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    M Tech Degree Course (Semester System)








    (Sponsored by Siddhartha Academy of General & Technical Education)

    VIJAYAWADA 520 007

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7



    Kanuru, Vijayawada 520 007 (Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NBA, and ISO 9001: 2008 Certified)

    (Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Kakinada)

    Academic Regulations for M.Tech (VR10) w.e.f. 2010-2011

    (Common to all branches)

    1. Introduction

    2. Programmes Offered

    3. Duration of the Programme

    4. Minimum Instruction Days

    5. Eligibility Criteria for Admission

    6. Programme Structure

    7. Medium of Instruction

    8. Syllabus

    9. Eligibility Requirement for Appearing Semester End Examinations

    and Condonation

    10. Examinations and Scheme of Evaluation

    11. Conditions for Pass and Award of Credits for a Course

    12. Revaluation

    13. Readmission Criteria

    14. Break in Study

    15. Eligibility for Award of M.Tech. Degree

    16. Conduct and Discipline

    17. Malpractices

    18. Other matters

    19. Amendments to Regulations

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Academic Programmes of the college are governed by rules and regulations as

    approved by the Academic Council, which is the highest Academic body of the

    Institute. These academic rules and regulations are effective from the academic year

    2010-11, for students admitted into two year PG programme offered by the college

    leading to Master of Technology (M.Tech) in various specializations offered by

    respective departments as given in Table 1.


    Presently, the college is offering Post Graduate programmes in Engineering with the

    following specializations:

    Table 1: List of Specializations

    S.No Specialization Department

    1. Structural Engineering Civil Engineering

    2. Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering

    3. Communication Engineering and

    Signal Processing Electronics & Communication

    Engineering 4. Telematics

    5. VLSI Design & Embedded Systems

    6. Power System Engineering Electrical & Electronics


    7. CAD/CAM Mechanical Engineering

    8. Thermal Engineering

    9. Computer Science & Technology Information Technology


    The duration of the programme is two academic years consisting of four semesters.

    A student is permitted to complete the postgraduate programme in a stipulated time

    frame of 4 years from the date of joining. Otherwise he/she shall forfeit his/her seat

    in M.Tech Programme and the admission shall stand cancelled.


    Each semester, normally consists of a minimum of 90 instruction days with about 30

    to 35 contact periods per week.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    The eligibility criteria for admission into M.Tech programme are as per the

    guidelines of APSCHE .

    5.1 CATEGORY A Seats:

    These seats will be filled by the Convener, PGECET.

    5.2 CATEGORY B Seats :

    These seats will be filled by the College as per the guidelines of APSCHE.


    Every specialization of the M.Tech programme shall have six theory courses and two

    practical / term paper / seminar courses in each of first and second semesters. A major

    project is offered in third and fourth semesters.

    6.1 Course Code and Course Numbering Scheme

    Course Code consists of eight characters in which the first four are alphabets and rest are numerals. First four characters are described in Tables 2 and 3.

    Table 2: First and Second Character Description

    First Two

    Characters Name of the Department

    CE Civil Engineering Department

    CS Computer Science and Engineering Department

    EC Electronics & Communication Engineering Department

    EE Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department

    ME Mechanical Engineering Department

    IT Information Technology

    Third and fourth characters represent specialization offering as mentioned in Table No. 3.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Table 3: Third and Fourth Character Description

    Next Two

    Characters Name of the Specialization

    SE Structural Engineering

    CS Computer Science and Engineering

    SP Communication Engineering and Signal Processing

    TM Telematics

    VE VLSI Design & Embedded Systems

    PS Power Systems Engg.


    TE Thermal Engineering

    CS Computer Science & Technology

    Fifth and sixth characters represent semester number and syllabus version number of

    the course offered.

    Seventh character represents course type, as per Table No. 4

    Table 4: Course Type Description

    Seventh Character Description

    0 Theory course

    5 Lab course

    Eighth character represents course number as described in figure1 below. However, few courses are given distinct codes.

    For example, in MECC 1051 course, the course is offered by Mechanical

    Engineering Department (ME) in CAD/CAM specialization offered in the first

    semester (1), the course syllabus version number (0), the course is of lab type (5) and

    the course number is (1), as given in figure2 below.

    Department Specialization Semester Version Course Course

    Code Code Number Number Type Number

    Figure 1: Course Code Description

    M E C C 1 0 5 1

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    6.2 Scheme of Instruction for 1st and 2nd Years

    The scheme of instruction and exact syllabi of all postgraduate programmes are

    given separately.

    6.3 Contact Hours and Credits The Course Credits are broadly fixed based on the following norms:

    Lectures One Lecture period per week is assigned one credit.

    Tutorials - Two tutorial periods per week are assigned one credit.

    Practical Three periods per week are assigned two credits

    Seminar/Mini Project shall have 2 credits.

    Major project shall have 24 credits.

    However, some courses are prescribed with fixed number of credits depending on the subject

    complexity and importance.

    6.4 Theory / Tutorial Classes

    Each course is prescribed with fixed number of lecture periods per week.

    During lecture periods, the course instructor shall deal with the concepts of the

    course. For certain courses, tutorial periods are prescribed, to give exercises to

    the students and to closely monitor their learning ability.

    6.5 Laboratory Courses

    A minimum prescribed number of experiments have to be performed by the

    students, who shall complete these in all respects and get each experiment

    evaluated by teacher concerned and certified by the Head of the Department

    concerned at the end of the semester.

    6.6 Programme Credits

    Each specialization of M.Tech programme is designed to have a total of 80 credits, and the student shall have to complete the courses and earn credits as per the requirements for the award of degree.


    The medium of instruction and examination is English.

    8. SYLLABUS As approved by the concerned BOS and the Academic Council.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7



    a) Regular course of study means a minimum average attendance of 75% in all the

    courses computed by totaling the number of periods of lectures, tutorials, practical

    courses and project work as the case may be, held in every course as the

    denominator and the total number of periods attended by the student in all the

    courses put together as the numerator.

    b) Condonation of shortage in attendance may be recommended by respective Heads of Departments on genuine medical grounds, provided the student puts in at least 65%

    attendance in each subject and provided the Principal is satisfied with the

    genuineness of the reasons and the conduct of the student.

    c) Students, having shortage of attendance, shall pay Rs.20/-per every period of attendance shortage subject to a minimum of Rs.500/-.

    d) Minimum of 50% aggregate marks must be secured by the candidates in the internal

    examinations conducted for theory, practice and lab courses, to be eligible to write

    semester end examinations. However, if the student is eligible for promotion based

    on the attendance, in case necessary, a shortage of internal marks up to a maximum

    of 10% may be condoned by the Principal based on the recommendations of the

    Heads of the Departments.

    e) Students having shortage of internal marks up to a maximum of 10% shall have to

    pay Rs.1000/- towards condonation fee for shortage of internal marks.

    f) A student, who does not satisfy the attendance and/or internal marks requirement, shall have to repeat that semester.

    g) Eligible candidates who failed to register for all papers for the semester-end examinations shall not be permitted to continue the subsequent semester and has to repeat the semester for which he/she has not registered for semester end examinations.

    h) Calculation of attendance for the re-admitted candidates who were detained for want of internal marks / attendance or who had break in study for various reasons:

    i. No. of classes conducted will be counted from the day 1 of the semester concerned, irrespective of the date of payment of tuition fee.

    ii. They should submit a written request to the Principal of the college, along with a challan paid towards tuition & other fee, for re-admission before the commencement of class work.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    iii. Student should come to know about the date of commencement of class work of the semester into which he/she wishes to get re-admission. The information regarding date of commencement of class work for each semester is available in the college notice boards/website.


