Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Behaviors Related to · addiction (Saccone et al. 2007; Berrettini et al. 2008; Lips

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Molecular Mechanisms Underlying BehaviorsRelated to Nicotine Addiction

Marina R. Picciotto1 and Paul J. Kenny2

1Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 065082Department of Molecular Therapeutics, The Scripps Research Institute, Florida Campus, Jupiter, Florida 33458


Tobacco smoking results in more than 5 million deaths each year and accounts for almost90% of all deaths from lung cancer. Nicotine, the major reinforcing component of tobaccosmoke, acts in the brain through the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).The nAChRs are allosterically regulated, ligand-gated ion channels consisting of five mem-brane-spanning subunits. Twelve mammalian a subunits (a2–a10) and b subunits (b2–b4)have been cloned. The predominant nAChR subtypes in mammalian brain are those con-taining a4 and b2 subunits (denoted as a4b2� nAChRs). The a4b2� nAChRs mediate manybehaviors related to nicotine addiction and are the primary targets for currently approvedsmoking cessation agents. Considering the large number of nAChR subunits in the brain, it islikely that nAChRs containing subunits in addition to a4 and b2 also play a role in tobaccosmoking. Indeed, genetic variation in the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 gene cluster, en-coding the a5, a3, and b4 nAChR subunits, respectively, has been shown to increase vul-nerability to tobacco dependence and smoking-associated diseases including lung cancer.Moreover, mice in which expression ofa5 orb4 subunits has been genetically modified haveprofoundlyaltered patterns of nicotine consumption. In addition to the reinforcing propertiesof nicotine, the effects of nicotine on appetite, attention, and mood are also thought tocontribute to establishment and maintenance of the tobacco smoking habit. Here wereview recent insights into the behavioral actions of nicotine and the nAChRs subtypesinvolved, which likely contribute to the development of tobacco dependence in smokers.


The mesolimbic dopamine (DA) system is acentral mediator of drug reward and rein-

forcement (Koob 1992). Lesions of the ventraltegmental area (VTA) and its primary projec-tion area, the nucleus accumbens (nAc), greatly

attenuate nicotine self-administration and thepsychostimulant properties of nicotine (its abil-ity to increase locomotion [Clarke et al. 1988;Corrigall et al. 1992, 1994]). A great deal of pro-gress has been made in identifying the nAChRsubtypes expressed in both the dopaminergicand GABAergic neurons of the VTA and onneuronal terminals in the nAc (Klink et al.2001; Zoli et al. 2002). DA neurons express

Editors: R. Christopher Pierce and Paul J. Kenny

Additional Perspectives on Addiction available at

Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012112

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heteromeric nAChRs containing the a4, a5, a6,b2, and b3 subunits in various combinations,with the predominant subtypes being a4/b2/a5 and a4/a6/b2/b3. The a6 subunit appearsto be selectively expressed in DA neurons (LeNovere et al. 1996; Drenan et al. 2008b), al-though a recent report has suggested that theremay be an effect of a6-containing receptorson GABA transmission in the VTA (Yang et al.2011). In addition, a7 homomeric nAChRs areexpressed in DA neurons (Klink et al. 2001),as well as on neuronal terminals on afferents tothe VTA (Mansvelder et al. 2002; Wooltortonet al. 2003).

Electrophysiological studies have shownthat nAChRs containing the b2 subunit are es-sential for the ability of nicotine to depolarizeDA cell bodies in the VTA and to increase theirfiring rate (Picciotto et al. 1998; Zhou et al.2001). While the predominant inward currentsowing to nicotine in these neurons involve b2�

nAChRs, nicotine can also modulate the pre-synaptic input to DA neurons from GABAer-gic and glutamatergic terminals impinging onthem. In a slice preparation, nicotine can po-tentiate glutamate input to DA neurons througha7 nAChRs, resulting in long-term potentia-tion of those inputs (Mansvelder and McGehee2000). In addition, nicotine can desensitize b2�

nAChRs on GABAergic inputs to DA neurons,resulting in a shift from mixed excitation andinhibition of DA neurons by nicotine, to a moreunmixed stimulation of nAChRs on presynap-tic glutamatergic terminals (Mansvelder et al.2002; Wooltorton et al. 2003).

