March 2017 The Trinity Trumpet - … TRINITY TRUMPET -March...March 2017 The Trinity Trumpet The Trinity Trumpet is a publication of Trinity

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March 2017

The Trinity Trumpet

The Trinity Trumpet is a

publication of

Trinity Lutheran Church

223 South Water Avenue

New Hampton, IA 50659

(641) 394-2552


All who believe

Pastors Pr. Kevin Frey

Pr. Cindy Krause

Office Manager Ellen Franzen

Head Organist Dennis Strum


Jim Mettner

The mission of our congregation is to multiply and equip the children of God’s household!

Wednesday Evening

Contemporary Worship

March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29

at 6:00 pm

Saturday Evening


March 4, 11, 18 & 25

at 5:30 pm

Sunday Morning


March 5, 12, 19 & 26

at 9:00 am

Sunday Evening

Lenten Services

March 5, 12, 19 & 26

at 5:00 pm

Monthly Communion

Linn Haven

Rehab & Healthcare

March 1 at 1:30 pm

NH Nursing

& Rehabilitation Center

& Kensington Place

March 16 at 3:00 pm

Each year after Christmas it feels like we barely get a chance to take a

breath before Lent arrives. This year is no exception. March 1st is Ash

Wednesday. We will be having a traditional Ash Wednesday service on

that date at 6 p.m. There will be no supper and no LIGHT that night. The

following Wednesday, March 8th, all regular Wednesday night activities

resume: supper at 5, contemporary worship at 6, and LIGHT at 6:40.

Since we already have a contemporary worship service on Wednesday

nights, we had to come up with a different day of the week for our Lenten

services. The only evening that made sense was Sunday evening because

there are fewer events scheduled at that time. So, from March 5th through

April 2nd, we will hold our Lenten services at 5 p.m. on Sundays. This year

we will have a service of Holden Evening Prayer. The messages will be

Portraits of Christ: What do they mean for us? The five portraits that we

will be looking at on the five Sundays of Lent are Christ as friend of

sinners, wise teacher, compassionate healer, fully human/fully divine, and

humble servant. We will see a movie clip from Jesus of Nazareth each

week showing Jesus in one of those portraits with a brief message on what

they mean for us as his followers and a brief time to reflect on what it

means for you personally.

I was asked by a couple of people if we would be having a soup supper on

Sunday evenings. I have been coordinating the Wednesday night suppers,

so my initial response was: No!! However, I mentioned that at our

February council meeting and Caitlyn Sittig, our Youth Director, offered to

take responsibility for the soup suppers as long as the money raised would

go to help the mission trip youth. So, thanks to Caitlyn, we will also be

offering a soup supper following worship.

I have always liked Lent because it is a time to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus

made for me and to reflect on my sins that put him there. It is a time when

I feel particularly close to God. I am especially looking forward to our

services this Lent. I love the spiritual peacefulness of Holden Evening

Prayer, and I am looking forward to the reflection on what it means for us

that Jesus was a friend to sinners, a teacher, a healer, fully human/fully

divine, and a humble servant. The service will only be about a half hour or

so. I’m looking forward to making this Lenten journey with you.

And you get soup, too. It sounds like a great journey to me.

Lenten blessings,

Pastor Cindy

March 2017




Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 12th

Remember to turn your clocks ahead.

Ash Wednesday, March 1, 6 p.m.: Traditional Ash Wednesday service with

Imposition of Ashes/ Celebration of Holy Communion (No meal, no LIGHT)

Sunday, March 5, 5 p.m.: Holden Evening Prayer,

Message: Portrait of Christ: Friend of Sinners

Sunday, March 12, 5 p.m.: Holden Evening Prayer,

Message: Portrait of Christ: Wise Teacher

Sunday, March 19, 5 p.m.: Holden Evening Prayer,

Message: Portrait of Christ: Compassionate Healer

Sunday, March 26, 5 p.m.: Holden Evening Prayer,

Message: Portrait of Christ: Fully Human/Fully Divine

Sunday, April 2, 5 p.m.: Holden Evening Prayer,

Message: Portrait of Christ: Humble Servant

The Youth Group will be serving soup after these services

with a free-will donation to be given to the Youth.

Coin Folders are inserted in this newsletter. When you fill your coin folders, you may

place them in any offering plate or bring them to the church office. The offering from the coin folders will be used as benevolence for EWALU and Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible


Coin folders will be mailed to the members that receive their newsletter via email.

