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Microcircuits in Epilepsy: Heterogeneity and Hub Cells in Network Synchronization Anh Bui, Hannah K. Kim, Mattia Maroso, and Ivan Soltesz Department of Anatomyand Neurobiology, University of California, Irvine, California 92697 Correspondence: [email protected] Epilepsy is a complex disorder involving neurological alterations that lead to the pathological development of spontaneous, recurrent seizures. For decades, seizures were thought to be largely repetitive, and had been examined at the macrocircuit level using electrophysiolog- ical recordings. However, research mapping the dynamics of large neuronal populations has revealed that seizures are not simply recurrent bursts of hypersynchrony. Instead, it is be- coming clear that seizures involve a complex interplay of different neurons and circuits. Herein, we will review studies examining microcircuit changes that may underlie network hyperexcitability, discussing observations from network theory, computational modeling, and optogenetics. We will delve into the idea of hub cells as pathological centers for seizure activity, andwill explore optogenetics as a novel avenue to target and treat patho- logical circuits. Finally, we will conclude with a discussion on future directions in the field. E pileptic seizures are large-scale events, in which synchronous neural spiking activity occurs throughout a brain region (Penfield and Jasper 1954). Traditionally, scalp and in- tracranial electroencephalography (EEG) have been used to record electrical activity during seizures, and have played important roles in the evaluation and management of patients with epilepsy (Smith 2005; Mansouri et al. 2012). However, EEG has notable limitations in terms of spatiotemporal sensitivity because of the fact that it is essentially an average mea- surement of the activity of large populations of cells; it is not able to discern the firing pat- terns of individual neurons, or even activity at the level of microcircuits, which defines the most fundamental connections between neu- rons (Buzsa ´ki et al. 2012). Therefore, although we can detect functional abnormalities in the network and pinpoint the general location of these abnormalities, the mechanisms that gov- ern seizure activity are largely unknown (van Mierlo et al. 2014). To begin to understand seizures as the result of aberrant circuit connections, we needs to be able to monitor the activity of populations of neurons with sufficient spatial resolution. Re- cently, more precise recordings of individual cells using a techniques such as two-photon mi- croscopy or single-unit recordings have shown that, surprisingly, seizures are not as repetitive and homogeneous as originally viewed. Instead, there is complex circuit communication associ- ated with epileptiform activity (Truccolo et al. 2011; Feldt Muldoon et al. 2013). Contributions of specific neuronal populations have been ob- served to be variable, and certain well-connected networks appear to play a greater role in the ini- Editors: Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels Additional Perspectives on Epilepsy: The Biologyof a Spectrum Disorder available at Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022855 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a022855 1 on January 22, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

MicrocircuitsinEpilepsy:HeterogeneityandHub Cells … has been successfully used in epilepsy to observe the hypersynchronous

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Page 1: MicrocircuitsinEpilepsy:HeterogeneityandHub Cells … has been successfully used in epilepsy to observe the hypersynchronous

Microcircuits in Epilepsy: Heterogeneity and HubCells in Network Synchronization

Anh Bui, Hannah K. Kim, Mattia Maroso, and Ivan Soltesz

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of California, Irvine, California 92697

Correspondence: [email protected]

Epilepsy is a complex disorder involving neurological alterations that lead to the pathologicaldevelopment of spontaneous, recurrent seizures. For decades, seizures were thought to belargely repetitive, and had been examined at the macrocircuit level using electrophysiolog-ical recordings. However, research mapping the dynamics of large neuronal populations hasrevealed that seizures are not simply recurrent bursts of hypersynchrony. Instead, it is be-coming clear that seizures involve a complex interplay of different neurons and circuits.Herein, we will review studies examining microcircuit changes that may underlie networkhyperexcitability, discussing observations from network theory, computational modeling,and optogenetics. We will delve into the idea of hub cells as pathological centers forseizure activity, and will explore optogenetics as a novel avenue to target and treat patho-logical circuits. Finally, we will conclude with a discussion on future directions in the field.

Epileptic seizures are large-scale events, inwhich synchronous neural spiking activity

occurs throughout a brain region (Penfieldand Jasper 1954). Traditionally, scalp and in-tracranial electroencephalography (EEG) havebeen used to record electrical activity duringseizures, and have played important roles inthe evaluation and management of patientswith epilepsy (Smith 2005; Mansouri et al.2012). However, EEG has notable limitationsin terms of spatiotemporal sensitivity becauseof the fact that it is essentially an average mea-surement of the activity of large populationsof cells; it is not able to discern the firing pat-terns of individual neurons, or even activity atthe level of microcircuits, which defines themost fundamental connections between neu-rons (Buzsaki et al. 2012). Therefore, althoughwe can detect functional abnormalities in the

network and pinpoint the general location ofthese abnormalities, the mechanisms that gov-ern seizure activity are largely unknown (vanMierlo et al. 2014).