Evidence from mouse genetic models withknockout or mutations of nAChR subunits sug-gests that the postsynaptic depolarization of DAneurons is essential for behaviors related tonicotine reward and reinforcement such as nic-otine place preference and self-administration.Knockout of the b2 subunit abolishes nicotine-mediated DA release (Picciotto et al. 1998;Grady et al. 2001), nicotine-induced locomotoractivation (King et al. 2004), nicotine self-ad-ministration (Picciotto et al. 1998; Maskos et al.2005), and nicotine place preference (Walterset al. 2006; Brunzell et al. 2009; Mineur et al.2009a). Similarly, knockout of the a4 subunit

abolishes intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) self-administration of nicotine, consistent with evi-dence that a4/b2� nAChRs are required for de-polarization of DA neurons in the VTA (Exleyet al. 2011; McGranahan et al. 2011). Converse-ly, knockin of a hypersensitive a4 subunit shiftsthe dose-response curve for nicotine-inducedincreases in DA neuron firing to the left, andresults in nicotine place preference at very lowdoses of the drug (Tapper et al. 2004). Similarly,expression of a hypersensitive a6 subunit in abacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) trans-genic mouse line potentiates nicotine-inducedburst firing in DA neurons, and potentiates nic-otine place preference at low doses of nicotine(Drenan et al. 2008a, 2010).

A series of recent studies have providedfurther support for the involvement of a6�

nAChRs in nicotine self-administration. Micelacking the a6 subunit do not acquire intrave-nous nicotine self-administration (Pons et al.2008). Similarly, conotoxins selective for a6/b2� nAChRs disrupt nicotine self-administra-tion in the rat when infused into the VTA (Gottiet al. 2010) and following self-administrationtraining, these conotoxins decrease the motiva-tion to lever press for nicotine on a progressiveratio schedule (Brunzell et al. 2010). In contrast,mice with constitutive knockout of the a6 sub-unit, intra-VTA self-administration of nicotineis not disrupted, whereas a4� nAChRs are nec-essary and sufficient for both intra-VTA self-administration, as well as nicotine-induced in-creases in firing of DA neurons (Exley et al.2011; McGranahan et al. 2011); however, a4anda6 subunits are both required for the abilityof nicotine to gate DA transmission in the nAc,suggesting that nAChRs in nAc may be moreimportant in motivation to self-administer nic-otine (Brunzell et al. 2010; Exley et al. 2011) andthat this may affect acquisition of intravenousself-administration behavior (Pons et al. 2008;Gotti et al. 2010), as well as nicotine-dependentlocomotor activation (Gotti et al. 2010).

Despite its contribution to nicotine-depen-dent plasticity in the VTA, knockout of the a7subunit in mice does not affect nicotine placepreference (Walters et al. 2006) or acquisition ofnicotine self-administration (Pons et al. 2008);

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however, antagonizing a7-type nAChRs in thenAc or anterior cingulate cortex in the rat in-creases the motivation to self-administer nico-tine, whereas infusion of a selective a7 agonistdecreases motivation, as measured using a pro-gressive ratio schedule (Brunzell and McIntosh2012). a7-type nAChRs may modulate, ratherthan mediate, nicotine reinforcement and there-fore the effect of a7 knockout may be moresubtle than knockout of b2� nAChRs.

An important role for nAChRs in the VTA innicotine reinforcement has been shown usingboth molecular genetic and pharmacologicaltechniques. Selective viral reexpression of b2�

(Maskos et al. 2005; Pons et al. 2008) or a4�

nAChRs in the VTA is sufficient to supportboth intra-VTA (Maskos et al. 2005) and sys-temic nicotine self-administration (Pons et al.2008), identifying the nAChR subtypes neces-sary for nicotine reinforcement, as well as dem-onstrating the importance of nAChRs withinthe VTA itself for this behavior. This is consis-tent with previous studies suggesting thatnAChRs within the VTA are critical for nicotinereward, because local infusion of a nicotinic ag-onist into the VTA, but not the nAc, is sufficientfor nicotine place preference in the rat (Museoand Wise 1994).