    10.1 Internal Examinations:

    10.1.1 Theory Courses

    Each course is evaluated for 40 marks (a+b)

    a) The internal evaluation shall be made based on the two midterm examinations,

    conducted in every theory course in a semester each for 20 marks. The midterm

    marks shall be awarded giving a weightage of 2/3rd

    in the examination in which

    the student scores more marks and 1/3rd

    for the examination in which the student

    scores less marks. Each midterm examination shall be conducted for duration of

    90 minutes with 4 questions to be answered out of 5 questions.

    b) The remaining 20 marks are awarded through continuous evaluation of

    assignments / term paper in each subject as notified by the teacher at the

    beginning of the semester.

    Students shall be informed regarding the comprehensive assignment/project during first

    week of semester and they have to submit completed assignment on or before 12th

    week of


    10.1.2 Laboratory Courses: 25 marks

    For Laboratory courses there shall be continuous evaluation during the semester for 25 internal marks. The distribution of internal marks are given


    Table 5: Distribution of Marks

    Sl.No. Criteria Marks

    1 Day to Day work 10

    2 Record 05

    3 Internal Examination 10

    10.1.3 Seminar/ Term paper: 25 marks

    The distribution of internal marks for the seminar/ term paper is given below:

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Table 6: Distribution of Marks

    Sl.No. Criteria Marks

    1 Report 15

    2 Seminar & Viva voce 10

    10.1.4 Major Project: (50 marks each in 3rd

    & 4th


    The continuous internal evaluation for 50 marks allocated for the project

    work in each semester of 3rd

    & 4th

    shall be on the basis of two seminars by each

    student on the topic of his/her project evaluated by project review committee &

    day to day assessment by the supervisor in each semester. The project review

    committee consists of Head of Department, respective internal guide and three

    senior faculty members of the department. The distribution of marks is as follows.

    Table 7: Continuous Internal Assessment in Each Semester

    Sl.No. Criteria Marks

    1 Two seminars 15+15

    2 Day to day assessment 20

    10.2 Semester End Examinations

    10.2.1 Theory Courses: 60 marks

    The semester end examinations shall be conducted for 3 hours duration at the end of the semester. The question paper shall be given in the following


    There shall be two questions from each unit with internal choice. Each question carries 15 marks. Each course shall consist of four units of syllabus.

    10.2.2 Lab Courses: 50 marks

    35 marks are allotted for experiments/job works, 10 marks for viva-voce

    examination and 5 marks for record.

    10.2.3 Seminar/ Term paper: 50 marks

    There shall be a seminar presentation. For Seminar/Term paper, a student

    under the supervision of a faculty member, shall collect the literature on a

    topic and critically review the literature and submit it to the Department in a

    report form and shall make an oral presentation before the Departmental

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Committee. The Departmental Committee consists of Head of the

    Department, supervisor and two other senior faculty members of the

    department. For Seminar/Term paper the evaluation is done for 50 marks

    internally. A candidate has to secure a minimum of 50% to be declared


    10.3 Major Project:

    The work on the project shall be initiated in the beginning of the second year

    and the duration of the project is two semesters. Every candidate shall be required to

    submit thesis or dissertation after taking up a topic approved by the Project Review


    a) A Project Review Committee (PRC) shall be constituted with Head of the

    Department as chair person, two senior faculty members of the concerned


    b) The candidate has to submit, in consultation with his/her project supervisor, the title, objective and plan of action of his/her project work to the Project Review

    Committee for its approval before the second semester end examinations. After

    obtaining the approval of the Committee the student can initiate the Project

    work after the second semester end examinations.

    c) If a candidate wishes to change his/her supervisor or topic of the project he/she can do so with approval of the PRC. However, the Project Review Committee

    (PRC) shall examine whether the change of topic/supervisor leads to a major

    change of his/her initial plans of project proposal. If so, his/her date of

    registration for the project work starts from the date of change of Supervisor or

    topic as the case may be.

    d) After approval of the topic by the Project Review Committee, the candidate shall be required to submit status report in four stages. The first one in the

    middle of 3rd semester, second one at the end of 3rd semester, third one in the

    middle of 4th semester and the final report in the form of draft copy of thesis for

    the approval of PRC to the Head of the Department and shall make an oral

    presentation before the PRC.

    e) Due weightage will be given to the papers published from the thesis submitted in the order of International Journal, National Journal, International conference

    and National conference while evaluating the thesis.

    f) Three copies of the Project Thesis certified by the supervisor shall be submitted to the College.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    g) The thesis shall be adjudicated by one external examiner selected by the Principal. For this, Head of the Department shall submit a panel of five

    examiners, who are eminent in the field.

    h) The viva-voce examination shall be conducted by a board consisting of the supervisor, Head of the Department and the external examiner. Head of the

    Department shall coordinate and make arrangements for the conduct of viva-

    voce examination. If any candidate gets less than 50% marks in the viva-voce

    examination, he/she shall revise and resubmit the project work and reappear for

    viva-voce examination when next conducted.

    In a special case, if any candidate does not submit his/her thesis due to ill health or any

    other reason permitted by the head of the institution, he/she will be given another

    chance to attend for the viva-voce examination conducted separately at a later date, if

    the expenditure for conducting the viva-voce is completely borne by the candidate.


    11.1 Conditions for Pass and Award of Grades & Credits:

    a) A candidate shall be declared to have passed in individual Theory/Drawing

    course if he/she secures a minimum of 50% aggregate marks (Internal &

    semester end examination marks put together), subject to a minimum of 40%

    marks in semester end examinations.

    b) A candidate shall be declared to have passed in individual lab/project course if

    he/she secures a minimum of 50% aggregate marks (Internal & semester end

    examination marks put together), subject to a minimum of 50% marks in

    semester end examinations.

    c) If a candidate secures minimum of 40% marks in theory courses in the

    semester end examinations and 40% - 49% of the total marks in the semester

    end examinations and internal evaluation taken together in some theory

    courses and secures an overall aggregate of 50% in all theory courses of that

    semester he/she declared to be passed in the theory courses of that semester.

    d) The student has to pass the failed course by appearing the examination when

    offered next, as per the requirement for award of the degree.

    e) On passing a course of a programme, the student shall earn assigned credits in

    that Course.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    11.2 Method of Awarding Letter Grades and Grade Points for a Course.

    A letter grade and grade points will be awarded to a student in each course based

    on his/her performance as per the grading system given below.

    Table 8: Grading System for individual subjects/labs

    Theory/Drawing Lab/Project Grade Points Letter Grade

    85-100% 85-100% 10 Ex

    75-84% 75-84% 9 A+

    70-74% 70-74% 8 A

    65-69% 65-69% 7 B+

    60-64% 60-64% 6 B

    50-59% 55-59% 5 C

    40-49% 50-54% 4 D

    < 40% < 50% 0 F (Fail)

    11.3 Calculation of Semester Grade Points Average (SGPA)* and award of

    division for the program.

    The performance of each student at the end of the each semester is indicated

    in terms of SGPA. The SGPA is calculated as below:

    SGPA = (CR X GP)

    CR (for all courses passed in the semester)

    where CR= Credits of a course

    GP = Grade points awarded for a course

    *SGPA is calculated for the candidates who passed all the courses in that semester.

    11.4 Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for Entire programme.

