Local Lynx 92 - October & November 2013

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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A community newspaper for 10 North Norfolk villages







October & November



" Norfolk Churches" by T Hugh Bryant, illustrated by C A Cormick, and published by the Norwich Mercury around the turn of the nineteenth/twentieth centuries.


WHAT’S ON OCTOBER 2nd Wed. Sharrington Gardeners Talk Village Hall 7pm 5th Sat. Binham Harvest Supper. Village Hall, 7pm 5th Sat. Langham Coffee - Parish Room 10am-12 noon 6th Sun. Binham Harvest Festival at the Priory, 11am 11th Fri. Bale Fish and Chips at Village Hall, 7pm 11th Fri. Binham Priory Concert at the Priory, 7.30pm 17th Thurs. Binham & Hindringham Open Circle Harvest Supper and Auction, Hindringham Village Hall 7.15pm 18th Fri. Binham North Norfolk Astronomy Society, Space Mission talk, Village Hall 19th Sat. Morston Shovell Dinner, Morston Anchor 19th Sat. Binham “All Aboard”, Village Hall, 6.30pm 19th Sat. Langham Leukaemia Sale Parish Room 10-12 21st Mon. Stiffkey W.I. Talk Village Hall 7.30pm 24th Thurs. Binham Local History Group talk, Village Hall 7.30pm 25th Fri. Binham Quiz, Village Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm 26th Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club Village Hall 10.30am NOVEMBER 2nd Sat. Langham Coffee - Parish Room 10-12 noon 5th Tues. Langham Bonfire Night 6pm venue - tba 8th Fri. Bale Fish and Chips at Village Hall, 7pm 9th Sat. Gunthorpe Harvest Supper, Institute 7pm - tbc 9th Sat. Stiffkey, Rescue Wooden Boats Visitors’ Centre Local History Group Book Launch 7pm 14th Thurs. Gunthorpe & Bale PC Meeting, Gunthorpe Institute 7.30pm 18th Mon. Stiffkey WI AGM Village Hall 7.30pm 18th Mon. Binham PC Meeting Village Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm 20th Wed. Binham Priory Concert at the Priory, 7.30pm 21st Thurs. Binham & Hindringham Open Circle talk Hindringham Village Hall,7.15pm 23rd Sat. Binham Christmas Market, Village Hall, 9.30am- 2.30pm 23rd Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club, Village Hall 10.30am 28th Thurs. Binham Local History Group Talk, Village Hall 7.30pm 30th Sat. Langham Coach to Bury leaves at 8.30am 30th Sat. Langham Christmas Fair Parish Room 10-12noon REGULARS Mondays term time Binham Parent & Toddlers Group Village Hall 10-12noon Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Sharrington Bus Service Third Monday of month Stiffkey WI Village Hall 7.30pm Tuesdays Binham Guild of Artists Village Hall 10-12noon Tuesdays Field Dalling Drop In Yoga, Village Hall 7.30pm 1st Wednesday in month Sharrington Gardeners 4th Wednesday in month Field Dalling Friends & Neighbours Club 2.30pm Wednesdays term time Binham Youth Group, Village Hall 6-8pm 3rd Thursday in month Binham & Hindringham Open Circle, Women’s Club Hindringham Village Hall 7.15pm Every Thursday Field Dalling Pilates 10am Thursdays Field Dalling Bowls Club 7.30pm Every 4 weeks Langham Mobile Library


- is a non-profit-making community newspaper, run for the ten villages of the benefice. We warmly welcome drawings, articles and letters for publication, but must reserve the right to edit or exclude items. The items published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the village representatives. For information about submitting items for publication, or if you want to help in any other way, please contact your village representative, through whom all village news must be submitted. For general information please send a message to our email address:





For enquiries about advertising in Local Lynx, please contact Maxine Burlingham

tel: 01328-830375 email: maxine.burlingham@me.com

Rates for advertising (pre-paid) are: One column x 62 mm (1/8 page): £72 for six issues.

Small Ads Panel on the back page: Available for individuals and businesses

providing local services. Cost: £36 for six issues.

DEANERY NEWS Next Deanery Synod: Thursday October 17th 7.15pm for 7.30pm at St. Andrew’s ‘Meeting Place’ Holt. Simon Fenn, the Children’s, Youth and Family Missioner will talk on the recent, very successful, ‘Soul Space’ at Sheringham High School.


Minister: The Rev’d J Pathmarajah Tel: 01263 712 181 Sunday Services at 6.30pm. changing for the winter period on October 27th to 2.30pm

For details of weekday services and preachers, please refer to the current issue of ‘The Glaven Valley Newsletter’.


Father Keith Tulloch, 12 Hindringham Road Gt.Walsingham Norfolk Tel: 01328 821 353

Priest in Residence Father William Wells (the house behind the church)

Service Times Masses: Vigil Mass Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 11.00am


Church Services for Bale and Stiffkey Benefice for October and November 2013 HC=Holy Communion. MP=Morning Prayer. CFS=Church Family Service. BCP=Book of Common Prayer. CW=Common Worship.

Additional Service Monday 11th November at Stiffkey: Remembrance Day Service at the War Memorial at 10.45am.

