Master Midterm #2 - Lecture

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Master Midterm #2 - Lecture


10.4Sarcomere Unit of Functional Measure Thick filament Myosin Thin Filament Actin Titin Holds Actin together, holds thick filament to the Z disk I Band Actin & Titin, Z disk A Band Actin, Thick filament, Myosin, H Zone, M Line H Zone Only Thick Filaments Motor Neuron Initiates muscle contraction in a single muscle fiber. A single motor neuron typically controls numerous muscle fibers in a muscle. Has a neuromuscular junction with each muscle fiber it controls. Twitches happen because motor neurons fire on their ownTick Continuous twitchBig twitches = seizuresAll-Or-None Principle -A muscle fiber either contracts completely or does not at all.Muscle Tone Some motor units are always active, even when a muscle is at rest. The motor units can use the muscle to become tense, but do not produce enough tension to cause movement. Muscle tone is the resting tension in a skeletal muscle. Contraction Isometric length of the muscle does not change because the tension produced never exceeds the resistance (load) Tension is generated, but not enough to move the load Isotonic Tension produced exceeds the resistance (load), and the muscle fibers shorten, resulting in movement.

Muscle Atrophy Reduction in muscle size, tone, and power. Due to reduced stimulation, it loses both mass and tone. Muscle becomes flaccid, and its fibers decrease in size and become weaker. Even a temporary reduction in muscle use can lead to muscular atrophy. Develop diabetes in 2 weeks 2 monthsFlaccid Decrease muscle tone & sizeMuscle Hypertrophy An increase in muscle fiber size. Muscle size may be improved by exercising Repetitive, exhaustive stimulation of muscle fibers results in more mitochondria, larger glycogen reserves, and an increased ability to produce ATP. Ultimately, each muscle fiber develops more myofibrils, and each myofibil contains a larger number of myofilaments. Three types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers Fast Are large in diameter Contain large glycogen reserves Densely packed myofibrils Relatively few mitochondria Called white fibers due to lack of myoglobin Majority of skeletal muscle fibers in the body Intermediate Resemble fast fibers; however Have a greater resistance to fatigue Slow Smaller and they Contract more slowly Called red fibers because due to myoglobinFour Organizational Patterns in Fascicles Circular muscle is also called a sphincter because contraction of the muscle closes off the opening. Convergent muscle has widespread muscle fibers that converge on a common attachment site and are often triangular in shape. Parallel fascicles run parallel to its long axis. Have a central body, called the belly, or gasterIC3 types of pennate muscles Unipennate muscle all of the muscle fibers are on the same side of ICActions of Skeletal Muscles Grouped according to their primary actions into 3 types: Agonists AKA Prime Mover Contracts to produce a particular movement. Antagonists Actions oppose those of the agonist. Synergists Assist the prime mover in performing its actionCriteria for Naming of Muscles ICCardiac Muscle Fibers are autorhythmic (can generate a muscle impulse without being stimulated) Has an intercalated disk (where gap junctions are concentrated) ICSmooth Muscle Involuntary control ICEffects of Aging on Skeletal Muscle Slow, progressive loss of skeletal muscle mass begins as a direct result of increasing inactivity. Size and power of all muscle tissues also decrease. Lost muscle mass is replaced by either adipose or fibrous connective tissues. Muscle strength and endurance are impaired. Decreased cardiovascular performance thus. Increased circulatory supply to active muscles occurs much more slowly Tolerance for exercise decreases Tendency toward rapid fatigue Muscle tissue has a reduced capacity to recover from disease or injury. Elasticity of skeletal muscle also decreases. 10.9CH. 12: APPENDICULAR MUSCLEAppendicular Muscle Control movements of upper and lower limbs Upper limbs: Pectoral girdles Lower Limbs: Pelvic girdlesDiagramRegular pushup: Pectoralis Major, triangular center pushup: Pec. Minor1. Biggest muscle in pectoral girdle: Pectoralis Major. I: Humerus2. Pectoralis Minor: O: Coracoid Process, I: ribs 3, 4, & 53. Deltoid Adductora. 10-90 = deltoid, 90 180 = lats/traps 4. Latissimus Dorsi Elevates, depression & adduction5. Biceps Brachii 2 heads Long & Short Heada. Flex Shoulder & Elbowb. Supinates (bc on radius)6. Coracobrachialis Flexes shoulder7. Trapezius Elevates shoulder 8. Levator Scapulae Shurg (elevating of shoulder forwards)9. Rhomboid Minor/Major Brings Scapulae together 10. Serratus Anterior Brings scapula towards rib cage11. Serratus Posterior Superior Inspiration (inhalation)12. Serratus Posterior Inferior Expiration (Exhalation)a. Respiration (In/exhalation)13. Gluteus Maximus Biggest butt muscle;14. Gluteus Medius/Minimus Adduct thigh & Medial rotate15. Piriformis Lateral Rotators of thigh16. Triceps Coxae Lateral Rotators of thigha. Superior Gemullus Lateral Rotators of thighb. Obturator Internus Lateral Rotators of thighc. Inferior Gemullus Lateral Rotators of thigh17. Quadratus Femoris Lateral Rotators of thigh18. Sternocleidomastoid Contralateral Rotation

