May 2016 newsletter

Post on 28-Jul-2016






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1May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •

Greetings everyone!!....well it’s onward and forward at the Evergreen Club as we accustom ourselves to “LAS”...which is “Life

Aft er Susan”. Susan Murphy was such an integral part of of our club as our manager and everyday go-to gal for so many years

that it seems very strange that she is not there. As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, Susan has slipped into retirement aft er

some 27 years of looking aft er the the needs and wants of the Evergreen Clan. She did us a wonderful service over all those

years and we wish her well on her new found lifestyle. (Continued on Page 2)

submitted by Gord Kruger, President

Dates to Remember

Courtenay Recreation - Florence Filberg Centre411 Anderton Avenue

Courtenay, BC V9N 6C6

Offi ce HoursMonday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Phone: 250-338-1000

Facility opens at 7:00 am

Evergreen Lounge - Food Service

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

Closed Saturdays except when specifi ed

Kitchen Phone: 250-338-1953

Evergreen Club Annual MembershipsJanuary 1 - December 31: $27 + GST

Newsletter available last Tuesday of each

month with the exception of July.

President’s Message

Monthly Newsletter May 2016


May 2 WHIST 7:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 4 MEET & GREET (SINGLES) GROUP 1pm Rotary Hall

May 6 AT THE MOVIES 12:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 6 Friday Night Dance music by CROSSTOWN EXPRESS

7:30 pm Rotary Hall


2 pm Conference Hall

May 9 EXECUTIVE MEETING 9 am Soroptimist Lounge

COMMITTEE MEETING 11 am Soroptimist Lounge

May 9 WHIST 7:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 13 Friday Night Dance music by DAN HUGHES BAND

7:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 16 WHIST 7:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 20 AT THE MOVIES 12:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 20 Friday Night Dance music by RIES VINK

7:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 23 VICTORIA DAY ! Stat Holiday -Centre Closed

May 27 Friday Night Dance music by AMIGOS

7:30 pm Rotary Hall

May 30 WHIST 7:30 pm Rotary Hall

For complete details, turn to “Special Events” pages 17- 20.

2 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Gord Kruger 250-339-4389

Vice-PresidentNettie Webers 250-334-3499

1st Director Fred Greene 250-334-4334

2nd DirectorKen MacLeod 250-338-9241

3rd DirectorTom Witty 250-465-8113

SecretaryDianne Bruon 250-338-0940

Caleigh Assistant Manager

of Recreation


Sandy Recreation and

Cultural Services


Deanne Volunteer


Lori Receptionist

Sheila Receptionist

Barbara Receptionist

Don Custodian

Section Page #Activity Reports 2 - 8


Opportunities 9

Instructional Programs 10 - 17

Special Events 17 - 19

Bus Trips 20 - 23

Month at a Glance Back Page

Club representatives please sub-

mit newsletter reports for the June

newsletter publication to the offi ce

or email to:

by Monday, May 9th.


She should be very proud of her great leadership here at the Evergreen Club.

In the interim there are still changes and adjustments being worked out in

the personnel department at the city. At present you will see Evergreen Club

management duties being handled by Caleigh Ellis and Sandy Hewer. We

welcome them both to their new temporary positions and wish them well in

providing a smooth transition. I’m sure this great club of ours will carry on

quite nicely. It’s a busy time of year around the club with our many activities

going full open and it’s always great to wander about on any weekday and see

the enthusiasm of the membership as they busy themselves with the various

activities. Many thanks go to the special volunteers who steer these many


I want to thank Helen Waddell who has stepped forward to take on the

leadership role with the Special Events Team. This great group of volunteers are

responsible for putting together and planning for the many great activities that

take place within our club. It’s a important job and it requires a lot of time and

dedication. We thank the Special Events Team for that.....and also a VERY BIG

THANKS to the outgoing leader, Marlene Lally for her time at the helm....great

job Marlene!! Some great things coming up by the way. The Comox Valley

Concert Band will be in house for a Mothers Day Concert on Sunday, May 8th.

The theme is “Rivers To The Sea” and it will be a musical journey on the water

featuring a musical cruise down the waterways of America. The concert starts

at 2pm with doors open at 1:30pm. Tickets are available at the offi ce. On June

5th Ken MacLeod will be bringing his country show to the Conference Hall. It’s

aptly named “The Best Country Jam Session Ever” and it will be featuring local

female country singers. Tickets are now available at the offi ce. The concert is a

fund raiser for the Sonshine Lunch Club.

I’d Like to take a moment to recognize last months “Volunteer Of The Month”,

Don McCall. He’s Mr Snooker at the Evergreen and has been steering the

Snooker Club at the Evergreen since 2003. Don keeps the snooker club

humming along very smoothly and is a very caring volunteer.....and we thank

him for his fi ne volunteer work. There was a great article on Don’s involvement

in the April newsletter.

And remember this....”If at fi rst you don’t succeed....Skydiving is probably not

for you”.........Adios....gk

President’s Message (cont’d)

Evergreen ClubExecutive 2016

Filberg Centre Staff 250-338-1000

Club Write-Ups For Newsletter

Table of Contents

The Camera club encourages member to expand their horizons as well as show

off their work by hold an internal competition every two months. We have a set

subject, albeit usually one with many interpretations. We each select 5 images

from those submitted and the 8 or 9 with the most votes are then displayed in

the cafeteria for a month. All those visiting the centre are able to vote for their

favourite. In March, our subject was utensils and 10 images were displayed.

The people’s choice was The Abandoned Bucket by Leona Black followed by

images from Liz Forward and Gordon Richardson.

Front Cover Photo

3May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Edith Harper sends get well and

bereavement cards to members and

family members. However, if Edith is

not notifi ed of members who have

passed away or are ill in the hospital,

they will not receive our blessing.

Please call Edith if you know someone

who should receive our wishes at


Card Lady

In our education sessions we looked

at a variety post-processing soft ware

packages and how to share images

electronically. Future sessions will

include a questions and answers

session, black and white photography,

hands on metering, and elementary

colour management and printing

images. Our April fi eld trip is to Kitty

Coleman park where we are hoping

to catch the wonderful spring fl owers.

We enjoyed taking pictures for the

Drama club and would be open to

working with other clubs. Our most

recent assignment competition

— Utensils was being displayed

during the month of March. We are

all working on our next assignment -

ice - which will be displayed in May.

Our Lightroom group continues to

meet before the regular meeting and

is looking at output modules. We

meet the fi rst and third Tuesday of

the month in the Soroptimist Room

at 1:00 pm (or 12pm if you want to

sit in on the Lightroom session) and

all Evergreen members are welcome.

Beth (


Friday Night DancesAs I look at my calendar I see we will

be dancing every Friday until the end

of June – that’s a lot of good music and

dancing to look forward to.

We encourage you to invite a friend

or neighbour to come see what a

good time you can have. Our regular

dancers keep coming back smiling!

Last night, as I am writing this, we had

74 Evergreen Club members and non-

members enjoying the socializing and

music by the Dan Hughes band who

come all the way from Duncan to play

for us. And maybe, if you ask them,

they just might play your favorite tune!

Oh yes, we have a coff ee and cookie

break so you can catch your breath.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Mary and Helen

Camera Club

Here we are at the end of another

season. Seems like it was September

about two months ago. Here are the

results of our league as at March 28th.

In fi rst place with 33 points are the Blue

Jays – skip Don Wiseman, third Bertina

Lefebure, second Muriel Badcock,

and lead Pat Lamond. In second

place with 30 points are the Cohoes,

skip Joy Nichol, third Barry Graham,

second Nancy Bevridge, and lead

Johanes Belch. Good bowling to all

the bowlers and good luck in the next

couple of weeks.

We also held our singles competition.

The runner up was Bertina Lefebure

and the winner was Paul LeBlanc. Way

to go and good bowling to both of


Here are the results of the North Island

Zone triples held at our club on March

10th. The winner was Lighthouse.

Our team of skip Paul LeBlanc, third

Bev Hambly and lead Johanes Belch

came in second. So now those two

teams are on their way to Vancouver

Island fi nals held at Cowichan Lake.

We also sent a Doubles team to North

Island playoff s. Our team of Pat & Wally

Lamond came in third, but because

the second place team had to drop

out because of health reasons, our

team is also going to Cowichan Lake

for the Island Finals. Both of these

fi nals take place on Wednesday April


Congrats to all teams mentioned above

and good luck to everyone involved. I

do not as yet have a confi rmed day for

our summer schedule but will put that

in the next issue of our newsletter.

Pat Chambers

Carpet Bowling

Last month I mentioned that we were

‘bursting at the seams’ but since the

sun has come out, our numbers are

down. It seems some people think

gardening is more important than

painting.....go fi gure.

We still have a core group of painters

who show up rain or shine and you

will fi nd us in the Craft Room every

Thursday 12:30-3:30 with our paints

and brushes. If you have an Evergreen

membership you are welcome to join



Art Group


Every Tuesday morning at 10:00am we

meet in the Rotary Hall for fun. You get

six games for $1.00.