Thus, molecular genetic studies support theidea thata4/a6/b2� nAChRs on DA neurons inthe VTA are essential for nicotine reinforce-ment. These experiments in mice are supportedby pharmacological studies in rats, and providea consistent molecular subtype and neuroana-tomical locus for the rewarding and reinforcingeffects of nicotine.


The habenula is a diencephalic structure locat-ed on the dorsomedial surface of the caudalthalamus that is segregated into medial (MHb)and lateral (LHb) domains (Lecourtier andKelly 2007; Hikosaka 2010). The MHb andLHb are anatomically, chemically, and function-ally distinct subnuclei, each with different com-

plements of afferent and efferent connections.LHb receives afferent inputs from, and projectsextensively to, midbrain and hindbrain sites. Inparticular, the LHb projects densely to the ros-tromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) (Jhouet al. 2009), and has a well-established inhibito-ry effect on the firing of midbrain dopamineneurons (Lecourtier and Kelly 2007; Matsu-moto and Hikosaka 2009; Hikosaka 2010;Bromberg-Martin and Hikosaka 2011). LHbneurons are excited by omission of anticipatedrewards or exposure to aversive stimuli (Le-courtier and Kelly 2007; Matsumoto and Hiko-saka 2009; Hikosaka 2010; Bromberg-Martinand Hikosaka 2011). This has prompted con-siderable interest in the role for LHb neurons inencoding negative motivational states. Unlikethe LHb, the MHb projects almost exclusivelyto the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) via thefasciculus retroflexus (Fr) (Lecourtier and Kel-ly 2007; Hikosaka 2010). MHb is comprisedof neurons that produce the neurotransmittersacetylcholine or substance P (Cuello et al. 1978;Eckenrode et al. 1987), and a small populationthat produce the cytokine interleukin-18 (IL-18) (Sugama et al. 2002). However, it is believedthat most MHb neurons also produce and co-release glutamate, with this excitatory neuro-transmitter considered the major functionaltransmitter at the MHb-IPN synapse (Mataet al. 1977; Vincent et al. 1980; Girod et al.2000; Ren et al. 2011). The MHb containssome of the highest densities of nicotine-bind-ing sites in brain (Mugnaini et al. 2002). In par-ticular, the highest density of a5, a3, and b4nAChR subunit expression in brain is detectedin MHb and/or IPN (De Biasi and Salas 2008).Indeed, approximately 90%–100% of MHbneurons express a3, a4, a5, b2, and b4 nAChRsubunits (Sheffield et al. 2000), and in mousebrain slices through the MHb, .85% of neuronsrespond to nicotine with an inward current, andthese currents are not altered in mice lacking theb2 nAChR subunit (Picciotto et al. 1995). It isalso hypothesized that �20% of functionalnAChRs in rat MHb neurons that project toIPN contain a5 subunits (Grady et al. 2009).

The fact that the MHb-IPN pathway is en-riched in a5, a3, and b4 nAChR subunits is of

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particular interest in the context of recent hu-man genetics findings. It has been shown thatallelic variation in the a5/a3/b4 nAChR sub-unit gene cluster located in chromosome region15q25 significantly increases the risk of tobaccoaddiction (Saccone et al. 2007; Berrettini et al.2008; Lips et al. 2010). For example, a singlenucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in CHRNA5(rs16969968) that is very common in those ofEuropean descent (minor allele frequency ¼0.42) increases the risk of tobacco dependenceby �30% in individuals carrying a single copyof the variant, and more than doubles the riskin those carrying two risk alleles (Bierut et al.2008; Wang et al. 2009); a finding that has beenconsistently replicated (Berrettini et al. 2008;Bierut et al. 2008; Grucza et al. 2008; Stevenset al. 2008). The rs16969968 risk variant is asso-ciated with heavy smoking (Berrettini et al.2008; Bierut et al. 2008; Grucza et al. 2008; Ste-vens et al. 2008), earlyonset of smoking behavior(Weiss et al. 2008), and with “pleasurable buzz”from tobacco (Sherva et al. 2008). In addi-tion, the same genetic variability in CHRNA5 isalso a major risk factor for lung cancer andchronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)in smokers (Amos et al. 2008; Hung et al. 2008;Wang et al. 2010), likely reflecting higher levelsof tobacco dependence in individuals carryingrisk alleles and consequently greater exposure tocarcinogens and toxins contained in tobaccosmoke (Le Marchand et al. 2008; Thorgeirssonet al. 2008). In addition to the rs16969968 SNPin CHRNA5, there is also increased risk of to-bacco dependence in individuals carrying thers6495308, rs578776, or rs1051730 SNPs inCHRNA3 (Berrettini et al. 2008; Saccone et al.2009), and rs1948 in CHRNB4 (Schlaepfer et al.2008).