Arm Diagram Anterior Arm Muscles Flex Shoulder Flex Elbow Or both Biceps Brachii Long & Short Head; O: Scapula; I: Radius Coracobrachialis Shoulder to arm; Flexes shoulder; O: Coracoid process; I: Humerus Brachialis O: Humerus I: Ulna Posterior Arm Muscles Extend Shoulder Extend Elbow Triceps Brachii Long Head O: Scapula; I: Olecranon of the Ulna; Extend shoulder & Elbow Medial Head O: Humerus; I: Olecranon of the Ulna; Extend Elbow Lateral Head O: Humerus; I: Olecranon of the Ulna; Extend Elbow-- Anconeus O: Humerus ; I: Ulna; Extends ElbowArm & forearm muscles that move elbow joint/forearm Flexor compartment Posterior extensor compartment Anterior compartment Elbow flexors Posterior compartment contains elbow extensors The principle flexors: biceps brachii,, brachialisForearm Muscles that Supinate and Pronate Supinator Muscle supinates the forearm Contraction of the pronator teres and pronator quadratus pronates the forearm Biceps brachii help supinate the forearmForearm Diagram Supinator O: Humerus; I: Radius = Supinate; Two Pronators (one @ wrist & elbow) Pronator Teres Elbow Pronator Pronator Quadratus - Wrist PronatorAnterior Forearm Flexes Elbow Flexes Wrist Flex Fingers Pronate Superficial Muscle Pronator Teres O: Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus; I: Radius Pronates Elbow Flexor Carpi Radialis O: Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus; I: Radius Flex Elbow & Wrist; Radial Deviate (Moves toward Thumb) Palmaris Longus* O: Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus; I: Palm Flex Elbow & Wrist Flexor Digitorum Superficialis O: Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus; I: Medial Phalange (2-5) Flex Elbow, Wrist, 2-5 MCP + PIP Flexor Carpi Ulnaris O: Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus; I: Carpal Bones Flex Elbow, Wrist & Ulnar Deviate Deep Muscle Flex Wrist Flex Digits Flexor Pollicis Longus I: Distal Phalange of Thumb Flexes wrist, 1st MCP & 1st IP Flexor Digitorum Profundus I: Distal Phalange Flex Wrist, MCP, PIP & DIP Pronator Quadratus - Pronates10.16Chapter 12: Appendicular MusclesPosterior Forearm Extend Elbow Extend Wrist Extend MCP, PIP, & DIP1. Brachioradialis - (Screwdriver muscle); radial deviation; O: Shaft/Body of Humerus2. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Radial deviation; O: Shaft/Body of Humerus3. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Extends Elbow, wrist, & Radial Deviation O: Lat. Epicondyle of Humerus4. Extensor Digitorum (Communis) Extend elbow, wrist, MCP, PIP & DIP (2-5 all); O: Lat. Epicondyle of Humerus5. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Extends wrist, elbow & Ulnar deviation; O: Lat. Epicondyle of Humerus6. Extensor Digiti Minimi 5th digit (pinky); extend wrist, elbow, MCP, PIP & DIP; O: Lat. Epicondyle of Humerus7. Supinator Supinates8. Anatomical Snuff Box Extensor Pollicis Longus (EPL) Extends Wrist Extensor Pollicis Brevis (EPB)Extends Wrist Abductor Pollicis Longus (APL)Extends Wrist9. Extensor Indicis Digit 2; Extends wrist; Extends 2nd digits: MCP, PIP & DIPHand1. Thenar Muscles Base of thumb Abductor Pollicis Brevis Abducts the thumb Flexor Pollicis Brevis Flex thumb; abducts Opponens Pollicis Takes thumb to Z-Plane2. Hypothenar Pinky Abductor Digiti Minimi Abducts the 5th digit (pinky) Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Opponens Digiti Minimi 3. Lumbricals (1-4) Digits 2-5; Flex MCP, but extend PIP & DIPDeep Muscle1. Abductor Pollicis 2. (3x) Palmar Interosseus (PADs) Adductor Fingers3. (4x) Dorsal Interosseus (DABs) Abduct DigitsLower limbsAnterior Hip Hip Flexor1. Iliopsoas a. Psoas Majorb. Psoas Minorc. IliacusMedial Thigh Adduct the thigh/hip joint All originate at Pubic Bone1. Gracilis2. Addcutor Magnus3. Adductor Longus4. Adductor Brevis5. PectineusLateral Thigh Abduct the thigh Medial Rotates the thigh1. Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) Muscle body is tiny; I: IT BANDAnterior Thigh Flex Thigh Extend Knee1. Sartorius Also laterally rotates knee; LONGEST MUSCLE IN YOUR BODY (Hip to Tibia)2. Rectus Femoris (1)3. Vastus Lateralis (2)4. Vastus Medialis (3)5. Vastus Intermedius (4)a. (_) Quadriceps Tendon = FemorisQuadratus Femoris (Glutes) is not the Quadriceps Femoris (Thigh)Posterior Thigh Extends Thigh Flex Knee O: Ischial Tuberosity1. Semitendinosus2. Semimembranosus3. Biceps Femoris Long Head & Short Head: O: Femur; Only flexes Knee*4. Adductor Magnus - Extends Thigh*

