MS. BRITTANY, MS. VANESSA, AND MS. SARABETH Week 18- 19 January 4 th - January 15 th, 2016.

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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Spelling Words (Test: 1/15/2016) Careful wear rear stared bear gear shared where here pair there career stairs dear peer Review: shore, carve, storm Challenge: square, clearly



Week 18- 19January 4th- January 15th,


Vocabulary (Test: 1/14/2016)

The surface of something is the outside of it. The amount of something is how much of that thing

there is. Astronomy is the study of the stars and planets.

Cognate: astronomiaThe globe is the world. Cognate: globoThe solar system includes Earth and the planets that

move around the sun. Cognate: sistema solarIf you support someone or something, you provide what

they need. The temperature of something tells how hot or cold

that thing is. Cognate: temperatureWhen you feel the warmth of the sun, you feel its heat.

Spelling Words (Test: 1/15/2016)

Careful wear rear stared bear gear shared where here pair there career stairs dear peer

Review: shore, carve, storm

Challenge: square, clearly

Week 18-19 Focus

LAFS.3.RI.1.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. Comprehension Strategy: Summarize T152-153

  LAFS.3.RI.2.5 Use text features and search tools (e.g.,

key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently

LAFS.3.RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur)

Weeks 18 & 19 Secondary Focus

Determine the central message in a story. Sequence events in correct order to retell a


Main Idea and Key Details

“Get to the point!” The main idea is the most important idea in a

text.  The key details are the details that support the

main idea by telling you more about it. The main idea sometimes appears early in a

paragraph or passage. Key details that say more about the main idea usually follow right after.

BrainPOP- Main Idea Video

Username: fcssPassword: password


After reading a passage, students should consider what the sentences they have just read all have in common. By identifying what it is they explain or describe, students can find the most important idea.

Once students have identified the most important idea, they should review each detail from the passage and ask, Would I understand the main idea without this detail? If not, the detail is important.

A summary should include the main idea of the passage and key details in order of importance. Students should write their summaries in their own words, but they should not include their own opinions.

Expository Text

Explains facts about a topic. Topics include a real person, an actual event,

a real place, or a real thing. Includes text features such as heading,

photographs and captions, and diagrams.


Explain to students that a suffix is a word part added to the end of a word.

Adding a suffix changes the meaning of the root word.

The suffix -y means “full of.” Dusty (full of dust)

The prefix -ly means “in a certain way.” Closely (in a close way)

Suffix Practice




Weeks 18 & 19 Grammar FocusA past-tense verb tells about an action that has


Add -ed to form the past tense of most verbs: touch + -ed = touched

Drop the e and add -ed to verbs that end in e: whistle – e = whistl + ed = whistled

A regular past-tense verb’s form is used with both singular and plural subjects in simple and compound sentences: I whistled. They whistled.

Change to PAST TENSE

Lily accept the warm cup of tea. Since it snow, she was very cold.

Grammar: Past Tense Rules

There are other special rules for making past-tense verbs.

Change the y to i before adding -ed if the verb ends with a consonant and y: bury = buried

Double the consonant and add -ed to verbs that end with one vowel and a consonant: beg = begged


Fix the sentence

The dog beged for a treat. sandra pityed the sight of her dog begging for treats.


An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word. It ends with a period.

Titles before a name and initials are abbreviated and capitalized. Official titles of people are also abbreviated.

Abbreviations for geographical locations, such as street, road, and avenue, are capitalized in a specific address.


Doctor: Dr.Mister: Mr.Misses: Mrs. Ms. MissStreet: St.Road: Rd.New York: NY

Proofread and check past tense and abbreviations

1. doctor hartley gave the boy medicine. mister frankel was very happy to see his boy get better.

2. The garden store is on Franklin rd. When you get there, ask for mister and misses Jones.

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