The above findings suggest that nAChRscontaining a5, a3, and/or b4 nAChR subunits,densely expressed in the MHb-IPN pathway,regulate addiction-related actions of nico-tine. Consistent with an important role fora5� nAChRs in regulating nicotine intake, itwas recently shown that mice with a null muta-tion for this subunit intravenously self-admin-istered far more nicotine than their wild-typelittermates (Fowler et al. 2011). Interestingly,

the knockout mice consumed more nicotineonly when higher unit doses of the drug wereavailable (Fowler et al. 2011). By using Fos im-munoreactivity as a measure of neuronal acti-vation, it was shown that the MHb-IPN path-way of the knockout mice was far less sensitiveto nicotine-induced activation than wild-typemice (Fowler et al. 2011). Moreover, chemicalinactivation of the MHb or the IPN using thelocal anesthetic lidocaine, or disruption ofNMDA receptor-mediated glutamatergic trans-mission in these sites using the competitiveantagonist LY2358959, increased nicotine self-administration behavior in rats in a mannersimilar to what was observed in a5 nAChR sub-unit knockout mice (Fowler et al. 2011). Virus-mediated reexpression of thea5 nAChR subunitin the MHb-IPN pathway of knockout miceabolished the increased nicotine intake seen athigher doses of nicotine (Fowler et al. 2011).Conversely, RNA interference-mediated knock-down of a5 nAChR subunits in the MHb-IPNpathway in rats resulted in increased nicotineintake at higher unit doses of the drug, verysimilar to the same behavioral profile detectedin the knockout mice (Fowler et al. 2011). Fi-nally, knockdown of a5 nAChR subunits inthe MHb-IPN pathway in rats decreased theirsensitivity to the reward-inhibiting (i.e., aver-sive) actions of higher nicotine doses comparedwith control rats, as measured by nicotine-in-duced elevations of intracranial self-stimulation(ICSS) reward thresholds (Fowler et al. 2011).Taken together, these findings suggest that nic-otine activates the MHb-IPN pathway throughstimulatory effects on a5� nAChRs. Nicotine-induced activation of the MHb-IPN pathwayresults in a negative motivational signal thatserves to limit further nicotine intake. Hence,disruption of a5� nAChR signaling diminishesthe stimulatory effects of nicotine on MHb-IPNactivity, and thereby permits consumption ofgreater quantities of nicotine.

In addition to a5� nAChRs, evidence sug-gests that b4� nAChRs in the MHb-IPN path-way also play an important role in regulatingnicotine consumption. Specifically, overexpres-sion of b4� nAChRs in mice using BAC trans-genic technology resulted in greatly diminished

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sensitivity to the reinforcing properties of orallyconsumed nicotine solutions and far less con-sumption of the drug than wild-type mice(Frahm et al. 2011). This finding suggests that,similar to a5� nAChRs, b4� nAChRs in theMHb-IPN pathway also regulate sensitivity tothe aversive effects of nicotine that control thequantities of the drug consumed.