10.18Chapter 12: AppendicularLegAnterior Leg Dorsiflexion Extends all toesIt takes 2 retinaculums to hold down muscles1. Anterior Tibialis Muscle A: Inversion* & Dorsiflexion2. Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle (EDL) A: Dorisflexion; Extend toes 2-53. Extensor Hallucis LongusA: Extends big toe; Dorisflexion 4. Fibularis Tertius O: Dorsiflexion & EversionLateral Leg Eversion1. Fibularis Longus 1st metatarsal2. Fibularis Brevis 5th metatarsalPosterior Leg (Calves) Plantar Flex Flex toes Invert* (only 1)SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES (1-3 Known as Triceps Surae) I: Calcaneal Tendon1. Gastrocnemius Flex Kneea. Lateral Headb. Medial Head2. Plantaris Flex Knee3. Soleus Plantar flexes the footDEEP MUSCLES TDH1. Tibialis Posterior Inverts2. Flexor Digitorum Longus Flexion of MTP, PIP, & DIP 2-53. Flexor Hallucis Longus Flexion of Big ToePopliteus Unlocks knee; Behind the kneeFootLAYER 1: SUPERFICIAL Plantar Aponeurosis1. Flexor Digitorum Brevis (FDB) I: Middle Phalanges; A: Flexion of Toes 2-5 MTP & PIP2. Abductor Digiti Minimi abducts pinky toe3. Abductor Hallucis flexes and abducts big toeLAYER 2: DEEP4. Quadratus Plantae Flexes toes5. Lumbricals Flex MTP but extends PIP & DIPLAYER 3: DEEPER6. Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Flex 5th MTP & PIP 7. Flexor Hallucis Brevis 1st digit MTP8. Adductor Hallucis flexion and abduction of big toe