4 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


May Dance Schedule





Starts at 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Please check schedule on front of

newsletter for location of dance.


Non-members:$9 at the door.

NOTE: Aft er 9:30 pm a LATE


apply to latecomers.

NOTE: 90% of admission fees

cover the cost of the bands that

are hired to play at each dance.

NOTE: No bar service available for

the dances .

Friday Night Dance

Join us on Wednesdays at 12:15pm

for set up of tables. Table placement

is at 12:20pm. Playing commences at

12:30 and is through at 3:30. Cost is

$3.00. New players welcome.


Texas Hold’em

We meet Tuesday mornings 10:00

a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Soroptomist

Lounge for non-denominational

study of the Bible. We welcome

discussion about the verses we focus

on each week. We are working our

way through the Psalms (unless a

more pertinent topic presents itself.)

Please contact one of us if you plan to

attend, so that printed material can be

available for you. Fee: 25 cents per


Helen Waddell 250-871-1118

Ruth Hay 250-703-0059

Bible Study

Gospel Sing-a-long


May will bring the fl owers and a

wonderful lineup on theatre

May 5, 6 &7 - Pantuso Dance

Grove, year-end Recital

May 8 - Tidesman Barbershop

Chorus (Mother’s Day)

May 9 - They Will Have to Kill

Us First (Documentary fi lm &


May 13 - Celebration Singers -

Where the Earth Meets the

Sky, Local Comox Valley


May 14 - Hornby Blues Odyssey

Blues Musicians from

Hornby Island

May 21 - The Rat Pack Direct from

the Las Vegas Strip

That my Dear Readers has

something for all of us, go on

down and order tickets at the Box-

offi ce(closed Mon) or order them

online. So between your gardening

pick a night of entertainment.

See you around town or at the Sid

Stay happy.

Marlene Oolo your Cultural


Spotlight on the SidOn behalf of the Gospel Sing-A-

Long members I would like to wish

Susan Murphy all the best in her

future endeavours. Thanks for a job

well done Susan. We would like to

welcome to Caleigh.

Gospel Sing-A-Long will be singing

in the lower Native Sons Hall on


Gospel sing-a-long is usually in the

conference hall Thursday mornings

from 10:30 - 11:30.

The one qualifi cation is an active

membership with the Evergreen

Club. Make sure your membership is

current. We have a great band good

songs and a group who likes to sing

come and join us..

For more information call Marnie at


Mexican Train1pm Wednesdays in the Evergreen

Lounge Note: not held on the 1st

Wednesday of the month,

Join us in the lounge every Wednesday,

except the fi rst one, for a game of

Mexican Train, an enjoyable game

played with dominoes. We play from 1

to 3. There is a drop-in fee of 25 cents.


5May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


May Lunch SpecialsMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

2 3 4 Chili & Bun 5 6

Chicken Pot


9 10

Split Pea


11 12

Egg &





Grilled Cheese

& Tomato

17 18


19 20

23 24 25

Chicken Wing &

Veggie Sticks

26 27


30 31

Ham with



Our guest speaker for April was

Claudia from Kitty Cat P.A.L.S. She

spoke about their work with feral

cats as well as their foster care and

adoptions for cats of all ages. We

enjoyed a comical sketch performed

by Naida, Shirley, Barb & Ellen.

Several of our members played mini

golf at Miracle Beach. Our monthly

luncheon was at the Gold Carriage

Chinese Restaurant. The next get-

together will be on Thursday, May 5th

in the lower Native Sons Hall. It will

be a potluck lunch. We hope to have

some visitors come over from Powell

River. We are looking forward to being

entertained by the Choristers. Lunch

will be served at 11:30 a.m. See you

there! Please wear your badge!

For information call Ellen Whitelaw at



Meet & Greet Singles Club


Join Ken & Cheryl for a fun aft ernoon

of karaoke, 1 pm to 4 pm in the Lower

level , Native Sons Hall

Monday,June 6, 2016

If you love to sing....come & join us!

“Yee-haw,” we made it through the

fi ft ies. Took most of us back to high

school days. Wore my denim skirt and

sweater and white bobby sox. We

know our teachers wouldn’t know us

now, but they would sure enjoy all the

great songs we sang. I know we did!

We are saddling into our good old

western songs. Can’t think of a better

month to go horseback riding. Just

hope the horses are slow and gentle,

ha ha!

We still meet Friday mornings from

10:00 to 11:30am in the Rotary Hall.

Please leave your horses outside!



Join us on Mondays and Wednesdays

we meet at Filberg downstairs and

leave at 10am. We cycle about 18-

25kms, with some stops for everyone

to catch up! We’ll be back at Filberg at

about 12pm for lunch. FMI call Karin at



CyclingIn this workshop we will be focusing on adding to basic chord shapes and improving chord transitions with 3 and 4 fi nger chords. Other how to’s will include breaking down strum patterns, singing, muting, rhythm and fi nger picking. It will also introduce basic music notation. This workshop is for people with some experience and who know the basic 1, 2 and some 3 fi nger chords (without refer-encing a chord chart). Music stand required.Instructor: Ruth Rae

#41528 WednesdaysMay 4 & May 111:00-3:00pmFilberg Conference Hall $10/2

#40312 WednesdaysMay 18& May 251:00-3:00pmFilberg Conference Hall $10/2

Advanced Beginner Ukulele Workshops

6 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Tuesday , May 10,2016 & Tuesday May 24 4:30-6:15 Rotary HallWhat with all this beautiful weather

happening, I am afraid I have

neglected my ukulele, for cleaning up

my yard and garden. The uke and my

yard give me a great deal of pleasure,

and when the days are warm and

sunny, my dear uke has to sit in its case,

and take second place. We live on

the West Coast, so we know this will


Come and join our Club, and learn to

play this wonderful instrument. What

fun you will have this summer when

camping, or just in the back yard with

friends or family, when you can bring

out the uke, and everyone can join in

the many songs there are, using very

simple chords. You will be the hit of

the party!

We have 2 loaner ukes that can be

signed out and taken home to practice

with. Our music is sent to us via the

computer, so you can practice that

way, or print out the sheets, yourself.

Our sessions start with tunes that

have fairly simple chords, and then

in the last part of session we go on to

chords which are a bit more diffi cult. I

cannot say too oft en....practice makes

perfect. The ukulele is really a very

simple instrument to play, with its 4

strings, and small size.

To become a member of our Club you

will require a current Evergreen Club

membership, and a $2.00 drop-in


For further information please contact

Howie Wong at wonghowie@shaw.

ca or Terry at


Ukulele ClubThe Semi-fi nals for the Winter Snooker

League were held on March 17th.

Team 3 which ended up in First Place

and Team 4 which ended up in Fourth

Place in total points for the season

had a Bye going into the Semi-fi nals.

In the Semi-fi nals Team 2 matched off

against Team 6 on Table Three for the

“A” Division, and Team 1 matched off

against Team 5 for the “B” Division on

Table One. Teams 2 and 1 won their

matches respectively and went on

to play Teams 3 and 4 in the Finals.

The “B” Division Finals were held

on March 21st with Team 1 narrowly

defeating Team 4 for their names on

the Trophy. The “B” Division Winners

are Frank Forward, Wayne Coutts,

Glen Waldref, and Wendy Bessey. The

“A” Division Finals were held on March

22nd with Team 3 defeating Team 2 by

a wide margin for their names on the

Trophy. The “A” Division winners are

Evan Scarff , Earl Beaudry, Ed Storey,

and Ken Lambe. It was a great ending

to a fun season of Snooker.

Snooker Table Tennis

Hello everyone. We had a good

turnout on Monday and lots of good

games and a new member who really

enjoyed herself. Also Tuesday we

had a couple of regular players from

Campbell River who are very good

players and so the games are a lot of

fun, especially to watch. Also a visitor

from Yellowknife who will eventually

be moving here and he advised that he

will defi nitely be joining us in the future

as he thoroughly enjoyed himself. Ed

Schumm gave him some very good

tips. So maybe we will see you in the

future. Our play is Monday 11.30 am.

to 1.30 pm and Tuesday 12.30 to 3.30

pm. Bats and balls are provided and

the cost is 75 cents person. Gloria -

250 334 8064.


The Evergreen Golf Club meets every

Wednesday and Friday at Longlands

Golf Course on Anderton Road in

Comox. We meet at 9:30am and

the only requirement is that you are

a paid up member of the Evergreen

Club in Courtenay - if you know what

a golf club and a golf ball is that would

help too, but PGA standard is not


If you would like more info on

the fun stuff we do please give

us a call at 250-338-0044.



Fabric Painters

May 31st is our last painting day until

September 6th. There will always be

items for sale in the large showcase.


We’ve been doing some wonderful

blankets again so hats off to us!

Also, the “shaken baby” hats are an

ongoing year-round project so thanks

for bringing them in.

Last month we seem to have been hit

by the fl u bug so our numbers have

been down. The rest of us have been

doing arm muscle exercises. It sounds

good but those needles do need to

be lift ed!

