Monthly Newsletter of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church ... · Absolutely not. I am telling you the unvarnished truth. You only have today for certain and perhaps only a few minutes

Post on 25-Sep-2020






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Monthly Newsletter of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church “Proclaiming Christ Crucified”

A Stephen Ministry Congregation

Established 1892

SEPT 2018

Our Mission As a Lutheran community of faith, we continue our history of proclaiming Christ crucified through Word and Sacrament in joyful service to God and our neighbor.

We want to thank you, our congregation, for your support both financially and spiritually for sending 20 youth and adults for a week of mission work in Tennessee. Appalachia Service Project gave each group homes in need of work and God sent the workers to accomplish the task. Our teams put in new flooring, ripped out a ceiling (while ducking from a snake!), put on a tin roof, sanded

wood floors, landscaped, worked on an asphalt roof, put on vinyl siding, cleaned and stained a ramp, and created relationships with homeowners that will last a lifetime in memories. Observing the youth as they went through the week, I feel they have a better understanding of how a person could find themselves in a situation that has overpowered their ability to recover on their own, and that it really can happen to anyone. These are life skills that are irreplaceable. You have given them that opportunity, and I know they will continue to give beyond themselves in the future. Look for pictures of our week in mission coming soon.


We would like to start an evening quilting group to complement our Thursday morning

group. You do NOT need to know how to quilt – we will teach you! You do NOT need to

have a traveling machine or equipment – lots of jobs to do that do not require any special

equipment or skills, and we have some equipment available for our use. If you’ve ever

wanted to learn to quilt – this is your chance. If you want to meet other ladies in the church – this is

your opportunity.

Can you iron? Can you sew on a button? Can you hem? You have the skills needed to quilt! Anyone

over 16 years of age is welcome (for safety, no young children; the nursery will not be available).

Our first meeting will be Monday, September 17 at 5:30pm in room #117 (across the hall from the choir room).

If you will be late due to work, etc, just let us know. The first gathering will be informational in nature

to meet each other and to decide just how the group will work. We will have light snacks, so please come!

Even if you are part of the Thursday morning group, we’d love to have you. If you have any questions

or concerns, please contact Sheila Mallo at 910-392-5855 or (best contact).

Hope to see you all there!

St. Matthew’s Sunday Fellowship is September 16, 12:30 pm in McSwain Activity Center. Our meal will be the ‘Homecoming’ tradition of a potluck.

We're asking that everyone bring their best potluck dish to share. Desserts will be provided, so we ask that members not bring a dessert dish.

We will have a sign up in the Commons for a head-count, but signing up is not a requirement for attending. So, be sure to come for fellowship and delicious food!

Bees on a Mission Quilt Ministry have almost achieved their

mission of making 100 quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR).

Coming soon will be a Fundraiser Silent Auction, and the

proceeds will be used to hopefully finish the last quilts and

defray some of the $2.50 cost per quilt or $250.00 to be

sent to LWR to handle, warehouse and ship the quilts

overseas. Written bids will start at $50.00 per quilt, which

almost covers the cost of making them. Four weeks after

the auction begins, we look forward to the Blessing of

the Quilts, where all 100 quilts will be

displayed in the church and blessed.

Thank you all very much for your

donations of funds, cotton fabric,

and sheets. We are grateful.

Dear Sisters and Brothers, You are going to die and give God an account of your life. At the end, the questions will be asked: How did you manage the relationships entrusted to you? What did you do with the time (168 hours a week), the talent (all the gifts unique to your personality), and the treasure (all the financial resources) God has placed in your hands? Will you say, “I didn’t think it would be like this?” I hope not. Don’t be so foolish. So, who says this? If it’s just a guy trying to manipulate you, then it really doesn’t matter. But…who says you will give an account to God of how you have lived? The Lord Jesus, that’s who. He says it often as He warns about the danger associated with wanting or having wealth. That covers all of us. He says it in Matthew 25 in three different parables (the wise and foolish virgins, the parable of the talents, and the sheep and the goats). Our own end and, yes, perhaps the end of time as we know it is coming sooner than we expect. How have we lived our lives? The late Bob Stansbury, congregational president when I was called to St. Matthew’s in 2004, was a retired university professor in Iowa and Wisconsin and the retired president of the Lutheran Homes of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He told me that he would ask his key staff from time to time: “What would you do if you won the lottery?” Bob knew that many of his staff, like many of us, had fantasized about winning the lottery, about the Publisher’s Clearing House van showing up in front of our homes, or about suddenly inheriting a large sum of money. It’s a very tempting idea to think we could go and do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. But, oh my, imagine now having more to answer for to God. If you are a child, a youth, or a young adult, you have the illusion that you are going to be around for decades. According to actuarial tables (life expectancy statistics), the life blood of insurance companies, you are more likely to live many years beyond your parents and others. But those of us with a lot more life experience can tell you, “We hope you live a very long life, but there are no guarantees you will.” You may die young! Why am I telling you this? Do I hope to motivate you with fear? Absolutely not. I am telling you the unvarnished truth. You only have today for certain and perhaps only a few minutes or a few hours left to live. So, then, how are you going to manage the relationships, the time, the talent, and the treasure the Lord God has placed in your hands? Have you said, “I will have all the time in the world for that stuff when I am older?” If you are the center of things as the voices around you and within you insist, then no worries, mate. You are only limited by the resources you can grab and the extent of your own personal selfishness. Some people don’t have a conscience. Others work hard at ignoring the voice of God. If you are a parent or grandparent who brought your child to be baptized, you made promises to raise up that