    The award of division for M.Tech. programmes for the candidates who were

    admitted into respective programmes during the year 2010-2011 and later is as

    shown in the following table.

    The CGPA is calculated as below:

    CGPA = (CR X GP)

    CR (for entire programme)

    where CR= Credits of a course

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    GP = Grade points awarded for a course

    Table 9: Award of Division


    8 First Class with distinction

    6.5 -

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    A candidate, who is detained in a semester due to lack of attendance/marks, has to

    obtain written permission from the Principal for readmission into the same semester

    after duly fulfilling all the required norms stipulated by the college in addition to

    paying an administrative fee of Rs. 1,000/-


    Student, who discontinues the studies for what so ever may be the reason, can get

    readmission into appropriate semester of M.Tech programme after break-in study only

    with the prior permission of the Principal of the College provided such candidate shall

    follow the transitory regulations applicable to such batch in which he/she joins. An

    administrative fee of Rs. 2000/- per each year of break in study in addition to the

    prescribed tuition and special fee has to be paid by the candidate to condone his/her

    break in study.


    The M.Tech. Degree shall be conferred on a candidate who has registered and earned

    all the prescribed 80 credits.


    Students shall conduct themselves within and outside the premises of the institute in a manner befitting the students of our institution.

    As per the order of Honorable Supreme Court of India, ragging in any form is considered a criminal offence and is banned. Any form of ragging will be severely dealt with.

    The following acts of omission and/or commission shall constitute gross violation of the code of conduct and are liable to invoke disciplinary measures with regard to ragging.

    i. Lack of courtesy and decorum; indecent behavior anywhere within or outside the campus.

    ii. Willful damage or distribution of alcoholic drinks or any kind of narcotics to fellow students / citizens.

    Possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic drinks or any kind of narcotics or hallucinogenic drugs.

    Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library books.

    Noisy and unseemly behavior, disturbing studies of fellow students.

    Hacking computer systems (such as entering into other persons areas without prior permission, manipulation and/or damage of computer hardware and software or any other cyber crime etc.)

    Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the campus.

    Plagiarism of any nature is prohibited.

    Any other act of gross indiscipline as decided by the college from time to time.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Commensurate with the gravity of offense, the punishment may be reprimand, fine, expulsion from the institute / hostel, debarment from examination, disallowing the use of

    certain facilities of the institute, rustication for a specified period or even outright

    expulsion from the institute, or even handing over the case to appropriate law

    enforcement authorities or the judiciary, as required by the circumstances.

    For an offence committed in (i) a hostel (ii) a department or in a class room and (iii) elsewhere, the Chief Warden, the Head of the Department and the Principal, respectively,

    shall have the authority to reprimand or impose fine.

    Cases of adoption of unfair means and/or any malpractice in an examination shall be reported to the Principal for taking appropriate action.

    Unauthorized collection of money in any form is strictly prohibited.

    Detained and break in study candidates are allowed into the campus for academic purposes only with permission from Authorities.

    Misconduct committed by a student outside the college campus but having the effect of damaging, undermining & tarnishing the image & reputation of the institution will make

    the student concerned liable for disciplinary action commensurate with the nature & gravity of such misconduct.

    The Disciplinary Action Committee constituted by the Principal, shall be the authority to investigate the details of the offence, and recommend disciplinary action based on the

    nature and extent of the offence committed.

    Grievances Appeal Committee (General) constituted by the Principal shall deal with all grievances pertaining to the academic / administrative /disciplinary matters.

    All the students must abide by the code and conduct rules of the college.


    The Principal shall refer the cases of malpractices in internal assessment tests and Semester-End Examinations, to a Malpractice Enquiry Committee, constituted by him/her

    for the purpose. Such committee shall follow the approved scales of punishment. The Principal shall take necessary action, against the erring students based on the

    recommendations of the committee.

    Any action on the part of candidate at an examination trying to get undue advantage in the performance or trying to help another, or derive the same through unfair means is

    punishable according to the provisions contained hereunder. The involvement of the Staff,

    who are in charge of conducting examinations, valuing examination papers and

    preparing/keeping records of documents relating to the examinations in such acts (inclusive of providing incorrect or misleading information) that infringe upon the course

    of natural justice to one and all concerned at the examination shall be viewed seriously

    and recommended for award of appropriate punishment after thorough enquiry.


    18.1 The physically challenged candidates who have availed additional

    examination time during their B.Tech/PGECET examinations will be given

    additional examination time on production of relevant proof/documents.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    18.2 Students who are suffering from contagious diseases are not allowed to attend classes

    and appear either internal or semester end examinations.

    18.3 The students who participated in coaching/tournaments held at State/National /

    International levels through University / Indian Olympic Association during end

    semester examination period will be promoted to subsequent semesters till the entire course is completed as per the guidelines of University Grants Commission Letter

    No. F.1-5/88 (SPE/PES), dated 18-08-1994.

    18.4 The Principal shall deal with any academic problem, which is not covered under these rules and regulations, in consultation with the Heads of the Departments in an

    appropriate manner, and subsequently such actions shall be placed before the

    academic council for ratification. Any emergency modification of regulation, approved in the Heads of the Departments Meetings, shall be reported to the

    academic council for ratification.


    The Academic Council may, from time to time, revise, amend or change the

    regulations, schemes of examination and/or syllabi.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Curriculum, Scheme of Examination and Syllabi

    For M.Tech Degree Program


    VLSI Design & Embedded Systems

    w.e.f. 2012-2013


    Code Subject L P C I E T

    ECVE 1001 Principles of Embedded Systems 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 1002 System Design with FPGA Architectures 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 1003 CMOS Digital IC Design 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 1004 Microcontrollers for Embedded System

    Design 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 1005/1

    ECVE 1005/2

    ECVE 1005/3

    ECVE 1005/4

    Semiconductor Device Modeling

    Fabrication Technology

    Verilog HDL

    Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 1006/1

    ECVE 1006/2

    ECVE 1006/3

    ECVE 1006/4

    DSP Processors & Architectures

    Advanced Data Communications

    Advanced Computer Architecture

    Real Time UML

    4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 1051 VLSI Design Lab 0 3 2 25 50 75

    ECVE 1052 Seminar - - 2 25 50 75

    24 03 28 290 460 750

    L: Lecture P: Practice C: Credits

    I: Internal Assessment E: End Examination T: Total Marks

  • 18

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Curriculum, Scheme of Examination and Syllabi

    For M.Tech Degree Program


    VLSI Design & Embedded Systems

    w.e.f. 2012-2013


    Code Subject L P C I E T

    ECVE 2001 Low Power VLSI Design 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 2002 Digital System Testing and Testable

    Design 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 2003 Hardware- software Co- design 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 2004 RTOS for Embedded Applications 4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 2005/1

    ECVE 2005/2

    ECVE 2005/3

    ECVE 2005/4

    Semiconductor Memory Design

    System-on-Chip Architecture

    Physical Design Automation

    High Speed Digital Design

    4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 2006/1

    ECVE 2006/2

    ECVE 2006/3

    ECVE 2006/4

    Networking & Internetworking using


    CMOS Analog & Mixed Signal Design

    VLSI Signal Processing

    Fault Tolerant and Critical Safety Design

    4 0 4 40 60 100

    ECVE 2051 Embedded Systems Lab 0 3 2 25 50 75

    ECVE 2052 Term paper - - 2 25 50 75

    24 03 28 290 460 750

    L: Lecture P: Practice C: Credits

    I: Internal Assessment E: End Examination T: Total Marks

  • 19

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Curriculum, Scheme of Examination and Syllabi

    For M.Tech Degree Program


    VLSI Design & Embedded Systems

    w.e.f. 2012-2013


    Subject Code Subject


    Credits Evaluation

    ECVE 3051 Project

    Work 24

    III Semester IV Semester

    Int. Ext. Int. Ext.

