Mind over Matter and Positive Psychology

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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  • 1. MIND OVER MATTER POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Presentation by: Ashwini Kamath U Akshatha Shetty Adarsh Shetty Durga Shetty Harishrilakshmi C.H
  • 2. Mind Over Matter
  • 3. Positive Thinking Trust Meditation Self-Hypnosis Purpose
  • 4. o Positive psychology is primarily concerned with using the psychological theory, research and intervention techniques to understand the positive, adaptive, creative and emotionally fulfilling aspects of human behaviour o Positive psychology is the study of what makes us flourish and what makes life worth living. POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY
  • 5. Positive emotions: Positive emotions are concerned with being content with one's past, being happy in the present and having hope for the future. Positive individual traits: Positive individual traits focus on one's strengths and virtues. Positive institutions: Positive institutions are based on strengths to better a community of people. Three Pillars
  • 6. It means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings , bodily sensations and surrounding environment. MINDFULNESS
  • 7. Undisciplined mindfulness and necessary mindfulness Inattentive mindfulness and attentive mindfulness Everyday mindfulness and systematic mindfulness Temporary mindfulness and long-term mindfulness Singular mindfulness and complex mindfulness Individual mindfulness and group mindfulness Superficial mindfulness and profound mindfulness Types of Mindfulness
  • 8. Non judging Patience Trust Striving Acceptance Letting go Qualities of Mindful Person
  • 9. POSITIVE THINKING It is a process of creating thoughts to bring into creation of positive outcome which you see a benefit to yourself or to others- Thinking
  • 10. Attitude A complete mental state involving feelings, beliefs and value and disposition to act in different ways Behavior Any action of person or animal is called as behavior. Positive thinking The development of positive attitude. If you look at what you dont have in life, you have everything
  • 11. Think highly of yourselves because the world takes you at your own estimates Life laughs at you when you are unhappy Life smiles at you when you are happy Life salutes you when you make others happy The positive thinker sees the invisible , feels the intangible and achieves the impossible NOTE
  • 12. Mind is more powerful than the Body Positive psychology study of happiness Helps to make normal life fulfilling Mindfulness - brings ones complete attention to the present experience on a moment to moment basis Positive thinking-The act of thinking good or affirmative thoughts Helps in stress management and increase the life span CONCLUSION
  • 13. www.youtube.com www.slideshare. net www.wikipedia.org http://www.newscientist.com/special/heal-thyself BIBLIOGRAPHY
  • 14. THANK YOU !!

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