To begin to understand seizures as the resultof aberrant circuit connections, we needs to beable to monitor the activity of populations ofneurons with sufficient spatial resolution. Re-cently, more precise recordings of individualcells using a techniques such as two-photon mi-croscopy or single-unit recordings have shownthat, surprisingly, seizures are not as repetitiveand homogeneous as originally viewed. Instead,there is complex circuit communication associ-ated with epileptiform activity (Truccolo et al.2011; Feldt Muldoon et al. 2013). Contributionsof specific neuronal populations have been ob-served to be variable, and certain well-connectednetworks appear to play a greater role in the ini-

Editors: Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels

Additional Perspectives on Epilepsy: The Biology of a Spectrum Disorder available at

Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022855

Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a022855











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Page 2: MicrocircuitsinEpilepsy:HeterogeneityandHub Cells … has been successfully used in epilepsy to observe the hypersynchronous

tiation and progression of large-scale networkevents (Morgan and Soltesz 2008; Keller et al.2010; Sabolek et al. 2012). In addition, workfrom high-level network theory and data-drivencomputational studies have modeled how al-tered neural circuit connections can triggerseizure activity (Santhakumaret al. 2005; Dyhrf-jeld-Johnsen et al. 2007; Morgan and Soltesz2008; Bullmore and Sporns 2009). These ex-perimental breakthroughs and theoretical andcomputational models have been important inadvancing our knowledge of how seizures initi-ate and propagate through the brain. Better un-derstanding of these circuits would open newavenues in the development of interventionsthat can target and treat epileptic networks.

Here, we will review recent findings regard-ing microcircuit changes that may underlie net-work hyperexcitability in seizures, bringingin findings from studies using network theory,data-driven computational modeling, and opto-genetic technology. In particular, we will discussthe idea of hub cells as pathological niduses forseizure activity. In addition, we will explore ap-plications of optogenetics, as a tool to unravelthe large number of microcircuit changes inepilepsy, and also as a potential novel avenuefor precise targeting of pathological circuitsand noninvasive treatment. Finally, we will con-cludewith a brief discussion on future directionsand goals in the field of epilepsy research on mi-crocircuits.


EEG has been successfully used in epilepsy toobserve the hypersynchronous activity that oc-curs during seizures (van Mierlo et al. 2014).Because this hypersynchronous activity ofteninvolves large areas of the brain, it has been amajor challenge to observe brainwave patternsat the level of the neurons and their individualconnections. Therefore, it has been assumedthat hypersynchrony is just that, large popula-tions of neurons firing together in an abnormalmanner. With the advent of technologies suchas two-photon microscopy and sophisticated

calcium dyes, we have begun to learn moreabout what occurs during seizures at a micro-scopic scale (Coulter et al. 2011). It has becomepossible to visualize the activity of hundreds ofneurons during large-scale population events togain insight into the brain’s dynamics at themicrostructure level and the alterations that oc-cur in epilepsy (Rochefort et al. 2008).

In fact, when neuronal activity was mappedin the hippocampal granule cell layer in themouse, there were, surprisingly, clusters of syn-chronous cells in both nonepileptic and epilep-tic animals, but, notably, major structural andfunctional differences between the clusters fromepileptic versus nonepileptic animals existed(Fig. 1) (Feldt Muldoon et al. 2013). In partic-ular, the clusters found in epileptic animals weremuch more compact—the same number of cellsspanned less than half the volume of neuronalclusters from nonepileptic animals, and alsofired with high correlation with large-scale syn-chronous network events (Fig. 1B,C) (FeldtMuldoon et al. 2013). In contrast, clusters fromnonepileptic animals fired continuously andindependently from network events (Fig. 1B)(Feldt Muldoon et al. 2013). It is possible thatthese spatially compact clusters are denselyconnected and able to maintain synchronousactivity more effectively than more dispersedclusters. Nevertheless, the importance of suchobservations highlights what can be learnedabout the altered microcircuitry that may un-derlie the broad activity normally observed inseizures.

