Mesopotamia: The Fertile Crescent - Mr.Nick · 2018-09-11 · The Sumerian Civilization I. By 3000 BC Sumerians

Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Warm Up

I. Using the resources in this class complete the timeline of historical events that lead to the creation of civilization…

II. We will complete the timeline and discuss it

Mesopotamia:The Fertile Crescent

Early Civilizations I. The agricultural revolution allowed civilizations to


A. Now that basic human needs are being met people can worry about things like:

i. Government, religion, music, art, literature, laws, jobs & trades

II. Civilizations began to form in the Fertile Crescent around 3000 BC

Fertile Crescent

I. Fertile Crescent = moon-shaped strip of land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf that is excellent farm land

A. Located in modern-day Middle East


I. Mesopotamia = land between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers

A. Rivers were NOT a reliable source of water (unlike the Nile)

B. Ran dry in summer; flooded in spring

C. Villages built dams, canals, and ditches to control the river

The Sumerian Civilization

I. By 3000 BC Sumerians established the first civilization in Mesopotamia

II. Formed 12 city-states = cities that control the surrounding land

A. Built homes from bricks (mud)

III. Created ziggurats = stepped pyramids with a temple at the top

A. First churches

The Sumerian CivilizationI. Practiced polytheism = belief

in more than one god

A. People believed they were to obey and serve the gods

B. Over 3000 gods in Sumerian culture

C. Religions used to keep citizens obedient and controlled

Enkin – the creator of

all mankind

Inanna – the goddess of

love and war

The Sumerian Civilization

I. Sumerians created the world’s first civilization with a shared culture, language, and religion

II. City-states governed themselves

III. Governed as theocracies = king were both government leaders AND high priests

A. People believed their king was given his power by God (divine right)

B. Laws regulated the roles of women & men men had far more rights

The Sumerian Civilization

I. Cuneiform = Sumerian system of writing

A. The symbols represented complex ideas & sounds

II. Written language allowed people to leave records of their lives (history)

Cuneiform Alphabet

Sumerian Inventions

1. Wagon Wheel

2. Building Arch

3. Potter’s Wheel

4. Sundial (clock)

5. 12-month Calendar

6. Metal Plow


1. What two rivers were the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia located between? Why settle next to rivers?

2. What is the name of the first human civilization?

3. What is a ziggurat? What type of religion did the Sumerians use?

4. What is the name of the first human writing system and why is writing an important part of human culture?


Write the definition and draw a picture for the following vocabulary words:

1. Ziggurat

2. Polytheistic

3. Theocracy

4. Cuneiform

5. Civilization

6. Nomad

7. Agricultural Revolution

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