
Cole WilsonNicole Cauchois

Matt Main

Slows/blocks message between brain & body

Primarily damages the myelin sheath◦ Myelin sheath – material that protects nerve cells

Affects brain and spinal cord thinning or complete loss of myelin sheath Nervous system disease Also known as MS

Muscle weakness Visual disturbance Trouble coordinating Loss of balance

Numbness and prickling Memory problems Tremors Slurred speech Pain/loss of vision

Cause in mostly unknown Could possibly be a metabolically

dependent disease Could be caused by the Epstein-Barr virus Possibly caused by lack of Vitamin D during

childhood Genetic factors play a role in MS

◦ No single gene is responsible

2x as many women are affected than men Over ¼ million affected in the United States Ranges between 2 and 150 people per

100,000 depending on country or population

First symptoms show up between ages 20-40

3 major drugs are available for treatment◦ Known as ABC drugs◦ Only slows down progression of MS

Physical therapy◦ Strengthens and retrains effective muscles

◦ Bee venom◦ Marijuana◦ Vitamins and minerals◦ Tai-chi◦ Echinacea

No way to prevent Good nutrition Lots of rest Avoid

◦ Stress◦ Heat◦ Physical exertion

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