child in Christ’s Church and in the faith in which your child was baptized. If you are a person who was married in the Church (having been prepared for marriage by a pastor), you made promises before God to keep your marriage vows, and, even if you were married outdoors or in some other venue by a pastor, you were doubtless pointed to living within the community of God’s people, the Church. If you were confirmed in this or another Lutheran congregation, you made promises to live out your faith within the Church, regularly receiving Jesus in the His Meal. How well are you keeping your promises? The late Jim Mees, a retired GE engineer, was a key leader in this congregation for many years. Jim used to say he would rather have fewer people on the membership rolls who actually practice the Christian faith rather than just having inflated numbers. We were of the same mind. And so, year after year, congregational leaders have regularly sent letters to those not participating in our life together and inviting them to return to worship at St. Matthew’s or to go practice the faith elsewhere. We don’t want inactive members just to claim how large we are. On Sunday, September 2, new Sunday School classes for all ages begin. High school students will look at some of this world’s false stories using a book named “Broken,” by Lutheran pastor Jonathan Fisk. Retired strong Christian learners, Jon Lindsay and Alan Richey, will lead that class. A new college/young adult class will look at how to practice the Christian faith in community using the classic book, “Life Together,” by martyred Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Alex Fletcher, a non-ordained Lutheran seminary graduate, will lead a class for those who often absent themselves from the services of God’s house for all the wrong reasons. This fall, we are challenging parents and grandparents of children from age 3 through 8th grade to join the teaching rotation. Students will learn to hear great stories from the Old Testament as Lutheran Christians whose entire faith, hope, and understanding of love are centered not in themselves but on God’s Son Jesus, Crucified for sinners like all of us. We will have teacher training opportunities to build your confidence. Adult classes in Sunday School and Crossways Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6pm and Thursdays at 10am will keep you focused on Jesus Christ and Him crucified, so that you will know that the freedom given in Holy Baptism is not a freedom to be selfish or a freedom to be whoever you think or feel you are. Your freedom in Christ is a freedom to become the person God intended you to be…a humble servant like His beloved Son!

Reminding you who and Whose you are,

Samuel David Zumwalt, STS+ Child of God since January 31, 1954

We rejoice at the baptisms of Isaac Everett Schneider on

August 5th, and Bruce Michael Lerch on August 26th.

Isaac is the son of Larry and Sara Schneider, brother

of Hannah, and grandson of Bill Glisson. Bruce is the

son of Devin and Diana Lerch, and brother of Elora and

Braxton. We welcome Isaac Everett and Bruce Michael to

the body of Christ and to the St. Matthew’s Church Family.

Please be sure to welcome previous members Todd

and Tracy Darnell. They had moved to Ohio for a

short time, but are back worshipping with us and

have reactivated their membership.

Congratulations to Kelly Ruth Fuqua who was con-firmed on August 12th. Kelly is the daughter of Lea Shipman.

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Council Meeting August 9, 2018

Business conducted at the Council meeting included:

Council approved that loose offerings received over an additional four weeks, beginning the Sunday preceding Labor Day, be used to pre-fund Christkindlmarkt ex-penses, providing the operational budget is covered.

Council approved that a sales tax refund of $1,142 be deposited into the C-ing the Way Forward money market account to begin funding our capital reserve.

Council approved to decline an option offered by Church Mutual to remove terrorism risk from the church insurance policy.

The complete Council Minutes can be reviewed in the church office during regular office hours.