Regular Weekday Services Binham: Tuesday, 6.00pm Evening Prayer, Langham: Wednesday, 10.00am Holy Communion

Stiffkey: Friday, 10.00am Holy Communion

Parish 6th October

13th October 20th October 27th Octoberr

Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC

Field Dalling At Saxlingham 11.00am Harvest Service At Saxlingham 11.00am MP BCP

Saxlingham 9.30am HC At Field Dalling 11.00am HC At Field Dalling

Gunthorpe 11.00am Harvest Service 4.30pm Silent Meditation

11.00am HC

Sharrington 5pm Harvest Festival 9.30am HC 9.30am MP CW 9.30am HC Binham 11am Harvest Festival 11.00am HC 11.00am CFS 9.30am HC

Morston 9.30am HC BCP 9.30am HC BCP Langham At Stiffkey 9.30am Harvest Service At Stiffkey 9.30am HC

Stiffkey 9.30am MP At Langham 9.30am HC At Langham

Parish 3rd November 10th November Remembrance Sunday

17th November 24th November

Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am Service of Remembrance 9.30am HC 9.30am HC

Field Dalling At Saxlingham At Saxlingham At Saxlingham 11.00am Patronal Festival

Saxlingham 9.30am HC 10.50am Service of Remembrance 11.00am HC At Field Dalling

Gunthorpe 10.50am Service of Remembrance 4.30pm Silent Meditation

11.00am HC

Sharrington 9.30am MP BCP 9.30am Service of Remembrance 9.30am MP CW 9.30am HC

Binham 11.00am HC 10.50 Service of Remembrance 11.00am CFS 9.30am HC

Morston 9.30am HC BCP 2.00pm Service of Remembrance 9.30am HC BCP

Langham At Stiffkey 10.50am Service of Remembrance At Stiffkey 9.30am HC

Stiffkey 9.30am MP At Langham 9.30am HC At Langham

Dear Friends and Parishioners, The best things in life, they say, are free. But love,

joy, fidelity and peace, while you may not be able to buy them, are not without worth. And while we would not and could not put a monetary value on them, we perhaps only know their true worth when they are absent. If we could, we would buy them! So only the absence of peace shows how much it’s worth. And whether it is peace with oneself, with one’s love, in one’s family, in the Church, in the state, between nations, the worth of peace is plainly immense.

And suffusing and yet rising above all these examples is the peace of God. When that is absent – one knows it. But when the peace of God is known and felt, it is almost indescribable.

The most used blessing in the Church runs: ‘The peace of God which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God…’. To have peace means that we must know God. There is no peace without knowing him and knowing him means trusting him for who he is. Knowing him means resting upon him and upon what he has done. Knowing him means planting the effective means of our peace with him, namely the cross, in the middle, at the heart of our thinking and doing and remembering.

So we must always, if we have any desire for peace,

any thirst for knowledge, we must always be looking at that one death; and in our looking we come to see that the whole experience of hardship, suffering and discipline – is essentially purposive. No matter how painful the experience may be, God can use it. In his sovereignty nothing is wasted or useless.

The Cross of Jesus Christ is the profound and mysterious answer to the problem of evil and pain. For the Cross can never be separated from the Resurrection. It points steadily, at the mid-point of time, to that ultimate victory at the end of all time. Suffering and evil, if this world were all there is, would be inexplicable and unjustifiable. But this world is not all there is. It is the ante-room of heaven. The evil we face and the pain we suffer can be turned into the gold of character if we take them right. It will never be easy. But what is sown in tears will be reaped in joy. It was so for Jesus. It will be so for his beleaguered and suffering followers. If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him. No tears fall unnoticed on the ground of Calvary. And on this ground we stand firm in the Lord, awaiting him and his peace which will pass all understanding.

Yours very truly, Ian Whittle The Rectory, Langham 01328 830246


THANKS AND CONGRATULATIONS May I take this opportunity to thank Bob Brandt for his

kind words in issue 91 of the Local Lynx and add a few comments of my own?

Bob and Helen were the kind of people that make a Parish Priest's ministry a real joy. Clergy are urged to give responsibility to their parishioners. When Adrian Hill could not continue with the Local Lynx, Bob and Helen and their assistants "picked up the ball and ran with it" scoring "try after try" in the process.

In the years before I moved to North Norfolk, I helped judge the parish magazine competition in the Diocese of Gloucester. None of the entries came anywhere near the consistently high standard of the Local Lynx, past and present. Stiffkey and Bale Benefice has much to be proud of. Revd John Penny


Betty Humphries became a good friend soon after I met her at a party given by Tim and Jo Fawcett to help John and I to get to know people from the Stiffkey Benefice when we got ready to move to Langham. Betty and I developed the habit of meeting in the pub at Warham for a meal at least once a month. As both of us had to drive home afterwards we had to stick to the delicious lemonade that the landlady made!

We found out that we had been ordained priest on the same day in 1994, Betty in York Minster and I in Gloucester Cathedral. May 14th every year became a shared special day, whether we were together or not, as we celebrated the anniversary of our ordinations as priests.

Betty had a much longer history of ministry than I did. She was a teacher before she became a parish worker, then in 1980 became a deaconess, in 1987 was amongst the first women to be ordained deacon before her ordination as a priest in 1994.

At some point in her life (I am not sure of the date) Betty tried living in a religious community, but that did not work out. However she was telling me at our last meeting, the day before she died that she had completed the process of becoming a Consecrated Virgin.

Betty had so much more experience in ministry than I did, including being in charge of women’s work in one diocese and children’s work in another, so soon after we

met I asked her to be my spiritual director and confessor. She was always encouraging and forthright, never afraid to say what she thought I needed to hear.

We usually managed to have lunch after I made my confession and had received some good advice from Betty. It was never a problem for her to move from one role to the other as she was always the same person, someone who was trying to follow our Lord in whatever situation she found herself.

I don’t know the names of all of the parishes that Betty worked in before she became a deaconess, but after that her posts are listed in Crockfords, the clerical directory. In 1980 she went to Newmarket St Mary with Exning St Agnes in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury.

In 1983 she went to Acomb St Stephen in the York Diocese and in 1986 moved to Scarborough St Martin where she stayed until 1993. It was while she was here she was ordained Deacon in 1987. She became the curate of Cayton with Eastfield in 1994 so that she could exercise her ministry as a priest, before retiring in the same year.

