Memories of 11th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RMA(T) 1951-1963

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Memories of 11th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RMA(T) 1951-1963‏


Memories Of

11th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RMA(T)



Michael Camilleri

Back Row, C Psaila, A Calleja, A Amato Gauci, J Galea, L Vassallo Cesareo, G Zammit Briffa, N Curmi,

J Miller, G Kissaun, J Sullivan. Middle Row, K Muscat (QM), W Galea, E Borg, J Buttigieg Depiro, B

Sant Cassia, P Caruana Dingli, J Bonello, G Miceli, P Beacom, S Portelli, R Forosa, S Galea. Front Row,

G Borg (PM's Sec.) F Grima, Maj. Ronald Abela (Adj), A Micallef Bartolo, PM, A Pace Bonello

(Commanding) Brig. G Micallef (CTF) P P Formosa M Petrococcino, Fr A Vella (Chaplain), E Bonavia.

With Maj Maurice Pillow, George Sebastain Zammit and Capt AD Calleja

1962: 23 Bty at Għajn Tuffieha

Front left: BSM “Lolly” Rizzo. Front right: TSM Emanuel Mallia

Maltex 1963: Landing at Mġarr, Gozo

In foreground: WO II C. Vassallo

Għahn Tuffieħa, 1963

Dining-out dinner for Lt. Col. Louis Pace Bonello

Front :

Fr. Walter Chircop OP Maj (QM) George O’Neill

Capt. Maurice Petrocochino Maj. Tony Debono

Col. Terry Dunkerley Lt. Col. Louis Pace Bonello

Lt. Col. Roland Jacono Maj. Louis Radmilli Maj. Maurice Pillow Maj. Albert Abela

Centre: Lt. Salvino Testaferrata Moroni Viani

Capt. Joe Doublet Capt. Edgar Bonavia Capt. Renè Formosa

Capt. Joe Perici Capt. Joe Abela

Capt. Tony Scicluna Capt. Benny Sant Cassia

Capt. Eddie Borg Capt. Francis Grima

Capt. Maurice Petrocochino Surg. Maj. Loris Manchè

Back: 2/Lt. George Zammit

Lt. Paul Debono Lt. Leo Vassallo Cesareo

Lt Walter Camilleri Lt. William Galea

Lt. Charles Catania Lt. Stanley Galea

Capt. Alfred Calleja Capt. Ives de Barro Lt. Michael Camilleri

Capt. Alfred Calleja with daughter Joan Vassallo

Maltex 1963: Landing at Mġarr, Gozo

From left:

TSM C. Vassallo; unidentified signalman; Lt. Michael Camilleri

1963: Troops Malta Small Arms Meeting 11 Regt .303” team


WO II M. Fenech Gonzi; WO II J. Buttigieg


Capt. Edgar Bonavia;

Capt. Maurice Petrocochino;

Maj. Paul Camilleri

Lt. Col. Roland Jacono:

Maj. Lawrence Zammit: Sgt. Hili; Lt. Michael Camilleri


Gnr Debattista;

S/Sgt. V. Abela; unidentified; Sgt T. Farrell

1962: 3.7” gun detachment at Torri Qalet Marku

From left: Sir Maurice Dorman (Governor) ; Maj. Tony Debono (CIG); Lt. Col. Louis Pace Bonello (CO)

Behind: Gnr Brincat; L/Bdr John Sullivan

At rear: Unidentified officer (probably Lt. Col. Roland Jacono (CO designate) and (partly visible) Col.

Jimmy Gatt (CTF)

With Tony Terreni, Alfred Calleja, Noel Manche and Jimmy Micallef Enyaud.

With Paul Debono and Alfred Calleja

Għajn Tuffieħa: 1963 recruits intake

Front row centre: Lt. Michael Camilleri, Sgt Joseph (“Żużu”) Azzopardi

1959: 23 Bty officers

L to R:

Lt. Renè Formosa

Capt. Louis Sullivan

Capt. Alfred Calleja

2/Lt William Galea

Maj. Lawrence Zammit

2/Lt. Michael Camilleri

Lt. Joe Doublet

Capt. Edgar Bonavia

2/Lt. Tony Gregory


16TH March 1958

Capt. R.H Formosa, Capt. C Bartoli, Capt, A.D. Calleja, Lt.A. Gregory

Capt L. Sullivan, Major L Zammit (OC) Capt. E. R Bonavia

Għajn Tuffieha, 1961: 11 HAA Officers

L to R:

Sitting: Surg. Maj. Loris Manchè, Maj. Maurice Pillow, Maj. Louis Radmilli, Maj .Frank Formosa Gauci,

Lt-Col. Louis Pace Bonello, Maj. Benny Portelli, Maj. Lawrence Zammit, Rev. Fr. Formosa Gauci, Maj

(QM) George O’Neill

Standing: Lt. Charles Catania, Capt. Ives de Barro, Lt. Stanley Calea, Lt. Joe Doublet, Capt. Edgar

Bonavia, Lt. Michael Camilleri, Capt. Louis Sullivan, Capt. Maurice Petrocochino, Lt. Paul Debono,

Capt. Francis Grima, Lt. William Galea, Lt. Tony Gregory, Capt. Eddie Borg, Capt. Tony Scicluna, Lt.

Renè Formosa, Capt. Bobby Marks, Lt. Walter Camilleri, Lt. Peter Tortell, Capt. Joe Abela, Capt. Alfred


Updated Monday, 24 February 2014

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