Operating Fund Revenues Expenses


July 2018


46,098.26 46,837.86



302,183.33 309,464.58


We are ready for another great year! School is back and so are Youth groups! All groups will meet in McSwain Activity Center (unless noted).

K-5th graders will meet 2nd Sunday of each month at 1:00pm starting September 9th.

Middle School Youth (6-8 grades) meet each Wednesday at 6pm beginning September 5th.

High School Youth (9-12 grades) meet each Sunday at 6pm starting on September 9th.

In addition to our scheduled meetings, look for monthly activities for each age group. We also encourage youth to bring a friend, and parents to join in as chaperones. Want more information? Contact Nancy Magruder 910-791-4582.

OWL’s IS BACK! The first luncheon is Thursday, September 27th at 11:30am in McCombs Fellowship Hall. Cost is

$10 per person for roast beef, BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, green beans, corn, salad, apple crisp and ice cream. Newcomers are always welcome, so if you’d like to attend please contact Grace Koder at 791-2897. See you there!

If you were unable to pick up your parking sticker in August, you may stop by the church office Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Please call the church office first to make sure someone is here. If you need to make other arrangements, please call and let us know.


Did you know when you shop on Amazon you can help St. Matthew’s?

When you place your order on Amazon Smile, 0.5% of eligible products purchased will be donated to St. Matthew’s. Amazon Smile offers the same products and prices that you find on Amazon and Amazon Prime.

Be sure to sign into, and before you shop, set St. Matthew’s as your charity.

The Ordination of Todd Cook to the Holy Ministry Saturday, September 15, 2 p.m.

With joy, we announce the ordination of The Rev’d. Candidate Todd Cook to the holy ministry. Your attendance at this significant event in Todd’s life and the ministry of St. Matthew’s is most welcomed. We sponsored Todd’s candidacy through the North Carolina Synod and provided financial support and encouragement along the way. Todd successfully completed his fieldwork and seminary internship in two congregations of the South Carolina Synod of the ELCA and graduated from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC with the Master of Divinity degree. Subsequent to the North Carolina Synod’s candidacy committee recommendation that Todd complete a second seminary internship he prayerfully considered their recommendation and made his own decision that he would better fit into the theology and practice of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC).

As Todd’s home congregation, and after he retired from 20 years’ service in the United States Air Force, we rejoiced to watch him grow deeper into his call to pastoral ministry during his seminary years. We were blessed by Todd’s preaching on four occasions and by his participation in worship leadership. We were saddened to see that as a traditional candidate for the pastoral ministry Todd discovered that he would better fit in the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). Todd’s decision was supported by his strong beliefs that the Lutheran Confessions are drawn from God’s Word, that the Confessions are a true and binding exposition of Holy Scripture and that the Confessions serve as authoritative texts for all pastors and congregations of the Lutheran Church. Our congregation’s teaching and preaching align with these beliefs. Todd’s decision may offer caution and alert us to the potential difficulty in being able to find future pastoral leadership in the ELCA that will share our strong Lutheran history of proclaiming Christ crucified in Word and Sacrament in joyful service to God and our neighbor.

Our congregation’s Long Range Planning Team (LRPT) has returned again and again to our desire to preserve St. Matthew’s traditional Lutheran culture for generations to come. With Todd’s decision to join the NALC, the LRPT has begun to ponder prayerfully our future as a self-consciously, intentional Lutheran church in theology and practice. These are questions we will continue to explore with you, carefully and without haste, with every intention to preserve the unity of our congregation and to remain faithful to the Scriptures, Creeds, and Confessions of the Lutheran Church. Long range planning entails studying, listening, conversing, and discerning who and Whose we are.

Bishop John Bradosky of the NALC will ordain Todd to the holy ministry at the Holy Eucharist on Saturday, September 15, 2 p.m. Todd has been called to be the pastor of Miller’s Lutheran Church in Hickory, a former congregation of the North Carolina Synod. Bishop Bradosky will be our guest preacher for our 126th anniversary Eucharists at 6 pm, 8:30 and 11 a.m. on September 15-16. He will be available for questions and answers about the North American Lutheran Church during the Sunday School hour at 9:45 a.m. on September 16.

The NALC is a growing denomination of 450 congregations, with 150,000 members and 650 active and retired clergy, founded in 2010 mostly by congregations or members of congregations that chose to leave the ELCA after the 2009 Churchwide Assembly broke with 2,000 years of Christian teaching and practice by voting to permit homosexual pastors in committed relationships to be called by congregations of the ELCA. About 35 congregations of the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA chose to join the NALC shortly after its founding. At that time, our church council created the Stewardship Alternative Fund (SAF) to address the concerns of many who conscientiously objected to supporting the ELCA with benevolence dollars while still maintaining affiliation with the North Carolina Synod.