Extra coin folders are available at the back of the sanctuary.

Last month’s Ten Commandments scenario was: You were out late on Saturday night.

You set your alarm so you can get up and go to church the next morning. However,

when your alarm goes off you say to your spouse: “Oh, God. I don’t want to go to

church. I’m just too tired. I didn’t get to bed until 2 a.m.” Which commandment(s)

have you broken?

Answer: Obviously the third commandment: Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

Luther’s explanation is that we are not to “despise preaching or God’s word, but instead

keep that word holy and gladly hear and learn it.” The second commandment was also broken: You shall not

make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God. We frequently say “Oh, God” carelessly when we are to

“use [God’s] name in every time of need to call on, pray to, and give thanks to God.” One could even argue

that the first commandment was broken: You shall have no other gods.” Staying up until 2 a.m. was more

important than ensuring a good night’s sleep so you could get up and go to church. Therefore, you put

whatever you were doing above God.

This month’s scenario: You see your elderly neighbor outside trying to clean up his yard. You feel sorry

for him and you really feel like you should offer to help him, but you ignore him because you have plans

to go out to eat with friends and you need to get ready. What commandment(s) did you break?

March 2017



A Message From The Council President Thank you to all who attended the special congregational meetings that were held after services on 2-08, 2-11, &

2-12. We had a total of 79 votes tallied between the three stages of the meeting. As you may have read in the

bulletin announcements from the weekend of 2-18 & 2-19, the suggested by-law and constitution changes were

approved unanimously. The by-laws required one vote so they will be enacted. The constitution changes require

two votes. We will vote again at the congregational meeting in November unless we have another special meeting.

If we do have another special meeting, it would be possible to vote on the constitution changes then.

The ministry I would like to highlight this month is the Worship and Music Ministry. The chairperson for this

committee is Linda Schwickerath. Both Pastor Krause and Pastor Frey are members of this committee along with

Andrea Strottmann, Janet Larsen, Nancy Morris, and Joanie Perkins. I attended their February meeting and was

quite impressed with how they choose the music for our weekly services. I can tell you it is more than simply

picking a song from the hymnal. This group also arranges the services around the holiday season, and the special

services such as the cowboy service in January and the polka service we had in October. They work with the

Christian Education Committee for special music presentations from our youth. They also arrange for the organists.

I would like to thank this ministry for their hard work. If you have any ideas for special services, or would like to

help out as part of this committee, I am sure Linda would appreciate your input. Feel free to contact Linda, any of

the committee members, or the church office if you have any suggestions or requests, or would like to help.

God’s Peace

Bob Beckman

A Message From The Council Vice President I was thinking how to put into words how I feel about serving on the council this year. As an Engineer, I'm much

better with formulas than words so here's my very brief summary of my feelings:

Great Existing Situation + Opportunities for Improvement = A Fantastic Future!

I'll leave it at that for now.

Marv Larsen,

Council Vice President

Thank you for your contributions to the Missions Cross project for February. Helping

Services for Children and Families thanks you. With your contributions they will be better

able to serve victims of domestic violence in Chickasaw County.

For March the Mission Cross project will be the collections of items from the

EWALU Camp and Retreat Center "wish list". The list includes: cloth "shopping

bags" (16"x20" or larger); silicone kitchen utensil - all sizes; food processor; 7 quart

crock pot; electric skillet; commercial kitchen utensils; Weber charcoal grills (any size);

surge protector power strips; large Rubbermaid totes; towels; linens for single beds; snow

shoes; used tents; digital cameras; light tan or gray folding chairs; metal garbage cans. (For some of the larger

items that might not fit in the Mission Cross boxes, call Donna Kubesh to arrange for pick up of the items :



World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christians of many

traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer and action each

year on the first Friday of March.

This year, the World day of Prayer will be hosted by Holy Family in the Gathering

Space on Friday, March 3, at 11:30 AM. A prayer service with a light lunch will be

served. Everyone, is welcome to attend.

March 2017

about the Lutherans

Luther’s Small Catechism

Of all the things Martin Luther wrote, he is probably best known for two things: the hymn “A mighty fortress is

our God” and the Small Catechism. Interestingly, Luther himself was ambivalent about the lasting value of most

of his writings, with two exceptions—and one of them was this little pamphlet, the Small Catechism. And

this from someone whose writings changed the whole landscape of the Western religious world.

