Millenials & Tourism

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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Millenials?Who are

Millenials: 1977 - 1990

Millenials: 1977 - 1990X Generation:

1963 - 1976Baby boomers:

1942 - 1962

Z Generation:

1991 - Today

Millenials?Who are

Millenials are an enigma.

Millenials are unique,not a homogeneous cohort.

Millenials are always flowing.

Millenials are a moving target.

Millenials are silent(but only in physical world).

Millenials are invisible.

Millenials are

Millenials are visual.

Millenials are social.

Millenials love relationships.

Millenials are connectors.

Millenials think high-speed Internet is almost like air.

Millenials are prosumers.

Millenials are their own channel.

Millenials love sharing.

Millenials are co-creative.

Millenials are likely to participate into your marketing.

Millenials are good citizens.

Millenials support for a good cause

Millenials support for a good cause

but will sacrifice their beliefs for a good deal.

Millenials are not loyals.

But if you reward them, they’ll seek you out.

Millenials know?What do

Millenials know what they want to do now.

Millenials don’t know what to do next. And they don’t care.

Millenials make quick decisions.

Millenials need peer affirmation before making decisions.

Millenials want?What do

Millenials want to learn.

Millenials like?What do

Millenials like experiences, not possessions.

Millenials are more likely to spend money on experiences than products.

Millenials are not collectors.

Millenials love stories.

Millenials love…But above many other things

Millenials love travelling.

Millenials travel a lot.

Millenials: Long-term travellers(avg. 58 days)

Millenials: 20% of total international travellers2014: 190 Million

Millenials: 20% of total international travellers2020: 300 Million

Millenials: Spend 50 € /day

Millenials: Spain is 3rd most visited destination

Millenials: Spain is 3rd most visited destination32% stay at hostels

Millenials think “interesting” is more important than “comfort”.

Millenials never travel alone.

Millenials want to be locals.

Millenials don’t trust you.

Millenials don’t trust you. But they do trust peers.


Where do we start?

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