MyworkKennedy and Johnsohis/135 week 3 pptn

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kennedy and johnson presidencies ppt


Kennedy and Johnson Presidencies

By: Shaunda Smith Course: HIS/135 Date: 12/1/13 Instructor: Cynthia Krupa


During the presidency of Kennedy and Johnson many policy’s where brought into affect. Kennedy started the New Frontier this act is still in affect today. It helps out many low income families. Johnson also brought the Great Society, which helped out low income families. He brought the Medicaid and Medicare Programs. These are also still in affect today and have helped changed so we can afford to go to the doctor.

Kennedy’s Domestic Policies

• Housing Act• Legislative Failures• Decreasing Poverty• Failure Labor Standard Act• Area Redevelopment Act

Kennedy’s International Policies• Bay of Pigs• Vietnam• Berlin Wall• Nuclear Crisis• Anti-Communism

Johnson’s Domestic Policies• Civil Rights Act • Economic Opportunity Act • Great Society • Voting Rights Act• Immigration Act

Johnson International Policies

Conclusion The policies, discussed in this presentation, have made a dramatic change in America and in other countries. Kennedy and Johnson each made some good and bad decisions. They both sought to fight poverty and racial inequality. Kennedy’s New Frontier and Johnson’s Great Society, focused on many of the same key ideas. When Kennedy was assassinated, he was unable to see his plans through, and Johnson was able to continue many of them. Johnsons was said to be the worst president, because of the Vietnam War. Each and every President has their own different faults.


• Domestic Politics. (2012). Retrieved from American Experience:

• JFK and Foreign Policy. (n.d.). Retrieved from American Experience:

References Continued

•, Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society”. Retrieved from US History:

• Rooney, S. (2007). Comparing Kennedy’s New Frontier with Johnson’s Great Society.

• Images by Google and Bing Image Search

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