In retirement Betty did not rest! She had a productive ministry in the Brinningham group as priest-in-charge for a time, and also worked as a hospital chaplain at Wayland Prison. It was while she was on the way to the prison that Betty had an accident in her car which led to her breaking her back, but she was not daunted by this and as soon as possible returned to her ministry until she reached the age of compulsory retirement.

She saw a variety of people as a spiritual director until the last few years of her life when her increasing ill health made this impossible. However she carried on taking services in the Bale and Stiffkey Group whenever she was able to, and was very grateful to the people from the parishes who gave her lifts and kept in touch to see if she was all right.

Living in Walsingham was sometimes difficult for Betty as her ordination as a priest was not recognised by some of those who lived there. However she managed to forge friendships across the divisions, and this is one of the most striking things I remember about Betty.

She never pretended to agree with you if she didn’t, but she would always be welcoming and friendly in her attitude to everyone whatever their opinions on things that were important to her, such as the ordination of women. I think the Church of England could learn a lot from her!

One of Betty’s favourite pastimes was needlework. I still have an embroidered box she made for me as a present to


keep my clerical collars in! She was not just a happy amateur though – she passed her City and Guilds exams in this craft which requires a lot of hard work as well as talent.

Her final examination piece was a lovely embroidery displayed in her dining room. Betty continued to belong to a patchwork group for as long as she was able to get to meetings and often talked about her “patchwork friends”.

Betty kept in touch with a group of family and friends by phone. Her nephews, Tom and John, and their families were important to her and she was very supportive of her sister-in-law after her brother died, travelling long distances to visit her until Betty’s own health failed. She had two very close friends of many years standing that she would ring every day, Joan and Doreen. They have spoken to me about how much Betty’s friendship has meant to them.

I happened to be with Betty when she became ill for the final time. I called the ambulance and waited with her for their arrival. I went into the ambulance to pray with her while they were sorting things out for the journey to the hospital. I offered to go with her. Betty looked at me and said “You have a service tomorrow don’t you?” I admitted that I had. “You go home and get ready for it” she said.

Revd.Diana Penny

RESCUE WOODEN BOATS Visitor Centre opens at Stiffkey

We have just passed our second birthday and are delighted to announce the opening of the first phase of our Visitor Centre, just beyond the High Sands Campsite office in Greenway Stiffkey NR23 1QP. During the summer we were open at weekends from 10:30 - 4:30. We plan to open at weekends in the winter months, but please check with us for updated opening times.

There are displays, films, photos and artefacts as well as the opportunity to see work progressing on Dunkirk veteran lifeboat Lucy Lavers in the boatyard workshop.

We have a great start up team of volunteers helping at the Visitor Centre and need many more – do get involved, however much or little time you might be able to offer. Come and visit and/or find out more from Sue Gathercole, 07774 245810, or email info@rescuewoodenboats.com.

We are also looking for people who might be interested in leading and/or working on developing schools’ visits at the Visitor Centre for this autumn. Do get in touch to discuss this further. Wendy Pritchard 07920 760238 or email info@rescuewoodenboats.com.

DISTRICT COUNCILLOR'S NOTES Among matters debated at Full Council Meeting, North

Norfolk District Council discussed: Proposed Building Incentives: for major projects, to encourage developers, with the necessary planning consents, etc., to begin work without delay. The incentives will be temporary, subject to consultation and include some revised affordable housing targets and relaxation of Level 3 Sustainable Homes construction. There is no change in the allocation of affordable homes nor does this affect Exception Schemes.

Recycling: a new contract is being negotiated with Norse, in line with the other local authorities. This should, therefore, provide service on a more favourable financial basis and volume of recyclable items. Regarding the present position on glass recycling at Community Recycling and Bottle Banks - these can continue if the local communities wish and consideration will be given to 'tourist' areas on an individual basis. The overriding aim of this plan is to increase recycling and avoid landfill. Many more items will be acceptable for recycling, less will be dumped in the grey bins (including the glass which many did not bother to take to the bottle banks). This operation will not begin until next summer - at the earliest.

IER - Individual Electoral Registration: this new registration for voting- by the individual not the household as at present, is being processed by NNDC. This, too, is not scheduled to start till next summer.

It is good to report Green Flags for Holt Country Park, Sadler's Wood and Pretty Corner.

In August, it was a pleasure and honour to welcome HM Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk, Mr Richard Jewson, J.P. and other dignitaries, including our MP Mr Norman Lamb, to the presentation of the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service at Binham Village Hall. Mr Jewson presented a commemerative crystal gift and certificate, signed by Her Majesty the Queen, to representatives from the Holt Youth Group who serve young people across North Norfolk and enable them to reach their full potential and to the Heritage House Day Care Centre based at Wells who provide a secure venue for the frail and elderly of the area, preventing isolation in their homes and respite for those who care for them. These two winning North Norfolk groups were selected by members of the public. The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service recognises groups of individuals who give up their time for the benefit of others.

Lindsay Brettle, Glaven Valley Ward


District Councillors’ Contact Details: Jonathan Savory (01328 820719) e: jonathan.savory@north-norfolk.gov.uk – and - Peter Terrington (01328 711126) e: peter.terrington@north-norfolk.gov.uk (Binham, Langham & Stiffkey) Lindsay Brettle (01263 710030) e: lindsay.brettle@north-norfolk.gov.uk (Sharrington, Field Dalling, Saxlingham & Morston) Ann.R.Green (01328 878273) e: ann.green@north-norfolk.gov.uk (Gunthorpe & Bale)

COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S NEWS In this edition I am focussing on two important

items: Norfolk School Children

You will have read about provision for Norfolk’s school children and the improvement which is required and steps are already being taken with great urgency to right this situation. An additional £16.5 million investment has been made and, of great importance, someone with considerable experience in dealing with such situations has been appointed as interim Head of Children’s Services.

