Recent Trends in California Employment Law�” Presented by Sean Larsen, Esq.

Criminal Law �– �“Criminal Procedure: Are we still utilizing those old Amendments?�” Presented by Guy Ormes, Esq.

Litigation (E-Discovery) �– �“Email Archiving & Discovery Tools: Current Solutions for Law Firms and Corporate Legal Departments�” Presented by Doug Hafford Entertainment Law - "Everything You Wanted to Know About Film Production But Were Too Afraid to Ask!�” Presented by Julia Scott, Esq.

August 2012




5 Unorthodox Paralegal CareersSo you like the law, but you’re not into being a lawyer, or you just haven’t gotten there yet. Now you’ve got quite a bit of experience as a paralegal, but the economy has tanked, and even your plan B is losing its appeal. You’re in luck! Here are five great ways to use your experience as a paralegal in a completely different field!First, let’s break down your skill set as a paralegal. You’re incredibly organized, great at communicating, have meticulous attention to detail, skilled at writing and editing, and you take direction well. When you define your experience as transferable skills, you can finally see how prepared you are for a variety of fields!1. Document ManagerYour meticulous attention to detail can take you to any number of organizational roles, including document management. Various fields, including accounting, bookkeeping, health care administration, and sales require an organized individualto keep track of invoices, manage contracts, and write and edit sales copy. Even technology, communications, insurance and pharmaceutical companies require someone with a professional writing tone to create compelling sales copy or legal contracts.These jobs might not be the most flexible options, but the benefits and pay are generally pretty comfortable.

You can often segue directly into a document management position from a paralegal, and enjoy a cushy raise in the process.2. Technical Writer or ResearcherYour days spent tirelessly researching the law, or fact checking can be parleyed into any field as a technical research or writer. From online marketing agencies to bio tech companies, technical writers are few and far between. With your experience reading, writing, and editing contracts, and even understanding the style of copy used in law, you can easily find a company looking for a skilled technical writer.Good writers are hard to find, but good researchers and technical writers are few and far between the good writers. It takes a professional to ignore colloquialisms and personal

tones, which is a skill you’ve mastered as a paralegal. While you’ll have to conduct interviews and perhaps spend time researching complex products or patents, your time is your own, and you can organize your day however you’d like.3. Leadership and Event Management PositionsHave you ever considered being a team leader at summer camp? Executive director of a non-profit? Office administrator to a start-up? Event planner for a huge corporation? Well, if you do, you’ll find numerous positions just begging for someone with your skill set. If you’re feeling like an ambitious entrepreneur, your organizational skills are a must-have accessory for all kinds of start-ups. If you’re looking for enjoyment over pay, considering consulting for local non-profits. They’re always in dire need of organizational help, and they lose money each year just by allowing things to slip through the cracks. If you are a little more of a planner, consider even planning. Your teamwork and people skills will help you lead your team to plan and execute events on any scale.4. Public Relations AssociateCommunication is definitely one of your strong suits. From taking statements of witnesses, interviewing clients, contacting experts, dealing with court reporters, or doing on-the-job research, a large majority of your day as a paralegal was spent communicating with people from all walks of life. Now you can take that to the next stage of your life as a publicist or public relations specialist! Combine your excellent communications skills with your up-to-date technology knowledge and you’re in business!Publicists and those in the field of public relations have to spin something newsworthy into something newsworthy and interesting. It is important to make contacts and network, while remaining true to the client’s best interests. While you will need to add a little oomph to your sales techniques, getting your clients noticed is primarily working the network with your amazing skills of communication. Now that PR is all about Web 2.0, you can use your knowledge of programs and online progress to perfect your

clients’ campaigns. From corporations to celebrities, to all the mom and pop shops in between, your paralegal experience will take you far in public relations!5. Detective/ Detective AssistantIt goes without saying that you have an acquisitive nature, so heading into law enforcement and detective work might be the perfect segue for you post-paralegal. Detective assistants spend hours researching and organizing information, evidence, and files to not only maintain order, but also to solve cases with intricate details. Now you might not spend every day bashing bad guys on the streets Stabler-style, but you will get to see the intricate workings of the law, possibly from a comfortable desk somewhere!

About the Author: Jeannie S. Johnston has been a Paralegal for over 18 years, has spoken at National Paralegal Conferences and is the Founder and CEO of Paralegal Gateway, Inc. a/k/a www.ParalegalGateway.com – the world’s oldest and largest online Paralegal portal on the world wide web.

August 2012


NALA August Update

NALA’s 37th Annual Meeting and Educational Institutes

By the time you receive this issue of the OCPA’s Compendium, NALA’s 37th Annual Meeting and Educational Institutes will be a memory. Fortunately, you can find all the details in the September issue of the Compendium. Also, in case you haven’t heard, Kai Williamson was presented with a 2012 Affiliated Associations Award. This award is presented to those individuals who make contributions to the paralegal profession, plan educational programs, or develop pro bono and other community involvement programs for their associations.

Each year affiliated associations designate one recipient for the affiliate award, and NALA recognizes that recipient by presenting a framed award during the affiliated associations annual meeting. Each recipient is automatically nominated for NALA’s Outstanding Achievement Award.

Be sure to check out NALA’s website at www.nala.org to see the schedule of upcoming classes and webinars offered by NALA. The line-up is pretty impressive!

I hope you are all enjoying the end of summer.

-- Maria

NALA is the leading paralegal association in the US. Its mission is to provide continuing education and professional development programs to all paralegals.

OCPACompendium August 2012


OCPA Corporate Sponsors

OCPA Sustaining Members

OCPACompendium August 2012


OCPA 2012 Board of Directors

OCPACompendium August 2012


Compendium // August 2012 // Volume 33 // Number 8

Committed to Excellence through Education, Certification and Ethical Responsibility

Publisher: Orange County Bar Association

Editorial Team: Tracy Hermans, Dawn Martin, Karlene Miller, Krystal Pazanti, Liz Spinazze,

Tamira Stewart

The Compendium is the official publication of the Orange County Paralegal Association

(OCPA). P.O. Box 8512, Newport Beach, CA 92658

This subscription is provided as a member benefit of OCPA. For member information,

please visit www.ocparalegal.org. © 2012 Orange County Paralegal Association

Advertising Inquiries Only: Hilary Martin, hilary.ocpapresident.2011@gmail.com

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