Mobile marketing: how to use it for your small business

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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The year of mobile is here and if your business isn't considering mobile in your marketing then all your other efforts will suffer as a result. This presentation guides you through how a small business owner can make their business mobile friendly.


Mobile marketing:how to use it for your

small business

The numbers speak for themselves: mobile use is projected to surpass desktop use in 2015, and

that’s only one year away.

If you’re not incorporating mobile into your marketing strategy, your other marketing efforts

will suffer.

1. Get a mobile website

If you do only one thing on this list, make it this one because it is central to all your mobile

marketing efforts.  Hopefully you are ahead of the game here and have already made your

website mobile-friendly. If not, this is something that needs to take priority in your marketing.

Chances are that by now, your competition has a mobile website and you don’t want to fall behind.

There are two ways you can make your site mobile friendly:

1. build a responsive website2. build a separate mobile website

For more on these options and which you should choose, click here.

If you are a brick and mortar business, chances are that someone who is visiting your website

from their mobile phone is looking for the following information: address (or directions), phone number, or business hours. This info

should be easy to find right away on your mobile website.

2. Social media

Social media is the number 1 activity that users do on their mobile phones, and social is a top

method for reaching customers on mobile. Therefore, social is automatically a huge part of

your mobile marketing strategy.

Consider how your customers can engage with you on social media while they are mobile. Do

you want to encourage them to check in on FourSquare when they arrive at your store? Offer a discount on FourSquare for those who check in.

Or maybe you want customers to instagram photos of themselves using your product? Invite them to do so with a hashtag, or better yet, hold

a contest for the best photo.

3. Email marketing

Checking email on a mobile phone is becoming increasingly popular. If your emails aren’t mobile friendly, you could be missing out on reaching a

large part of your audience. Many email newsletter providers like MailChimp will make

sure that your email is mobile-friendly. Test out your email campaigns on your phone to see how

they look.

4. SMS marketing

If you really want to get ahead in your mobile marketing, you can use SMS (or text message) marketing. Customers opt in by texting a word like “SHOP” to your designated number.  Then

you can text them updates with deals, sales, and even appointment reminders.

This is a very personal and effective form of communicating with your customers, so make sure you follow the rules. Your customers have to opt-in, and you have to tell them two things: how often they will receive messages, and how

they can opt-out if they want to. Also, don’t annoy them with tons of texts.

One mobile tactic that I would advise against for small businesses is getting an app. Unless you have a specific service the app will offer that will provide great value to

your customers, you probably don't need one. Getting an app developed is costly and usually does not provide enough benefits to justify the price. Invest in a great mobile website, and your customers will be happy. 

Do you need an app?

This provides you with a good start to mobilizing your marketing for your small business. If you are looking for someone to help you develop these ideas further to suit

your business please feel free to get in touch.

Click here to read the full blog post.

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