NCC Budget 2013-2014 Over the next three years Norfolk County Council

has to save an estimated £189 million - from the many services the Council has to provide for us all living in the County. Such savings will not be done without a diminution of services – services important to us all. So forgive me for nagging but I ask everyone to please respond to the consultation and be part of the decision making. The consultation period of 12 weeks commenced on 19 September and Town and Parish Councils have already been informed of the time frame but more information will be well publicised.

Dr Marie Strong, County Councillor Wells Division: Glaven, Priory and Walsingham Parishes marie.strong@norfolk.gov.uk or on 07920 286 597

County Councillors’ Contact Details: Dr Marie Strong: County Councillor Wells Division (Glaven, Priory and Walsingham Parishes) marie.strong@norfolk. gov.uk or 07920 286 597 David Ramsbotham: Melton Constable Division (Bale and Gunthorpe Parishes) david.ramsbotham@norfolk.gov.uk 01263 577418

NORFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST TALK Thursday 17 October 2013 at 7.30

Cley Village Hall, NR25 7RJ The next meeting of the NWT North Norfolk Group

will be a talk on ‘Birds of Ecuador: A Journey from the Andes to the Amazon'.

Enjoy hearing about Ecuador's fascinating wildlife from Jo Thomas who, after a career in conservation, now runs a wildlife travel company. £2.00 members, £3.00 non-members - no need to book, just come along. For other events, activities and information about Norfolk’s wildlife go to www.norfolkwildlifetrust. org.uk. GLAVEN CARING COFFEE MORNING

Thistleton Court, Blakeney Saturday 5 October, 10.30 – 12 noon

Books, Bric-a-brac, Cakes, Raffle, Tombola, etc. Entrance £1, includes coffee.



In order to maintain the wonderful service given to many senior citizens in our area by the staff and volunteers at the Glaven Centre we urgently need to recruit more attendants and drivers.

The duty consists of taking out our vehicle (a mini-bus with a rear lift to take wheelchairs and less mobile clients) to collect elderly people from Holt, and villages surrounding Blakeney and taking them to the Glaven Centre at Thistleton Court, Blakeney, and returning them home later in the day. We start at 8.45a.m usually finishing before 11a.m; the afternoon session starts at 2.30p.m and finishes about 4.30p.m. The crew consists of a driver and an attendant: The driver needs to be under 70, but there is no age restriction for the attendant. Instruction will be given and no special licence is needed to drive the vehicle.

If you are available at least once a month, and are interested in this worth-while and interesting activity please contact Bob Norris, who conducts the training, on 01263 741254. Many thanks in anticipation, Helen Norris. (i/c ambulance rota).


GLAVEN CENTRE CLINIC DATES Thistleton Court, Blakeney 01263 740762

Toe-Nail Clinic: 27 September, 18 October, 1 November, 15 November, 29 November, 13 December. Hearing-Aid Service: 27 September, 30 October, 29 November, 18 December. Hairdressing: Every Wednesday 10am - 12noon.


Melton Constable & Blakeney Surgery October and November 2013

The seasonal flu vaccination is recommended for ALL PATIENTS: Aged 65 years and over; AND children aged 2 and 3 years at 1st September 2013 (born between 2.9.09 to 1.9.11). This will be given as a nasal spray for children.

It is also recommended for the following clinical risk groups: pregnant women, patients with certain chest problems (such as chronic bronchitis, COPD or emphysema), diabetics and patients who have had a stroke, patients with chronic heart, liver or kidney disease, patients with immuno suppression (due to illness or treatment), patients with certain neurological conditions (such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and Parkinson’s disease).

The seasonal flu vaccination is also available to:- Carers of older or disabled patients, Healthcare workers, Patients (of any age) living in long-stay residential care homes.

The seasonal flu vaccination is FREE to all in the above patient groups. It is not recommended for healthy children or adults under 65 years.

However, we will have a limited number of private flu vaccinations available for patients who do not qualify for a free vaccination. These will be available through Kelling Pharmacy (at the Holt Surgery site) at the cost of £11.99 each. There is no need to book, there is free parking and a qualified nurse will administer the vaccination.

The free flu clinics will be in October and November 2013. We began taking bookings from 1st September. To book in for a clinic, please telephone 01263 712461 after 11.30am (when the telephone lines are less busy) or pop into any of our surgeries.

NEW SHINGLES VACCINATION These will be available, free of charge, for the following

patients: patients aged 70 (born 2.9.42 to 1.9.43) OR patients aged 79 (born 2.9.33 to 1.9.34)

These patients will be invited in writing to have this vaccination in special clinics where they will also be able to have their flu vaccination at the same time (one vaccination in each arm).

We understand that other groups will be introduced in future years to ensure all people aged 70 – 79 are offered vaccinations against shingles, the aim being for patients to be offered the vaccination only when they turn 70. Patients aged over 80 are not part of the national programme.

We do not yet know whether there are sufficient supplies of the vaccine to be able to offer any private shingles vaccinations.


Holkham Hall Sunday 13th Oct. 10am–4pm Adults £5, Children Free, Car Parking £2.50 per car.

The walks are one, three, six or ten miles. The one mile walk for children has games along the way. Prams, trikes, wheelchairs and animals on leads are welcome. Go to www.astrofund.org.uk to download a sponsor form and for a link to create a justgiving page or contact via email: info@astrofund.org.uk or Tel::01485 572767.

1ST BLAKENEY SCOUT GROUP Blakeney Beavers and Cubs are going strong. A full

and adventurous programme is planned for all boys and girls who would like to join us. We meet in Blakeney Scout Hall, next to the Village Hall, every Tuesday for Beavers aged 6- 8 years old from 5-6pm and Cubs aged 8 - 10 ½ years old from 6.15 - 7.45pm.