Come knit with us in the lounge

Tuesdays 1:30 to 3:00pm; sitting fee

is 25 cents. Most of us come early for



Knit & Crochet

7May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Were you or a member of the family

ever a WAITER? We all know it’s

someone who works in a restaurant or

cafe...right? Well, not in days gone by.

I’ll tell you what your job would have

been at the end of this blurb. Business

fi rst!

Our next meeting will be on Thursday,

May 19th at 1:00pm in the Soroptimist

Lounge. New members are always

welcome. Many of us meet downstairs

for lunch and you are welcome to join


I’d like to thank Mona Cashman for

bringing in her computer and trying to

teach some of us old dogs some new

tricks. Mona is very generous with her

time and knowledge and we are lucky

to have her in our group.

Now...back to being a WAITER. If

you happen to fi nd an ancestor’s

occupation listed as WAITER it meant

that he was a Customs Offi cer or Tide

Waiter. He collected the duty when

the ships were able to make port when

the tide came in.

No drop-in fees.

Ethel 250-335-1504

Genealogy Club 2:30 - 4pm, Lower Native Sons Hall1st Tuesday - Focus on New Users3rd Tuesday - Focus on More Experienced UsersThe iPad Club is a peer-led group

which is open to all iPad and iPhone

owners (all tablets are not iPads, if

yours doesn’t have an apple on the

back, it’s not an iPad).

In response to positive feedback from

the members, we’ve decided to make

a change in our approach. It appears

that breaking into small groups is

more eff ective, and it gives beginners

a more comfortable environment to

ask questions in. I remember thinking

that I didn’t even know how to frame

the questions I wanted answers to

when I fi rst got my iPad. We hope this

will allay any fears that the group is too

advanced for you.

So, both the fi rst and third Tuesday

of the month will fi nd us in the dining

room at the Lower Native Sons’ Hall

from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Bring your iPad

and your questions and we’ll match

you up with a group of members who

are more or less at the same level

you are. We strongly encourage our

more experienced members to come

and help share their knowledge with



iPad Tips and Tricks

It happens at the Florence Filberg

Centre on Wednesdays from 1pm to

4pm. Do you enjoy games? If so come

and enjoy a fun aft ernoon playing

SCRABBLE. Beginners are welcome;

we are a non-competitive group and

will encourage everyone to just have

fun, and some serious contemplation.

Joyce Hunt 250-890-9060.


Computer Club1pm, Soroptimist LoungeFriday,May 13 , 2016Thanks to Mike Naish for a presentation

on the Excel Spreadsheet at our April

meeting. Perhaps Mike will do a

follow-up to determine how members

are adapting the spreadsheet for

their personal use. And thanks to Roy

Tarr (Jazzman) who helped members

with font changes, with internet

message creation. A great session

involving members helping members.

We’ll have an extended Q and A session

at our May meeting. Please bring your

questions however dumb or unusual

they seem to be—the answer(s) may

solve a problem for others as well.

Learning, as an on-going and valued

cognitive process, has been proven

to help us stay alert in our senior years.

New and returning members are

always welcome. There is a $1.00

drop-in fee.

Leona (250)339-5086

Stamp Club

Tuesday at 12:30pm in the Craft

Room. We ask everyone to be there

at 12:15pm so tables can be arranged.

Drop in fee is 25 cents. Info contact

Kareen @ 250-941-7567

Welcome to our Stamp Club! We

meet every second Tuesday at 1:00pm

in the Soroptimist Lounge, upstairs at

the Florence Filberg Centre.

Bring stamps to exchange or share,

interesting specimens to discuss,

ask questions or just visit. You never

know...someone may have that very

special stamp you are looking for!

For more information contact:



Play continues each Monday morning

from 10 am to noon in the Soroptimist

Lounge (and once a month in the Craft

Room). Join in the fun!


8 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Brazilian Embroidery As usual, Brazilian Embroidery

enthusiasts meet on Thursday

mornings from 9 – 12 in the Craft Room

on the main level of the Filberg Centre.

Of course you can work on your own at

home and come in to socialize. There

is so much enjoyment in talking with

your fellow embroiderers and also to

be helped when you can’t fi gure it out

– which happens to me as a beginner.

I took some time to admire the

projects that everybody is working on.

To give you an idea about the extent I

wrote them all down. If any of these

descriptions speak to your creative

imagination and abilities, it would be

a sure sign to start.

- Ivo’s Bouquet from the Blackberry

Lane collection with rolled roses.

- Frosting Flowers, a fl ower design

with beads.

-My Secret Garden, a gazebo and

waterfall landscape.

- A pillow cover, a summer sampler

with nine fl ower squares.

- Irises in Pottery, a small wall picture.

- A fl oral scarf runner for a dresser.

- A butterfl y, an abstract geometric

one, beautifully colored.

- Vivien Sweetheart Orchid, lace art.

- Bonsai Tree of Strength, oriental.

- Crab apple bonsai tree with stump

work, freestanding blossoms that are

later attached.

- Her own backyard, self designed.

-An elephant on a black background,

mainly the outline with beading and

beautiful fl owers on the seat.

There is a whole stack of patterns and

threads in all colors on sale on the fi rst

Thursday morning of each month.

Aft er all this has been said, we’ll see

each other and newly interested

people on the usual day and time.

Adriana Clijleven


Every Tuesday from 10:30am to

12:30pm in the Rotary Hall. $1.00

drop-in fee – Darts available. Draw for


A few high scores in March and April:

Pat D. – Mary – Norm R. – 101, Maria –

103, Valerie – 104, Norman M. – Pat G.

- 106, Lori – 108, Fred C. – 110, Diana

– 111, Linda – 112, Ken – 114, Art – 119,

Sue – 120, Arnie – 121, Lynn – 127,

Hans – 129, Norma – 139, and Jim –

140. High checkout – Hans – 56 with

a Bull’s Eye! Well Done Everyone!

We’re getting good turnouts with lots

of newcomers joining us. It’s good to

see our snowbirds back. Thanks to

everyone for all your help in setting

up the boards and putting everything

back. It’s very much appreciated.

Special thanks to Norman, Maureen,

Lynn and Darlene.

We have a great group of players and

lots of laughs, making it an enjoyable

2 hours of dart playing. Good Darts

Everyone! Happy Mother’s Day!

Ginny Greene 250-334-4334


The Beginner Recorder Group meets

each Tuesday from 315-430 in the

Craft Room. This group provides

basic instruction and the opportunity

to play duets, rounds and 3 part music

with other players. New players are

welcome. For more information

contact mike, miklayers@hotmail.

com, 250-337-5437, shared phone,

please don’t leave message.

Beginner Recorder

We are working on a very large quilt for

one of our members and one smaller

one. It has been nice to see most of

our members in attendance. We need

all the help we can get. There is still

a quilt in the large showcase for sale.

“Quilting is habit forming: one block

leads to another & another & another.”

Marjorie & member quilters


RecorderThe Evergreen Recorder Players meet

each Friday from 1000 to 1130 in the

Craft Room. We play music mostly

from the Renaissance and Baroque

eras in 3, 4, and 5 parts as well as folk

and country dance tunes. New players

are welcome. For more information

contact mike ,

,or 250.337.5437 (shared phone,

please don’t leave message) or come

to the Craft Room Friday morning.

Thursday social contract bridge from

12:30 to 3:30. Come with or without a

partner. Contact person: Jane Jenssen



Thursday Aft ernoon Social Bridge

Heart StringsBy the time this newsletter is printed

it will be May already, where does the

time go. We welcome back Alison

Rose from her vacation in the South

and also Carla Hsylop from a short

illness, good to see you both back in

the fold. On March 31st we had two

new people join us Alice and Len Doi,

Len plays harmonica and Aliceplays

a Dulcimer, we are hoping that they

are going to join us on a regular basis.

The gang are planning a Tribute to

Elvis day on April 27th but sad to say

did not make the April newsletter

but hopefully our regular audience

will enjoy. Looks like summer is on

the way and we will be getting our

gardens “in order” and plant some

fl owers to attract the bees as they are

an endangered species and much

needed in our environment.

9May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •

VOLUNTEERSA Message from Deanne, your Volunteer CoordinatorThought it was time to post a picture of

myself. For those members who may

not connect the ‘Face to the name’ and

see me around the Evergreen Club.

My offi ce is in the EG Lounge As you

enter in the left corner near the artwork

or photography on display. I sure

do love to see the latest expressions

of our talented EG Members! You’ll

notice this page looks a little diff erent

this issue. I wanted to highlight all of

our kitchen volunteers. This is just a

snapshot of some of them.

We are so proud of our Kitchen

volunteers and want to take this time to

thank them all for giving their time and

keeping the kitchen running smoothly

for all our patrons. It does take a lot of

volunteers to run.

Please consider even just one day a

month and contribute volunteering

your time!

