Mitosis Lab DO NOW Identify how many cells are in: Interphase- _____ Prophase- _____ Metaphase- _____ Anaphase- _____ Telophase/Cytokinesis -

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Mitosis LabDO NOW

Identify how many cells are in: Interphase - _____

Prophase - _____

Metaphase - _____

Anaphase - _____

Telophase/Cytokinesis - _____

On loose-leaf

Diagram 1 – On Lab

Obtain Your DataTable 1. - Results of counting cells in each phase of mitosis and interphase

PHASE Number of cells in phase Time in minutes






Total Number

Time for a phase x 720

1. What do multicellular organisms use mitosis for?

2. Describe the offspring produced during mitosis

3. Complete the Mitosis diagrams showing amount of DNA:

DO NOW - on loose-leaf




What is reproduction?Organisms make more of themselvesNecessary for the continuation of a speciesNot necessary for the survival of an individual


What are the TWO types of Reproduction?AsexualSexual

Asexual ReproductionWhy is asexual reproduction necessary?

Unicellular Organisms Cell division / reproduction One organism makes an EXACT copy of itself

Multicellular OrganismsTissue repair Skin cells make more skin cells (EXACT copy)Liver cells make more… Liver cells (Exact Copy)

Asexual ReproductionHow do organisms produce exact copies of themselves?

Process called MITOSIS

What is Mitosis?Type of cell divisionProduces TWO daughter cells Daughter cells are EXACTLY like each other and the

Parent CellDNA information and amount are all the SAME




Complete the Diagrams for Mitosis

Describe the relationship between each daughter cell and the relationship between the daughter cells and parent cell.

Do Now 20

Complete Questions:• 1• 2a, 2b• 3

Do Now - On loose-leaf

A - ____________B - ____________C - ____________D - ____________E - ____________

1. What phase of the cell life cycle does each letter show:

2. What happens during “Letter D?”

3. What happens during “Letter B”

MitosisSo does every cell use Mitosis?


What cells DO NOT use Mitosis? Sperm CellsEgg Cells

Sperm and Egg are DIFFERENTThen how are sperm and egg cells made?

Process known as Meiosis

Sperm and Egg Cells are the only TWO cells that USE Meiosis DO NOT use Mitosis

Sperm & Egg cells, along with Meiosis, are only USED IN

Sexual Reproduction

Type 2 - Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproductionTwo parents Specialized sex cells & sex organs Creates VARIATIONOffspring different than parents


• Sperm and egg are specialized sex cells called gametes• All other cells in the body are body or somatic cells

Sexual Reproduction & MeiosisSperm & Egg (gametes)

Formed by process called MeiosisAre HAPLOID – only have half the Chromosomes (DNA) of a

body cellHuman Body cells have 46 chromosomes… egg and sperm only have

Sperm and Egg fuseThis is called fertilization

Meiosis & Fertilization guarantee VARIATIONNo variation in asexual reproduction (Mitosis)


What is Meiosis?Only makes TWO types of cells in our bodies:

Sperm Egg

Occurs only in our Our Testes & Ovaries



What is Meiosis?

Meiosis Starts with one diploid

Cell (2n) Meiosis has 2 divisions Produces four UNIQUE

haploid cells (n) (gametes)

Look at the chromosomes. They are different for each cell!

What is Meiosis?Meiosis Starts with one diploid Cell (2n) Meiosis has 2 divisions Produces four UNIQUE haploid cells (n) (gametes)

Complete the diagrams

Do Now 20

Complete Do Now 20

What is Diploid?Diploid Cells (2n) – Cells that have two chromosomes that code for the same thing (eye color, height, hair color etc…)

One chromosome comes from the mother and one from the father

From Father From Mother

Are both cells diploid(2n)? Why?

How many chromosomes in cell A and B?


Codes for hair color & eye color

Codes for hair color & eye color

What is Haploid?Haploid Cells (n) – Cells that have one chromosome that codes for certain traits

Sperm only has fathers DNA setEgg only has mothers DNA set

From Father From Mother

One codes for Hair color and one codes for Eye color

One codes for height and one codes for insulin hormone

How many chromosomes?Cell A - Cell B -

From Father From Mother


One codes for Hair color and one codes for Eye color

One codes for height and one codes for insulin hormone

Do Now 22

Complete Questions: # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13

Complete the Diagram on MeiosisUse 2n


What is Meiosis?

Compare and contrast Mitosis and Meiosis?

Mitosis Meiosis

Process of Meiosis

P-M-A-THow many cell divisions in Meiosis? 2

Describe the cells produced from Meiosis: Different from one another and the parent cell 4 Unique, Haploid (n) cells are produced from one Diploid Cell Create gametes (sperm and eggs)

Gametogenesis = creation of Sperm & Egg

What creates or guarantees genetic variation in sexual reproduction?

Meiosis Fertilization

Do Now 22

Complete Questions: # 6 – 12 (finish sheet)

First Divisionof


Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-TInterphase I

Chromosomes (DNA) duplicates and makes sister chromatids

Just like during Mitosis

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-TProphase IHomologous chromosomes pair up

Homologous Chromosomes Same sizeCode for same traits

Hair color, eye color etc…

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-TProphase I

Crossing Over occurs!!!!!!!• Physical transfer of genetic



Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?

How is this different than Mitosis?

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-TMetaphase I

Homologous Chromosomes line up in the middle

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?

How is this different than Mitosis?

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-TAnaphase I

Homologous chromosomes separate into Two Different Haploid cells

Disjunction – equal separation of homologous chromosomes

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?

How is this different than Mitosis?

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-TAnaphase I

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?Non-Disjunction

Unequal separation of homologous chromosomes

Can happen during: Anaphase I Anaphase II

Normal 2n Body Cell DNA• Normal Disjunction

2n+1 Body Cell• Non-disjunction• Extra chromosome from

unequal division of chromosomes

• Trisomy 21 – down syndrome

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-TTelophase Iand Cytokinesis

TWO (2) Unique Haploid cells are created

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?

Second Divisionof


Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-T IISecond Division

Just like mitosis Chromosomes line up at

middle Sister chromatids split Difference =

4 Haploid Cells form at the end (gametes)

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation

P-M-A-T IISecond Division

Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color

Haploid or Diploid?Why?

Process of Meiosis: Creating Variation


Father’s chromosomes:• Blue – codes for eye color• Red – codes for hair color

Mother’s chromosomes:• Yellow – codes for eye color• White – codes for hair color


So, meiosis makes our gametes?


Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis Formation of male gametes (sperm)

All four haploid cells are functional sperm• Haploid (n) (23 chromosomes)

Oogenesis Oogenesis Formation of female gametes (eggs)

One functional egg & three nonfunctional polar bodies• Haploid (n) (23 chromosomes)

Sperm and eggs are formed! Now what?

Sexual Reproduction & Fertilization can take place!

Meiosis Video (9 min)

Complete these definitions on back of note packet or loose-leaf

1. Gamete

2. Gonad

3. Diploid

4. Haploid

5. Gametogenesis

6. Zygote

7. Fertilization

8. Chromosome

9. Gene

10. Nucleus

Explain the differences between the process of mitosis and the process of meiosis

Meiosis Worksheet

Meiosis Worksheet

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