Dependence on tobacco smoking dependsnot only on the balance between the rewardingand aversive action of nicotine described above,but also on escape from the aversive conse-quences of nicotine withdrawal (Doherty et al.1995; Kenny and Markou 2001). Indeed, with-drawal duration and severity predicts relapse inabstinent human smokers (Piasecki et al. 1998,2000, 2003). The nicotine withdrawal syndromein abstinent smokers is composed of “physical”or somatic components, and “affective” compo-nents. The most common somatic symptomsinclude bradycardia, gastrointestinal discom-fort, and increased appetite. Affective symp-toms primarily include depressed mood includ-ing anhedonia, dysphoria, anxiety, irritability,difficulty concentrating, and craving (Parrott1993; Doherty et al. 1995; Kenny and Markou2001). Similar to a5 subunits, a2 subunits arehighly enriched in the IPN (Grady et al. 2009).Recently, it was shown that a5 and a2 subunitknockout mice that were dependent on nicotine(delivered through subcutaneously implantedosmotic minipumps) did not show somaticsigns of nicotine withdrawal when withdrawalwas precipitated with the nAChR antagonistmecamylamine (Salas et al. 2009). Moreover, di-rect infusion of mecamylamine into the IPN, butnot the VTA, of nicotine-dependent wild-typemice precipitated the expression of somaticwithdrawal signs (Salas et al. 2009). This sug-gests that a5� and a2� nAChRs in the MHb-IPN pathway, and perhaps other nAChR sub-types enriched in this pathway, regulate theexpression of somatic signs of nicotine with-drawal. However, little is known concerningthe role for nAChRs in the MHb-IPN tract inregulating affective aspects of nicotine with-drawal, and in particular, withdrawal-associatedreward deficits that may motivate relapse duringperiods of abstinence in human smokers.

Taken together, the above findings supporta key role for a5 and b4, and perhaps also a2and a3 nAChRs, which are enriched in theMHb-IPN pathway in regulating nicotine rein-forcement and the expression of the nicotinewithdrawal syndrome in nicotine-dependentrodents. As such, nAChRs containing these sub-units may be important targets for the devel-opment of novel therapeutics for smoking ces-sation.


Nicotine reinforcement and avoidance of theaversive effects of nicotine withdrawal are clearlyfundamental for ongoing smoking, but a num-ber of other factors are also likely to contributeto smoking behavior in humans. nAChRs areexpressed throughout the brain on both excit-atory and inhibitory neurons, with the ability toincrease inhibition of circuits when excitation ishigh and to increase excitation when circuits areless active (Picciotto 2003). The result of thiscircuit-level integration is that nicotine canmodulate behavioral function bidirectionally,acting as a stimulant and increasing anxiety un-der some conditions and decreasing activity andanxiety in others (Picciotto 2003).

Some individuals report that they smoketo improve attention (Rusted and Warburton1992; Warburton et al. 1992), and the abilityof smoking to improve attentional function inindividuals with schizophrenia (George et al.2002) is likely to contribute to their extremelyhigh rates of smoking. Similarly, a large propor-tion of smokers report that they smoke to con-trol symptoms of anxiety and depression (Pic-ciotto et al. 2002), and the rate of smoking inindividuals with affective disorders is more thandouble the rate in the general population (Kal-man et al. 2005). The idea that some individualssmoke to self-medicate psychiatric symptomsis thought to underlie the high rate of smokingin individuals with psychiatric illness, and someestimates suggest that �44% of cigarettes are

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sold to individuals with a current psychiatriccondition (Lasser et al. 2000).

Effects of nAChRs on Anxiety- andDepression-Like Behaviors

Studies in mouse genetic models have helpedidentify the nAChR subtypes involved in a num-ber of behavioral effects of nicotine that mayaffect human smoking. Nicotine is known tohave both anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects inrodents (File et al. 2000), and these effects arelikely to depend on different nAChR subtypes.For example, chronic administration of nicotineincreased anxiety-like behavior in female, butnot male, mice (Caldarone et al. 2008), whereasknockout mice lacking the b4 subunit show lessanxiety-like behaviors at baseline (Salas et al.2003) and no difference in anxiety-like behav-iors were seen at baseline or following nicotineadministration in mice lacking the b2 subunit(Caldarone et al. 2008). Similarly, female, butnot male, knockout mice lacking the a5 sub-unit showed reduced anxiety-like behavior, andthis may be related to progesterone effects ona5 subunit expression (Gangitano et al. 2009).These data suggest that stimulation of a5b4�

nAChRs is important for the anxiogenic effectsof nicotine.