Call me at 250 338-1000 ext 232

or email



The food service is open:

8:00am – 3:00pm Monday to Friday

Closed on Saturdays

REMINDER: Food Service will be

Closed on:

Monday May 23rd

Victoria Day

Statutory holiday

We apologize for any inconvenience

That this may cause.

Our wonderful kitchen volunteers!

(Above) Bea is one of our Super Hero Muffi n helpers and been with us about 10 yrs. Loves the short shift of 7am-10am because it frees up the rest of her day. Found out about volunteering in the newsletter when she used to bring down her parents to the EG club. “We enjoy it,” says Bea.

(Left ) Ann and Sharlene both agree that it’s a wonderful atmosphere volunteering in the kitchen. “You get to see people that you don’t always see,” says Sharlene, “Like my old neighbours from Gold River!” In 2012, aft er the passing of Sharlene’s husband she decided on her own to come in and get involved. Ann was introduced about 8 years ago by old friends Bill & Barb Wallace (they invited her to come to the EG Club Lounge for lunch and the rest is history!)

(Right) Bill has been with us a couple of years now. He volunteers once a week and looks aft er the dishwasher shift (11:30AM -1:30PM.) Bill brings a lot of humour and energy with him. Sharlene Coulter convinced him to come give it a try. “I like the company he says. I like to irritate them,” he laughs. Bill says it’s up to the individual if they want to volunteer but that he fi nds it really good for himself.

(Below) Joan is one of our AM shift volunteers (10AM -1PM) and is also on the spare list to come in when a shift needs covering. She has been volunteering 20 years! She was fi rst introduced to it by Kathy Berkenstock and helped when the kitchen services started below The Sid Williams Theatre! Joan comments,”Lots of friendly people to work with.”

10 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •

Please pre-register for all of the above classes ~ drop ins or

punch cards may be used for programs with star (space permitting).

See following pages for class descriptions.

Fitness Fees Drop-In 11 Punch *Eff ective January 1, 2016Evergreen Member $5.00 $ 50

Non-member $ 6.50 $ 65

Simply Strength 1 $65

How to pay:

• All drop-in fees must be paid at the Florence Filberg Centre offi ce

prior to attending classes & receipt given to instructor

• Punch card holders may go directly to their class

• Be sure to turn in your completed punch card to be entered in the

monthly draw for a free card!

SPRING 2016 FITNESS AT A GLANCE“Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese ” Satchel Paige



9:15 amChair Fit

Filberg Centre

10:30 am55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

9:00 amSimply Strength

Level 2Native Sons Hall

10:15 am55+ Gentle Yoga

Filberg Centre

10:30 am55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

1:30 pm 55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

9:00 amStretch/Strength

Filberg Centre

9:00 amCardio & Strength

Native Sons Hall

9:00 amStretch/StrengthNative Sons Hall

9:15 amChair Fit

Filberg Centre

10:00 am55+ Hatha YogaNative Sons Hall

10:00 amYoga for Joint Health

Lewis Centre

Monday Tuesday Wednesday FridayThursday

3:00 pm55+ Beginner

Strength TrainingLewis Centre

3:00 pm55+ Beginner

Strength TrainingLewis Centre

2:00 pm55+ Hatha YogaFilberg Centre

10:15 amSimply Strength

Level 1Native Sons Hall

10:15 amSimply Strength

Level 1Native Sons Hall

2:00 pm55+ Hatha YogaNative Sons Hall

1:30 pm 55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

10:30 am55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

10:00 am55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

10:15amIyengar YogaFilberg Centre

8:30 amIyengar YogaFilberg Centre

9:00 amSimply Strength

Level 2Native Sons Hall

10:30 am55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

10:30 am55+ Strength

TrainingLewis Centre

11May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Fitness ClassesThis class takes a modern approach to low impact aerobics,stretching and strength training. This all around balanced fi tness class will work your whole body. Classes are designed to improve your fi tness level by using weights, tubing, stability balls and throwing in a ‘healthy dose’ of cardio! This class is much like Simply Strength but with a cardio component.Instructor: Joyce Leong#40296 Fridays

April 1 - June 249:00 - 10:00 amNative Sons Hall - Grand Hall$78/13

Join us for this gentle introduction to strength training where partici-pants learn how to properly work with body resistance and with-out, balance work, strengthening muscular imbalances in the body, agility movements, core condition-ing, some cardio and stretching. An educational class to help one prepare for working out in the gym, other classes or at home.Instructor: Cathy Riopelle#40281 Tuesdays & Thursdays

March 29 - June 233:00 - 4:00 pmLewis - Activity Room$156/26

55+ Strength Training

This class is an option for those who want exercise, but don’twant the gym scene. This class will use a variety of equipment and will be fun yet challenging enough to work up a sweat.Instructor: Cathy Riopelle#40282 Tuesday & Thursday March 29 - June 23

1:45 - 2:45 pmLewis - Activity Room$156/26

55+ Beginner Strength Training

Cardio & Strength

Stretch & StrengthThis class begins with a moderate level warm up followed by exercises that focus on strengthening, ton-ing and stretching key muscles. A long, relaxing stretch completes the class. Instructor: Janice Bradford#40317 Mondays & Thursdays March 21 - June 23

9:00 - 10:00 amFilberg Centre - Rotary Hall (Monday)Native Sons Hall - Grand Hall (Thursday)$156/26

Strength training is great for any-one looking to maintain, build and improve their strength, balance and overall well-being. Our qualifi ed instructor is in the wellness centre guiding you through your fi tness journey and off ering support.Instructor: Juan Blancas Mondays & Wednesdays March 21 - June 22#40287 10:30 - 11:30am#40288 1:30 - 2:30 pm $156/26#40289 Tuesday & Thursdays March 22 - June 23 10:30-11:30am $168/21#40290 Fridays

April 1 - June 2410:00 - 11:00 am$78/13Lewis - Wellness Centre

55+ Circuit Fit

This class will improve balance, strength, walking ability, and confi dence. Track your progress with pre and post balance assessments. The exercises are matched to your abilities and are done sitting, standing and walking. Participants must be able to walk a city block without stopping, and without the use of a walker or cane. A doctor referral is required. Instructor: Kim Hamilton

Mondays & Thursdays#40300 April 18 - May 26 $100/11#40301 May 30 - July 7

$109/121:00 - 2:00 pmNative Sons Hall - Grand

Fall Proof Balance & Mobility Training

Minds in MotionThis class is designed for people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia and a friend, family member or caregiver. Enjoy light exercise followed by activi-ties or games and social time in a relaxed atmosphere. Light refresh-ments will be provided. .Instructor: TBA

Wednesdays#40305 May 11 - June 15#40306 June 22 - July 27

$45/61:00 - 3:00 pmNative Sons Hall - Lower

Are you interested in volunteering in the Minds in Motion program?

Please contact Shannan St. Louis to learn more

Phone: 250-734-4170Toll Free: 1-800-462-2833

12 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •

Fitness ClassesChair Fit

This co-instructed intermediate level class off ers overall body con-ditioning, balance and agility, core strengthening and health and well-ness education.Instructor: Joyce Leong & Steve Thomson#40315 Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am

March 21 - June 22$156/26Grand Hall, Native Sons Hall

Simply Strength 2

A safe exercise program designed for the older exerciser or those with physical limitations that make tra-ditional exercising diffi cult. Classes will incorporate upper and lower body movements and the exercises are done in and out of chairs - with no fl oor work. No class March 25..Instructor: Wendie Matte & Janet Gravoueille#40297 Tuesdays & Fridays

March 22 - June 249:15 - 10:15 amFilberg Rotary Hall $162/27

Ditch the workout, Join the Party! Fun, easy Zumba moves inspired by Latin and International music as well as current hits. Guaranteed to keep you smiling and moving!Instructor: Tammy Jones & Lyla Pettis#40303 Mondays High Impact

April 4 - June 2010:30 - 11:30am$66/11

Exercises will be taught with a variety of equipment to increase balance, range of motion and strength and will help you regain or maintain your ability to climb stairs, get in and out of a chair or car, and maintain your balance while walk-ing and standing. Instructor: Joyce Leong & Steve Thomson#40314 Mondays & Wednesdays March 21 - June 22 10:15 am -11:15 am

$156/26 Grand Hall Native Sons Hall

Simply Strength 1

Gain improved fl exibility, balance, strength, posture and a sense of well being. These mixed level class-es will incorporate basic poses with options for increased challenge. Designed to enhance vitality and a sense of well being, these classes will help participants gain improved fl exibility, balance, strength, and posture.Instructor: Sheron Jutila

Mondays#40284 April 4 - June 27

2:00 - 3:30 pm Filberg Rotary Hall $144/12

Or#40286 April 1 - June 24

10 - 11:30am#40285 April 1 - June 24 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Native Sons Hall - Lower $156/13

Explore gentle and supported postures that ease tension, free joints and balance body and mind. Welcome to all levels and those preferring a slower practice.Instructor: Akiko Shima#40413 Friday April 8 - June 24

11:00am - 12:15 pmLewis - Meeting Room$110/12

55+ Hatha Yoga

Restorative Yoga

#40302ThursdayApril 7 - June 2310:30 - 11:30amLewis Centre MP Hall$66/11

Please read your receipt carefully or make note of special instructions when registering!


