Marketing ROI Infographic

Post on 13-May-2015






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Marketing pioneer John Wannamaker once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted… The trouble is, I don’t know which half.” Still today, most marketers don’t know which of their advertising channels are most effective. Investment in online has increased due to an improved ability to track success, yet offline channels will continue to dominate spend for the foreseeable future. We have compiled an infographic around key marketing measurement statistics to help marketers overcome this challenge as they begin planning for 2012. Do you know which advertising channel is most effective for you? Most marketers don't. Investment online has increased due to an improved ability to track success, yet offline channels will contributed to dominate spend for the foreseeable future. Ifbyphone, the leader in voice-based marketing automation, has gathered key stats to help you overcome this challenge and others as you being to plan. Evaluating Marketing ROI: Which metrics are most effective? Call Tracking: A missing Metric 43% of all search-related conversions happen over the phone. 10% increase in click-through rates for pay-per-click ads with a phone number. 35% increase in percentage of search clicks that resulted in phone calls. 65% of businesses consider phone calls their highest quality lead source. Web analytics tools in use by percentage: Google Analytics - 44% Omniture - 34% Coremetrics - 17% Understanding Social Media & Your Brand Marketing: 70% of marketers are not reporting regularly to management regarding the social media conversations happening around their brand.


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