LAYER 4: DEEPEST1. 3 PADS Adduct toes2. 4 DABS Abduct toesDORSUM OF FEET1. Extensor Digitorum Brevis Extension of toes 2-52. Extensor Hallucis Brevis Extension of big toeShoulder1. Subclavius Anchors clavicleScapulohumeral 3-5: Rotator Cuff1. Deltoid arm abduction2. Teres Major medial rotator and adductor of humerus3. Teres Minor adduction, extension & transverse extension4. Supraspinatus abduction 5. Infrapinatus extension & Lateral rotation of humerus6. Subscapularis internal rotation10.23CHAPTER 11: AXIAL (CORE) MUSCLESAxial Muscles Both origins and insertions are on parts of the axial skeleton Support and move the head/spinal column Function in nonverbal communication Move the lower jaw during chewing Assist in food processing and swallowing Aid breathing Support and protect the abdominal and pelvic organs Are NOT responsible for stabilizing or moving the pectoral or pelvic girdles or their attached limbsDiagram: Head & Neck Frontalis wrinkles forehead & lifts eyebrows Connected to Occipitalis Occipitalis & Frontalis make up the Epicranial Aponeurosis Procerus Brings eyebrows to the center Nasalis Flares nostrils Orbicularis Oculi Closes eyes Levator Labii Superlosis Snarl (Clint Eastwood face) Zygomaticus Minor & Major Help you smile Risorius Grin (Smile w/o teeth) Depressor Anguili Oris sad face Depressor Labii Inferioris show bottom row of teeth Platysma Stress look (shows neck muscles); Levator Anguli Oris Joker smile; SUPER smile Masseter Chewing Muscle Buccinator Puckers lips; Kissing muscle; woodwind instruments Obicularis Oris O shaped mouth Mentalis Brings lip lower (use toothpick) Sternocleidomastoid Turns head opposite way; (Contralateral)Eye Muscles Superior Rectus Look up Inferior Rectus Look down Medial Rectus Brings eyes to the center Strabismus Cross eyed Lateral Rectus Eyes look opposite ways = brain damage Inferior Oblique Up and to the side Superior Oblique Down and to the frontMaking up a lie Look left; Truth Look right; Recalling Top RightMuscles of MasticationChewing Temporalis Masseter Lateral Pterygoids Medial PterygoidsMuscles that move the tongue ANY MUSCLE THAT HAS THE WORD GLOSSUS = TONGUE MUSCLE Genioglossus Palatoglossus Styloglossus HypoglossusMuscles that help you swallow ANY MUSCLE YOU SEE WITH THE WORD CONSTRICTOR = SWALLOWING OR IS A PHARYNX PHARYNX = THROAT

Muscles of the Anterior Neck Suprahyoid Muscles Above the hyoid1. Mylohyoid2. Anterior and Posterior Digastric3. Stylohyoid 4. Geniohyoid Infrahyoid Muscles Below the hyoid1. Sternohyoid2. Sternothyroid3. Thyrohyoid4. Cricothyroid5. Omohyoid attaches to scapulaa. Superior Bellyb. Inferior BellyAnterior and Lateral Neck MusclesPosture Extend Vertebrae Erector Spinae Laterally Flex1. Iliocostalis2. Longissimus3. Spinalis Transversospinalis Holds Spine Up; Contralateral Rotation1. Semispinalis2. Multifidis3. Rotatores Longus4. Rotatroes Brevis5. Serratus Posterior Inferior - Inspiration6. Serratus Posterior Superior ExpirationErects head, lateral flexes spleniusMuscles of Respiration Scalenes (3x) Connects vertebrae to ribs; Inspiration1. Anterior2. Middle3. Posterior External Intercostal - Inspiration Internal Intercostals Expiration Innermost Intercostals Inspiration Transverse Thoracis Expiration Diaphragm Inspiration & ExpirationMuscles of the Abdominal Wall Abs (5x) - Flex & Stabilize Vertebrae; Laterally Flex Vertebrae; Expiration 5x Influences Fetus Fat Feces Fluid Flatus (Gas)1. External Abdominal Oblique 2. Internal Abdominal Oblique 3. Transverse Abdominal 4. Rectus Abdominis 8 bellies, 2 hidden by fat of ribs5. Pyramidalis (Lower ab) - Expiration