This is not the entire story with regard tocluster recruitment, however. There is also a re-markable degree of variability in the cell popu-lations that are recruited during seizure events,both in experimental models as well as in humanpatients with epilepsy. Surprisingly, in tissuefrom epileptic animals, the synchronous neuro-nal clusters did not always fire during large-scalenetwork events (Fig. 1D) (Feldt Muldoon et al.2013). Instead, the pattern of cluster recruit-ment was nonuniform, showing large heteroge-neity between macroscopically “recurrent” epi-leptiform events at the scale of microcircuits(Feldt Muldoon et al. 2013). This heterogeneityis not limited to laboratory models, as patients

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have shown nonuniform recruitment of neuro-nal populations during initiation and progres-sion of epileptiform events (Keller et al. 2010;Truccolo et al. 2011; Sabolek et al. 2012). Evenbetween sequential seizures, the fraction of ac-tive neurons was highly variable, with different

populations of neurons participating in sequen-tial events; this appeared independent of neuro-nal class type, as it was evident for interneuronsand principal neurons (Keller et al. 2010; Truc-colo et al. 2011). Additionally, even amongneurons that were frequently active during sei-









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Average activationper min

Average activationper min






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Figure 1. Neuronal cluster recruitment during epileptiform events. (A) Spatially localized clusters of neurons inthe granule cell layer from tissue from an epileptic animal showing synchronous firing patterns are demarcatedby polygons. (B,C) Spatial mapping and activation frequency of neuronal clusters from tissue from a control (B)and an epileptic animal (C). Lighter cluster shades indicate lower frequency of activation. (D, top) Raster plot ofthe activity of clusters diagrammed in A, represented by short vertical lines in corresponding colors; the height ofthe individual colored lines indicates the number of cells composing the cluster. Vertical gray lines extending theentire raster plot designate detected large-scale network events. (D, bottom) Fraction of active clusters over time.(From Feldt Muldoon et al. 2013; adapted, with permission, provided by the PNAS open access option.)

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zures, the spiking patterns of those cells did notrepeat between consecutive seizures (Truccoloet al. 2011), and the path of propagation duringlarge-scale bursts of activity changed betweenepisodes (Sabolek et al. 2012). These resultshighlight the existence of variable paths of epi-leptiform synchronization dynamics in the re-cruitment of pathological neuronal clusters.

Although we have been able to observe thedynamics of hundreds of individual neurons,showing the vast heterogeneity of large networksynchronizations in epilepsy, important chal-lenging questions remain. What cell popula-tions are critical in the recruitment of specificmicrocircuits involved in the generation of ep-ileptiform events, and how do individual neu-rons come together to give rise to these events?Furthermore, considering the high dimension-ality and complexity of seizure events, how canwe rationalize and quantify the data to bettermodel and understand how the underlyingstructural connectivity of the network is relatedto large-scale synchronization? Importantly, be-ing able to do so would better enable predictionof how certain disease states are the result ofalterations in specific cell populations and cir-cuits. Although many of these questions havenot been addressed yet by experimental meth-ods, network theory gives us the first glimpsesinto how such questions may be approached.


Network Analysis: Important Parametersand Key Concepts

An emerging approach that has the potential tooffer important insights into our understandingof microcircuit alterations in epilepsy is basedon high-level network analysis of neuronalensembles (Fornito et al. 2013; Sporns 2013).Drawing analogies from other disciplines, suchas social sciences, information technologies, orgenetics, in which large networks of interactionsare analyzed using mathematical and statisti-cal tools, it is insightful to abstract and analyzeneuronal assemblies as networks consisting ofnodes (neurons) connected to each other via

links (synaptic connections). At this level ofdescription, the neuroanatomical and electro-physiological properties are essentially set asideand the focus is on understanding how generalproperties in the connectivity pattern of a net-work may allow or disallow certain functions,and how modifications of these properties relateto pathological conditions.

Ideas drawn from network theory have beenparticularly fruitful in describing which organi-zational principles of microcircuits are impor-tant to allow synchrony across distant popula-tions of neurons. This is especially relevant inthe context of epilepsy. Although long-rangesynchrony is a characteristic dynamic featureof healthy cortical assemblies and is importantin processes such as g brain wave oscillationsor the unification of disconnected place fields(Brun et al. 2002; Buzsaki and Draguhn 2004;Fries 2009), misregulation of long-range syn-chrony is thought to contribute to ictal activity(Netoff and Schiff 2002; Mormann et al. 2003;Cymerblit-Sabba and Schiller 2010; Krameret al. 2010).

