New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand

At the end who shapes whom….?

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Agenda:• Communication is about moving content

• Success stories to learn from

• Understanding the human being real communication needs

• Communications drives the human behavior, but in what extent?

• Communication industry a driver or a follower for the human behavior?

• Conclusions

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Communication is about moving content

Communications services evolution - a recent history


2.Broadband Services

3.User Centric Broadband Services




New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

About communications technologies….

What makes a technology more cost effective than the others?-Openness

-Standard driven


-Complexity and flexibility level

What differentiate a successful technology from an unsuccessful one?

- Adoption level

- “Killer applications”

- Efficiency

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Every time, it is about a good business case, but ..


Innovation aspects

Internal technology aspects

Economics aspects

External needs & demand related aspects

Right time to market aspects

Are all the aspects simultaneously considered ?

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Success stories to learn from

•Minitel, a success story

•Started in 1982

•Until 1999 over 9 million terminals in France used by 25 Millions usersphone directory (free),

mail-order retail companies

airline or train ticket purchases

information services databases

message boards


New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Success stories to learn from

Internet communications – Why a success story?

• Diversity and freedom of innovation

• Broad variety of services to satisfy all the communications needs driven by users

• Content’s volume and diversity

• Openness to development communities

Developed by the users to satisfy their communication needs!


New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Success stories to learn from

mobile communications stories – why they were success stories?


New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Success stories to learn from

IPTV an example of how to apply the learnt lessons!

Comprehensive Customization

InternetInternet to TV

Broadcast vs. unicast information





New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Understanding the human being’s real communication needs

•Communication - the key factor for the human being society

•Different human being implies different communication needs

•Are we prepared to satisfy these needs in most details? Not yet!

•Understanding the real needs creates complex models which are rising challenges and opportunities

•New services should be shaped by the today’s real communication needs


New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Communications drives the human behavior, but in what extent?

Admitting or not we are addicted to the communications services

But this is not mandatory bad because communications technologies help us to evolve and adapt within an informational society forever in moving

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

Communications industry a driver or a follower for the human behavior?

Between communications services and society exists an interdependence which refers to the never-ending cyclical co-dependence, co-influence, co-production of technology and society upon the other

Every new communication services advancement is due to some influence from society – which became more and more significant

Nearly every aspect of modern life is influenced by communications services

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?


Is upon us to decide the extent of addiction we are accepting and its influence toward society getting into consideration the good and bad effects and our willingness to evolve.

Communications services simplifies life:

-rise of a leisure class

-more informed society

-global networking

-creation of denser social circles

New Telecommunication Services Shape the Social Behavior, but in the Same Time Are Driven by Social Demand. At the end who shapes whom?

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