St. Matthew’s never considered leaving the ELCA in 2009, although we invited Dr. Larry Yoder of Lenoir Rhyne University, Pr. Ed Thomas, a son of our congregation serving in Charlotte, and Bishop Bolick to speak to us about the upheaval in the ELCA. After those presentations, a group within the congregation attempted to force Pastor Zumwalt to take another call. A listening post process conducted over three weeks in Lent 2010 determined Pr. Zumwalt retained 66% support within the congregation. About ten households immediately joined other churches. Several more have left since. With strong lay leadership, we successfully preserved St. Matthew’s unity without a major congregational split. We will always seek to preserve the unity of our congregation and to serve all who choose to share our life together, true to our mission of proclaiming Christ Crucified in Word and Sacrament in joyful service to God and our neighbor.

Please join us on the 15th of September in witness to Todd’s ordination and welcoming Bishop Bradosky.

From the Treasurer... If you are having a contribution from an IRA account sent directly to the church, please fill out the form from the Finance Office. Frequently, the paperwork from banks do not indicate the donor. Filling out the form will ensure you get credit for your donation and funds are allocated where you wish.

St. Matthew’s Adult Choir is always looking for new voices! If you are interested in joining, you are invited to join them at rehearsal Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the choir room, or contact Choir Director Jan Betts. She can be reached at 620-0859 or

Joyful Noise, our contemporary praise team, always has room for more singers and musicians. They practice on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the nave, and lead the Chicago Folk Service at 8:30 am on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays. If you would like to share your musical talent with them, contact Deb Ebert at 920-980-0885 or

Plans are underway for our first annual Christkindlmarkt on December 8th! This event will help raise funds for the new building, and we hope to make it an annual event.

There are still opportunities to help. Remaining meetings are September 10, 24*, October 1, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26, and December 3. All meetings are in room 114 at 5:30pm (*Sept. 24 is an offsite taste testing).

Interested? Contact Sheila Mallo at 392-5855 to leave a message or

September 22 and 23 after services, stop by the bake

sale table in the Commons and pick up some delicious

German goodies for dessert or breakfast! Proceeds

will help fund the Christkindlmarkt.

For many years, WELCA Circles have arranged

and supplied food for funeral service receptions. The time has come to ask the members of St.

Matthew’s to step forward and take on this important ministry, as the Circles step down.

If you would be willing to volunteer your time and talent to be on the

Bereavement Committee, please contact Karen Schmoke at 231-690-9754 or

MS/HS Youth First lock-in for Middle School Youth is Friday, September 21st 7pm in McSwain Center. Sign-up sheet and additional information is on the Youth board.

High School Youth, are you ready for some fun? Meet Nancy Magruder at church Saturday, September 22nd at 6pm to begin your scavenger hunt! You will need $5 for a treat. Sign-up sheet on the Youth board. I need two parents willing to drive. Contact Nancy at 791-4582 ext. 203

Does your ministry have an announcement for the bulletin, newsletter, Pastor’s Email, or Facebook?

Here’s who to contact...

Bulletin (deadline is noon, Tuesdays): Donna Capozio (

Newsletter (deadline is the 15th of the month): Donna Capozio (

Pastor’s Email (deadline is noon, Wednesdays): Pr. Sam (

Facebook (no deadline): Pr. Zumwalt (

We try to make sure announcements are in all forms of communication, so you may send your announcements to both Pr. Sam and Donna Capozio at the same time.

The weekly schedule for Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 2, at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Opening for all ages in McCombs Fellowship Hall at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Instruction for grades 3-8th grade from 9:50 - 10:20 a.m. Snack Time for grades 3-8th grade from 10:20 - 10:30 a.m. Children's Music for ages PK3 through 2nd grade in the Fellowship Hall from 9:50 - 10 a.m. Sunday School Instruction for PK3 through 2nd grade from 10 - 10:30 a.m. Snack Time for PK3-2nd grade in the Fellowship Hall from 10:30 - 10:45 a.m.