For large-scale synchronization to be possi-ble, both in normal and pathological states,information needs to flow rapidly, locally, andglobally. It is important to understand thesenetwork characteristics using theoretical andcomputational methods to determine the mostrelevant and consequential network alterationsin epilepsy and epileptogenesis, and to guideexperimental studies. Several mathematical pa-rameters have been used to understand howlarge-scale synchrony can arise from local andglobal connections (Telesford et al. 2011). Twofundamental variables necessary to evaluate thedegree of connectivity are the clustering coeffi-cient C and the characteristic path length L. Theclustering coefficient C estimates the density ofconnections locally between neighboring neu-rons. In assessing the compactness of the net-work as a whole, the characteristic path length L,defined as the average number of monosynapticconnections in the shortest path connecting twocells, is an important metric to consider. Be-cause the travel time of a signal between twospatially remote locations should not be prohib-itively long to maintain synchrony across the

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entirety of the network, the characteristic pathlength L sets an upper threshold on the maxi-mum number of synaptic relays between twodistant neurons. Together, these variables quan-titatively assess network structure relevant tosynchrony, and therefore allow objective com-parisons to be made between normal and path-ological networks (Stam 2014).

Achieving Small Worldness: High Clusteringand Short Path Length, and HighlyConnected Nodes

The small-world phenomenon is commonlyused to describe a network that has rich localand global connections—a high clustering co-efficient C as well as a small characteristic pathlength L (Watts and Strogatz 1998). One meth-od to obtain a small-world network via ran-dom connections is through dense connectivity(Wang and Buzsaki 1996), but an issue thatarises is that a prohibitively large number oflong-range connections are required for net-work synchronization. This problem becomesparticularly relevant for large networks becauseof the fact that total wiring length grows linearlywith the number of neurons in the network, soconnection density comes at the cost of wiringefficiency (Buzsaki et al. 2004).

So, how can a network show the small-world property while avoiding extensive use ofcostly long-range connections? An elegant so-lution was proposed first by Watts and Strogatz(1998). They considered the case of a regularnetwork with exclusively local connections, inwhich each node is connected only to its k clos-est spatial neighbors. They found that when thisnetwork is minimally modified by randomizinga small fraction of the local connections (withprobability p , 0.05, each connection from agiven node to one of its neighbors was modifiedto target a neuron randomly selected across theentire network), the small-world property nat-urally emerges. This elegantly introduced theidea that a network with mostly local connec-tions and a small number of highly connected“outlier” nodes can be sufficient to endow thenetwork with dynamic properties reminiscentof those observed in cortical assemblies.

Experimental Evidence of Cortical Small-World Networks and “Hub” Cells

A particularly interesting feature of the networktheoretical approach is that it does not requiredetailed neuroanatomical assumptions, andyet provides testable predictions that can guideand complement experimental manipulations.A brain region in which the predictions of net-work theory (Morgan and Soltesz 2008) havebeen tested is the developing hippocampus (Bo-nifazi et al. 2009). The developing hippocampushas been a system of choice because large-scalenetwork synchronizations can be measured asgiant depolarizing potentials (Ben-Ari 2001),and also because the network underlying thegeneration of these synchronizations is confinedlocally to the hippocampal CA3 region in slices(Menendez de la Prida and Sanchez-Andres2000), permitting a more straightforward ex-perimental strategy. As an additional benefit,the hippocampus in general is highly studiedand well characterized for many areas of study,including in epilepsy. Analyzing calcium activ-ity of the dentate gyrus, CA3 and CA1 regions inthe developing hippocampus of rats and micein vitro slices, Bonifazi and colleagues drew afunctional connectivity map of several hun-dreds of neurons. They showed the existenceof essentially two populations: a large popula-tion of weakly interconnected, neighboringneurons and a small, special population of cellswith high connectivity (Bonifazi et al. 2009).

By performing simultaneous single-cellstimulations and multineuron calcium activityrecordings, it was found that, although pertur-bations applied to weakly connected neuronsdid not affect the large-scale dynamics of thenetwork, stimulation of a small number of thehighly connected neurons triggered network-wide synchrony (Bonifazi et al. 2009). Interest-ingly, when the cells were “fate mapped” viagenetic markers to determine the details of theirorigin, it was discovered that a subpopulation ofthese distinctively influential cells were bornvery early during embryonic stages and survivedinto adulthood (Picardo et al. 2011; Marissalet al. 2012). These super-connected cells, there-fore, seem to play a key role in neural develop-

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ment and maturation, and they continue topowerfully modulate large-scale network dy-namics in the adult brain (Picardo et al. 2011;Marissal et al. 2012).