    50 -- 50 200

    Total : 300 Marks

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1001


    Lecture :

    4 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 4 Final Examination : 60

    Course Objectives

    To identify hardware and software for an embedded system.

    To use Embedded C for real time applications

    To apply RTOS concepts for solving multi task applications

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    understand the working of various communication architectures and protocols in an embedded system

    understand various capabilities of Embedded C and execute basic programs using it

    understand RTOS features and case studies and analyze them for real time applications

    UNIT I

    Embedded Computing - Introduction, Complex systems and microprocessors, The

    embedded system design process, Formalism for system design, Model train controller,

    CPU: Introduction, Programming input and output, Supervisor mode, Exceptions, and

    Traps, Co-processors, Memory system mechanism; CPU performance and CPU power

    consumption, Design example: Data compressor.


    Bus-based Computer Systems - Introduction, The CPU bus, Memory devices, I/O devices,

    Component interfacing, Designing with microprocessors, Development and debugging,

    System-level performance analysis, Program design and analysis, Models of programs,

    Assembly, Linking and loading, Basic compilation techniques, Program optimization,

    Program-level performance analysis, Software performance optimization, Program-level

    energy and power analysis, Analysis and optimization of program size, Program validation

    and testing, Software modem.


    Hardware Accelerators and Networks Processors - Introduction, CPUs and accelerators, Multiprocessor performance analysis, Design examples: Digital still cameras, and video

    accelerator. Distributed embedded architectures, Networks for embedded systems, Network-

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    based design, Internet-enabled systems, Vehicles as networks, Sensor networks, Design

    example- Elevator controller.


    Introduction to Real Time Operating Systems - OS and RTOS basics, Tasks and task

    states, Tasks and data, Semaphores and shared data, Message queues, Mailboxes and pipes,

    Timer functions, Events, Memory management, Interrupt routines in an RTOS environment,

    Round robin, Round robin with interrupts, Function queue scheduling architecture, Real

    time operating system architecture.

    Text Books

    1. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing

    System Design, Morgan Kaufmann publishers. (Unit-I, II, III)

    2. David Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education. (Unit-IV)


    1. Frank Vahid, Embedded System Design, J Wiley, India.

    2. K V K K Prasad, Embedded Real Time Systems: Concepts, Design Programming, Dreamtech Press.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1002


    Lecture :

    4 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To study different architectures of FPGA.

    To design sequential and arithmetic circuits.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    design sequential system, while avoiding the effects of timing and hazards.

    determine chip architectures and basic technologies that are needed to achieve the programmability.

    develop designs for programmable architectures.

    understand the design of floating point operations.

    UNIT I

    Logic Design Fundamentals - Hazards in combinational networks, Mealy sequential

    network design, Design of a Moore sequential network, Equivalent states and reduction of

    state tables, Sequential networks timing, Setup and hold times, Synchronous design, Tristate

    logic and buses.

    Design of Networks For Arithmetic Operations Design of a serial adder with accumulator, State graphs for control networks, Design of a binary multiplier,

    Multiplication of signed binary numbers, Design of a binary divider.


    Digital Design with SM Charts - State machine charts, Derivation of SM charts,

    Realization of SM charts, Implementation of dice game, Alternative realization for SM

    charts using microprogramming, Linked state machines.


    Designing With Programmable Gate Arrays and Complex Programmable Logic

    Devices - XILNX 4000 series FPGAs, Designing with FPGAs, XILINX 4000 series

    FPGAs, Using a one-hot state assignment, Altera complex programmable logic devices

    (CPLDs), Altera FLEX 10K series CPLDs.


    Floating Point Arithmetic Representation of the floating point numbers, Floating-point

    multiplication, Other floating-point operations.

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    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Case Studies UART Design, Description of the MC68HC05 microcontroller, Design of

    microcontroller CPU, Completion of the microcontroller design.

    Text Books

    1. Charles H Roth (1998), Jr. Digital System Design Using VHDL, International Thomson Publishing. (UNIT I - IV).


    1. Stephen M. Trimberger (2007), Field Programmable Gate Array Technology Springer International Edition, First Indian Reprint.

    2. Michel John Sebastian Smith (2000), Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Pearson Education, First Indian reprint.

    3. Wayne Wolf (2009), FPGA-based System Design, Pearson Education, First Impression.

    4. Stephen D. Brown, Robert J Francis, Jonathan Rose, Ivonko G. Vranesic (2007), Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Springer International Edition, First Indian Print.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1003


    Lecture :

    4 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To evaluate the performance of CMOS Inverter in terms of area, power and speed.

    To study the design of combinational logic gates considering basic design issues.

    To study the design of sequential logic gates with various clocking strategies.

    To develop an interest in timing issues of synchronous digital circuits.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    demonstrate different design parameters in the design of CMOS digital designs.

    apply the concepts of combinational logic circuits for designing combinational logic for a subsystem with various design specifications.

    apply design concepts in designing sequential logic circuits.

    understand timing issues in digital circuits.

    UNIT I

    The CMOS Inverter - Static CMOS inverter, Static behaviour, Performance of CMOS

    inverter: Dynamic behaviour, Power, Energy, and energy- delay, Technology scaling and its

    impact on the inverter metrics.


    Designing Combinational Logic Gates in CMOS - Static CMOS design Complementary CMOS, Ratioed logic, Pass transistor logic, Dynamic CMOS design, Dynamic logic: Basic

    principle, Speed and power dissipation of dyanamic logic, Issues in dynamic design,

    Cascading dynamic gates.


    Designing Sequential Logic Circuits - Introduction, Static latches and registers, Dynamic

    latches and registers, Pipelining: An approach to optimize sequential circuits, Non-bistable

    sequential circuits, Choosing a clocking strategy.


    Timing Issues in Digital Circuits - Timing classification of digital systems, Synchronous

    interconnect, Synchronous design, Clock synthesis and synchronization using a phase

    locked loop, Future directions and perspectives.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Text Books

    1. Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, (2003) Digital Integrated Circuits: a Design Perspective, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition.


    1. J. Uyemura (1992), Circuit Design for CMOS VLSI, Kluwer. 2. A. Kang and Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill,


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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1004


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To study

    architecture of various microcontrollers

    on chip peripherals of various microcontrollers

    interfacing of peripherals with various microcontrollers using Assembly and high level languages

    Learning outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    understand architecture and features of 8051 microcontroller

    develop real time controller based system using 8051 microcontroller.

    understand features and architecture of 16-bit microcontrollers.

    design hardware and software for minimum microcontroller based system

    UNIT I

    Intel 8051/8031 Family Architecture - 8051 microcontroller, Internal and External

    memories, Counters and timers, Synchronous serialcum-asynchronous serial communication. USART interface in Intel 8051, Interrupts. Basic assembly language

    programming. Instruction set Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logical operations. Program flow control instructions, Interrupt control flow (RETI instruction).


    Real Time Control: Interrupts - Interrupt handling structure of MCU, Interrupt latency

    and interrupt deadline, Multiple sources of interrupts, Non-maskable interrupt sources,

    Enabling or disabling of the sources, Interrupt structure in Intel 8051.