The effects of nicotine on depression-likebehavior are also complex. Studies in the Flin-ders sensitive line of rats have shown that acutenicotine administration is antidepressant-likein the forced swim test and that this effect canbe blocked by the nicotinic antagonist meca-mylamine, suggesting that activation of nAChRsdecreases depression-like behavior in this mod-el (Tizabi et al. 2000). In contrast, the nicotinicantagonist mecamylamine has antidepressant-like effects in mice (Caldarone et al. 2004; Ra-benstein et al. 2006; Andreasen et al. 2009), andcan be effective as an add-on medication in de-pressed human subjects who are nonresponsiveto an SSRI (George et al. 2008). Similarly, nic-otinic partial agonists, that would be expectedto decrease activity of acetylcholine at endog-enous nAChRs when cholinergic tone is highbut increase activity of nAChRs when choliner-gic tone is low, are effective in mouse models

of antidepressant efficacy (Mineur et al. 2007,2009b, 2011b; Rollema et al. 2009; Caldaroneet al. 2011) and in human smokers (Philipet al. 2009). These data suggest that inhibitionof nAChRs in some neuronal subtypes or brainareas and activation in others may contribute toan antidepressant-like effect of nicotinic drugs,so the cycles of nAChR activation and desensi-tization experienced by smokers may result influctuations in depressive symptoms through-out the day. Both the antagonist mecamylamine(Rabenstein et al. 2006) and the partial agonistsazetidine (Caldarone et al. 2011), as well as theclassical antidepressant amitriptyline (Calda-rone et al. 2004), are ineffective in mice lackingthe b2 subunit, and these knockout mice showdecreased depression-like behavior at baseline,suggesting that b2� nAChRs are critical for theantidepressant-like effects of nicotinic drugs;however, mice lacking the a7 subunit are alsoresistant to the antidepressant-like effects ofmecamylamine (Rabenstein et al. 2006), andthe effects of the partial agonist sazetidine couldbe blocked with mecamylamine (Caldaroneet al. 2011), suggesting that other nAChR sub-types may also contribute to the antidepressant-like effects of nicotinic drugs, and that activa-tion as well as inhibition of nAChRs can resultin antidepressant-like effects.

Effects of nAChRs on Behaviors Relatedto Attention

In addition to effects on anxiety and depression,nicotine and nicotinic drugs can improve at-tention in control subjects (Rusted and Warbur-ton 1992) and individuals with schizophrenia(Sacco et al. 2004). Interestingly, after controlsubjects quit smoking and transition past theacute withdrawal period, their working memo-ry function improves compared with when theywere smoking (George et al. 2002). In contrast,individuals with schizophrenia show impairedattentional performance once they quit smok-ing (George et al. 2002). Genetic and functionalstudies have implicated a7 nAChRs in prepulseinhibition, a physiological marker associatedwith schizophrenia (Leonard et al. 2000; Freed-man et al. 2003). Mice lacking the a7 subunit

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have been shown to have impaired trace eye-blink conditioning (Brown et al. 2010). Thesedata suggest that optimal nAChR stimulationis achieved at baseline in control subjects orwild-type mice with normal a7 nAChR levels,whereas nicotine from tobacco smoke canfurther improve attention in individuals withschizophrenia.

Studies using knockout mice with lentivi-ral-mediated reexpression have shown thatb2� nAChRs in the prelimbic medial prefrontalcortex (mPFC) are important for normal per-formance of the five-choice serial reaction timetask measuring visual attention. Similarly, rapidacetylcholine transients in the mPFC are cor-related with attention to brief cues, and micelacking the b2, but not the a7, subunit showimpaired performance in an attentional task(Parikh et al. 2007, 2008). Studies in rodentshave also implicated nAChRs on glutamatergicthalamocortical neurons impinging on layerfive pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortexas an important site for nAChR control of at-tention (Lambe et al. 2005; Bailey et al. 2010).Overall, it appears that nAChRs in thalamo-cor-ticothalamic loops are important for regulatingglutamate release in this circuit, and for medi-ating the effects of acetylcholine on attentionalfunction (Heath and Picciotto 2009).