These studies strongly suggest that the or-ganization of cortical circuits is indeed gov-erned by the same universal properties as otherlarge-scale networks—it aims primarily to op-timize the flow of information and resourcesused (Buzsaki et al. 2004; Bullmore and Sporns2009). Importantly, it also illustrates that a smallpopulation of superconnected neurons are en-dowed with the capability of influencing andeven coordinating the dynamics of remote mi-crocircuits. “Hub” is now a prevailing term todesignate such neurons, as they share the com-mon characteristics of high anatomical connec-tivity and the ability to orchestrate synchronic-ity of a large population of cells (Bonifazi et al.2009; Picardo et al. 2011; Marissal et al. 2012;Cossart 2014). In the context of epilepsy, hubcells may be thought of as a “microscopic epi-leptic focus” or a relatively small group of cellsthat can control and coordinate microcircuitsand recruit larger macrocircuits to lead to gen-eralized seizure activity.


Descriptive network models provide useful,simplified frameworks to understand the con-nection between a given topological organiza-tion and the dynamics of neuronal assemblies(Sporns 2014). To also incorporate detailed, bi-ologically relevant data, including intrinsic neu-ronal electrophysiological properties, and tomodel how alterations in these properties andin the microcircuitry can affect network activity,computational modeling is becoming an in-creasingly important tool to tease apart the nu-merous changes that contribute to epilepsy andepileptogenesis. One brain region of particu-lar interest in the field of epilepsy has been thehippocampal dentate gyrus, which undergoes

complex structural and functional transforma-tions in chronic epilepsy and in epileptogenesis(Santhakumar et al. 2005; Case and Soltesz2011). “End-folium sclerosis” refers to these al-terations that occur to the dentate gyrus in as-sociation with temporal lobe epilepsy, and in-cludes two hallmark changes: hilar cell loss andmossy fiber (granule cell axon) sprouting (San-chez et al. 2012). The link between these micro-circuit changes and ictal activity has been high-lighted in a series of computational studiesseeking to uncover how newly sprouted mossyfiber rewiring and hilar cell loss lead to increaseddentate hyperexcitability (Lytton et al. 1998;Howard et al. 2007; Thomas et al. 2010; Tejadaand Roque 2014).

Interestingly, results from data-driven, com-putational simulations indicate that the healthyhippocampal dentate gyrus has characteristics ofa well-connected, small-world network (Dyhrf-jeld-Johnsen et al. 2007). Additionally, the im-plementation of progressive levels of end-foliumsclerosis (simulated in the models as mossy fi-ber sprouting and hilar cell loss) had the surpris-ing effect of further increasing small worldnessof the network at submaximal levels of sclerosis,therefore leading to increased network hyperex-citability (Santhakumar et al. 2005; Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen et al. 2007; Morgan and Soltesz 2008).Despite the loss of large proportions of highlyconnected hilar mossy cells and interneurons,which would be expected to severely reduce net-work connectivity globally, pathologic mossyfiber sprouting locally was able to compensate(in a network theory sense) for the hilar cell loss.In fact, mossy fiber sprouting was sufficient tospread activity coming from the cortex to theentire network of granule cells (Santhakumaret al. 2005; Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen et al. 2007).

However, at higher levels of sclerosis, therobust activity amplifying effects of granulecell axon sprouting could not sufficiently com-pensate for the loss of long-range projecting,globally connected mossy cells, leading ulti-mately to the transition of the hippocampaldentate gyrus to a more regular network (Dyhrf-jeld-Johnsen et al. 2007). This shift is seen at80% granule cell axon sprouting and mossycell loss, when the dentate gyrus model network

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reaches a maximum level of hyperexcitability.These results not only support the functionalrole of network topology, but are also consistentwith observations from tissue samples frompatients with particularly pharmacoresistantforms of temporal lobe epilepsy, where cellcounts reveal an average loss of only �80% ofhilar mossy cells in the hippocampus, even inthe most severe cases of end-folium sclerosis(Blumcke et al. 2000; Gabriel et al. 2004).

Demonstration of the epileptic dentate gy-rus as an enhanced small-world network alsoraises the issue of the existence of putativehubs in the dentate network in epilepsy. Becauseof the potentially central nature of hub neuronsin synchronization of the network, changes intopology that affect hubs are likely to have im-portant consequences on the dynamics of theneuronal assembly. However, to what extentare hypersynchronous discharges attributableto aberrant connections involving newly formedor existing hub cells? Functional computationalmodels simulating new, pathological granulecell-to-granule cell connections in several bio-logically plausible ways showed that, althoughrandom connections between newly sproutedmossy fibers displayed no significant effect onthe network (Fig. 2B) (Morgan and Soltesz2008), the incorporation of only 5% of richlyconnected (four to seven times more connect-ed) granule cells was sufficient to substantiallyincrease dentate excitability (Fig. 2A,C) (Mor-gan and Soltesz 2008). These highly intercon-nected cells acted as hubs in the network thatpropagated and amplified activity. Although ex-perimental evidence of operational hub cells inepilepsy remains an open question, this studyemphasizes the enormous consequences of thepathological development of only a few highlyconnected cells in the dentate gyrus network(Morgan and Soltesz 2008).


