Montague kevin presentation

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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Determination Because Imagination is 100 times stronger than 100 times gravity.

Hard work and Fun goes hand and hand.

Work hard for what you want in life.

No matter what bumps you may face on the road of life, Success is right around the corner.

Enjoy the stuff you worked hard for you Earned it.


Happy Wife Happy Life !

The Youth of today are the Future of tomorrow.

No caption needed Ruff!

Never Forget those who where there for you.

Be The One that people look up to.

Learn your Craft

Knowledge is power

I believe in the Importance of Friendship.

Don’t let Fear control you.

Break the Barrier , let nothing hold you back.

Past, Present, and Future

Be Loud be Heard

Be Yourself

Be Creative

Inspire those around you to be Great

Make your own Destiny

Failure is an option.

Perseverance is key.

Live, Learn, and Adapt.

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