    Real Time Control - Timers: Programmable timers in MCUs, Free running counter and

    Real time control, Interrupt interval and density constraints.

    Programming Framework - Assembly and C programming: Programming basics,

    Structure of CPU registers and internal RAMs, Programming in assembly language,

    Assemblers, Saving CPU status during interrupts, Passing parameters, Control structures,

    Computing branch destination at run time, Programming in C and use of GNU tools.

    Software Building Blocks - Stacks, Queue, Table, Strings, State machine, Key parsing.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    16-bit Microcontrollers - 8096/80196 Family: Hardware, Memory map in Intel 80196

    family MCU system, I/O ports, Programmable timers and high speed outputs and inputs

    captures, Interrupts, Instructions.

    PIC Microcontrollers - PIC microcontrollers overview and features, PIC 16c6X/7X, FSR,

    PIC Reset Actions, PIC oscillatory connections, Memory organization, Instructions,

    Addressing modes, I/O ports, Interrupts in PIC 16C61/71, Timers, ADCs.


    ARM-32 Bit MCUs - Introduction to 16/32 bit processors, ARM architecture and

    Organisation, ARM/Thumb programming model, ARM/Thumb Instruction set,

    Development tools.

    Microcontroller Application Development Tools - Development phase of a

    microcontroller based system, Software development cycle and applications, Software

    development tools, Exemplary IDE-micro vision and tool from Keil, Emulator and in-circuit

    emulator (ICE), Target board, Device programmer.

    Text Books

    1. Rajkamal. (Oct.2009), Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design, Pearson Education India. (UNIT I, II, III & IV)

    2. Ajay Deshmukh Microcontrollers Theory and Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers.(UNIT III)


    1. Mohammed Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, (2008), The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi.

    2. Andrew N Sloss (2003), ARM System Developers Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software, Morgan Kaufmann publishers.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1005/1


    Lecture :

    4 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To learn basics of semiconductor device physics

    To should understand the BJT and MOSFET device characteristics.

    Learning outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    understand the concepts of semiconductor device physics.

    analyze the BJT and MOSFET device characteristics.

    UNIT I

    Energy bands in solids, Electrons and holes densities in equilibrium, Excess carriers - Non-

    equilibrium situation, Mobility of carriers, Charge transport in semiconductors, Continuity



    Introduction to BJT, Operation of BJT at high frequencies, Design of high frequency

    transistors, Second order effects in BJTs, Variation of beta with collector current, High

    injection in collector, Heavy doping in emitter, Non-conventional BJTs, Hetero-junction

    bipolar BJTs.


    Metal-semiconductor junction, Energy band diagram of M-S junction, Current-voltage

    characteristics of M-S junction, Ohmic contacts, Junction field effect transistor, Small-

    signal parameters of JFETs, The MESFETs, The Hetero- junction FETs.


    Introduction to MOSFETs, Effect of gate and drain voltages on carrier mobility in the

    inversion layer, Channel length modulation, MOSFET break down and punch-through, Sub-

    threshold current, MOSFET scaling, Non-uniform doping in channel, Threshold voltage of

    short channel MOSFETs, Small-signal analysis, Other MOSFETs configuration.

    Text Books

    1. Nandita Das Guptha , Amitava Das Guptha, Semiconductor Devices Modelling and Technology, Prentice Hall India.(UNIT I - IV)

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    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    1. Ben G. Streetman (2000), Solid State Electronic Devices, 5th edition, Pearson Education Asia.

    2. Yannis Tsividis and Colin McAndrew, Operation and Modeling of The MOS Transistor 3/e, Oxford University Press.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1005/2


    Lecture :

    3 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To learn different steps involved in fabrication

    To learn fabrication procedure and equipment used during various processing steps.

    Learning outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    describe various fabrication steps involved in IC fabrication.

    understand the process of crystal growth, wafer preparation, epitaxial growth.

    understand significance of thin and thick oxidation in fabrication process.

    understand the development of metallic interconnects through lithography, metallization, etching.

    UNIT I

    Crystal Growth and Wafer Preparation Introduction, Electronic grade silicon, Czochralski crystal growing, Silicon shaping, Processing considerations.

    Epitaxy Introduction, Vapor phase epitaxy, Molecular beam epitaxy, Silicon-on-insulators, Epitaxial evaluation.


    Oxidation Introduction, Growth mechanism and kinetics, Thin oxides, Oxidation techniques and systems, Oxide properties, Redistribution of dopants at interface, Oxidation

    of polysilicon, Oxidation induced defects.

    Lithography Introduction, Optical lithography, Electron lithography, X-Ray lithography, Ion lithography.

    Reactive Plasma Etching Introduction, Plasma properties, Feature size control and anisotropic etch mechanisms, Reactive plasma etching techniques and equipment.


    Dielectric and Polysilicon Film Deposition Introduction, Deposition processes, Polysilicon, Silicon dioxide, Silicon nitride, Plasma assisted depositions.

    Diffusion Introduction, Models of diffusion in solids, Measurement techniques, Diffusion in polycrystalline silicon, Diffusion in SiO2.


    Ion Implantation Introduction, Range theory, Implantation equipment, Annealing, Shallow junctions, High-energy implantation.

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    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Metallization Introduction, Metallization applications, Metallization choices, Physical vapor deposition, Patterning.

    Text Books

    1. S.M.Sze, VLSI Technology, 2/E Tata McGraw-Hill. (UNIT I - IV)


    1. Yasuo Tarui (1986), VLSI Technology: Fundamentals and Applications, Springer-Verlag.

    2. Plummer (2001), Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling, Pearson Education India.

    3. S. K. Ghandhi, VLSI Fabrication Principles: Silicon and Gallium Arsenide (Wiley, New York, 1983)

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1005/3


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To develop ability to use hardware description language, simulation, and logic synthesis tools in the design and verification of digital circuits.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon Completion of the course the students will be able to

    understand the programming and flow of the HDL

    understand the System Verilog simulation and synthesis.

    UNIT I

    Overview of digital design with Verilog HDL- Evolution of CAD, Emergence of HDLs,

    Typical HDL based design flow, Trends in HDL, Hierarchical modeling concepts- Design

    methodologies, Modules and instances, Components of simulation, Design block and

    stimulus block, Basic concepts Lexical conventions, Data types, System tasks, Compiler directives.


    Modules and ports Module definition, Port declaration, Connecting ports, Hierarchical names. Gate level modeling Gate types, Gate delays, Data flow modeling - Implicit continuous assignment, Implicit net declaration, Delays, Expressions, Operators and

    operands, Operator types, Examples.


    Behavioral modeling Structured procedure, Procedural assignment, Timing control, Conditional statements, Multiway branching, Loops, Sequential and parallel blocks, General

    blocks. Tasks and functions, Useful modeling techniques Assign and deassign, Force and release, Overriding parameters, Conditional compilation and execution, Timer scales.


    Timing and delays Types of delay models, Path delay modeling, Timing checks, Delay back-annotation, Switch level modeling MOS, CMOS and bidirectioanl switches, User defined primitives, Logic synthesis with Verilog HDL.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Text Books

    1. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL, Second Edition, Sun Microsystems Inc. (UNIT I-IV)


    1. Stephen D Brown (2007), Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design Tata MC Graw Hill, Special Indian Edition.