Promote integration of body, mind and spirit through the practice of traditional yoga postures with an emphasis on developing strength, endurance, balance and correct body alignment. No class May 12.Instructor: Traci Skuce#40407 Thursdays

April 7 - June 238:30 - 10:00am

#40406 ThursdaysApril 7 - June 2310:15-11:30amFilberg Rotary Hall$120/12

Iyengar Yoga

Developed for those who cannot or do not feel comfortable on the fl oor. Focus is on breathing, body awareness, relaxation, stretching and gentle postures. We fi nish with a meditation and rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit. No class April 19.Instructor: Sheron Jutila#40298 Tuesdays April 5 - June 21

11:00am - 12:00pmGrand Hall, Native Sons Hall$110/11

Chair Yoga


13May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Slowly and gently getting into pos-ture and breathing practice helps enhance the range of motion. Suit-able for beginners and those who prefer a gentle practice.Instructor: Akiko Shima#40741 Mondays

April 4 - June 2011:00am - 12:15pmLewis Meeting Room$110/11

#40401 WednesdayApril 6 - June 2210:45am - 12:00pmLewis Salish Building$120/12

Gentle Yoga

Yoga Movement Similar to cross-country skiing in technique, this invigorating cardio workout uses nearly 90% of your muscles by working both the upper and lower body, and burns more calories than regular walking. This easy, low-impact activity is a fun way to get fi t! Note: Poles will be provided for participants.Instructor: Catherine Egan#40307 Fridays Level 1

April 29 - June 1711:00 am - 12:00 pmLewis Centre$80/8

#40308 Fridays Level 2April 29 - June 1712:30 - 1:30 pmLewis Centre$80/8

Derived from the martial arts, Tai Chi is composed of slow, deliberate movements, meditation, and deep breathing, which enhance physical health and emotional well-being. Tai Chi improves overall fi tness, coordination, and agility. Practic-ing regular Tai Chi promotes good posture, fl exibility, and range of motion, improves mental alertness, and sleep.Instructor: Ivy Wang

Wednesdays March 30 - June 15 #40319 9:00 - 10:00 am Level 2#40318 10:00 - 11:00 am Level 1#40320 11:15 am - 12:15 pm Level 3

Native Sons Hall - Lower$120/12

Instructor: Albert BalbonThursdays

April 7 - June 23 #40396 7:15 - 8:15 pm

Lewis Centre Meeting Room$75/12

Tai Chi

Nordic Pole Walking

Develop strength and fl exibility trhough classical technique in this 55+ class. Beginners welcome! No experience necessary. Class is based on Royal Academy of Dance Graded syllabus. Please wear com-fortable and non-restrictive clothing and tie back long hair.#40313 Fridays

April 8 - June 242:00 pm - 3:00 pmLewis Centre - Activity Room $75/12$6.50/Drop-in

Silver Swans Ballet

Come and kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and your body active! No partners required!#40299 Tuesday Intermediate May 3 - June 21

1:00 - 2:00 pmNative Sons Hall - Grand Hall$60/8$6.50/Drop-in

#40766 Wednesday BeginnerMay 4 - June 221:00 - 2:00 pmLewis Activity Room$60/8$6.50/Drop-in

Line Dancing

A blend of styles that includes mostly low to the ground poses with a bit of standing. A calming practice with stretching and easy strenthening poses. Suitable for those who are slow in getting up and down from the fl oor or have limited mobility.Instructor: Sheron Jutila#40283 Mondays April 4 - June 27

10:15 - 11:15amFilberg Rotary Hall$108/12

55+ Gentle Yoga

This series of gentle postures focus-es on bringing mobility to the joints. This class moves slowly, giving time to explore and modify as we go. The ‘joint releasing series’ can be used alone as a gentle practice or as a warm up for other activities.Instructor: Sheron Jutila#40323 Thursdays April 7 - June 23

10:00 - 11:30amLewis Meeting Room$144/12

Yoga for Joint Health

Please read your receipt carefully or make note of special instructions when registering!

14 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •



Have you always wanted to play the piano? Music makes your brain work better and here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. These small group classes study the bascis of music, then you choose more! The fi rst book costs $28 and a piano or keyboard is recommended for practising at home.Instructor: Debbie Ross

ThursdaysApril 7 - June 23

#40310 10:30 am - 11:30 am Beginner#40311 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Int

Lewis Tsolum Building$192/12


Because music makes your brain work better! This is a great way to learn to read music as well as keep-ing your brain and fi ngers agile. So-prano recorder and book cost will be $25, bought from the instructor at the fi rst lesson. Alto and tenor recorders will be available to try. Instructor: Debbie Ross#40312 Thursdays

April 7 - June 2312:30 - 1:30pmLewis Tsolum Building $121/12


Creative Pursuits

In this workshop we will be focus-ing on adding to basic chord shapes and improving chord transitions with 3 and 4 fi nger chords. Other how to’s will include breaking down strum patterns, singing, muting, rhythm and fi nger picking. It will also introduce basic music notation. This workshop is for people with some experience and who know the basic 1, 2 and some 3 fi nger chords (without referencing a chord chart). Music stand required.Instructor: Ruth Rae#41528 Wednesdays

May 4 & May 111:00-3:00pmFilberg Conference Hall $10/2

#41529 WednesdaysMay 18 & May 251:00-3:00pmFilberg Conference Hall $10/2

Ukulele Workshops

Please read your receipt carefully or make note of special instructions when registering!

Turn your garden into a tropical paradise with our colourful stained glass stepping stones. These mosaic stepping stones can be used in the garden or as a patio table top. You will learn the basics of cutting glass, grinding, working with patterns and assembling designs. A $40 supply fee will be collected by the instruc-tor.Instructor: Nancy Morrison#40380 Wednesdays

April 27 - May 187:00-9:00pmLewis Craft Room B $39/4

Stained Glass Stepping Stones

Using a mix of iridescent glass you will learn to cut glass and compose a beautiful design. Perfect in the garden or on a deck. A $30 supply fee will be collected by the instruc-tor.Instructor: Nancy Morrison#40381Wednesdays

May 25 - June 157:00-9:00pmLewis Craft Room B $52/4

Spring Windchime

Create a beautiful stained glass iridescent butterfl y or dragonfl y us-ing hobby lead attached to a metal rod to artfully display in the garden. A $30 supply fee will be collected by the instructor.Instructor: Nancy Morrison#40379Wednesdays

June 22 - July 67:00-9:00pmLewis Craft Room B $49/3

Stained Glass Garden Ornament

Bring your creative energy to this Metalsmithing class where you will create 2 diff erent rings while learn-ing various skills; how to texture metal, rivet, and drill stones and pearls. You will work with brass, copper and silver and a variety of embellishments. A $50 supply fee will be collected by the instructor.Instructor: Cheryl Jacobs#40395 Saturday

May 289:30am - 4:30pmLewis Tsolum Building $85

Rings, Rings & More Rings

15May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Health & Wellness

A Foot Care Nurse will provide you with a nursing assessment of your feet along with education on the prevention of foot issues. You will receive general information about proper foot care as well as trim-ming/reducing your toenails, corns and calluses and if applicable a diabetic sensory test will be done. This ‘treatment’ fi nishes with a foot massage.Instructor: Anne Lai

May 18 June 15

Soroptomist Lounge$45/30 minute appointment

Foot Care Clinic

More than three million Canadians have some degree of hearing loss that can be attributed to many dif-ferent causes and disorders of the middle or inner ear.

Third Thursday of the monthFREE please call

Hearing Screenings

Please read your receipt carefully or make note of special instructions when registering!

