
I like the way in which the designer has vandalised this image with the Jokers smile and I might try something similar on my own magazine.

I like the use of contrasting colours on the magazine cover the Gold and the white work well together and stand well on the dark background.

I like the text font on this magazine cover as it is Bold, easy to read and yet still more interesting than the normal fonts I have been using.

I might use this font on my magazine.

I don’t like the Image they used on this cover as faces appear to be distorted and the names are too hard to read

I like the position of the Musician in the centre of the page and the clarity of the writing over the Musician which puts enthuses on the Guitar he is holding.

I like the use of a Guitar as Text box on the bottom right and use of a Drawn/ Black and White image in the centre of the magazine.

I like the way the designer has used green and white on a Black background I also like the way he has out some of the writing in a

Jagged bubble I might use that in my magazine.

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