Negotiations - Eurocham

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    English Language Skills

    -The Art of Negotiation-

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Todays Objectives1. To start to get a better understanding and

    practical knowledge of the English that is

    used in Negotiating.

    2. To begin looking at being persuasive andusing tact in negotiating.

    3. To have you involved, practicing and usingideas and techniques.

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    What do you Understand by theterm negotiation?

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Your Negotiations

    Who do you negotiate with?

    What do you negotiate?

    Why do you negotiate?

    Where do you negotiate? How long do you negotiate?

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    The 6 Steps involved1. Preparation

    2. Opening the negotiation3. Establishing and Clarifying positions

    4. Proposals and Counter-proposals

    5. Bargaining6. Reaching Agreement

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Preparation Checklist

    Collect information regarding:

    Your interests

    Your resources

    Your alternatives

    Your target

    Your BATNA

    All of the above for your counterpart

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    Set Objectives

    SpecificState exactly what you want to achieve

    Measurable - Know how much you have achieved

    Achievable- Have realistic goals for the situation

    Relevant - Find interesting points for both parties

    Timed - Set a realistic deadline

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    What is BATNA?

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    Opening the Negotiation

    Use clear and direct language

    Provide appropriate, current information

    State your general aims and then more specific aims

    Ensure your opening statements sound reasonable

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    10/47W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Getting things started

    OK, lets get started shall we?

    Could we begin now please?

    I wondered if I could start by saying

    Were short of time, so lets get started

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    11/47W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Opening Statements

    Our key interest is...

    Its vital that we

    Its very important to us to

    We really need to

    Wed like to

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    Establishing and Clarifying Positions

    Make your position clear

    Listen to what the other side has to say

    Understand the other sides point-of-view

    Achieve mutual understanding

    Evaluate your position in the negotiation

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    13/47W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Outlining your position

    I'd like to begin by saying

    I'd like to outline our aims and objectives.

    There are two main areas that we'd like toconcentrate on / discuss.

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    14/47W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Clarifying Positions Does anything I have suggested / proposed seem

    unclear to you?

    I'd like to clarify our position.

    What do you mean exactly when you say

    Could you clarify your last point for me?

    So you are saying

    So if I understand correctly

    So as I see it

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    15/47W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Proposals and Counter-proposals

    Be Active, Creative and Involved

    Polite language needs to be used in accepting and

    rejecting proposals

    Alwaysanswer direct questions, its rude not to

    Show understanding about their point-of-view

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    Making Proposals I propose

    I suggest

    I advise you to

    I think we should

    Why dont we

    How / What about we

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    Responding to proposals

    POSITIVEGood idea.

    That sounds fine.

    I go along with that.

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    Responding to proposalsNEUTRAL

    Thats true, but

    I see what youre saying.

    I understand why you think so.

    We could do that.

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    Responding to proposalsNEGATIVE

    (Im afraid) thats not possible.

    We cant do that.

    That is/would be out of the question.

    I cant agree to do that.

    We were hoping to pay a little less.

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    20/47W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Making Counter-proposals

    May we offer an alternative? We proposethat ...

    We'd like to make an alternative proposal.

    We propose that ...

    From where we stand, a better solution might

    be ...

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    BargainingMaintain positive communication.

    Politeness and showing understanding

    helps maintain a good atmosphere and

    will prevent a breakdown.Know when to stop negotiating, remember

    your BATNA.

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Making concessions

    We could offer you

    We might consider

    What would you say if we offer you?

    We might be able to

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Attaching Conditions

    But we would want

    as long as.

    on one condition

    provided that

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Exerting pressure

    If you cant.., well have to look somewhere


    Im afraid well have to call it a day unless.

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Reaching Agreement

    Close all negotiations by clearlyoutlining the agreement

    Recap and summarize all points

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Summarizing the agreement

    Perhaps I could just summarize our decisions/

    agreements so far.

    Youve / weve agreed to.

    As weve agreed to, youll take care of.

    As weve agreed to, youll be responsible for

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    A Negotiation is Successful when both parties


    they have achieved success appreciated

    the other side was fair

    that professional and objective standards havebeen applied

    The other side will keep the agreement

    They would deal with each other again

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Being Persuasive

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    How to be persuasive

    Develop a line of reasoned argument

    Back up points with logic

    Emphasise the positive aspects of your argument

    Use positive language

    Get your points across in a calm , butassertive manner

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Persuasive English WordsDiscover Easy Good

    Save Guaranteed

    Proven Money Safe

    New Results

    Own Free Freedom

    Health Best Investment

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Tact in Negotiating

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Two priests were so addicted to smoking

    that they desperately needed to puff on

    cigarettes while they prayed. Both began to

    feel guilty and decided to ask their superior

    for permission to smoke.

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    The first asked if it was ok to smoke while he

    was praying. Permission was denied. The

    second priest asked if he was allowed to

    pray while he was smoking. His superior

    found his dedication admirable and

    immediately granted his request.

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Using Tact allows you to:

    Make suggestions

    Point out mistakes

    Gently, without offending the other side

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Tactful LanguageUse the past continuous to sound less direct

    We were thinking of offering you a three

    month trial.

    Use negative questions to make suggestions

    Wouldnt it be better to..? Dont you think we could.....?

    Couldnt we.....?

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Use modifiers and model verbs to make thingsseem less or smaller

    That may cause a slight problem for us.

    We might be able to agree to that, provided...

    Use positive adjectives with not instead ofnegative adjectives

    That might not be possible Thats not as reasonable as we hoped you would be

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Use phrases to signal and soften bad

    news for the listener


    Im afraid

    Im sorry but

    With respect

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Negotiating to Win

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    10 BOTTOM-LINE STRATEGIESThat can make a difference in negotiations

    Strategy #1

    Never assume a fixed pie in negotiations.

    Strategy #2

    Never underestimate your negotiating power. When

    people do this they fail to take risks.Strategy #3

    Dont assume their problem.

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Strategy #4Negotiators should focus on interests and needs.

    Strategy #5

    Ask more questions(e.g. Is there anything else I should know?)

    Strategy #6Authority doesnt equal power

    Strategy #7Allow the other party to save face

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Strategy #8

    Dont get hung up on single terms and conditions.

    Strategy #9

    Decide in advance how to resolve differences.

    Strategy #10When the other party is hostile/hurt, express empathy,

    but not responsibility.

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Thank You!

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Over 17 years of experience in training inVietnam

    100.000 + students 20 + cities/provinces in VN

    The first 100% WFO education organization and

    the most well-known training provider in Vietnam

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    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Our current clients include

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    W H E R E T H E B E S T B E C O M E B E T T E R

    Apollo Workshop Series

    Presentation Skills

    Business Writing

    Teleskills and Meetings

    Public Speaking

  • 7/27/2019 Negotiations - Eurocham


    Apollo Workshop Series

    Customised to suitYOUR NEEDS


    FAST-TRACKto improved business English

    Communication Skills

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