Classes PK3-4: Old Testament Stories in Room 106 K-2nd: Old Testament Stories in Room 109 3rd-5th: Old Testament Stories in Room 110 6th-8th: Old Testament Stories in Room 112 High School: "Broken" by Pr. Jonathan Fisk in the Youth Room (Upstairs McSwain Center), taught by Jon Lindsay & Alan Richey College/Young Adults: "Life Together" by Pr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the Church Library taught by Alex Fletcher, Master of Divinity from Concordia, St. Louis Adults: Short Courses taught by several pastors in Room 114

Pr. Peter Hoyer teaches on collects (prayers of the day), a three-week course Pr. Robert Kuppler teaches "In Heaven's Name," a three week Crossways course on

Christian stewardship Pr. Michael Megahan teaches on Bible translations, a four-week course Pr. Marvin Schedler teaches on Lutheran theology, a three-week course

Adults: Gospel of John taught by Pr. Samuel Zumwalt in Room 117

On September 16 and November 4, guests speakers address High School through Adults: Bishop John Bradosky gives a question and answer session on the North American Lutheran

Church on September 16 Dr. Joel Elowsky, a Concordia Seminary professor, teaches a session on early African Christianity

on November 4

Reformation Prayer Retreat on November 3 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. with Dr. Joel Elowsky as our guest teacher on early African Christianity. Dr. Elowsky, who teaches church history at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, was the research assistant on the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture series. He was a member of Pr. Kuppler's congregation in New Jersey during his years of study and research at Drew University Divinity School.

WELCA is still collecting the ‘Box Tops for Education’ to

benefit the Navajo Lutheran Mission school in Arizona.

Please place your box tops in the clear collection box on the table in Commons. Do not leave them in the Mother Hubbard’s collection tub in the hallway.

IN MEMORY OF REV. RUDOLF & IDA KEYL, a gift to the Altar Guild Fund by Barbara V. Keyl.

IN MEMORY OF JANET CROOP, a gift to the Quilting Ministry by Peggy Barr.

IN MEMORY OF ALEDA MARGGRAFF, a gift to the Youth Fund by WELCA; a gift to the Property Fund by the Wells Family; a gift to the Building Fund by Carol and Harry Comeskey; a gift to the General Fund by Laura Gray.

IN MEMORY OF CAROL DONIERE, a gift to the General Fund by Laura Gray.

IN HONOR OF KARIN COOK, a gift to the Altar Guild Fund by Carol and Harry Comeskey.

IN HONOR OF THE PRAYER GROUP, a gift to the General Fund by Peggy Barr.

IN HONOR OR MR. & MRS. MORRIS JOHNSON, a gift to the Organ Project Fund by the Monroe Family.

IN HONOR OF MARVIN SCHEDLER’S BIRTHDAY, a gift to the Organ Project Fund by Joyce and Terry Crouch.

Gifts to Honor and Remember July 22-August 19

Upcoming Worship and Events

October 3 -- Midweek Eucharist and Healing Prayer, noon

October 6 -- Blessing of the Animals, 10am

October 10 -- Midweek Eucharist and Healing Prayer, noon

October 17 -- Midweek Eucharist and Healing Prayer, noon

October 21 -- Pledge Sunday

October 24 -- Midweek Eucharist and Healing Prayer, noon

October 27 -- New Disciples Class, 9am

October 27-28 -- Reformation

October 28 -- Fall Festival and Chili Cookoff, 12:30pm

October 31-- Midweek Eucharist and Healing Prayer, noon

The new Altar Flower chart is posted in the Commons, and there are still several dates open. You do not need a specific occasion and you may simply dedicate them to the Glory of God. When you sign up, please fill out the yellow form for your dedication and indicate if taking or donating your flowers.

Remember, you will receive an invoice from the church (not the florist) the beginning of the month you have signed up for. Please pay promptly by placing your check in the offering plate or mailing to the church, so funds are available to pay the florist.

Confirmation Orientation, for all 6th-8th graders and their parents, is Wednesday, September 5, at 7 p.m. in McCombs Fellowship Hall.

At least one parent needs to be present with each student. Eighth-grade con-firmation will be Pentecost Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 11 a.m.