    2. Andrew Rushton(2001), VHDL for Logic Synthesis, Wiley Publications.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1005/4


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To Understand basics of adaptive system, weight vectors, gradient and Mean square error functions

    To Know basics of some of algorithms and error handling functions

    To be acquainted with different LMS algorithms and applications

    To be acquainted with Recursive Mean Square Estimation Random variables and kalman filters

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    To demonstrate basics of adaptive system, Gradient and mean square error functions

    To Compute properties of Kalman filtering

    UNIT I Multirate Signal Processing - Introduction, Decimation by a factor D, Interpolation by a factor

    I, Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D, Implementation of sampling rate

    conversion: Polyphase filter structures, Interchange of filters and down samplers/up samplers,

    Polyphase structures for decimation and interpolation filters, Direct form and polyphase FIR

    structures with time varying coefficients.

    UNIT II Multirate FIR Filter Design - Multistage implementation of sampling rate conversion, Design

    of FIR filters for sampling rate conversion, Applications of multirate signal processing: Design

    of phase shifters, interfacing of digital system with different sampling rates, Subband coding of

    speech signals, Filter bank implementation: Digital filter banks, Two channel filter

    banks(QMF), Tree structured filter banks, Uniform DFT filter banks , Decimated filter banks.

    UNIT III Power Spectrum Estimation - Estimation of spectra from finite duration observations of a

    signals, The periodgram,Use DFT in power spectral estimation, Non-parametric methods for

    [ower spectrum estimation: Bartlett, Welch and Blackman and Tukey Methods, Comparison of

    performance of non-parametric power spectrum estimation methods.

    UNIT IV Parametric Method Of Power Spectrum Estimation - Parametric methods for power

    spectrum estimation, Relationship between auto correlation and model parameters, AR(Auto-

    Regressive) model parameters: Yule-Walker, Burg and unconstrained least squares methods,

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    Sequential estimation, Moving Average (MA) and ARMA models for power spectrum

    estimation, Minimum variance spectral estimates, Pisarenko harmonic decomposition method,

    MUSIC algorithm.

    Text Books

    1. John G Proakis, Dimitris G Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall India. (UNIT I-IV)


    1. Sophocles.J.Orfamadis. (1988), Optimum Signal Processing: An introduction 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, Newyork.

    2. S.Thomas Alexander. (1986), Adaptive Signal Processing-Theory and Applications, Springer Verlag.

    3. Bernard Widrow, Samuel D.Strearns. (2005), Adaptive Signal Processing, Pearson Education.

    4. Simon Haykins, Tuley Adali (2010), Adaptive Signal Processing: Next Generation Solutions, Wiley Publications.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1006/1


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    Ability to discuss and map architectures, interfacing peripherals and instruction set of DSP Processors according to the problem statements for real time applications.

    Should have a clear idea in choosing computational accuracy factors for DSP processor based real time implementations

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    gain knowledge on computational accuracy issues and architectures of DSP devices.

    demonstrate knowledge of internal architecture, memory and peripheral devices for a DSP processor.

    understand the implementation of applications for FFT algorithms using DSP processors

    2. UNIT I Introduction to Digital Signal Processing- Introduction, A digital signal-processing system,

    The sampling process, Discrete time sequences. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast

    Fourier Transform (FFT), Linear time invariant systems, Digital filters, Decimation and

    interpolation, Analysis and design tool for DSP Systems MATLAB, DSP using MATLAB.

    Computational Accuracy in DSP Implementations -Number formats for signals and

    coefficients in DSP systems, Dynamic range and precision, Sources of error in DSP

    implementations, A/D conversion errors, DSP computational errors, D/A conversion errors,

    Compensating filter.


    Architectures for Programmable DSP Devices - Basic architectural features, DSP

    computational building blocks, Bus architecture and memory, Data addressing capabilities,

    Address generation unit, Programmability and program execution, Speed issues, Features

    for external interfacing.

    Programmable Digital Signal Processors - Commercial digital signal-processing devices,

    Data addressing modes of TMS320C54XX DSPs, Data addressing modes of

    TMS320C54XX processors, Memory space of TMS320C54XX processors, Program

    control, TMS320C54XX instructions and programming, On-chip peripherals, Interrupts of

    TMS320C54XX processors, Pipeline operation of TMS320C54XX processors.

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    Implementations of Basic DSP Algorithms - The Q-notation, FIR filters, IIR filters,

    Interpolation filters, Decimation filters, PID controller, Adaptive filters, 2-D Signal


    Implementation of FFT Algorithms - An FFT algorithm for DFT computation, A butterfly

    computation, Overflow and scaling, Bit-reversed index generation, An 8-Point FFT

    implementation on the TMS320C54XX, Computation of the signal spectrum.


    Interfacing Memory and I/O Peripherals to Programmable DSP Devices - Memory

    space organization, External bus interfacing signals, Memory interface, Parallel I/O

    interface, Programmed I/O, Interrupts and I/O, Direct memory access (DMA).

    A Multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP), McBSP Programming, a CODEC interface

    circuit, CODEC programming, A CODEC-DSP interface example.

    Text Books

    1. Avatar Singh and S.Srinivasan. (2004), DSP Processors and Architectures, Thomson Publications. (Units-I,II & IV)

    2. Lapsley et al. (2000), DSP Processor Fundamentals, Architectures & Features, S. Chand & Co. (Unit-III )


    1. B. Venkataramani and M. Bhaskar. (2002), Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and Applications TMH.

    2. Jonatham Stein. (2005), Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley.

  • 38

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1006/2


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    Ability to develop, specify, assemble, commission, assess and manage data and telecommunication systems, networks and interfaces for telecommunication

    companies, organizations, banking, financial and commercial applications

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    understand the various digital communication techniques

    know classification of data communications, interfaces and modems

    acquaint with error detection and correction

    acquaint with data link control and data link protocols

    understand the circuit switching- space division switches- time division switches.

    gain basic understanding and ability to time division multiplexing (TDM), synchronous time division multiplexing.

    UNIT I

    Digital Modulation - Introduction, Information capacity bits, Bit rate, Baud, and M-ARY

    coding, ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM, BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 8QAM, 16QAM, DPSK methods, Band width efficiency, Carrier recovery, Clock recovery.


    Basic Concepts of Data Communications, Interfaces and Modems - Data

    communication- Components, Networks, Distributed processing, Network criteria-

    Applications, Protocols and standards, Standards organizations- Regulatory agencies, Line

    configuration- Point-to-point- multipoint, Topology- Mesh- Star- Tree- Bus- Ring- Hybrid

    topologies, Transmission modes- Simplex- Half duplex- Full duplex, Categories of

    networks- LAN, MAN, WAN and internetworking, Digital data transmission- Parallel and

    serial, DTE- DCE interface- Data terminal equipment, Data circuit- Terminating

    equipment, Standards EIA 232 interface, Other interface standards, Modems- Transmission



    Error Detection and Correction - Types of errors- Single- bit error, CRC (Cyclic

    Redundancy Check) - Performance, Checksum, Error correction- Single-bit error

    correction, Hamming code.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    Data Link Control - Stop and wait, Sliding window protocols.

    Data Link Protocols - Asynchronous protocols, Synchronous protocols, Character

    oriented protocol- Binary synchronous communication (BSC) - BSC frames- Data

    transparency, Bit oriented protocols HDLC, Link access protocols.


    Switching - Circuit switching- Space division switches- Time division switches- TDM

    bus- Space and time division switching combinations- Public switched telephone network,

    Packet switching- Datagram approach- Virtual circuit approach- Circuit switched

    connection versus virtual circuit connection, Message switching.

    Multiplexing - Time division multiplexing (TDM), Synchronous time division

    multiplexing, Digital hierarchy, Statistical time division multiplexing.