We have plenty of fun throughout the year with activities and sleep-overs. For more information please contact me.

. Danny 07949 734744

LYNX-ON-LINE A WEEK EARLY Did you know you can now read your Local Lynx a

week earlier than the print date by going to www.locallynx.co.uk? We post the latest issue of the newsletter online as soon as it goes to press, which is usually around 17th of the month. Happy reading. Ed.


SOUL SPACE Changing Hearts & Minds

At the beginning of July 2013 the drama studio at Sheringham High School was transformed into a space for prayer and reflection for local students, with colourful fabric, lighting and cushions, and by filling the space with different interactive activities and zones. Pupils were encouraged to use the space in a way that best suited them – from being creative artistically to having a time of quiet and thoughtful reflection.

The Soul Space was organised and hosted by Simon Fenn (Children Youth and Family Missioner, Holt Deanery; Church of England) and Peter Skivington (Youth Minister at Sheringham Baptist Church), along with volunteers from other local churches, and was supported by Sam Dangerfield (Head of Philosophy and Ethics).

The overwhelming feedback has been positive. One pupil commented that, "I used to think that it [prayer] was stupid but now it’s given me a chance to express my feelings." Another pupil reflected "I know that it [prayer] will change me and help me." A lot of pupils have said that the Soul Space has changed their view on prayer in a positive way and given them the space to reflect on the important things - “I thought prayer was just sitting still. I didn’t realise you could do it in so many different ways,” and, “I thought prayer was boring, now I know it can be fun!”

The response and feedback from the teaching staff has been equally positive; they were visibly moved by the pupils' prayers, big questions and thanksgivings. One member of staff said how some pupils who were having a difficult time found the whole experience very beneficial. Another commented on the change in behaviour of some of the more challenging pupils - "This place has a calming effect on them."

Sam Dangerfield was overwhelmed by the pupils’ willingness to engage in the Soul Space and their positive feedback. She said, “I had not prepared myself for was how openly they would embrace in the activities nor how intensely their emotions would flow.” The care and consideration shown by the pupils towards their peers dealing with difficult situations has been impressive. One pupil commented, “I will be more sensitive and think what others are going through before opening my mouth.” The Soul Space has also given some comfort that they are not alone - “It made me understand I’m not the only one going

through a tough time.” What has been particularly encouraging is that a number

of pupils have said the Soul Space has helped them connect with God. Pupils remarked, “It made me feel God is listening”, “It helped me remember my relationship with God,” and “I feel I can connect with God”. Others said, “I didn’t know how powerful prayer could be,” and “I didn’t believe in God, but now I will”. It took a lot of prayers, planning, hard work and cooperation but the Soul Space has changed the hearts and minds of all involved; it was a place to reflect and connect with God.

For pictures and walk through video; visit www.facebook.com/CYFMHoltDeanery. Simon Fenn

Children, Youth & Family Missioner (Holt Deanery) simon.fenn@norwich.anglican.org / 07585 801450.

CHARITY BRIEFING – NORLSAR This is the second briefing covering either local charities or local branches of national charities which provide a service in East Anglia, or the County of Norfolk and especially the districts of North Norfolk/Broadland, and it covers the work of a little known charity the Norfolk Lowland Search and Rescue Organisation “NorLSAR”. If you would like us to include your favourite local charity in these articles please contact the Editor. The charity should work across the region and not just be village based.

Norwich based, Norfolk Lowland Search and Rescue (NorLSAR) works throughout Norfolk and lowland Great Britain, in environments which can be both urban and rural. NorLSAR assist in response to search and rescue requests from the police, providing specialized search and rescue capabilities to help find missing people. Working together with partner agencies they have the capability to assist police for example during extreme weather conditions,

Unlike their more famous Mountain Rescue counterpart NorLSAR will not go into mountainous areas - different search skills are required for highland terrain. NorLSAR are members of the Association of Lowland Search and Rescue (ALSAR) and will assist member teams in Search and Rescue across lowland Britain, when requested.

NorLSAR uses trained people and dogs to search any terrain found in lowland Britain. They use a wide range of techniques and equipment backed up with the latest missing persons data and methodologies. NorLSAR has always endorsed and encouraged investigation surrounding faster and more efficient


search and rescue techniques. Over the years NorLSAR has adopted many of these search techniques and, together with other ALSAR teams in the United Kingdom, continues to advance search and rescue efforts within lowland Britain.

Primarily NorLSAR searches as foot teams and all Search Technicians must complete the basic Search Technician training course prior to becoming an active member and on the team's callout list. Members are encouraged to put any other skills to good use following the completion of their basic course. Individuals are offered the opportunity to improve personal skills including team leading, navigation, dog handling, mountain biking, water safety and water rescue. NORLSAR are constantly on the lookout for members including those who can help with non-operational aspects of the organization. Unfortunately, despite expectations from the public, Search and Rescue within the United Kingdom receives no government funding. If you would like to help with fundraising, filling in grant applications or seeking sponsorship please contact the charity. More information together with a photo gallery of their activities can be found at the charity’s home page: www.norlsar.org.uk.

SUMMER’S END Bale Diary 1st Sep 2013

That sad time of the year when the evenings are suddenly dark by half past eight, and fields start to be ploughed, even though this year the sunshine goes on – and on. Stubble fields studded with the great round bales, fringed with hedges and trees in that dark dark green of late summer leaves, smudged with blue by distance. Beautiful days of sun and cloud, and night skies filled with stars, the Milky Way dominating, our galaxy a massy star drove-way across the sky. One night at 4am I get up to see brilliant Vega staring out, looking huge, between clouds that almost smother Cygnus hovering above.