Our Christian sympathy is extended to…

The family of Carol Doniere

The family of Aleda Marggraff

Lon and Nell Ostby on the death of Lon’s sister, Kathy Ostby Blesener

Greg Gore and family on the death of Greg’s niece, McKenzie Gore




Dale Blade Elsie Cates Barbara Clemmons

Becky Davis Frank Fauser Margaret French

Jane McDougald Wayne McDougald Lefty Plante

Doris Prillaman Ray Tyler

Janet Somersett Doris Ullman Edith Zetzer Nancy Miller Anna Dineen Peg Barr Landon Dearie Bob Byrne Karen Martin Don Benson Lynn Stophel John Lovett Lou Painter Sherri Hiler Samantha Johnson Nancy Fauser

Carrie McDonough Betty Mantey Keith Farmer Ron Martin Fran Perry Alan Hunsberger Virginia Parisek Morris & Joanne Johnson Claire Houser Lefty Plante Ruthann Getsinger Pr. Marv Schedler Gilbert Alphin Jack Loflin Ed Ludacer Lynette Farmer

Bill Baldwin Donna Siegmund JoAnn Megahan Denis Hall Eric Pollard Kris Auch Alan Richey Carol Lovett Judy Daniels Jan Magnus Emily Burke Bruce Michael Lerch Marie Loflin Ava Porter Marti Felter Jerry Murrell

Patty Macino Sara Schneider Ken Manning Jane McDougald Judy Benson Dick Hiler Erika Braje Arthur Moore

Janice Comeskey Debby Young Amie Knauer Bernie Jackson Dan Thompson Stan Brunt, Sr. Patty Mootz Tom Adamec Mike & Brooke Miller Kendrick Farmer Jacob Alvarez Bruce Jones Hadie Carter Patrick O’Donnell Celina Marino Nicholas Hufham Lynda Gibbs Craig Marggraff Joan Smith Tim Ford Barbara Weyhrauch

Amy Lem Wylene Mapson Cyril Dearie Paula Gibbs Erik Berg Shirley Winter Colleen Murphrey Kira Lerant Dona Peterson Bonnie Gaspari Jean Jarunsinsky Frances Rud Marianne Mangels Rosa Craven Marti Gregory Dorothy Smithman Kari Hancock-Himmerick John Blank David Caldwell Marisa Felici Brad Cook

Betty Scheidt Charli Johnson Abby Rick Martuscelli Minnie Hollar Joshua Bartholomew Braxton Vick Brent Grocott Ferne and Ter Daniel Sparks Amber Braje Miles Friesinger Kelly Miller Joe Ramm Beth Mellissa Jones Doris Dyson Emma Hieronymus Vincent Sabatino Cheryl Thomas James Myers

Edward McKeithan Brianne Priebe Dot Nuss Tom Flythe Claire Desmond Brandi Chinn Gosch Mary Martuscelli Mark Lindemood Matthew Dingfelder Brenda Seitter Tom Jarrott Rod Andrew Stephanie Ward MaryKay Washington Carolyn Zane Rita Dickey

Each year at this time, the Stephen Ministry team begins our recruitment process to find other members of

St. Matthew’s that might consider becoming a Stephen Minister. Each of the prospective new Stephen Ministers

must agree to complete 50+ hours of specialized training to provide high-quality, confidential, one-to-one,

Christian care to those in need. Once the training is completed and the Stephen Minister has been commissioned,

he/she will meet weekly with their care receivers to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual

support. (Males are matched with males, and females are matched with females.) We are proud to say that

we have two such candidates at this time. We have begun the interview process and we look forward to having

them begin their training September 11. We ask for your prayers for both the candidates and hope they will

consent to participate in the training.

If you or a friend might be interested in more information about becoming a Stephen Minister or the upcoming

classes (or if you know a friend or family member that might benefit from a caring relationship), please contact

one of our Stephen Leaders: Ana Maria Jackson at 791-3262, Sheila Leach at 200-9187 or Diana Robinson at

599-1015. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care and we are waiting for your call!

1 Connie Palmer 1 Micah Brown 2 Barb Mann 3 Dusty Pilcher 3 Gilbert Alphin 3 Oksana Taylor 4 Carol Comeskey 5 Karen Ruefle 5 Jake Sharpe 5 Megan Kline 5 Preston Gourville 6 Irene Shea

6 Caroline Shaver 7 Yvonne Jones 8 Nancy Thompson 9 Wayne McDougald 9 Jacob Harms 11 Dennice Graef 11 Jan Betts 11 Craig Hales 11 Eric Pollard 11 Greg Stirrat 12 Dean Weber 12 Arlene Robie 15 Elaine Willow 15 Samuel Mowrey 15 Caroline Todd 16 Ray Porter 16 Sheila Mallo

16 Alexandra Schwartz 19 Bill Paris 19 Nancy Magruder 20 Darlene Schucker 20 Brent Labriola 21 Claire Houser 21 Logan Todd 22 Karin Cook 22 John Anthony Cook 23 Diana Lerch 24 Linda Holway 25 Tyler Crouch 26 J. Hollamon 26 Carley Cumbo 26 Quinn Dearie 28 Judy Benson 29 Alex Monroe 30 Annette Janssen

