
Visit to China 9th – 16th October 2010

On the first day we visited the Temple of Heaven. It was very smoggy!

This is Tiananmen square, again it was very smoggy.

The Forbidden City in Beijing is where the Emperors of China used to live. 3,000 servants also lived there. It’s still smoggy…..

Puyi was the last Emperor of China. He became Emperor in 1908 when he was 3 years old.

He lived in the Forbidden City. See if you can find out more about Puyi.

Miss Richardson spoke about globalisation at a conference for Chinese Headteachers. There was a translator. Can you see the jars of tea that people carry?

Number 9 Primary School Nanjing Street, Shenyang

Primary Schools are very large, up to 2,000 pupils. Children have subject teachers for every lesson. This is a music lesson.

This was a show put on for us.

Even the teachers sang a song.

They are all wearing the same ‘uniform’.

We were taken for our dinner to an ‘eat as much as you want’ buffet!

The smaller grubs were alive!


Number 1 Primary School Nanjing Street, Shenyang

I presented the BWFC signed football to this Year 4 (Grade 3) class.

Learning about the Yi people of South West China.

Another show by the children…..

Shenyang Little Forbidden City

Catherine was one of our guides. Most Chinese people have an English name and a Chinese name.

San Li Tun Primary in Beijing

Morning exercises for 1,800 children!

Do you know why this boy has bits stuck on his ears?

At San Li Tun School, all the children learn photography. They travel all over China taking photographs.

Children bring all their own equipment from home.

Do you know what these places are called?



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