10.25Muscles of the Pelvic Floor Levator Ani Muscles1. Iliococcygeus2. Pubococcygeus Ischiocavernosus muscleDeep: Transverse perineal musclepubococcygeusiliococcyygeusBulbospongiosus muscleSuperficial perineal transverse musclecoccyx

2 types of Hernias Inguinal Hernias Femoral Hernias Inguinal hernia: most common type of hernia to require treatment Inguinal region is one of the weakest areas of the abdominal wall.CHAPTER 14: NERVOUS TISSUEThe Nervous System Bodys primary communication and control system Divided into structural and functional categories Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain and spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous system (PNS) Cranial Nerves (Nerves that extend from the brain) 12 nerves Spinal Nerves (Nerves that extend from the spinal cord) 31 nerves Ganglia (clusters of the neuron cell bodies located outside the CNS)

Nervous System: Functional Organization Sensory Division Receives sensory information (input) from receptors and transmits this information to the CNS. Motor (or efferent) division transmits motor impulses (output) from the CNS to muscles or glands. SAME Sensory=Afferent fibers, Motor-Efferent fibers Nerve Cells Two distinct cell types from nervous tissue Neurons Excitable (transmission of electricity) cells that initiate and transmit nerve impulses; non-mitotic; extreme longevity; high metabolic rate Glial Cells Nonexcitable cells that support and protect the neurons; mitoticNeuron Structure Neurons come in all shapes and sizes, but all neurons share certain basic structural features. A typical neuron has a cell body, dendrites, & axons. Node of Rannier Space between each sheath Saltatory Conduction Electrical Signal Synaptic knobs = BOUTON (2 circles) Myelin - insulate cover the axon Multiple Sclerosis (MS) No myelin in the CNS Giullan-Barre No myelin in PNSClassification of Neurons Unipolar 1 process comes out of neuron Bipolar Neuron 2 processes come out of neuron Multipolar Nueron Multiple dendrites come out of neuronInterneurons Association neurons (refine communication) lie in the CNS; multipolar Receive nerve impulses from many other neurons and carry out the integrative function of the nervous system Thus, interneurons facilitate communication between sensory and motor neurons. Glial Cells of the CNS Oligodendrocytes Myleinators of the CNS (offer myelin sheaths) 1 oligodendrocytes can provide 20 myelin sheaths Astrocytes Filter out blood end feet Secrete growth factors Ependymal Cells Keep CSF from saturating your brain tissue Microglia Destroys whatever escapes from astrocytes Queiscent Activate/Reactive activates when brain injuries occur10.30Glial Cells AKA Neuroglia Glial cells are smaller and capable of mitosis. Do not transmit nerve impulses. Glial cells physically protect and help nourish neurons and provide an organized, supporting framework for all the nervous tissue. Glial cells far outnumber neurons. Glial cells account for roughly half the volume of the nervous system. Glial Cells of the PNS Schwann Cell 1 schwann cell = 1 myelin sheath Produce growth factors Satellite Cells For immune response Astrocytes exhibit a starlike shape due to projections from their surface. Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cells in the CNS Form a structural network. Replaces damaged neurons. Assisting neuronal development. Myelination Neurolemmocytes (Schwann cells) are associated with PNS axons and are responsible for myelinating PNS axons. Myelination is the process by which part of an axon is wrapped with a myelin sheath, a protective fatty coating that gives it glossy-white appearance. The myelin sheath supports, protects, and insulates an axon. No change in voltage can occur across the membrane in the insulated ortion of an axon. In the PNS, myelin sheaths form from neurolemmocytes. In the CNS, they form from oligodendrocytes. Mylenated vs. Unmylenated Axons In a myleinated axon nerve impulse jumps from node to node and is known as salutatory conduction. In an unmyelinated axon, the nerve impulse must travel the entire length of the axon, a process called Continuous conduction A myelinated axon produces a faster nerve impulse. Injury (Only in PNS) EX: carving pumkins knife cuts hand= cut nerves cuts axon, cuts thenar muscle1. Axon is severed.2. The proximal portion of the severed axon seals off and swells: the distal portion degenerates.3. Neurolemmocytes form a regeneration tube.4. Axon regenerates and remyelination occurs. 5. Reinnervation of the effector (skeletal muscle fibers) by the axon.

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