
©Pole Star 2013 - All Rights Reserved

How to deploy our Indoor Location solution?

Quick Start Guide

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For Android,

a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth based solution. (Bluetooth 4 Low Energy)

For iOS,

a Bluetooth based solution. (Wi-Fi iOS solution requires special configurations,

contact Pole Star for more information)

You already know that

we have a solution for each platform

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Whichever the solution you are deploying

the setup process remains the same.

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First of all, please be assured.

Indoor Location setup has never been easier.

For demos in our offices,

it takes me 3 to 4 minutes to setup on a floor from scratch.

And the accuracy is pretty amazing.

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2 simple steps. Nothing complicated.

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Step 1, build a model of your building. 2 things needed.

Floor plans in image format,

and knowing the walking paths.

You will be asked to draw them on the floor plans.

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Step 2, go for a little walk along the paths you’ve drawn

with our setup mobile application in your hand.

It will collect data along the way,

and then generate a Positioning Database

that will be used by our Location Engine

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That’s it. Simple, right? Now let me show you how it is done in details.

Next slide, please.

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First things first, let’s click on the red button to get started !

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type the address of the building and look for it on the map.

A new page opened with a form and a world map,

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Center and zoom on the building on the map.

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Submit necessary information

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Next, upload the floor plans

You can drag and drop

several files at a time.

But one file per floor please.

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Indicate the floor level numbers and give them some names…

…then click here to continue…

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Next we gonna align the floor plans to the building footprint on the map.

Just some scaling and rotating. No big deal, right?

Note: A video tutorial is also available on the page

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It looks like this when the page opens

transparency rotating


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transparency at 70%

perfectly aligned

It looks like this after few adjustments

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Repeat the operation for each floor…

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…or we can apply the same alignment to all floors in one click.

Of course only if all the floor plans have the same dimensions

(image width and height)

use this button

this is the floor selector

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Click on Save and Next, and we are now at the final stage of the first step :

You know MS Paint? Our tool is simpler.

A video tutorial is also available on the page.

Drawing the walking paths on the floor plans.

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Just draw where people can walk.

1 line per corridor. No sweat, right?

the mouse pointer is here, about to connect the red node with the green one


are in blue

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Don’t forget to link floors

if you have escalators, stairs, elevators.

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1 click. Draw a node on a floor

2 click. Change floor with the floor selector

3 click. Draw the second node on the new floor.

Q: How?

A: 3 clicks.

our lovely

stairway floor 1

floor 2

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Save the drawing and we are half way.

Venue modeling done. Data collection to do.

We call this fingerprinting

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A: Fingerprinting means mapping out sensor values (e.g. Wi-Fi power levels)

throughout the building, and build a fingerprint database.

We call this Positioning Database or PDB

Q: Wait, what exactly does Fingerprinting mean?

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A: The software looks-up real time sensor information

in the fingerprint database, and tries to find a good match.

Pretty much like how the police finds a person

given his fingerprint found on a crime scene.

Q: How does Fingerprint-based positioning work?

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So what we are trying to do here is to

create a positioning database…

…that contains sensory information of every place on the walking paths

and will be used in real-time by our positioning algorithm in the SDK.

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Q: How?

A: Pretty simple too!

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You’ll walk along the walking paths you’ve drawn

with your smartphone on your hand

and our setup mobile app running on it

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The app displays the floor plans.

While walking, every once in a while,

place a waypoint at your current location on the floor plans.

The system will associate the sensory data collected along the way

with your locations and will generate a Fingerprint-Positioning Database.

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A: When you…

Q: So When exactly do I have to place a waypoint

at my current location on the floor plans?





are at a path


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A: While still walking…

Q: And How?

2. Press the marker button

1. Drag to put the green dot

on your current position

Here, I have walked all the dark green paths

left the blue part to cover.

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You understand the principles. You’ll see, it’s really easy.

I’ll stop at this level of explanation because

we have a dedicated tutorial on the data collection page.

Make sure you follow its tips and advices

to produce best quality positioning databases.

Useful advices like

which phone to use,

which walking pace,

and more….

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Now once you’ve done the not-that-hard work,

It’s time to see the results.

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Switch to the Test Mode in the application,

let the system do the magic tricks.

You are now located

by the app

the blue dot shows your location

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This deployment process can be repeated over and over

until you are satisfied with the accuracy and coverage.

On NAO Cloud platform, you’ll find tools to monitor

positioning quality with accurate indicators.

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Just note that every time you change floor plans or walkable paths,

the fingerprinting data will be obsolete.

An other data collection session will be required.

So make sure your model is correct before the

fingerprinting step.

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Finally, when you are satisfied with the overall quality of service,

you can start to integrate our SDK immediately.

Please refer to the integration documents for more details.

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That’s it! Congratulations.

You can now deploy our Indoor Location Solution

on your own.

Best, Pole Star team.

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