In addition to effects of nicotine on atten-tional function in adulthood, many studies haveshown a role for nAChRs in maturation of cir-cuits important for attention during develop-ment (reviewed in Heath and Picciotto 2009).Mice administered nicotine during the adoles-cent period show deficits in the five-choice se-rial reaction time task that are associated withdecreased expression of mGluR2 receptors, andthat are rescued by administration of mGluR2agonists (Counotte et al. 2011). Similarly, a5/b2� nAChRs on layer six cortical glutamatergicprojection neurons to the thalamus are essentialin maturation of this circuit and for normaladult performance in passive avoidance, a so-matosensory aversive learning task (King et al.2003; Heath et al. 2010). Electrophysiologicalstudies have shown that currents mediatedthrough a5/b2� nAChRs are maximal in theearly postnatal period (Kassam et al. 2008). Nic-

otine administration during this same periodalters performance in the passive avoidancetask in normal mice as well as in mice withexpression of b2� nAChRs exclusively in corti-cothalamic neurons (Heath et al. 2010), sug-gesting that disrupting normal acetylcholinesignaling through these nAChRs during a criti-cal period has lasting effects on function of thecorticothalamic circuit in passive avoidance be-havior. Interestingly, modulation of nicotinicfunction through the lynx1 protein is also im-portant for regulating the critical period for ac-tivity-dependent visual system development(Morishita et al. 2010).

Effects of nAChRs on Food Intake

The anorexic effects of smoking have been well-documented in human subjects, and the prin-cipal reason cited by female teenagers for whythey smoke is weight control (Voorhees et al.2002). On average, smokers weigh �5 kg lessthan nonsmokers and have significantly lowerbody mass index than nonsmokers (Albaneset al. 1987). Similarly, nicotine decreases feedingin animal models (Grunberg et al. 1987), sug-gesting that the nicotine in tobacco is importantfor the effects of smoking on appetite. Whereasb2a4a6� nAChRs are critical for nicotine re-ward and reinforcement, b4� nAChRs on pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in thearcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus are neces-sary for the appetite-suppressing effects of nic-otine (Mineur et al. 2011a). There are a numberof nAChR subtypes expressed in the hypothala-mus (Jo et al. 2002, 2005), and nicotine can stim-ulate the firing of both POMC neurons, whichsignal satiety, and neuropeptide Y (NPY) neu-rons, which stimulate food seeking (Huang et al.2011). Interestingly, in a slice preparation, theeffects of nicotine on firing of POMC neuronspersist longer than firing of NPY neurons,showing that at the circuit level, stimulation ofnAChRs shifts the balance toward neuronal pat-terns that signal satiety (Huang et al. 2011).

Although b4� nAChRs on POMC neuronscan signal satiety, nAChRs in the mesolimbicdopamine system may be more important forthe motivation to work for food. The DA system

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is important for the hedonic value of both drugsof abuse, like nicotine, and palatable foods(Kenny 2011). Food or sugar intake can increaseacetylcholine release in the VTA (Hajnal et al.1998; Rada et al. 2000), and withdrawal frombinge eating increases acetylcholine release inthe nAc (Avena et al. 2008). Interestingly, block-ing a7 nicotinic AChRs in the VTA can decreasefood seeking (Schilstrom et al. 1998). In con-trast, previous nicotine exposure increases themotivation of mice to work for food, and this isattributable to non-b2� nAChRs (Brunzell et al.2006). Taken together, these data show that, inaddition to its effects on satiety mediatedthrough POMC neuron signaling, acetylcholinein the mesolimbic system is also likely to affectmotivation to seek palatable foods and to mod-ulate their hedonic value through distinctnAChR subtypes.