Most of us know the Small Catechism well. Many spent hours

memorizing it as teens. But how did it come to be, and what is it

that makes it so helpful?

In 2017 we are observing the 500th anniversary of the Reformation’s start,

when Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses. If that was the act of a

passionate young man, a decade later he was facing the needs of the church he

was reforming. If it was no longer enough just to go through the motions,

following the lead of a Latin-rite priest, then what was at the heart of what

people needed to know—and how were they to learn that? To meet that need,

Luther the pastor and teacher created two catechisms—the Large (primarily

intended for pastors) and the Small (for use in the home).

A catechism is a document that lays out the basic ideas of religion in a simple question-and-answer format. For

the Small Catechism, Luther chose to open up some of the basics of Christian faith: the Ten Commandments,

the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, and the Office of

the Keys and Confession. It’s worth noticing that he based this teaching document on what already existed rather

than starting from scratch and inventing a whole new system. Luther was committed to the church catholic.

His genius is shown in the way he opened up these statements of faith.

The famous question in each case was, in German, "Was ist das?”

In English, most of us know this as “What does this mean?” but a literal

translation would be “What is that?” And then he proceeded to tell, in

beautifully simple language, what each commandment, each part of the

creed, each petition of the Lord’s Prayer, tells us about God and about us as

God’s children. These explanations set out a God who is not the stern judge

of Luther’s own childhood, but a loving parent who offers us unconditional

grace and only then invites us to live accordingly.

How profound was Luther’s achievement in writing the Small Catechism?

A mark of it can be seen in the simple fact that nearly five hundred years

after its first publication in 1529, and after being translated into hundreds of

languages, it is still one of the most effective tools for learning and teaching

what the Christian faith is all about.

Copyright © 2016 Augsburg Fortress. Permission is granted for congregations to reproduce these pages provided copies are for local use only and this copyright notice appears.

From a 1550 edition

March 2017



March will have a lot of activities for all of us to take part in:

* Our quilting days are Wednesday, March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 8:30 – 11:00 am.

* Friday, March 3rd, World Day of Prayer at Holy Family

(11:30 am to 1:00 pm) with Prayer and Lunch to follow.

Everyone is welcome.

* Sunday, March 12th, turn your clocks ahead one hour

Wednesday, March 8th the Miriam & Lydia Bible Study will meet at 1:30 in the Fireside Room

with Lucy Hereid hosting. The Elizabeth & Martha Bible study will meet at 1:30 in the

Conference Room with Vi Sullivan hosting.



ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Join us every Sunday morning at 10:00 am following worship in the Fireside Room. Everyone is invited to join

the group for interesting topics.

February 26: Luther’s Catechism and Music

March 5: The Burning Bush Bible Study

March 12: Bible Trivia

March 19: Cabin Fever with Sarah Merrifield

March 26: Current Issues

April 2: Lutherland Tour with Donna and Dan

Women’s Faith, Fun, and Friends Day! March 25th 8:30-3:00

At Trinity Lutheran Church

The day will include faith building sessions, crafts, friendship games, breakfast and lunch. The

faith sessions will be about living a generous life in listening, listening to God, giving thanks, and giving

encouragement. Four women from Trinity will be leading the sessions. There will also be a demonstration on

making Fruit Salsa & Cinnamon Chips, and a presentation about using essential oils! Women of all ages are

invited to attend. Eighteen women attended the past October Women’s Day and had a great time. Please join

us! There is no cost to attend. Sign up on the registration sheet on the spinning bulletin board at church, or

call Ellen at the office at 641-394-2552.

We will be reading The Book Thief, by Marcus Zusak. We will meet on March 21 at Vi Sullivan’s home at 7:00 pm. The books can be picked up at the library.

In memory of

Darlene Joachim

$10.00 Live Stream Fund

In memory of

Edna Gray

$10.00 General Fund

$250.00 Elder Care

$250.00 Sunday School (LIGHT) Memorial

$250.00 Vacation Bible School

$250.00 TWELCA Quilting

In memory of

Duane Leichtman

$45.00 General Fund

March 2017

Scrip Cards Scrip cards are still available to purchase from our mission trip youth. They make great gifts or just to purchase needed items such as gas, groceries, clothes, hardware or for a night out on the town. Stop in and purchase cards to help the youth.

