
ObesityHow Can Ending Obesity Help Others in


Manar Abdalla





Introduction Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat. If a person is 20%

larger than usual than one is fat. “Lets end obesity within a generation.” ( SIRS Knowledge Source) 5% of Black and White children are obese, 12% of Hispanic boys

are obese, and 19% of Hispanic girls are obese. 4.5 million children in America are obese. 107 million children have tendency to develop diabetes due to


What is government doing to end obesity?

Making schools and other popular teen attractions have healthier foods.

Banning junk food in many areas such as your average public schools.

Mexican schools now have salad bars instead of taco bars and in American schools they have lowered calories in school milk.

Where Could Others Start?

Helping out in school: A student can ask their principal to bring in

healthy vending machines for snack and lunch. A student can organize active and fun school

activities; being active is one way to prevent obesity.

Where Could Others Start?

Helping out in our community: One can organize a family bike race. Or have a community annual marathon.

How Can Others Help?

Convince others ( family and friends) to eat healthier and explain the consequences of an unhealthy life.

Families must train their child to eat healthy so the child will get used to healthy eating.

Who can people contact?

People can contact the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) for more information on how to treat obesity and how to prevent it as well.

People can also contact The Center of Disease Control.

Why/How Is Obesity Dangerous?

Obesity can cause a numerous amount of diseases such as:

Stroke Cancer Heart Disease Diabetes High Blood Pressure

Why/How Is Obesity Dangerous?

Other Problems Can Occur such as: Social Disabilities Mental Illness Stress Short Life Expectancy Low Self-Esteem

Plastic Surgeon Average- $27,800 Potential- $56,300 Entry Level- $16,800

The percent of change is +22% Related Career- Orthodontist, Urologist, and Radiologist Orthodontists specialize in providing others with straight, and

healthy teeth. They can provide you with braces or a retainer if needed. Radiologists make your bones healthier, also they inform you have broken a bone, Radiologists also take your x-rays. And Urologists specialize in the urinary tracks of men and women. They also specialize in ones reproduction system

Visual Communications

Atholton High School

Visual Communications

I chose Visual Communications for my career academy because it involves painting and photography and I enjoy both very much, also you only need to maintain a c average.

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, Maryland 21218 $41,480 (yearly tuition) 4 English classes, 4 Foreign Language,

2 History classes, 4 Math classes, 4 Science classes, and 2 Social Studies Classes

47% women, 53% Men, 22% Asian, 6% Black, 43% White, 7% Hispanic

Community Service


I volunteered at Grassroots because I know if I were mentally challenged I would enjoy another persons company also I love people and I love making arts and crafts while making another person happy.

Job Experience and Awards

Job Experience Babysitting, Summer of 2013 Giant cashier, summer of 2012 Target cashier, summer of 2014 Tutor, 10th grade

Awards Positive Paw, 3 times in Elementary

School Student of the Month, once in middle



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