Applications of Optogenetics in Closed-LoopSeizure Detection and Control

Considering the complexity of epilepsy, morecomplete understanding of the circuits involved

Hub network schematic

1% Stimulation of 50% injured(control) network

1% Stimulation of hub network








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Time (msec)

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Figure 2. Granule cell hubs greatly increase dentatenetwork excitability. (A) Schematic of a hub network.Granule cell hubs (gray diamonds) are four- to sev-enfold more highly connected compared with aver-age granule cells (black circles). (B and C) Rasterplots of granule cell activity in a moderately injureddentate network (50% hilar cell loss, 50% of maximalmossy fiber sprouting) following perforant pathstimulation to 1% of the cell population, where (B)new granule cell-to-granule cell connections aremade randomly or (C) 5% of the granule cells serveas hubs. (From Morgan and Soltesz 2008; adapted,with permission, from the authors.)

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would greatly aid the development of newertreatments that have increased specificity, min-imal invasiveness, and few side effects, whilemaintaining the ability to treat a wide range ofepilepsies. With the emergence of a powerfultechnique called optogenetics, it has becomepossible to better elucidate the microcircuits in-volved in epilepsy by allowing unprecedentedcell-specific, spatial, and temporal control ofneural activity (Aravanis et al. 2007; Boyden2011; Deisseroth 2011). By targeting expressionof ion-conducting opsins, which can either de-polarize or hyperpolarize neurons when stimu-lated by light, previously unattainable goals,such as the modulation of the activity of onlyone cell population in a small area of the brain,is now possible (Deisseroth 2011). In a veryshort time, optogenetics has led to tremendousprogress in understanding the complex neuralcircuitry and the precise functional conse-quences of circuit alterations. Furthermore,the repertoire of optogenetic tools is ever ex-panding to include opsins with altered ion spe-cificity and increased effectiveness (Berndt et al.2014; Chuong et al. 2014), and this technologyis being used to research possible treatments fora multitude of neurological disorders, includingepilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’sdisease (Gradinaru et al. 2009; Krook-Magnu-son and Soltesz 2015; Yamamoto et al. 2015).

By using optogenetics to control the activityof specific circuits, important discoveries havebeen made regarding the circuits involved inepileptiform activity in in vitro and in vivo sei-zure or epilepsy models (Tønnesen et al. 2009;Kokaia 2011; Wykes et al. 2012; Armstrong et al.2013; Krook-Magnuson et al. 2013, 2014; Pazet al. 2013; Rossignol et al. 2013; Sukhotinskyet al. 2013; Berglind et al. 2014; Ledri et al.2014). Soon after early experiments showingoptogenetic control of seizure-like events inhippocampal culture preparations (Tønnesenet al. 2009), several in vivo studies showed thatoptogenetics can be used to manipulate specificneuronal circuits within rodent models of epi-lepsy to control seizures (Wykes et al. 2012;Armstrong et al. 2013; Krook-Magnuson et al.2013, 2014; Paz et al. 2013). Their success instopping or delaying seizure progression by us-

ing optogenetics to inhibit a small percentage ofprincipal cells indicated the potential for opto-genetics as a promising therapeutic in epilepsy.

A key aspect of using optogenetics in seizuresuppression is the temporal control that allowsthe manipulation of neural activity only duringseizure events. This requires use of closed-loopseizure-detection systems, in which seizuresare recorded in real time and light is deliveredin response to seizures. Closed-loop seizure-detection systems have been used to respondto seizures in real time with electrical stimula-tion, but such techniques cannot specificallytarget microcircuits and instead affect manycell types as well as neighboring areas of thebrain (Osorio et al. 2005; Liang et al. 2011; Nel-son et al. 2011; Berenyi et al. 2012). With opto-genetics, however, recent studies revealed thatclosed-loop optogenetic intervention can sig-nificantly stop seizures in rodent models of ep-ilepsy by targeting appropriate local or evenlong-range connections to the seizure focus(Krook-Magnuson et al. 2013, 2014; Paz et al.2013). In particular, the ability to target long-range connections permits a powerful way tointervene, especially in cases in which the seiz-ure focus is in an inaccessible area of the brain.In studies of temporal lobe epilepsy, targetinghippocampal neurons contralateral to the seiz-ure focus was as effective at suppressing seizuresas intervening at the focus itself (Krook-Mag-nuson et al. 2013). Even more surprising, opto-genetic modulation of a structure as physicallydistant as the cerebellum could also control sei-zures originating in the hippocampus (Krook-Magnuson et al. 2014), showing that perhapsthere are certain “gates” or “chokepoints” thatcan be effective in optogenetic suppression ofseizures. This phenomenon is not limited toseizures in temporal lobe epilepsy, as it hasbeen shown that seizures arising from corticalstroke could be controlled by optogeneticallytargeting long-range thalamic connections tothe cortex (Paz et al. 2013).

