
The power of music

Prof: Lidia

Music therapy is the use of music and its elements with a patient or a group of

people in a process destinated to make communication, learning or expression

easier and also to promote it.

Egyptians: Music like something curative.

Greeks : used music to prevent and cure different ilnesses.

… NOWADAYS: Music therapy is the use of

music to improve physical, physchological, intellectual or social functioning of people with health or educational problems.



Senior citizens

People who are not ill.

To explore their feelings.

To make positive changes in mood and in their emotional state.

To develop a sense of control over their lives.

To learn or implement skills to solve problems.

To improve socialization.

MUSIC AND BREATHING: An average low, deep breathe helps calm and control emotions and build a better body metabolism.

MUSIC AND BLOOD PRESSURE: Frequency, time, volume and slow rhythms create less tension and stress, keeping the body calm and relaxed.

MUSIC AND MUSCLE COORDINATION: the tone and the flexibility of the muscular system are powerfully influenced by tone, sound and vibration.

MUSIC AND TEMPERATURE: High or noisy music can elevate body temperature while soft music can decrease it.

CHILDREN: Learning disabilities

Conduct problems

Deep developmental disorders: autism

Children with mental deficiency

Difficulties in socialization

Low self – esteem

With degenerative and/or chronical medical conditions …

ADULTS Degenerative diseases due to age

(Alzeheimer…). Problems of drug and substance abuse. Brain damage due to illnesses or

injuries. …

IN GENERAL Reduce stress …

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