The wheat fields make a texture of flat pattern across the landscape, growing darker as they pass from ripe blondness to a slightly greyed down shade, a little salt-and-pepper. As I write, there are still fields un-harvested; the cold nights have been making the fields too damp for combining. Some late August days the mist on the coastal horizon rolls inland at night and leaves everything dripping wet, taking several hours to burn off in the morning. Other days are sharp and bright so that you can see the sea from the higher parts of the village.

There is more texture and pattern as the wild flowers fade and change to seed heads of structural fantasy. Even a weedy field of sugar beet, seen against the low sun of early morning, gives me pattern and colour for maybe a painting, or a design. Cake’s Lane has been looked after this year, to the extent that there are few pretty seed heads tall against the light, and even the molehills hardly impede one’s progress. Since the barley was harvested the grass and weeds around the fields have been cut, so that we can walk along the edge of the wood, peering in past the mares tails and bracken at the dark leafiness, most secret at this time of year. The roe deer keep themselves tucked away, and there are very few sightings of hares. Most present are the buzzards and the wood pigeons, and green woodpeckers bobbing across from one wood to another, shouting their laughter-like call. On a

“Granny? Can I turn back the clock for you?”

“Yes, darling. 1964 would be nice.”


few mornings muffled chiff-chaff song emanates from tall hedges, if the sun is not out.

The garden is quite overgrown, despite the lack of rain. My hedges are infested with white bryony draping its red-berried stems everywhere. The buddleias are huge and for several weeks have been full of butterflies every sunny afternoon. Commas, small tortoiseshells, peacock and red admiral sip from the honey scented flowers, occasionally colliding with bumblebees. They settle on any warm surface, wings spread wide, for a rest I suppose, and to take in the sun’s heat. They take nectar from my turk’s cap lilies too, and the broad coned pink echinaceas. After dark my courtyard garden is full of big moths; they come for the honeysuckle and the lilies, which are most scented after dark.

This afternoon Miss T and I went out for our usual walk, finding the big wheat field cut, we were tramping through the stubble, about twenty swallows weaving and skimming over it, and what looked like a stick at a distance was a roe deer, standing almost a hundred yards from the wood. She held still until we were close and my lurcher started making some very frustrated noises… then pronked her way down to the wood’s edge and away. Jane Wheeler

VILLAGE HALL SOCIAL CLUB DRAW July 2013 August 2013 Mike Nearney £25 Paula Moore £25 Paula Moore £10 Freddy Powney £10 David Ramm £5 Sybil Nash £5 Angus Jones £5 Colin Nash £5

‘ALL ABOARD!’ IS ABOUT TO SAIL Binham Memorial Hall

Saturday 19 October at 6.30pm For more details go to www.locallynx.co.uk and click on Local Lynx 91 page 9. To book tickets, please phone either Maureen Frost on 01328 830362 or Ann Prockter on 01328 830770.


The Harvest Supper is to be held on Saturday October 5th at 7pm at the Village Hall.

The cost is £5 per person, there will also be a raffle. To book your seat, please ring Liz on 01328 830519.

Harvest Festival Service The Harvest Festival Service is on Sunday October 6th at

11am at Binham Priory. Everybody welcome so hope to see as many of you there, after enjoying your harvest supper the previous evening.

NTH NORFOLK ASTRONOMY SOCIETY New Horizons is a space mission launched in 2006 that

is visiting the planet Pluto and will be arriving in 2015. Peter Bedini, Project Manager for the mission, is visiting

Binham in October and has agreed to give a talk about the space mission to the North Norfolk Astronomy Society. This talk, on Friday 18th October, is at Binham Village Hall and non-members are welcome. For further information, please contact John Prockter on 01328 830770.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Perfection in anything is attained by slow degrees. By perseverance

the snail reached the Ark.

BINHAM PARISH COUNCIL “Trees on the Green”

Having agreed to the compromise position on the flowering cherry trees, and obtaining the necessary consent from NNDC, the Parish Council has followed the tendering procedure set out at the July meeting. A contractor has been appointed, with the work to be completed in the Autumn.

The second part of the consent is to plant two replacement trees. They will be planted at either end of the Memorial Hall Playing Field with the agreement of the trustees and William Wales.

Grit Bin The Bin should be delivered this Autumn and will be

positioned on the corner of Priory Crescent, in front of the telephone exchange.


Next Meeting At the Council meeting on Monday 18th November in the Memorial Hall, tea or coffee from 7.00pm before the start at 7.30pm, Tom Fitzpatrick and Steve Blatch from NNDC will attend. They will take questions on the business of the District Council. All parishioners are invited. If you have any matters you would like to bring up please advise Keith Leesmith (Parish Clerk: 01328 71026) before the meeting. David Frost


Saturday 23rd November 9.30am - 2.30pm YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! Buy your presents early - so many good bargains

Boxes Chocolates

Pies, puds & tarts Xmas tree presents

Stitched textiles & gifts Wildlife photography

Provencal goodies Jams and Chutneys

Jewellery, bags and scarves Glass lamps and mobiles

Cards, Wraps, Decorations Products and gifts for the home

Home-made cakes, sweets and preserves Api therapy skincare products

Christmas cake raffle Pottery Books

Garden stall & Xmas Wreaths Bottle tombola

Crafts Refreshments

FRIENDS OF BINHAM PRIORY This year the main support provided to the Priory has

been the purchase of a demountable modular stage. The old stage, used for twenty years principally for the summer concerts, was constructed from scaffolding planks on purpose-made wooden supports, stored in the shed in the east corner of the churchyard. Erection and dismantling became an increasingly arduous activity for those involved.