Summer Camp

The Summer 2017 programs for EWALU & Ingham Okoboji have been received. Information for the

programs and dates can be found in the coat room. Campership forms are also available in the coat room or

by calling the office to have a form emailed.

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!

Join the Mission Trip youth of Trinity Lutheran Church, 223 S. Water Ave. in New Hampton for a Chicken Dinner on

Sunday, April 30th from 5-7 pm.

The menu includes: Mike Reicks Famous Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Vegetable, Coleslaw, Dessert,

Roll and Beverage. Take outs will be available.

Tickets for adults are $10 in advance and $11 at the door, children aged 10 and under are $6. Everyone is encouraged

to purchase their tickets in advance since a limited number are available. Tickets can be purchased from Mission Trip

youth or at the Trinity Lutheran Church office during regular business hours.

A request for supplemental funds will be made to Chickasaw County Thrivent Branch 31132. All proceeds will help

fund the youth mission trip to San Diego, CA this July. Twenty-six youth and six adult chaperones will work with

inner city missions involving poor and homeless of all ages. This is the sixteenth youth mission trip that has been

sponsored by Trinity Lutheran. Past trips have traveled to Juarez, Mexico; provided Hurricane Katrina relief in

Mississippi and New Orleans; helped kids and adults in the inner cities of Chicago, Boston and Cincinnati; helped out

on native reservations in Oklahoma, Montana and Minnesota; provided Hurricane Sandy relief in New Jersey and

worked with youth and adults in Puerto Rico.

In addition to the meal, the event will include a silent auction and raffle. The silent auction will include many items

donated by area businesses and the families of the youth. Raffle tickets will give a chance to win a hog and processing

provided by the Elma Locker or a “Tailgate Bench” designed and built by Dean Franzen and donated by a family from

the congregation. The winner of the Tailgate Bench will have the option of choosing either a Chevrolet, Dodge or Ford

tailgate. Raffle tickets are $5 each.


Youth March Schedule

Mission Youth to Serve Meals for Fundraiser

The mission youth who are going to San Diego in July will be serving several meals coming up in the next couple of

months. They will be serving a spaghetti supper on Wednesday, March 8th during the regular Wednesday night meal

from 5-6 pm. They will have a soup meal on Sunday evenings following each of the 5 pm Lenten Services. They will

also serve a soup and sandwich meal on Wednesday, April 5th during the regular Wednesday meal. And don’t forget the

annual Mike Reicks Chicken Dinner Fundraiser on Sunday, April 30th which will include a silent auction and raffle.

Mission Youth to Meet

Mission youth and their adult chaperones will be meeting on Sunday, March 5th at 10:15 am. At this meeting we will be

handing out chicken dinner and raffle tickets to each mission trip youth. The tickets will also be available in the church

office. For more information on the dinner, see the article in this newsletter.



March 2017 March 2017

LIGHT Newsletter Vacation Bible School Our committee has started planning

for VBS this summer. Mark your

calendars! Our tentative dates are

July 17-20. Times are yet to be

determined but we are thinking of

going with a morning session. We

would also like to include a

preschool class this year. We are

looking for volunteers to help with

both the planning and teaching of

Vacation Bible School. If you would

like to volunteer, please contact

Emily Sanford at . Thanks!

Upcoming Dates March 1 – NO LIGHT

Ash Wednesday

March 8 –Kids sing during

Wednesday service

March 19 – Kids sing during

Sunday service

Noisy Collection Competition The Noisy Collection donations for

this time will be going towards the

New Hampton Tribe Bike Trail.

Remember that each grade is

competing to offer the most each

week. The winning grade level will

vote on a prize of their choice.

Wednesday Schedule Meal: 5:00 - 5:50

Worship 6:00 – 6:30

LIGHT Education: 6:30-7:15

Behavior Plan We are beginning a new behavior

plan, which outlines consequences

for behavior issues during LIGHT.

The behavior plan will be e-mailed

to you so that you can read it over.

If you would like a paper copy,

please contact the church office.

We want everyone to have a fun,

enjoyable time at LIGHT and hope

this plan helps to achieve that goal.

VBS Movie Fundraiser Thank you to everyone who came

to our movie fundraiser. We raised

around $150 that will go towards

our Vacation Bible School fund!