In this one day workshop, we’ll walk through the steps necessary to take life’s memories and turn them into a published legacy piece for per-sonal or commercial use.Instructor: Nancy Morrison#40399Saturday

May 281:00-4:00pmFilberg Soroptomist Lounge $33.75

Writing Your Memoirs

If you have never tried kayaking and are interested in exploring the beautiful Comox River Estuary this is a great course for you! Join us on the water to learn about kayaks, equipment and paddling skills.Instructor: Comox Valley Kayaks#40673 Friday June 10 9:00am - 12:00 pm $45

Seniors’ Intro to Kayaking

Outdoor Pursuits

This covers all aspects of the game from the putting green to the tee off and is great for beginners or those wanting a refresher on tehir game.#40688 Thursdays

May 12 - June 21:00-2:00pmGlacier Greens Golf Course $90/4

From Tee to Green

This program off ers a fun and relax-ing learning environment. We will cover the full swing, putting and chipping throughout the 4 weeks of clinics. Ideal for the ladies who want to drop a few strokes off their handicap.#40685 Saturdays

May 7 - May 289:30 - 10:30amGlacier Greens Golf Course $90/4

Ladies Clinic

Come join other adults and learn how to sail in a fun environment! Our certifi ed Sail Canada instructor will teach you the basics of sailing and help you build your confi dence on the water. A perfect way to try the sport! No experience necessary.#40675 Monday & Thursdays

May 2 - May 276:30 - 8:30 pmComox Marina $230/8

#40676 Monday & ThursdaysMay 30 - June 236:30 - 8:30 pmComox Marina $230/8

Intro to Adult Sailing

This course is taught by certifi ed Sail Canada instructors and is de-signed to develop your sailing skills towards sailing independently with confi dence. No experience neces-sary. Students work towards their CanSail certifi cation. Our course fi lls fast so be sure to register early!#40677 Monday/Wednesday/Friday

May 30 - June 109:00am - 3:30pmComox Marina $340/6

#40678 Monday/Wednesday/FridayJune 13 - June 249:00am - 3:30pmComox Marina $340/6

CanSail Adult Sailing

Navigating our coastal waters requires a solid understanding of navigation and of our changeable weather & sea state. Join Paddle Canada instructor trainer Doug Taylor to learn new skills or ex-pand your existing knowledge. This course covers all the basics of read-ing marine charts, plotting a course, calculating speed and distance, interpreting weather and under-standing tides and currents.#40669 Wednesdays

May 25 & June 15:30 - 8:30 pmFilberg Evergreen Lounge $48/2

Weather, Tides and Navigation Workshop

16 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


• All registrations are processed on a fi rst come, fi rst served basis.

• Pre-registration is required for all classes except when speci-fi ed as a drop in class.

• Fees are to be paid in full at the time of registration by cash, cheque, Visa, Mastercard or Debit Card. Please make cheques payable to the City of Courtenay.

• Registration is limited to the immediate family plus members from one other family only.

• Courtenay Recreation reserves the right to cancel any pro-grams.

• GST will be charged on all pro-grams.

• A $20 handling charge will be collected on NSF cheques.

• Please read confi rmation re-ceipts carefully for information on dates, times, supplies, etc.

• A full or pro-rated refund will be given if class is cancelled or for medical reasons with a doctor’s note.

• All requests for refunds, credits or transfers will be processed with a full refund up to FIVE days before the start of the program. After this time, an administrative fee of $ 5 will be charged on all cash, Visa, Mastercard and Debit Card refunds.

• Refunds left as a CREDIT on your account will NOT be charged the administrative fee.

• Refunds will NOT be approved after a program has ended.

Registration Policy

Get some exercise, meet new play-ers and improve your game in this fast-paced group sport! (No games May 23)#40295 Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays

April 4 - June 241:00 - 3:00 pmLewis Centre - Gym$3/Drop-in

Join in and have fun playing this exciting paddle game! Like a mini tennis game Pickleball is played by 2 or 4 people on a badminton-sized court using wood paddle racquets and a plastic style baseball. Equip-ment will be provided. No pickleball April 5 & April 19.#40386 Tuesdays & Thursdays

March 22 - May 192:30-4:30 pmNative Sons Hall - Grand Hall$2.50/Drop-in



Pickleball will be moving outdoors on May 19th


Special Interest

Learn to make your own Chevre and Poutine cheese! This class is a demonstration, taste, touch and feel class and will show you how to make your own cheese with unique serving ideas. The class will give you a good basic understanding of the process of making cheese, and in-structions and ingredients to make your own at home.Instructor: Paula Maddison#40421 May 7 1:00pm -3:00pm $100 Lower Native Sons Kitchen

Cheese MakingCottage Cheese & Fromage Blanc

Planning meals not only saves time and money, but it also ensures that we are getting the best nutrition possible. This workshop takes a practical, fl exible and fun approach to preparing meals. This workshop prepares you with techniques to cook real and wholesome meals without compromising taste.Instructor: Jenn Mitchell#40783 April 26 5:30 - 9:30 pm $75 Filberg Centre Conference Kitchen#40784 May 29 12:00pm -4:00pm $75 Filberg Centre Conference Kitchen#40785 May 31 5:30pm -9:30pm $75 Filberg Centre Conference Kitchen

Meal Planning Made Simple

Please read your receipt carefully or make note of special instructions when registering!

17May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


7:30 to 10:30 pm Rotary Hall,

Florence Filberg Centre.

Evergreen Club members: $7.00, non-members: $9.00

Refreshments will be available.

Tickets available at the door.

Friday Night Dances

Great music by local bands!

Upcoming Dances: May 6, 13, 20 & 27

Sunday, May 8th 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:30pm)

Florence Filberg Centre,

Rotary Hall

The Comox Valley Concert Band

presents a musical journey on the

water featuring a musical cruise

down the waterways of America.

$5/person tickets at the Florence Filberg offi ce

Mother’s Day Concert

18 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


$5per person

The Evergreen Club invites

you to a Market Days

Saturday, July 16

available at the Florence Filberg Centre offi ce For info: 250-338-1000

An annual fundraiser for the Sonshine Lunch Club

The Evergreen Club presents...

2:00 pm (doors open at 1 pm)

Conference Hall, Florence Filberg Centre

Friday, July 1

Evergreen Club250-338-1000

19May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Reminder: Please arrive a few

minutes early as the movies start right

on time. Admission: one loonie

May 6, 2016: The Lady in the Van Stars: Maggie Smith, Alex Jennings,

Jim Broadbent.

A british comedy drama based on a

true story.

A woman of uncertain origins

‘temporarily’ parks her van in a

driveway in London and proceeded

to live there for 15 years. What

begins as a begrudged favour

becomes a relationship that will

change both the owners and her


Time: 1hr. 40 min.

May 20, 2016 Big Stone Gap Stars:Ashley Judd, Patrick Wilson,

Whoopi Goldberg

By movie legend Elizabeth Taylor

Ava Maria Mulligan has lived her

whole life in the tiny town of Big

Stone Gap. Just as she has resigned

herself to to life as an ‘old maid’,

she is caught off guard by a family

secret, an unexpected marriage

proposal and a once in a lifetime

visit to Big Stone Gap.

Time: 1hr and 40 min.

Movies sponsored by Gone Hollywood in Comox

Come Join Us in Coquitlam!September 20 - 24, 2016

The 55+ BC Games is an annual, multi-sport event hosted by a

diff erent BC community each year.

Sports & Events Include:Archery, Badminton, Bridge, Carpet Bowling, Cribbage, Cycling,

Darts, Dragon Boat Racing, Five Pin Bowling, Floor Curling, Golf,

Ice Curling, Ice Hockey, Lawn Bowling, Pickleball, Slo-Pitch, Soccer,

Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field, Whist

Area 4 - Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland . Black Creek, Fanny Bay

Paul Kingan 250-338-2137

20 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •

1. Any person participating in a day or

overnight trip from the Evergreen

Club must have a current

membership. Members may bring

a guest. (may be exceptions)

2. Payment & RegistrationDay Trips: You may register

for day trips as the information

appears in the monthly

newsletter. Full Payments

are now due upon booking.

Overnight trips: The dates for

booking these tours will appear

in your newsletter. At the time of

booking a stated deposit must be

paid. Post-dated payments are to

be left for the balance owing.

3. Cancellation & Refunds:

Cancellation may be accepted

for medical reasons. It may

not be possible to provide full

refunds if we are unable to re-sell

your seat. Medical certifi cates

may be requested. Refunds

will not be made for any other

reasons unless approved by the

Manager except when all seats are

sold and we are able to resell your

ticket. $15.00 administration fee

will be applied to refunds.

4. Seating: There will be ASSIGNED

SEATING for all passengers with

the exception of the Escort. Please

advise staff if you are traveling

with a partner and if you have

any specifi c requirements when

traveling on the bus trip. The seat directly behind the bus driver is reserved for the escort.

5. Gratuities: Gratuities are included

in the cost of the day trips.

6. Book now and don’t be disappointed. If a trip is not fi lled

by the deadline, the seats may then

be sold to non-members.

7. B.C. Residents (65 years & over) travel 1/2 price on the B.C.

Ferries Monday through Thursday.

Note: Some exceptions may apply

to some trips contracted with

Travel companies. You must bring

your identifi cation on all trips

that involve travel on B.C. Ferries.

8. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to departure of bus


9. Passports or Enhanced Drivers Licenses are required when

travelling to the US.


As a participant on the trips, please read the following information carefully. If you have any questionsor concerns, please contact the offi ce at 250-338-1000. We will be happy to assist you.

Perfume AlertPlease be aware of perfume

allergies and do not wear perfume

on bus trips.

PAYMENT & REGISTRATION: You may register for day & overnight trips as the information appears in the

monthly newsletter.

DAY TRIPS: Fees are to be paid in full at time of registration by cash, cheque, Debit Card,

VISA or Mastercard. (Please make cheques payable to the “City of Courtenay”.).

OVERNIGHT TRIPS: When booking, a stated deposit must be paid. Post-dated payments are to be

left for the balance owing for overnight trips, by cheque, VISA or Mastercard.

