Nethicom - project presented at ebbf conference barcelona 2014

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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Nethicom, one of the projects presented during the accompaniment at the ebbf annual conference in Barcelona 2014


•In the globalized and interconnected world in which we live individuals and their institutions are no longer able to solve the crisis alone.

•We need each other. We must develop a sense of universal responsibility to protect and nurture the global family, preserve and to take care for the environment in which we live (our common home). •We need practical tools that can disseminate ethical values through the communication of the advantage of ethical practices in business and in life. We need to experience a feelling of Comm(on)Unity.

•We need to develop SustainAbility firstly at an individual level and then at a collective and organizational one. Businesses are made up of people and true change can only happen if those people are enabled (have the Ability) to actively engage in the process of change towards SustanAbility.

Crisis is an opportunity to develop ethical behaviors

some easy reflections on the As Is:

• People are looking for new meanings of economics as they find it responsible of their unfulfilled life.

• Business Ethics can contribute to social innovation. • People are curious and willing to understand Business Ethics, but they find hard to believe in its application. • Entrepreneurs of SME are the one more inclined to behave ethically, but they often feel frustrated by the ordinary business environment and by the lack of recognition of their efforts from the institutions. • Globalization and Internet are tools in the hands of humans and therefore their actual use reflects the actual values of mankind.The Internet is a powerful image of life's interconnected Oneness, and how the individual can interact with the whole. It has the potential to create patterns of interrelationship that will form the network for a global consciousness and Unity. The real potential of the Internet belongs to this new flow of consciousness throughout the planet.


Adding all together… a really simple idea: a new social network that addresses ethics to everyone that is striving for change

A virtual place where people can disseminate good practices and simple messages that induces self-reflection and characterial improvement, creating the base for the emerging of a sense of Oneness expressed trough the web. Comm(on)Unity

A social network aimed to develop individual and collective SustainAbility as a real ability to sustain the planet and not only as another commercial tool to buy or to sell.

A virtual place where to reconnect ethics and aesthetics through the participation of artists from different fields that are often misunderstood in their intentionto make people reflect.

A virtual market where demand and offer of ethics can meet and prosper.

I call all this “Network for Ethical Communication”

Nethicom is now a pilot project co-created with my students and launched as a facebook page. It has attracted spontaneously more than 2300 people from 50 countries in three months of activity.

The pilot project led to identification of some potential services to be offered through Nethicom:

•Platform for e-learning and teaching•Educational tool (different targets)•Promotion of ethical businesses •Crow funding of ethical initiatives•Certification services•Ethical ranking (similar to Trip-advisor) •………..•………..

There is a mantra within the Nethicom facebook page that arose spontaneously and that is:

What does Nethicom needs to be a real thing

At the moment I see Nethicom as an open lab.

It needs a network of people of heart that share a similar vision to spread the message.

It needs technical support to create the platform and creative people and artists to create emotions.

It needs an international perspective from wise people like you.


when we dream alone is only a dream, but when many dream together it is the beginning of a new reality

Thank you for listening

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