March 2017


“Living Christ’s Love”

Our Gifts to the Ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church

Giving Report for February 2017

Stewardship Note: The congregation approved the General Fund Expense Budget for 2017 is $275,307.11.

Weekly Offering Goal: $5,294.37

Monthly offering Goal: $22,942.26 per month!

General Fund Balance as of 2/27/17: $ 9,545.28

Note: This balance is at time of the Trumpet printing. Amount will change with month end.

Easter Flowers It is time to think of decorating the sanctuary for Easter. The price this year is

$13.50 each. If you would like to order, please fill out this form and return to the

church office, or put it in the offering plate along with a check payable to Trinity

Lutheran Church. The deadline is April 7th.

I would like to give a lily:

In memory of:____________________________________________________________________

In honor of:______________________________________________________________________

Given by:________________________________________________________________________


General Fund Total 19,176.31

Synod 1,053.00

World Hunger 225.00

LWR-Project Comfort 10.00

Lenten offering 97.00

Property Improv. Fund 1,339.00

Cemetery Fund 70.00

Eldercare 250.00

Sunday Fellowship Fund 71.70

Sunday School Memorials 250.00

Wed. Night Supper 714.53

Trinity Celebration 70.00

Computer 45.00

Quilters 250.00

Youth 90.00

Live Stream 10.00

Endowment 600.00

Totals 24,321.54

March 2017


Try out our easy ways to give your gifts to the church. Fill out a Simply Giving form to have your contributions made directly to the church out of you checking or savings

account or use our new E-Giving program. Set up and manage recurring gifts to the Church, make one-time contributions

and view your online giving history. Visit our church website - and click on e-giving for a

simple easy way to give.


Organize a food drive

Hold a benefit for someone with high medical bills

Community rummage/garage sale for charity

Create/sell recipe books

Car/dog wash

5K fun run

Walk/ride for a cause (e.g. , cancer)

Community fair/carnival

Art show or auction

White elephant silent auction

Murder mystery dinner

Aluminum can recycling drive

Local talent show

Charity head shave

Run a "bowlathon"

Team sport tournament (softball, basketball, volleyball, etc.)

Fish fry

Easter egg hunt

Halloween haunted house

Photos with Santa

Holiday Bake sale

Wrap Christmas gifts for donations

Sleigh rides or Hay rides


Host a basic budgeting workshop

Host a youth safety event

Suicide awareness event

Extreme couponing event.

Organization 101: Gain efficiency, save time and money

Basic car maintenance: Avoid costly repairs

Do-it-yourself basic home repair

Self-defense workshop

Cultural event: How diversity strengthens your community

Cooking on a budget

Eating in vs. dining out: At what cost?

Exercise and its positive long-term on your wallet

College planning 101 workshop

Thrivent Action Teams Did you know that if you are a Benefit member of Thrivent Financial you can lead 2 action teams a year? If you are an Associate

member you can lead 1 action team a year (maximum of 3). Is there a cause you care about? Identify an unmet need; can it be filled

by a fundraiser, service activity or educational event? Apply online for resources to jumpstart your project. If approved, you'll bring

together family and friends to make an impact where you live, work and worship.

Learn more or apply at Within five business days, you'll learn if your project is approved. If it is, you'll

receive resources - including T-shirts and $250 seed money to help you cover promotional, production, and material expenses.

Sample project ideas:

Service activity:

Clean up a local park

Build a wheelchair-accessible picnic table

Clean up after a disaster

Hold an underwear and/or sock drive

Deliver/serve meals to the needy/homebound

Hold a neighborhood food/toy/supply drive

Coordinate a care package drive for soldiers

Create pillow case dresses for the needy

Collect books for a library at an Native American reservation

Collect toiletry and make-up items for a women's shelter

Hold a winter coat/mitten/hat drive for local schoolchildren

Repair a home for someone in need

Repair cars for those in need

Several members of Trinity have utilized this benefit and are willing to answer any questions you may have.

