

2. Ants Problem:Ants hate Cucumbers."KEEP the skin ofCucumbers near thePlace where they areor at Ant Hole. 3. Ants Problem:To Get Pure & Clean Ice :"Boil Water firstbefore placing in theFreezer" 4. Ants Problem:To make the Mirror Shine:"Clean with Sprite" 5. Ants Problem:To remove Chewing Gum from Clothes:"Keep the Cloth in the Freezer for OneHour" 6. To Whiten White Clothes:"Soak White Clothes in hot water with aSlice of Lemon for 10Minutes" 7. To givAen ats S Phrinoeb ltoe myo:ur Hair:"Add one Teaspoon of Vinegar to Hair,then wash Hair" 8. Ants Problem:To get maximum Juice out of Lemons:"Soak Lemons in Hot Water for OneHour, and then juice them" 9. Ants Problem:To avoid smell of Cabbage while cooking:"Keep a piece of Bread on the Cabbage in theVessel while cooking" 10. Ants Problem:To boil Potatoes quickly:"Skin one Potato from one side only beforeboiling" 11. Ants Problem:To remove Ink from Clothes:"Put Toothpaste on the Ink Spots generouslyand let it dry completely, then wash" 12. To skin Sweet Potatoes quickly :"Soak in Cold Water immediately after boiling" 13. Ants Problem:To get rid of Mice or Rats:"Sprinkle Black Pepper in places where youfind Mice & Rats. They will run away" 14. Ants Problem:Take Water Before Bedtime.."About 90% of Heart Attacks occur Early inthe Morning & it can be reduced if onetakes a Glass or two of Water before goingto bed at Night" 15. Ants Problem:We Know Water is important but neverknew about the Special Times onehas to drink it.. !! Did you ??? 16. Ants Problem:Drinking Water at the Right TimeMaximizes its effectiveness on the HumanBody; 17. Ants Problem:1 Glass of Water after waking up -helps to activate internal organs.. 18. Ants Problem:1 Glass of Water after waking up -helps to activate internal organs.. 19. 1 GAlansst so fP Wroabtelrembe:fore taking aBath - helps lower your bloodpressure. 20. Ants Problem:1 Glass of Water before going toBed - avoids Stroke orHeart Attack. 21. Chinese Proverb Says:'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefitfrom it, You have a moral obligation to share it with others too.'So... DO your's !I have done mine ,ByJ.Jayakrishnan

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