    Text Books

    1. B. A.Forouzan. (2009), Data Communication and Computer Networking, 4th ed., TMH. (UNIT-II, III, & IV).

    2. W. Tomasi. (2008), Advanced Electronic Communication Systems, 5 ed., PEI. (UNIT-I).


    1. Prakash C. Gupta. (2006), Data Communications and Computer Networks, PHI. 2. William Stallings. (2007), Data and Computer Communications, 8th ed., PHI. 3. T. Housely. (2008), Data Communication and Tele Processing Systems, 2nd

    Edition, BSP.

  • 40

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1006/3


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To introduce instruction level parallelism in high performance processors.

    To introduce cache principles and optimization techniques.

    To study reliability and failure statistics of RAID system.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    evaluate cost performance and reliability of RAID system.

    describe quantitative evaluation of multi-threading.

    survey the limitations of instruction-level parallelism & thread-level parallelism.

    understand the optimization techniques of cache performance.

    UNIT I

    Fundamentals of Computer design - Introduction, Classes of computers, Defining

    computer architecture, Trends in technology, Trends in cost, Trends in power in integrated

    circuits, Dependability, Measuring, Reporting and summarizing performance, Quantitative

    principles of computer design.

    Instruction-Level Parallelism and its Exploitation - Concepts and challenges, Basic

    compiler techniques for exposing ILP reducing branch costs with prediction, Overcoming

    data hazards with dynamic scheduling, Dunamic scheduling: Examples and algorithm,

    Hardware based speculation, Exploiting ILP using multiple issue and static scheduling,

    Exploiting ILP using dynamic scheduling, Multiple issue and speculation, Advanced

    techniques for instruction delivery and speculation.


    Limitations on Instruction Level parallelism: Introduction, Studies of the limitations of ILP, Limitation on ILP for realizable processors, Crosscutting issues: Hardware versus

    software speculation, Multithreading: using ILP support to exploit thread Level parallelism.

    Multiprocessors and Thread Level parallelism: Introduction, Symmetric shared memory architectures, Performance of symmetric shared memory multiprocessors, Distributed

    shared memory and directory based coherence, Synchronization: The basics, Models of

    memory consistency: An introduction, Crosscutting issues.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Memory Hierarchy Design - Introduction, Eleven advanced optimization of cache

    performance, Memory technology and optimizations, Protection: Virtual memory and

    virtual machines, The design of memory hierarchies.


    Storage Systems - Introduction, Advanced topics in disk storage, Definition and examples

    of real faults and failures, I/O performance, Reliability measures and benchmarks, A little

    queuing theory, Crosscutting issues, Designing and evaluating an I/O system.

    Text Books

    1. L. Hennessy & David A. Patterson, Morgan Kufmann Computer Architecture- A Quantitative Approach 4th edition (An Imprint of Elsevier). (UNIT I- IV)


    1. Kai Hwang and A. Briggs Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing International Edition McGraw-Hill.

    Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Advanced Computer Architectures, Pearson.

  • 42

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1006/4


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To introduce the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of UML, and how to integrate it with the Unified Process.

    To create a requirements model using UML class notations and use-cases based on statements of user requirements.

    To create the OO design of a system from the requirements model in terms of a high-level architecture description, and low-level models of structural organization

    and dynamic behavior using UML class, object, and sequence diagrams.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    articulate requirement models using use cases.

    development of structural and behavioral diagrams for different views supported by UML

    development of patterns and frameworks and their applications in architecture and design tasks

    UNIT I

    Introduction to the World of Real-time and Embedded Systems - Real-time systems,

    Time, Performance, and Quality of service, Systems engineering vs. software engineering,

    Architecture, The rapid object-oriented process for embedded systems (ROPES) process,

    MDA and platform-independent models, Scheduling model-based projects, Model

    organization principles, Working with model-based projects.

    Object Orientation with UML 2.0 Structural Aspects - Object orientation with UML, Objects, Classes and interfaces, Relations, Packages, Components and subsystem.


    Object Orientation with UML 2.0 Dynamic Aspects - Behavior and the UML, Types of behavior, Behavior primitives: Actions and activities, Behavior and the single object,


    Requirements Analysis of Real Time Systems Requirements, Use cases, Detailing the use cases.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Analysis: Object Domain Analysis The Object discovery process, Connecting the object

    model with the use case model, Key strategies for object identification, Identify object

    associations, Object attributes, Discovering candidate Classes, Class diagrams.

    Analysis: Defining Object Behavior Object behavior, Defining object state behavior, Interactions, Defining operation.


    Architectural Design Overview of design, Architectural design, Software meets Hardware: Deployment architecture in UML, Concurrency and resource design.

    Text Books

    1. Bruce Powel Douglass, Real Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real Time Systems, Third edition, Pearson Publications. (UNIT I- IV)


    1. Meilir Page-Jones: Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML, Pearson Education.

    2. Pascal Roques: Modeling Software Systems Using UML2, WILEY-Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.

    3. Atul Kahate: Object Oriented Analysis & Design, The McGraw-Hill Companies. 4. Mark Priestley: Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML,TATA McGrawHill. 5. Appling UML and Patterns: An introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and

    Design and Unified Process, Craig Larman, Pearson Education.

  • 44

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 1051


    Practical :

    3 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 2 Final Examination: 50

    Course Objective

    To describe digital circuits using Verilog HDL

    To verify functionality of designed circuits using function simulator.

    To perform Timing simulation for critical path time calculation.

    To synthesis the designed digital circuits

    To use Place and Route techniques for major FPGA/CPLD vendors such as Xilinx, Altera and Actel etc.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    get acquainted with Programmable logic design flow.

    implement designed digital circuits using FPGA and CPLD devices.

    List of Experiments

    Task #1 Design 16-bit data path and control unit for the following instruction set

    Memory reference instructions - load word (lw) and store word (sw). Arithmetic logic instructions add, subtract, and, or, slt. Branch instructions branch equal (beq) and jump (jmp).

    1. Design a 16-bit ALU for Task #1 2. Design a 16-bit register file for Task #1 3. Design data path and control logic for memory reference instructions 4. Design data path and control logic for arithmetic & logic instructions 5. Design data path and control logic for branch instructions

    Task #2 Design of communication and signal processing sub modules.

    6. Design of 8-bit LFSR 7. Design of 4 bit multiply and accumulate unit 8. Design of a hardware multiplier 9. Design of filter 10. Design an Huffman coder

    Task #3 Design CMOS circuits with given specifications, completing the design flow

    mentioned below:

  • 45

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    a. Draw the schematic and perform the following i. DC analysis ii. Transient analysis

    b. Draw the layout and verify the DRC, ERC c. Check for LVS d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the design e. Verify & optimize for time, power and area to the given constraint


    11. CMOS inverter with 0.25 micrometer technology, Vdd=2.5V to achieve a propagation delay of 50psec with best possible power dissipation and minimizing


    12. CMOS XOR gate with 0.25 micrometer technology, Vdd=2.5V to achieve a propagation delay of 50psec with best possible power dissipation and minimizing


    Text books

    1. L. Hennessy & David A. Patterson (1998), Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface 2nd edition, Morgan Kufmann Publishers.