Susanne Hauge 641-425-8986

Nancy Morris 641-229-1262

Linda Schwickerath 641-330-3375

Gloria Moudry 641-394-2977

March 2017

Wednesday, March 1 – Ash Wednesday 8:30 am Quilting 1:30 pm Communion Service – Linn Haven Healthcare & Rehab 5:00 pm No Meal

6:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion No LIGHT or Confirmation Class – Students should worship with their family 7:00 pm Gospel Group Practice & Bell Choir Practice

Thursday, March 2 9:30 am Bible Study

Friday, March 3 11:30 am World Day of Prayer at Holy Family Church Gathering Space

Saturday, March 4 5:30 pm Worship Service (Traditional w/Holy Communion)

Sunday, March 5 9:00 am Worship Service (Traditional w/Holy Communion) 10:00 am Adult Sunday school 10:15 am Mission Youth Meeting 2:00 pm Sycamore Ministry

5:00 pm Lent Worship Service 5:30pm Lent Soup Supper

Monday, March 6 6:00 pm Long Range Planning

Tuesday, March 7

Wednesday, March 8 8:30 am Quilting 1:00 pm Ministerial Meeting 1:30 pm Lydia/Miriam Women's Bible Study – Hostess: Lucy Hereid 1:30 pm Elizabeth & Martha Women's Bible Study – Hostess: Vi Sullivan 5:00 – 5:50 pm Wednesday Night Meal 6:00 – 6:30 pm Worship Service - (Kids Sing) 6:30 pm Bell Choir Practice 6:40 – 7:30 pm LIGHT/7&8 Grade Confirmation Class 6:45 pm Gospel Group Practice

Thursday, March 9 9:00 am Chickasaw Child Abuse Council – Conf. Room 9:30 am Bible Study 6:00 pm Worship & Music Committee Meeting 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting – Fellowship Hall

Friday, March 10

Saturday, March 11 5:30 pm Worship Service (Traditional)

Sunday, March 12 - Daylight Savings Time Begins 9:00 am Worship Service (Traditional) – Gospel Group 10:00 am Adult Sunday school 2:00 pm Sycamore Ministry

5:00 pm Lent Worship Service 5:30pm Lent Soup Supper

Monday, March 13

Tuesday, March 14

Wednesday, March 15 8:30 am Quilting 5:00 – 5:50 pm Wednesday Night Meal 6:00 – 6:30 pm Worship Service w/Holy Communion 6:30 pm Bell Choir Practice 6:40 – 7:30 pm LIGHT/7&8 Grade Confirmation Class 6:45 pm Gospel Group Practice

Thursday, March 16 9:30 am Bible Study 3:00 pm Communion Service @ NHNRC & Kensington 7:00 pm Alzheimer's & Dementia Support Group @ Linn Haven 8:00 pm Beer & Theology at Big Ed’s

Friday, March 17

Saturday, March 18 5:30 pm Worship Service (Traditional w/Holy Communion)

Sunday, March 19 9:00 am Worship Service (Traditional w/Holy Communion) - (Kids Sing) 10:00 am Adult Sunday school 2:00 pm Sycamore Ministry

5:00 pm Lent Worship Service 5:30pm Lent Soup Supper

Monday, March 20

Tuesday, March 21 3:15 pm Chapel Service @ NHNRC 4:00 pm Chapel Service @ Linn Haven Rehab & Healthcare 7:00 pm Book Club @ Vi Sullivan's home

Wednesday, March 22 8:30 am Quilting 5:00 – 5:50 pm Wednesday Night Meal 6:00 – 6:30 pm Worship Service w/Holy Communion 6:30 pm Bell Choir Practice 6:40 – 7:30 pm LIGHT/7&8 Grade Confirmation Class 6:45 pm Gospel Group Practice

Thursday, March 23 9:30 am Bible Study – Fireside Room

Friday, March 24

Saturday, March 25 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Women’s Retreat - at Church 5:30 pm Worship Service (Traditional)

Sunday, March 26 9:00 am Worship Service (Traditional) - Bell Choir 10:00 am Adult Sunday school 2:00 pm Sycamore Ministry

5:00 pm Lent Worship Service 5:30pm Lent Soup Supper

Monday, March 27 5:30 pm Endowment Meeting

Tuesday, March 28

Noon - 5:30 pm Blood Drive at NH Community Center

Wednesday, March 29 8:30 am Quilting 5:00 – 5:50 pm Wednesday Night Meal 6:00 – 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship w/Holy Communion 6:30 pm Bell Choir Practice 6:40 – 7:30 pm LIGHT/7&8 Grade Confirmation Class 6:45 pm Gospel Group Practice

Thursday, March 30 9:30 am Bible Study

Friday, March 31

March 2017



Melissa Drewelow, June Sweitzer, Karen and Olin Amundson

will serve in March.