The new stage consists of ten 2 metre x 1 metre cast

aluminium sections on sturdy legs with a side access stair and completed by a neat grey valance. It has several advantages: being quicker to erect and dismantle, can be stored in the church and has the potential for use in different configurations and locations, such as the cloisters and even the Memorial Hall. The stage cost a little over £6,700, the money coming from two legacies left to the “Friends” with the balance from the general fund. This stage should prove to be a really useful asset.

In 2014 it is expected to start an extensive conservation programme on the building, probably spread over two or three years. The “Friends” will take the lead in obtaining the finance, seeking grants from appropriate agencies and charities, as well as providing match-funding from the general fund. The chance of success in applying to agencies is much enhanced by showing a wide range of support for the Priory. The current membership is just over one hundred, but it would be good to increase this.

A new leaflet, drafted by a sub-committee and currently being printed, will be used in a recruitment campaign. Joanna King has agreed to take on the pivotal role of Membership Secretary. Joanna’s enthusiasm and skills in communication will be welcomed in growing the membership, as well as improving links with existing members.

It is hoped there will be a full Memorial Hall on Saturday 19th for “All Aboard”, the imaginative multi-media event by the talented team that presented the “Moon” evening last year. Details are elsewhere in this issue.

David Frost

CHRISTMAS SUPPER The Christmas Supper is on Saturday December 7th at

Binham Village Hall. Arrival for 6.30pm for a traditional Christmas meal at 7pm of turkey and all the trimmings followed by Christmas pudding and coffee.

Tickets are £8 per person, there will be a raffle and tombola. To book your seat please ring Liz on 01328 830519. Hope to see you there.


We will hold our Harvest Supper and auction at our meeting on October 17, with invited guests from Wells, the Snorings and Stiffkey. At our November 21 meeting Sue


Elliott, local flower arranger and competition judge, will give us a talk and demonstration on seasonal flowers.

The Open Circle Women's Club meets at 7.15pm on the third Thursday of each month at Hindringham Village Hall. New members are always welcome - just come along on the night or ring secretary Fiona Thompson on 01328 830639.

BINHAM YOUTH GROUP Binham Youth Group is held at Binham Village Hall on

Wednesdays 6 to 8pm (term time only) age 5-16 years, £1 entry fee, tuck shop, staff CRB checked.

We have art ‘n’ craft, board games, table tennis, pool table, karaoke, books and 10-pin bowling.

The group is held indoors during winter and in the summer we use the large playing field. It is a great place to chill out and meet new friends.

BINHAM VILLAGE FOOTBALL CLUB We are very pleased to announce we now have a

sponsor for the team away kit so a big thank you to Mrs.Liz Brown of Abbot Farm. We would also like to thank Mr. Pat Pigott for all his help and for the loan of his ladders in repainting the goalposts ready for our first home game of the season.

Our most recent match with Diego Rahman's Fakenham Tandoori Community Team at Fakenham's Clipbush Park saw us with a 4-1 victory that lead to a great end to our pre-season friendlies. The real winners were the chosen charity to help build a bridge in Bangladesh with received all the match and player fees.

The big news from the team is the first league game of the season was against GAGA FC where we lost 1-0 to a very lucky goal in the 79th minute to our stand in goalkeeper Graham Kennie, whose great saves kept us at 8th position in league 4.

The management would like to take this opportunity to thank all the squad for making this team a success and a very big thank you to the supporters who make us feel proud to wear the Binham Village badge.

Fixture lists will be displayed in the Village hall as well as other local locations; you can also request a full list at binhamvillagefc@hotmail.co.uk or call Sammy on 07778560484. We look forward to seeing you at our next match. David Boyce (Chairman), Adam Peden (Manager), Graham Kennie (Assistant Manager) and Sammy Peden (Secretary)

BINHAM PLAY AREA The Binham Fete was a great success and raised £2,200

for the Playground Project. Thank you to all those who helped on the day. We still have a considerable amount to raise, approx. £11k, to finalise the project and complete the installation of the play area.

Our next fundraising event will be our popular Quiz Night on Friday 25th October in the Village Hall. Doors open at 7pm, with the quiz commencing at 7.30pm. Tickets are £8 each, which includes supper. For tickets, please call Rebecca on 01328 830505. Rebecca Bunting

LOCAL HISTORY GROUP TALKS A lovely warm and sunny evening saw over 60 people

come to Binham Priory church on 20th August to hear the author and illustrator Matthew Rice present a humorous talk on ‘The Parish Church - not the quietest place in the village.’ Afterwards, followed by a wine and canapés reception, Matthew also signed copies of his new beautifully illustrated book Rice’s Church Primer. The evening raised a total of £327 for the History Group, Friends of Binham Priory and at Matthew’s request The Norfolk Churches Trust.

Thursday 24th October 2013 7.30pm Binham Memorial Hall

Nuggets of History - Tales of Norwich Cathedral – David Berwick

Thursday 28th November 2013 7.30pm Binham Memorial Hall

Recent work on Neolithic and Bronze Age Barrows – Dr Clive Bond

Admission £2 members and non members £4. Annual Membership is £3 for single and £5 for couple. Renewals for 2013/4 season are now due . Payment by cheque can be sent to Richard Lewis, BLHG Treasurer , 6 Buttland Close, Binham,NR21 ODR. Any other enquiries please ring Pennie Alford on 01328 830700 or email blhg@btinternet.com.


Festival of Archaeology Community Dig We had a sizzling couple of days in July to dig three pits

as part of the Confederation of British Archaeology’s annual Festival of Archaeology.

It was no mean feat to dig our three pits. The ground was very dry and hard on day 1 and even the sweat from the diggers did little to moisten the soil!