Payment will be applied 30 days or 45 days prior to departure and specifi ed by


Post-Dated Payments

You only need to arrive 15

minutes prior to departure (unless

otherwise specifi ed) and your

seat number will be posted on the

board in the lobby of the centre.

Please advise our staff upon

registration if you are travelling

with a partner, and if you have

any specifi c requirements when

traveling with us. Thank you for

your continued support!

Assigned Bus Seating for 44 passenger motorcoach trips


21May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


Don your Jay’s gear for the annual

Blue Jays vs Seattle Mariners trip. Go

Jays Go!

DEPARTS: Mon., Sept 19,2016, 8am

RETURNS:Thurs, Sept. 22,2016,7 pm

COST: $ 849.00 Dble Occ (65+)

$1,149.00 Sgle Occ( 65+)

$ 867.00 Dble Occ)

$1,167.00 SgleOcc

Trip includes: home pick up,bus

transportation, ferry costs, 3 Blue Jay

vs Mariners baseball game tickets ,

1 breakfast, 2 dinners, 3 nights

accomm odation at Clearwater

Resort,Suquamish , WA.& bus driver


Note: A $100.00 deposit is required

upon booking. Final payment is due

July 15, 2016. A detailed itinerary

will be provided two weeks prior to

departure date outlining your home

pick up times. The offi ce will contact

you when it is ready to pick up.

Blue Jays vs Seattle Mariners Trip (#40158)

COMEDY - Elwood P. Dowd is unlike

anyone you’ve ever met. He insists

on introducing his friend Harvey to

everyone around town – trouble

is, Harvey is an invisible six-foot-tall

rabbit. Such eccentric behaviour

embarrasses his social-climbing sister,

who arranges a trip to the sanitarium

where an injection will “cure” Elwood.

But things get even stranger when

the real patient is mistaken and the

doctors begin to behave oddly.

DATE: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

DEPARTS: 9:45 am

RETURNS: 6:00 pm

COST: $107.00 per person

includes bus transportation,

buff et lunch at the theatre, theatre

ticket, bus driver gratuity & GST

Chemainus Theatre “ Harvey” (#40223)

BROADWAY MUSICALReverend Moore is tormented by the

dangerous consequences of rock-

and-roll in his town. He has banned

dancing, but his peace is short-lived.

When music-and-dance-loving Ren

arrives from the big city, he rallies his

fellow teens (including the Reverend’s

daughter) against the oppressive rule,

revitalizing the spirit of the repressed

townspeople, and helping them heal

from a tragedy that aff ected everyone.

Re-live the high-energy and open-

minded fun of this hit 1984 fi lm.

DATE:Wednesday, July 6, 2016

DEPARTS: 9:45 am

RETURNS: 6:00 pm

COST: $107.00 per person

includes bus transportation,

buff et lunch at the theatre, theatre

ticket, bus driver gratuity & GST

Chemainus Theatre “Footloose” (#40224)

FULL - add your name to

our waiting list

Autumn in Quebec (#40716)

In cooperation with Ageless Adventure


An itinerary is now available at the

offi ce for the fall trip. This escorted

tour features: Montreal, Quebec City

& the Charlevoix Region.

DEPARTS: Friday, September 30,2016

RETURNS: Sunday, October 9,2016

COST: $4,435 pp Double Occupancy

$ 5,789 pp Single Occupancy

Trip includes: round trip airfare with Air

Canada, nine nights accommodation;

nine breakfasts, two lunches, four

dinners; meal gratuities; all side

tours and entrance fees; services

of local guides; transfer gratuities.

NOTE: Out-of-province medical

insurance is recommended.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations may be accepted for medical reasons. It may not be

possible to provide full refunds if we are unable to re-sell your

seat. Medical certifi cates may be requested. Refunds will not be

made for any other reasons unless we are able to resell your ticket. A $15.00 administration fee will be

applied to refunds.

Thank you!

The Second Stage Players would like to thank everyone who came to watch ‘Scattered Skits’. An audience is THE most important part of a performance.

Special thank you’s go out to all of our crew:

Bea Tomkinson and the kitchen volunteers Ken McLeod Tom and Val Gordon Peggy Carlson Bert

Bracconier Maureen Faust Spencer Hay Ivan Whitelaw Phil and Val

Parmley Ellen Whitelaw Bev MacIntyre

and of course, our talented actors and our dear director: Betty Annand.

Second Stage Players are continuing with their Monday meetings until the end of June. We will be focusing on

drama activities and next year’s plans.

22 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


West Coast Adventure(#40062) In cooperation with Square

1 Travelplus

4 Day Pacifi c Coastal Cruise /stay in San Diego (#40228)

In cooperation with Square 1 Travelplus

Join our escorted group trip which

includes a 4 day Pacifi c Coastal Cruise

from Vancouver to San Diego on the

MS Amsterdam, followed by 4 nights

in San Diego.

DEPARTS: September 26, 2016

RETURNS: October 4, 2016

COST: $1,856.00 Inside/Dble Occ

$1,940.00 Outside/Dble Occ

$2,215.00Verandah/Dble Occ.

Single Rates available upon request

Senior Ferry Discount = $16.00

Deposit: $250.00 per person

Package includes: home pick-up;

transfer from Comox Valley to

Vancouver; 4 night cruise with cocktail

reception; 4 night hotel stay in San

Diego with city tour; fl ights from

San Diego to Vancouver; ferry & bus

transfer to Comox Valley; home drop-

off , gratuities, baggage handling,

transfers and all taxes.

Across Canada by Rail (#40715)

In cooperation with Ageless Adventure


An itinerary is now available at the

offi ce for the trip. This escorted tour

features Toronto & Ottawa.

DEPARTS: Tues., August 30,2016

RETURNS: Sunday,September 9,2016

COST: $6,187 pp Dble Occ Berth

$7,039 pp Sgle Occ Berth

$6,869 pp Dblc Occ Cabin

$7,729 pp Sgle Occ Cabin

$9,089 pp Single*

* Single (in a double VIA cabin

Trip includes: ferry tolls, VIA Rail :

Vancouver to Toronto on the

Canadian; VIA Rail Business Class:

Toronto to Ottawa; One way airfare

Ottawa to Vancouver; ten nights

accomm; ten breakfasts; fi ve lunches;

six dinners; meal gratuities; all side

tours & entrance fees; services of local

guides; Red Cap Service; transfer


Grizzly Bears of Knight Inlet(#40968) In cooperation with Ageless

Adventure Tours

An itinerary is now available at the

offi ce for the trip. This escorted tour

includes highlights of Alert Bay &

U’mista Cultural Centre

DEPARTS: Mon., August 15, 2016

RETURNS:Fri.,August 19, 2016

COST: $1,909 pp Dble Occ

$2,196 pp Sgle Occ

Trip includes: four nights

accommodation; four breakfasts; 3

lunches; two dinners; meal gratuities;

seven hour grizzly bear cruise & tour;

services of local guide; three & a half

hour whale watching tour; all side

tours and entrance fees.

Butchart Gardens (#40066)

In cooperation with Square 1


Our early aft ernoon departure from

Courtenay will take us to Butchart

Gardens to enjoy Christmas Festivities.

Aft er our included Christmas buff et

dinner we will do the “Twelve Days

of Christmas” stroll which features tens

of thousands of coloured lights before

returning to our inner harbour Royal

Scot Hotel in Victoria. The morning

and early aft ernoon are free to enjoy

the many attractions Victoria off ers.

We leave mid-aft ernoon and plan to

swing through Ladysmith to catch

their Festival of Lights show before our

return to the Comox Valley.

DEPARTS: Sun., December 11, 2016

RETURNS: Mon., December 12, 2016

COST: $285.00 Double Occ

$355.00 Single Occ

Deposit: $100 with balance due by

Oct 31, 2016

Includes hotel accommodation, buff et

dinner, admission to Butchart Gardens,

bus transportation, gratuities and GST.

We’ll visit Cathedral Grove, the

Maritime Discovery Centre and

Harbour Quay in Port Alberni; we will

sail through the Broken Islands on M.

V. Frances Barkley; we will visit Ucluelet

and Tofi no with an opportunity to

walk a portion of the Wild Pacifi c

Trail; we will ride the Alberni Pacifi c

Steam Train and visit the historic

MacLean steam-operated sawmill.

DEPARTS: Thursday June 9, 2016

RETURNS: Saturday June 11, 2016

COST: $575.00 Double Occupancy

$710.00 Single Occupancy

Trip includes: 2 night’s accommodation

in Port Alberni, 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch,

2 dinners, trip on MV Frances Barkley,

Alberni Pacifi c Steam Train, MacLean

Mill Sawmill tour, bus gratuity and

taxes. Home pick up & drop off is


Please be aware of perfume

allergies and do not wear perfume

on bus trips.