3 Art & Jan Magnus 3 Ron & Suzanne Asmus 4 Bill & Tracy Gourville 4 Pastor Sam & Laura Zumwalt 5 Brian & Laurie Tobin 8 Dale & Kerry Lamb 9 Keith & Cindy Harms

11 Jake & Danielle Sharpe 16 Mike & Cindy Perretta 17 Dave & Peggy Davis 21 Jim & Sheila Whitmeyer 22 Terry & Joyce Crouch 22 Jim & Amber Brekhus 23 Dave & Diane Sundberg 25 Alan & Maureen Richey 30 Kenn & Wanda Slocum 30 Ken & Gina Schiess 30 John & Lynn Stemke 30 Michael & Leslie Bergbower

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 6:00 Eucharist

2 15th Sunday after Pentecost

8:30 Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Eucharist 12:30 Cancer Support 1:00 Baby Shower- (McCombs)

3 Labor Day Office closed 6:00 Evening Prayer 7:00 Midtown AA

4 9:10 Counting Team 10:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Prayer Group 6:30 Joyful Noise 6:30 Stephen Ministry 8:00 Welcome AA

5 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 12:00 Healing Svc 6:00 Crossways 6:00 MS Youth 6:00 Adult Handbells 7:00 Confirmation Orientation 7:00 Adult Choir

6 10:00 Crossways 10:00 Bees On A Mission Quilting 6:00 TOPS 6:30 Boy Scouts 7:00 Long Range Planning Team 7:00 Midtown AA

7 Hospice Dinner - Kimberly Smith

8 6:00 Eucharist

9 16th Sunday after Pentecost

8:30 Eucharist- CFS 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Eucharist 12:15 Luther Choir 12:30 Grief Support 1:00 K-5th Youth 6:00 HS Youth

10 9:10 Counting Team 11:00 Social Ministry 12:00 Conversations 5:30 Christkindlmarkt Planning 6:00 Evening Prayer 7:00 Midtown AA

11 9:30 Faith Circle 10:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Prayer Group 1:00 Peace Circle 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:00 Girl Scouts 6:30 Praise Circle 8:00 Welcome AA

12 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 12:00 Healing Svc 6:00 Crossways 6:00 MS Youth 6:00 Adult Handbells 7:00 Confirmation 7:00 Adult Choir

13 10:00 Crossways 10:00 Bees On A Mission Quilting 6:00 TOPS 6:30 Boy Scouts 6:30 Council 7:00 Midtown AA


15 9:00 New Member Orientation 2:00 Todd Cook’s Ordination & reception 6:00 Eucharist; New members received

16 St. Matthew New members rec’d 8:30 Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 Bp. Bradosky presentation 11:00 Eucharist 12:15 Luther Choir 12:30 Fellowship Potluck 6:00 HS Youth

17 9:10 Counting Team 12:00 Conversations 5:30 Quilt Ministry 6:00 Evening Prayer 7:00 Midtown AA

18 10:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Prayer Group 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:30 Joyful Noise 6:30 Stephen Ministry 8:00 Welcome AA

19 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 12:00 Healing Svc 6:00 Crossways 6:00 MS Youth 6:00 Adult Handbells 7:00 Confirmation 7:00 Adult Choir

20 10:00 Crossways 10:00 Bees On A Mission Quilting 6:00 TOPS 6:30 Boy Scouts 7:00 Midtown AA

21 Hospice Dinner - Lynette Farmer

7:00 MS Lock-in

22 6:00 Eucharist; Christkindlmarkt Bake Sale after service 6:00 HS Scavenger Hunt

23 18th Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 Eucharist- CFS 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 WIHN set-up 11:00 Eucharist Christkindlmarkt Bake Sale after both services 12:15 Luther Choir 6:00 HS Youth

24 9:10 Counting Team 12:00 Conversations 5:00 Christkindlmarkt Planning (offsite) 6:00 Evening Prayer 7:00 Midtown AA

25 10:00 Prayer Group 6:00 Property Team 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:00 Girl Scouts 8:00 Welcome AA

26 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 12:00 Healing Svc 6:00 Crossways 6:00 MS Youth 6:00 Adult Handbells 7:00 Confirmation 7:00 Adult Choir

27 10:00 Crossways 10:00 Bees On A Mission Quilting 11:30 OWL’s Luncheon 6:00 TOPS 6:30 Boy Scouts 7:00 Midtown AA


29 6:00 Eucharist

30 Michael & All Angels 8:30 Eucharist- CFS 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 WIHN clean-up 11:00 Eucharist 12:15 Luther Choir 6:00 HS Youth

WIHN Families September 23-30.