Until this point, most of the work applyingoptogenetics to rodent models of epilepsy reliedheavily on using the inhibitory chloride pumphalorhodopsin to suppress the activity of prin-cipal cells (Fig. 3A–E) (Krook-Magnuson et al.

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0%No light














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Figure 3. Optogenetic suppression of neural activity in the hippocampus controls spontaneous seizure activityin the unilateral intrahippocampal kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy. (A) To produce animals expressinghalorhodopsin (HR) within excitatory neurons, CamKII-Cre animals were crossed with those carrying Cre-dependent HR. (B) Example of electrographic seizures detected (vertical green line) in Cam-HR mice, triggeringdelivery of no light or amber light (589 nm) to the hippocampus, as indicated by the amber line. (C–D) Datafrom Cam-HR mice showing the percentage of seizures that stop (C) within 5 sec of light stimulus, or (D) within1 sec of light stimulus. (E) The normalized postdetection seizure duration. (F) To produce animals expressingchannelrhodopsin (ChR2) within inhibitory neurons, animals expressing parvalbumin (PV)-Cre were crossedwith those expressing Cre-dependent ChR2. (G) Example of electrographic seizures detected in PV-ChR2 mice,triggering the delivery of no light or blue light (473 nm), as indicated by the blue bar. (H– I) Data from PV-ChR2 mice showing (H ) the percentage of seizures that stop within 5 sec of light stimulus, and (I) thenormalized postdetection seizure duration. Error bars, S.E.M. (From Krook-Magnuson et al. 2013; adapted,with permission, from the authors.)

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Page 10: MicrocircuitsinEpilepsy:HeterogeneityandHub Cells … has been successfully used in epilepsy to observe the hypersynchronous

2013). Would targeting of GABAergic cells, amuch smaller population, be equally effectiveat controlling seizures? Interestingly, when theexcitatory cation channel channelrhodopsinwas expressed only in parvalbumin-expressinginterneurons and light stimulus was appliedwithin a small area of the hippocampus, thiswas effective in stopping a significant numberof spontaneous seizures—both electrographicand behavioral (Fig. 3F–I) (Krook-Magnusonet al. 2013). These findings have important im-plications, especially because parvalbumin-ex-pressing neurons make up a very small percent-age of the hippocampal neuronal population, sooptogenetic stimulation affected ,5% of cellsexposed to light and yet was still able to effec-tively prevent behavioral seizures (Krook-Mag-nuson et al. 2013).

Future Challenges and Directions ofOptogenetic Application to Epilepsy

These studies show that closed-loop optoge-netic intervention of seizures is a promisingtechnique that may have applications for ther-apeutics in the future. As an extension of thesestudies, if optogenetic intervention can beachieved by targeting hub cells, which are the-oretically an even smaller population of neuronsthat can centrally control brain activity, the“footprint” caused by altering the normal com-position of neurons will be very small. For ex-ample, mossy cells in the hilus of the hippocam-pus are known to have extensive connectionsto other hippocampal neurons (one mossy cellprojects onto .30,000 granule cells) (Dyhrf-jeld-Johnsen et al. 2007), and may representan important target for seizure suppression, inwhich modulation of just a few hub cells wouldbe sufficient to control seizures while minimallyinterfering with normal brain functions.

Although the current achievements in treat-ing seizure propagation using careful optoge-netic control of neural microcircuits are re-markable, at this point, a true translation ofoptogenetics to epilepsy treatment will requiremuch groundwork in controlled optogeneticexpression and less invasive light delivery sys-tems. As shown in many rodent model studies,

viral vectors are currently the most effectivemethod of introducing opsins into the brain(Ji and Neugebauer 2012; Bentley et al. 2013),but current use of viral vectors in patients islimited, although promising advances in genetherapy continue to be made in the treatmentof neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’sdisease (Bartus et al. 2014). Although currentmethods of light delivery to activate opsins inrodent models involve directing optical fibersinto the brain, new opsins have been developedthat can be transcranially stimulated in rodents,eliminating the need for intracranial optical fi-ber implants (Chuong et al. 2014). As both thefield of optogenetics and the study of potentialhub cells in epilepsy move forward, there is cer-tainly a possibility that there will someday besafe and controlled methods to express opsinsin specific neuronal circuit components in pa-tients, along with safe and long-lasting methodsto deliver light to these cells.