(Communion on March 1, 4,5, 15, 18 and 19)

Thank you to Vi Sullivan, Linda Burgart, Kris Griffin and Geri Oltrogge

for serving in February.

Dave & Cathy Knutson 3/1 Rich & Kathy Stochl 3/18

David & Diane Baethke 3/3 Kenneth & Thelma Lester 3/22

Diane & Duane Nelson 3/10 Dave & Rhonda Drilling 3/28

Vince & Sandy Jackson 3/18 Charlie & Terri Miller 3/31

Boehmer, Chris 3/1

Gebel, Regan 3/1

Drewelow, Lennie 3/2

Hulne, Jim 3/2

Ameling, Brooke 3/3

Knowlton, Brett 3/3

McGee, Erin 3/3

Liddle, Ellen 3/4

Sweitzer, June 3/4

Tank, Gary 3/4

Utley, Zachary 3/4

Knapp, Ladine 3/5

Sorensen, Tanner 3/5

Henn, Kayla 3/6

Noehl, Leslie 3/6

Zwanziger, Dillon 3/6

Drewelow, Faythe 3/7

Hyer, Elizabeth 3/7

Kuehner, Gretta 3/7

Anderson, Brynlie 3/8

Erlandson, Reed 3/8

Miller, Todd 3/8

Burgart, Christina 3/9

Gage, Janet 3/9

Hoeger, Blake 3/9

Kamrath, Robert 3/9

Long, Richard 3/10

Rochford, Joel 3/10

Franzen, Ellen 3/11

Hale, Kinsley 3/11

Knutson, John 3/11

Sander, Jean 3/11

Tank, Matt 3/11

Babcock, Michael 3/12

Erlandson, Shane 3/13

Felper, Cooper 3/13

Whitman, Jackie 3/13

Knutson, Amanda 3/14

Knutson, David 3/14

Lansing, Dorothy 3/14

Perkins, Joan 3/14

Shattuck, Lois 3/14

Baltes, Damian 3/15

Kuennen, Jessica 3/15

Schweer, Dillon 3/15

Keller, Bonnie 3/16

Hauenstein, Harper 3/17

Josephson, Nancy 3/17

Albrecht, Jada 3/18

Baethke, Owen 3/19

Troyna, Marjorie 3/19

Conrad, Kaeden 3/20

Perkins, Jackie 3/20

Smith, Dawn 3/20

Wilson, Ethan 3/20

Brincks, Ella 3/21

Flansche, Sue 3/21

Griffin, Cody 3/21

Junko, Jan 3/21

Palmer, Linda 3/21

Wegner, Kilynn 3/21

Allen, Mary Ann 3/23

Anderson, Savannah 3/23

Horner, Olivia 3/23

Moudry, Brian 3/23

Snyder, Dave 3/23

Zeien, Chad 3/23

Fenske, Joshua 3/24

Moorman, Kei 3/24

Schaufenbuel, Jeremy 3/24

Slocum, Joe 3/24

Baltes, Brianna 3/25

Gansen, Jayden 3/25

Kotz, Cindy 3/25

Larson, Danice 3/25

Gitch, Jerzi 3/26

McGrath, Jeremy 3/26

Monteith, Jeff 3/26

Porath, Jaxson 3/26

Suhr, Lavonne 3/26

Dungey, Harper 3/27

Heimerdinger, Deb 3/27

Kuehn Ava 3/27

Monteith, Jennifer 3/27

Pfaffle, Kassidy 3/27

Tank, Levi 3/27

Johnson, Roger 3/28

Frey, Andrew 3/29

Pitz, Ashton 3/29

Weidler, Lorraine 3/29

Anderson, Suzie 3/30

Hackman, Sierra 3/30

Miller, Keegan 3/30

Wemark, Drake 3/30

Liddle, Sally 3/31

Schnieder, Cody 3/31

March 2017

Non-Profit Presorted Std.

US Postage Paid New Hampton, IA

Permit No. 15

Trinity Lutheran Church

223 South Water Avenue New Hampton, IA 50659-1461


Ash Wednesday, March 1, 6 p.m.

Traditional Ash Wednesday service with Imposition of Ashes/ Celebration of Holy Communion

(No meal, no LIGHT)

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