Those Serving in September 2018

ASSISTING MINISTERS 2 8:30 Bethel Paris 11:00 Zan Bramley 9 8:30 Butch Ruefle 11:00 Suzanne Whitmarsh 16 8:30 Sheila Leach 11:00 Pr. Peter Hoyer 23 8:30 Steve Manor 11:00 Lou Painter 30 8:30 Butch Ruefle 11:00 Joel Peterson

LECTORS Saturday: 1 -Ellen James 8- Marti Felter 15-George Schwenzer 22-Brigitte Walters 29-Janet Tweedy Sunday: 2 8:30 Vivian Alexander 11:00 Donna Adams 9 8:30 Bill Paris 11:00 Jerry Bramley 16 8:30 Butch Ruefle 11:00 Pr. Marv Schedler, Pr. Robert Weeks 23 8:30 Ryan Allison 11:00 Lynette Farmer 30 8:30 Paul Mowrey 11:00 Carol Comeskey

COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Saturday: 1-Kris Auch 8-Carrie McDonough 15-Ellen James 22-Heidi Apel 29-Jean P. Manley Sunday: 2 8:30 Butch and Karen Ruefle, Karin Cook, Gina Schiess 11:00 Kristi Wade, Pr. Robert Weeks, Carol Comeskey, Stan Brunt 9 8:30 Settie Jones, Beth Hales, Sondra North, Ryan Allison 11:00 Judy Daniels, Mary Pollard, Connie Palmber, Jon Lindsay 16 8:30 Gina vanderWal, Kris Hall, Barbara Duff, Ken Johns 11:00 TBA (Pastors) 23 8:30 Terri Dearie, Nancy Wells, Linda Renzaglia, John Bink 11:00 Jerry and Zan Bramley, Ana Maria Jackson, Dave Davis 30 8:30 Brigitte Walters, Sheila Leach, Diana Robinson, Steve Manor 11:00 Todd and Melissa Shaver, Kristi Wade, Pr. Robert Weeks

HOSPICE MEAL 7 Kimberly Smith 21 Lynette Farmer

FINANCE Courier: Keri Rutland

Counters: Marcie Schedler , Cindy Lindsay

USHERS Saturday: Richard Thompson Sunday: 2 8:30 John Tullous, Jamie Price 11:00 David Rutland, Trevor Hornick 9 8:30 Bill Rose, Jamie Price 11:00 Stan Brunt, Dave Davis 16 8:30 John Bink, David Dearie 11:00 Happy Wade, Matthew Whitmarsh 23 8:30 Frank Gray, Butch Ruefle 11:00 Frank and Marti Felter 30 8:30 Bill Rose, Andy Rappold 11:00 Bill Gourville, Art Dingfelder

ACOLYTES 2 8:30 Jacob Harms 11:00 Matthew Whitmarsh 9 8:30 Harrison Rutland 11:00 Stuart Shaver 16 8:30 Jacob Harms 11:00 Hannah Brekhus, Alex Porter, Stuart Shaver 23 8:30 Jacob Harms 11:00 Stuart Shaver 30 8:30 Jacob Harms 11:00 Hannah Brekhus

CRUCIFERS 2 8:30 Thomas Mowrey 11:00 Robert Shivers 9 8:30 Thomas Mowrey 11:00 Garrison Beall 16 8:30 Braden Cumbo 11:00 Robert Shivers 23 8:30 Garrison Beall 11:00 Jane Shaver 30 8:30 Thomas Mowrey 11:00 Robert Shivers

GREETERS Saturday: Mike and Lynn Stophel Sunday: 8:30 Nancy Wells, Mike and Sally Burns (Sept. 2) Ken and Irene Shea (Sept. 9-30) 11:00 Lou and Jenny Painter

ALTAR GUILD Saturday: Christi Monroe Sunday: 2 Margaret Ballantine, Judy Daniels 9 Arlene Robie, Teresa Hall 16 Barbara Moore, Lynette Farmer 23 Beth Hales, Carol Comeskey 30 Lynette Farmer, Jenny Manning, Carol Comeskey

ALTAR FLOWERS 2 Art and Jan Magnus Todd and Melissa Shaver 9 Diana Robinson Karen Schmoke 16 Mike and Cindy Perretta Fred and June Doll 23 *Both slots open 30 Ken and Gina Schiess Kenn and Wanda Slocum

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