Many advances have been made in dissectingthe complex microcircuit changes in epilepsywith the use of powerful techniques that allowvisualization, recording, and manipulation ofspecific populations of neurons. However, moreprogress needs to be made to fully understandwhat causes the abnormal circuit connections inepilepsy. For example, hub cells in epilepsy arestill yet to be identified in vivo, and it is still notfully understood how neural circuits are recruit-ed during seizures.

To answer these questions, innovative meth-ods are constantly being developed and con-tinue to add to our growing knowledge of thisserious and prevalent disorder. Super-resolu-tion microscopy is a major advancement thatallows visualization of single ion channels andreceptors (Dani et al. 2010; Testa et al. 2012;Dudok et al. 2014), and has great potential toimprove our understanding of how changes inthe number, activity, and localization of theseproteins deregulate local network activity andcontribute to seizures. The development ofminiaturized microscopes that can be implant-ed to observe cell dynamics during freely mov-

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ing behavior (Wilt et al. 2009; Ghosh et al. 2011;Ziv et al. 2013) has provided opportunities tostudy microcircuit alterations in chronically ep-ileptic animals. New optogenetic tools are alsoexpanding at an astounding pace—opsins thatare more sensitive or have different channel dy-namics are allowing for even finer manipulationof network activity (Chuong et al. 2014; Dhakalet al. 2014; Hochbaum et al. 2014; McIsaac et al.2014). As experimental methods progress, com-putational tools for modeling neural networkslikewise continue to become more complex andpowerful. There have been important advancesin large-scale modeling of the hippocampal net-works (Case et al. 2012; Schneider et al. 2012,2014; Bezaire and Soltesz 2013), which can giveinsights into cellular and circuit alterations thatmay lead to synchronous activity and seizures,improving and guiding experimental designs.These efforts to elucidate the microcircuitry un-derlying the generation and recurrence of epi-leptic activity will continue to open avenues inthe development of increasingly specific and ef-fective treatments for this complex neurologicaldisorder.


This work is funded by U.S. National Institutesof Health (NIH) Grants NS35915 and NS74702(I.S.), F31NS086429 (A.B.), and T32NS45440(H.K.).


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Page 14: MicrocircuitsinEpilepsy:HeterogeneityandHub Cells … has been successfully used in epilepsy to observe the hypersynchronous

2015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022855Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Anh Bui, Hannah K. Kim, Mattia Maroso and Ivan Soltesz SynchronizationMicrocircuits in Epilepsy: Heterogeneity and Hub Cells in Network

Subject Collection Epilepsy: The Biology of a Spectrum Disorder

Research ChallengesThe Epilepsy Spectrum: Targeting Future

Gregory L. Holmes and Jeffrey L. Noebels EpilepsyEpileptogenesis and the Comorbidities of Common Mechanisms Underlying

Andrey Mazarati and Raman SankarRole of Sodium Channels in Epilepsy

David I. Kaplan, Lori L. Isom and Steven PetrouComorbiditiesImpact the Development of Epilepsy and

Epilepsy Model: How Past Events−The Diathesis

Christophe Bernard

the Ketogenic DietMechanisms of Action of Antiseizure Drugs and

M. RhoMichael A. Rogawski, Wolfgang Löscher and Jong

Potassium Channels in EpilepsyRüdiger Köhling and Jakob Wolfart

Epilepsy and AutismAshura W. Buckley and Gregory L. Holmes

GABAergic Synchronization in EpilepsyRoustem Khazipov

Immunity and Inflammation in Epilepsy

AronicaAnnamaria Vezzani, Bethan Lang and Eleonora

Status Epilepticus

ShinnarSyndi Seinfeld, Howard P. Goodkin and Shlomo

Nucleotide-Gated (HCN) Channels in EpilepsyHyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic

PoolosGary P. Brennan, Tallie Z. Baram and Nicholas P.

Genetic ModelsNeonatal and Infantile Epilepsy: Acquired and

Aristea S. Galanopoulou and Solomon L. Moshé

The Role of Calcium Channels in EpilepsySanjeev Rajakulendran and Michael G. Hanna

Epigenetics and EpilepsyDavid C. Henshall and Katja Kobow

EpilepsyInterneuron Transplantation as a Treatment for

Robert F. Hunt and Scott C. BarabanCells in Network SynchronizationMicrocircuits in Epilepsy: Heterogeneity and Hub

Anh Bui, Hannah K. Kim, Mattia Maroso, et al. For additional articles in this collection, see

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