Perfume Alert

23May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •


IL Divo (Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver) (#40226)

In cooperation with Island Fever Travel

Okanagon Wine Festival Tour (#40065) In cooperation with Square

I Travelplus

In Leavenworth during the holiday

season the town lights up to celebrate

the magic of the season.Enjoy 3

nights at the Bavarian style Enzian Inn

where a local pianist will play popular

Christmas carols nightly and we can

sing along. Enjoy a horse drawn sleigh

ride nearby and a short walk from our

hotel are many shops to discover. An

excursion to nearby Cashmere will

include a visit to Aplets and Cotlets

candy factory and Annie’s Antique

Gallery. A festive concert by harpist

Bronn Journey will be our fi nal event.

DEPARTS: Mon., December 5,2016

RETURNS:Thurs., December 8, 2016


Deposit: $150 with balance due by

October 15, 2016 Price will include

home pickup, bus & ferry trans, 3

nights Hotel accommodation, harp

concert, sleigh ride, wine tasting, 3

breakfasts, 2 dinners & bus gratuities.

Experience the majesty, history and

the culture of Newfoundland and

Labrador. This comprehensive tour

escorted from Comox is a complete

immersion in the culture and daily life

of the province.It’s easy pace makes it

enjoyable and its encounters make it

unforgettable.We’ll travel from coast

to coast with a local guide who will

bring the experience to life.

DEPARTS: Tues.,August 23, 2016

RETURNS: Sun.,September 4, 2016

COST: $4,095.00 Dble Occupancy

$4,920.00 Sgle Occupancy

Group Airfare with Westjet Airlines

includes tax. Aug 23 - Sept 4, 2016,


Trip includes: coach tour, 13 nights’

hotel accommodation, services of

local guide, water shuttle/tour of

Bonne Bay, Gros Morne Park, Sir

Wilfred Grenfell Mission, Red Bay

Basque Whaling Station, return ferry

to Labrador, excursions to L’Anse

Aux Meadows, tour of historic St

John’s, Cape Spear, Twillingate,

Trinity, Bonavista & more.Includes 12

breakfasts, 8 midday meals; 3 dinners.

Home pick up is included.

Newfoundland Bus Tour (#40064) In cooperation with Square

1 Travelplus

Classical singing superstars Il Divo

are coming to Vancouver as part

of their 2016 Amor & Pasion Tour.

The Vancouver show, which will

take place at Queen Elizabeth

Theatre on Sunday, November

6, is stopping in seven Canadian

cities across British Columbia,

Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta.

DEPARTS: Sun., Nov. 6, 2016, TBA

RETURNS: Mon., Nov. 7, 2016, TBA

COST: $569 pp Dble Occ

$659 Single Occ

$549 pp Triple Occ

$539 pp Quad Occ

Trip includes: hotel accommodation

at Georgian Court Hotel, breakfast,

dinner, Orchestra seating at Queen

Elizabeth Theatre & bus transportation.

NOTE: bookings are non refundable.

Join our escorted coach tour through

the Discovery Coast & Cariboo,

including scenic ferry trip from

Port Hardy to Bella Coola; drive up

the infamous “Big Hill” & through the

wild Chilcotin; visits to Williams Lake,

Quesnel, Barkerville & Whistler.

DEPARTS: Tues., August 9, 2016

RETURNS : Mon., August 15, 2016

COST: $1,580 (65 +) Dble Occ

$1,650 Dble Occ

$2,015(65+)Single Occ.

$2,085 Single Occ

Deposit: $150.00 per person

Trip includes: Home pick-up & drop

off ; all bus & ferry transportation; 1

night in Port Hardy; 2 nights in Bella

Coola; 2 nights in Williams Lake;

1 night in Whistler; 4 breakfasts; 4

lunches; 3 dinners. This escorted tour

includes gratuities, baggage handling,

and all taxes.

Discovery Coast to Cariboo Circle Tour (#40063) In cooperation

with Square1 Travelplus

We will tour wineries, visit the Osoyoos

Desert Model Railway, Nk’Mip desert

Cultural Centre, ride the Kettle Valley

Steam Railway and attend a Wine

Tasting Seminar. We will have 2

nights in Osoyoos, 2 nights in

Penticton and 1 night in Chilliwack.

DEPARTS: Wed,October 5, 2016

RETURNS: Mon., October 10, 2016

COST: $1,245.00 Double Occ

$1,605.00 Single Occ

Senior Ferry Discount $15.00

Deposit $200 with balance due by

Aug 22, 2016. Price includes home

pickup, bus and ferry, transportation,

4 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners

and a wine seminar, 5 nights’ hotel

accomm,museum admissions, wine

tasting at several wineries, bus

gratuities &GST.

Christmas Magic in Leavonworth (#41268) In

cooperation with Square 1 Travelplus

FULL - add your name to

our waiting list

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations may be accepted for medical reasons. It may not be

possible to provide full refunds if we are unable to re-sell your

seat. Medical certifi cates may be requested. Refunds will not be

made for any other reasons unless we are able to resell your ticket. A $15.00 administration fee will be

applied to refunds.

24 May 2016 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySimply Strength (2)9:00-10:00am

*55 + TRX Level 29:00-10:00am

Stretch & Strength9:00-10:00am

Simply Strength (1)10:15 -11:15am

55+ Gentle Yoga 10:15 -11:15am

*55+ Strength Trng10:30-11:30am

Cycling Groupmeets 10:00am

(weather permitting)





Table Tennis 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Fall Proof & Mobility Training1:00-2:00pm

Carpet Bowling Instruction /Drop-in play 1 :00 pm


Android Tablet Group 1pm

3rd Mon of each


Book Club (1st Monday) 1:00-


*55+ Strength Trng1:30-2:30pm

55+ Hatha Yoga2:00-3:15pm

Drama Club Meets3:15 -5:00pm

Snooker Drop-in Play

7am to 4:30 pm

Whist 7:30 pm -9:30 pm


Snooker Drop-in 7:00am - 4:30pm

*55+ TRX Level 1 9:00-10:00am *

Chair Fit 9:15-10:15am

Fabric Painters9:30 am - 11:30 am

Bible Study 10:00-11:30am

Crib 10am-12pm

Happy Gang 10:00am-12:00pm

*55+ Strength Trng10:30-11:30am


Darts10:30am-12:30 pm

Chair Yoga11:00am-12:00pm



Carpet Bowling League Play 1pm

Stamp Club (2nd


Table Tennis

12:30 pm-3:30pm

Camera Club (1st &

3rd Tues.) 12:-2:30pm

*55+ Strength Trng1:30-2:30 pm

Knit & Crochet Group 1:30-3:00pm

IPADS (1st&3rd Tues )



Ukulele Group(2nd & 4th Tues)

4:30 pm-6:15pm

*55+ Beg Str Trng 3:00–4:00pm

Bridge 7:00-10:00pm

*55+ TRX Level 2 9:00-10:00am

Simply Strength (2)9:00-10:00am

Heartstrings 10:00am-12:00pm

Cycling Groupmeets 10:00am

(weather permitting)

Simply Strength (1)10:15-11:15am

*55+ Strength Trng10:30-11:30am

Texas Hold’em 12:15-3:30pm

Chess 12:30 -3:30pm

Minds in Motion 1:00-3:00pm

Mexican Train1:00-3:00pm (2nd &

4th Wednesday of

the month)

Meet & Greet(Singles)


1st Wed of month

Games Day 3rd Wed of each

month 1 pm

Scrabble1:00- 4:00pm

*55+ Strength Trng1:0-2:30pm

Snooker Drop-in Play 7:00am-


Snooker Drop-in Play 7:00am -4:30pm

Iyengar Yoga 8:30-10:00am

55+ TRX Level 1 9:00-10:00am *

Stretch & Strength9:00-10:00am

Brazilian Embroidery9:00am-12:00pm

Gospel Sing a long10:30 -11:30 am

Yoga For Joint Health10:00-11:30am

Iyengar Yoga 10:15-11:30am

*55+ Strength Trng10:30-11:30am


Art Club


Bridge 12:30-3:30pm

Carpet Bowing Drop-in Play

1 :00 pm


Fall Proof & Mobility Training1:00-2:00pm


*55+ Beg.Str Trng


Snooker Drop-in Play

7:00am-4:30 pm

Chair Fit9:15-10:15 am

Cardio and Str. 9:00-10:00am

*55+ Strength Trng10:00-11:00am

55+ Hatha Yoga10:00-11:30am



Recorder 10:00-11:30am

Restortative Yoga11:00am-12:15pm

Chess 12:30-3:30pm

At the Movies

12:30pm (1st &

3rd Fridays) Check

Special Events for


Computer Club 1pm

2nd Fridayof month



*Badminton1:00-3:00pm 55+ Hatha Yoga2:00-3:30pm

Night Dances7:30pm (check


SaturdayCentre Hours: closed

on Saturdays .

Open on specifi ed

dates for Special


Computer Lab

Maintenance is

completed on the

fi rst Friday of each month. Computers

will not be available

during this time.

Golf Club meets at

Longlands on Wed.

& Fri, 9:30 am from

April to October.

Activities listed

which appear in

Bold Red Type require advanced

registration fee.

* indicates

programs held at

Lewis Centre.

top related