The high-affinity a4b2� nAChRs play a key rolein the behavioral actions of nicotine that con-tribute to the development of tobacco depen-dence, including its effects on brain circuitriesinvolved in reinforcement, mood, attention,and food consumption. Recent evidence hasshed important light on other nAChR subunitsthat may also be incorporated into the a4b2�

nAChRs that regulate these processes. For ex-ample, incorporation of a6 and b3 nAChRsubunits in a4b2� nAChRs in the mesoaccum-bens pathway gives rise to a nAChR subtype(a4a6b2b3�) that appears to play a particularlyimportant role in nicotine reinforcement. Inaddition, nAChR subtypes containing a5, a3,and/or b4 nAChR subunits have been impli-cated in regulating the aversive properties ofnicotine that control the quantities of the drugconsumed and in the development of tobaccodependence. In addition, b4� nAChRs also playan important role in appetite regulation, partic-ularly the inhibitory effects of nicotine on ap-petite that underlie the anorectic effects of to-bacco smoke. A more refined understanding ofthe precise contribution of discrete nAChR sub-types to these addiction-relevant properties ofnicotine may reveal important new targets for

the development of novel therapeutics for to-bacco dependence. Moreover, such novel thera-peutics could also have utility for the treatmentof mood and attention disorders and the con-trol of body weight.


The authors are supported by grants DA14241(M.R.P.) and DA020686 (P.J.K.) from the Na-tional Institute on Drug Abuse.


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November 9, 20122013; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012112 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Marina R. Picciotto and Paul J. Kenny AddictionMolecular Mechanisms Underlying Behaviors Related to Nicotine

Subject Collection Addiction

Transmission in the Ventral Tegmental AreaDrug-Evoked Synaptic Plasticity of Excitatory

LüscherCamilla Bellone, Michael Loureiro and Christian

Neural Substrates and Circuits of Drug Addiction

FuchsMatthew W. Feltenstein, Ronald E. See and Rita A.

Transgenerational Echo of the Opioid CrisisNeonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS): A

Reiner, et al.Andrew E. Weller, Richard C. Crist, Benjamin C.

Underlying Opioid AddictionGlutamatergic Systems and Memory Mechanisms

PetersJasper A. Heinsbroek, Taco J. De Vries and Jamie

of Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine NeuronsOpioid-Induced Molecular and Cellular Plasticity

Marie A. Doyle and Michelle S. Mazei-RobisonDependenceThe Role of the Central Amygdala in Alcohol

Marisa Roberto, Dean Kirson and Sophia Khom

Release in Reward Seeking and AddictionA Brain on Cannabinoids: The Role of Dopamine

Kate Z. Peters, Erik B. Oleson and Joseph F. CheerUse DisorderMedications Development for Treatment of Opioid

Matthew L. BanksE. Andrew Townsend, S. Stevens Negus and

Growth Factors and Alcohol Use DisorderMirit Liran, Nofar Rahamim, Dorit Ron, et al. Accumbens Glutamatergic Transmission

Psychostimulant-Induced Adaptations in Nucleus

William J. Wright and Yan Dong

Opioid-Associated ComorbiditiesBrain Axis in−Opioid Modulation of the Gut

Li Zhang and Sabita Roy Next GenerationsNeurophysiology, Behavior, and Health in the Consequences of Parental Opioid Exposure on

Fair M. Vassoler and Mathieu E. Wimmer

PharmacotherapiesThe Persistent Challenge of Developing Addiction

Paul J. Kenny, et al.Sarah E. Swinford-Jackson, Charles P. O'Brien,

Substance Use DisordersAnimal Models of the Behavioral Symptoms of

Louk J.M.J. Vanderschuren and Serge H. Ahmed

Epigenetics of Drug AddictionAndrew F. Stewart, Sasha L. Fulton and Ian Maze

Circuits that Underlie Aberrant Motivational StatesSingle-Cell Strategies to Dissect the Neural Developments from Bulk Optogenetics to

Namboodiri, Marcus L. Basiri, et al.Jose Rodriguez-Romaguera, Vijay M.K. For additional articles in this collection, see

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on March 26, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press from

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