    2. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL, Second Edition, Sun Microsystems Inc. 3. J.Rabaey (1996), Digital Integrated Circuits: a Design Perspective, PHI

  • 46

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 2001


    Lecture :

    4 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To introduce the students to the fundamentals of

    low power design limitations

    deep submicron processes

    concept of device models of MOS and BJT

    design of low power circuits and thorough analysis and evaluation

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    understand the importance of low power design.

    get exposure on limitations of power supply voltage, threshold voltage scaling.

    characterize device models

    evaluate quality measure of sequential circuits

    UNIT I

    Low Power CMOS VLSI Design - Introduction, Sources of power dissipation, Static

    power dissipation, Active power dissipation.

    Circuit Techniques for Low Power Design - Introduction, Designing for low-power,

    Circuit techniques for leakage power reduction.


    Low Voltage Low Power Adders - Introduction, Standard adder cells, CMOS adders architectures, Low voltage low power esign techniques, Current mode adders.

    Low Voltage Low Power Multipliers - Introduction, Overview of multiplication, Types of

    multiplier architectures, Braun multiplier, Baugh-Wooley multiplier, Booth multiplier,

    Wallace tree multiplier.


    Low Voltage Low Power Static RAM - Basics of SRAM, Memory cell, Precharge and

    equalization circuit, Decoder, Address transition detection, Sense amplifier, Output latch,

    Low power SRAM technologies.

    Low Voltage Low Power Dynamic RAM - Types of DRAM, Basics of DRAM, Self

    refresh circuit, Half voltage generator, Voltage down converter, Future trends and

    developments of DRAM.

  • 47

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Low- Voltage Low Power Read-Only Memories - Introduction, Types of ROM, Basics,

    Physics of floating gate nonvolatile devices, Floating gate memories, Basics of ROM, Low

    power ROM technology.

    Text Book

    1. Kiat Seng Yeo, Kaushik Roy ,Low Voltage, Low Power VLSI Subsystems, TATA McGraw-Hil.


    1. Yeo Rofail,Gohl (2002), CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low Power, Pearson Education Asia 1st Indian reprint.

    2. J.Rabaey (1996), Digital Integrated Circuits: a Design Perspective, PHI.

  • 48

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 2002


    Lecture :

    4 Hrs/ Week

    Internal Assessment:


    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To know the faults in system and reasons for occurrence of such faults.

    To test stuck at faults and bridging faults

    To generate test pattern of BIST and to know its architecture.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    analyze the response of the system to ascertain whether it behaves correctly after manufacturing

    test objectives to ensure product quality and diagnosis & repair.

    understand the constraints of economics.

    UNIT I

    Fault Modeling - Logical fault models, Fault detection and redundancy, Fault equivalence

    and fault location, Fault dominance, Single and multiple stuck-at fault model.

    Fault Simulation - General fault simulation techniques, Fault simulation for combinational

    circuits, Fault sampling.


    Testing for Single Stuck at Faults ATG for SSFs in combinational circuits, ATG for

    SSFs in sequential circuits.

    Testing for Bridging Faults The bridging fault model, Detection of non-feedback

    bridging faults, Detection of feedback bridging faults, Bridging fault simulation, Test

    generation for bridging faults.


    Design for Testability: Testability, Adhoc design for testability techniques, Controllability

    and observability by means of scan registers, Generic scan based design.

    Compression Techniques - General aspects of compression techniques, Ones-count

    compression, Transition-count compression, Parity-check compression, Syndrome testing,

    Signature analysis.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Built-In Self Test - Test pattern generation for BIST, Generic off-line BIST architectures,

    Specific BIST architecture.

    Text Books

    1. M. Abramovici, M.A. Breuer and A.D. Friedman (1996), Digital Systems and Testable Design", Jaico Publishing House.


    1. Parag K Lala (2002), Digital Circuit Testing and Testability, Achedamic Press. 2. M.L. Bushnell and V.D. Agrawal (2002), "Essentials of Electronic Testing for

    Digital, Memory and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits", Kluwar Academic Publishers.

    3. A.L. Crouch (2002), "Design for Test for Digital ICs and Embedded Core Systems", Prentice Hall International.

  • 50

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 2003


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To appreciate the importance of co-design and identify application areas where it is used.

    To identify the required co-synthesis algorithms, prototyping and emulation architectures for co-design Environment.

    To get familiarized with the types of languages or software used for design, specification, verification when working in co-design environment.

    To get familiarized with tools and techniques to be used for compilation of co-design based design.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    demonstrate knowledge of architectural languages and co-synthesis algorithms for co-design.

    demonstrate knowledge of prototyping and emulation systems and target architectures.

    demonstrate knowledge of compilation tools and techniques for embedded processor architectures and also design issues and system level specification languages for the


    UNIT I

    Co-Design issues - Co- design Models, Architectures, Languages, A generic co-design


    Co-Synthesis Algorithms - Hardware software synthesis algorithms: Hardware Software partitioning distributed system co-synthesis.


    Prototyping and Emulation - Prototyping and emulation techniques, Prototyping and

    emulation environments, Future developments in emulation and prototyping architecture

    Specialization techniques, System communication infrastructure.

    Target Architectures - Architecture specialization techniques, System communication

    infrastructure, Target architecture and application system classes, Architecture for control

    dominated systems (8051 architectures for high performance control), Architecture for data

    dominated systems (ADSP21060, TMS320C60), Mixed systems.

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    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7


    Compilation Techniques and Tools for Embedded Processor Architectures - Modern

    embedded architectures, Embedded software development needs, Compilation technologies,

    Practical consideration in a compiler development environment.

    Design Specification and Verification - Design, Co-design, The co-design computational

    model, Concurrency coordinating Concurrent computations, Interfacing components,

    Design verification, Implementation verification, Verification tools, Interface verification.


    Languages for System Level Specification and Design-I - System level specification, Design representation for system level synthesis, System level specification languages.

    Languages for System Level Specification and Design-II - Heterogeneous specifications and multi-language co-simulation the Cosyma system and Lycos system.

    Text Books

    1. Jorgen Staunstrup. (2009), Hardware / Software Co- Design Principles and Practice Wayne Wolf, Springer (UNIT I - IV).


    1. Jean-Michel Berge (1997), Hardware/Software Co-Design and Co- Verification, Kluwer Publications.

  • 52

    M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded Systems) VR10

    Dept .of Electronics and Communication Engineering V.R Siddhartha Engineering College: Vijayawada - 7

    ECVE 2004


    Lecture : 4 Hrs/ Week Internal Assessment: 40

    Credits : 4 Final Examination: 60

    Course Objectives

    To introduce Linux for embedded applications.

    To give introduction the concepts of embedded real time programming.

    To understand features and characteristics of Linux for embedded and real time applications.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the course students will be able to

    Apply RTOS functions to implement embedded applications

    Use and get acquaint to debugging embedded software tools.

    Understand fundamentals of device drivers

    Illustrate real time programming concepts.

    UNIT I

    The Embedded and Real Time Space - Introducing Linux - features, protected mode

    architecture, the Linux process model, the Linux file system, the root user, the /user hierarchy, the shell.


    The Host Development Environment - Cross development tools, The GNU tool chain,

    Configuring and building the kernel.

    Debugging Embedded Software- The target setup, GDB, Debugging a sample program,

    The Host as a debug environment, Adding programmable set point and limit.


    Kernel Modules and Device Drivers - Kernel modules, Linux Device Drivers, Internal

    driver structure, The hardware, Debugging kernel code, Building driver into the kernel

    Embedded Networking: Sockets, A sample example, A remote thermostat, Embedded web



    Introduction to Real Time Programming - Polling vs. interrupts, Tasks, Scheduling,

    Kernel services, Inter task communication, Problem with solving the resource sharing

    problem P

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