
E-Rate and Newton ISD

An examination of E-Rate and our district’s technology plan


1.) Overview of E-Rate and its services

2.) Overview of Newton ISD Technology Plan

Schools and Libraries Program

of the

Universal Service Fund

Also known as E-Rate

What is E-Rate?

• E-Rate is the nickname for the Universal Service Fund for Schools and Libraries (USFSL)

• Federal program

• Designed to give schools and libraries affordable access to certain kinds of telecommunications services like wireless voice and data.

No, you’re not dreaming!

If your school or library is eligible, E-Rate can open up discounts as much as

90% off the cost of these services.

Where can we use E-Rate discounts?

You can use E-Rate discounts almost anywhere your teachers or school can dream of.

For example…..

District and school administrators…

• manage schedules centrally

• attend meetings remotely

• respond quickly as one team to emergencies


can create exciting lesson plans with mobile learning tools

gain confidence that comes from using low-cost, highly-capable devices


• Stay connected to each other and their teachers through use of technology and internet services

• Utilize remote learning centers and virtual field trips

• Use a wide range of technology to engage learning and enforce classroom skills

Which is what we all want for our 21st Century Learners!

Technology Plan for Newton ISD


District Technology Plan

Who are our school stakeholders?

Community and School

Telecommunications Usage

Technology Plan Goals

Technology Task Force

Technology Integration

Staying Connected

Technology as a Sustainable


Evidence of Student Learning

Survey of 6th Grade Students

and Internet AccessHome and


Internet, 19



Internet, 43


Survey of 43 6th Grade Students at Newton Middle School who access the internet on a weekly basis.

By Garrison Welch

In closing…

• It is vitally important that we teach our students and ourselves to use integrated technology in the classroom.

• Digital learning is more important for our students than ever before.

• By taking advantage of programs such as E-Rate, we are able to provide such tools at a greatly discounted rate.

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