By end of day 1 it was decided to add some water into the pits overnight to help with the excavation. So of course in the early morning of the following day we got a terrific thunderstorm and downpour leading to plenty of water in the pits....however a quick scoop out of rain water excess and a further burst of hot sun soon enabled normal service to be restored.

Various interesting artefacts surfaced and the most exciting find came...as usual.... right at the end of the last day...A lovely large piece of a pot with engraving and rim. Big thanks go to David Frost and Alan Eagle for sorting equipment, refreshments and site planning. Claire Bradshaw Norfolk Community Archaeologist for being our resident professional on site to guide and direct. William Wales for allowing use of the land and to all those who turned up to dig, sift, observe and support.

Higher Education Field Academies Binham once again welcomed the Cambridge University

Archaeology team headed by Carenza Lewis to conduct a 2 day HEFA pit digs in early July.

The HEFA programme aims to raise the aspirations, enthusiasm and attainment of 14-17 year olds with regard to higher education by making a valuable contribution to current academic research at the University of Cambridge.

Some 40 enthusiastic children from Fakenham High School participated in the excavation of 10 test pits around the village. The reports and finds map are available to view on line at www.arch.cam.ac.uk/aca/binham.html.

The HEFA team are very keen about digging in Binham and have expressed an interest in returning again next year in 2014, making it a 6th revisit if it happens. In order for it to continue to be a successful partnership we will need the continued support of householders in Binham to allow a small supervised group to excavate a 1 metre square pit on their land. Both the HEFA staff and BLHG remain extremely grateful to householders and landowners who have been so supportive to this scheme.

BINHAM PRIORY CONCERTS Friday, 11 October, 7.30pm

Schola Cantorum (Gresham's senior chamber choir)

Programme to include Fauré's “Requiem”

Wednesday, 20 November, 7.30pm Double Octave

A programme of European sacred music including Haydn's “Missa Brevis St Joannis de Deo”

Both concerts are no ticket events (retiring collection).

100+ CLUB WINNERS July: £25 Mrs. Townsend, £10 M. Ulph, Sue Beer, £5

Julia Wright, Jack Grange, Don Richie. August: £25 Andrew Taylor, £10 Mrs. V. R. Lane, Alex

Wales, £5 Linda Eagle, M. Tyrell, Joanna King.

COCKTHORPE CHURCH UPDATE As reported earlier, following the successful tower

repairs we are still waiting for a start to be made on the roof which is in a bad way. Rafters and associated woodwork are rotting with tiles dropping through making daylight visible. Malcolm Fisher the company secretary of the Norfolk Churches Trust has been working with the Heritage Lottery Fund in obtaining funds and is still awaiting a decision, although he feels indications are positive.

HELLO SAILOR Congratulations to Cockthorpe’s Sailing Trophy

collector Alan Robinson, who won the Morston regatta this summer, as he normally does, as well as frequently winning the Blakeney Regatta and many Sailing Club and local events.

READ ALL ABOUT IT The members of the Stiffkey Local History Group

whose interest includes Cockthorpe have just completed a book entitled ‘Stiffkey with Cockthorpe – a story of Norfolk people.’ An introduction, details of the work and the books launch in November can be found in the Stiffkey section of this issue.

SUMMER FETE New Diary Date: Sat 9th Aug 2014!

We are delighted to report that this year’s was our most successful Fete yet, raising a grand total of very nearly £3,600. The weather was kind to us and stayed dry but not too hot, and a good crowd of people came to support us and enjoy themselves. As always, our giant Tombola drew lots of customers, and so did the book stall, cakes and white elephant stalls. The Grand Raffle sold out of tickets and we are very grateful to Jeremy Barlow for his donation of a lovely signed, framed print as the star prize.

Live music was provided by the Lumiere Rouge Jazz Band, and was enjoyed by everyone as they sat down with cups of tea and delicious homemade cakes. All in all, it was a most successful afternoon and of course it could not have happened without the support and hard work of all our helpers and sponsors, so a huge thank you to all.

Next year's Fete will be held on Saturday 9 August, so put the date in your diaries now!

Sue Findlater, Fete Committee


FOGPC 50/50 CLUB DRAW RESULTS July August John Arthurson £20.00 Geoff Masterman £20.00 David Aitman £15.00 John Corney £15.00 Fiona Flint £5.00 Brian Churchill £5.00 Diane Blakeley £5.00 Jeremy Denholm £5.00 “PJ” Cutterham £5.00 Diane Blakeley £5.00 Patricia Groves £5.00 Alex Worrall £5.00 Lindy Soame £5.00 Georgia Hatfull £5.00

The new membership year started with the June 2013 draw and with 138 members by the time of the AGM - a record. This will allow us to have an enhanced draw for the Christmas Party on 14 December (provisional date) and at the end of the membership year in May 2014. We will also have increased prize money from January 2014.

If you are new to the village or would like to join us please do so as soon as possible – to “borrow” from another place “you have to be in it to win it”! If you would like more information on 50:50 Club and “Friends” memberships please contact John Blakeley on 01263 861008. Cheques for membership subscriptions should be made out to “FOGPC”.

ST MARY’S CHURCH NEWS The work on the church is finished. The guttering and

down pipes have been painted, the doors treated and some re-pointing work done. It looks great. Thank you to the Friends for their financial support in enabling us to do this vital maintenance work. A big thank you too, to Lily and Hannah Good who are raising money for St Mary’s by selling the apples from their garden. Well done, and we much appreciate your support.

On Saturday 31st August the marriage took place of Mark O’Rorke to Lara Brown. Mark’s parents used to live in White Horse Farm and are still regular visitors to Gunthorpe. It was a joyful wedding and the church looked resplendent. Thank you to everyone who helped with the preparations and pew polishing. We wish Mark and Lara a long and happy life together.

The harvest festival this year, will be held on 13th October and the Remembrance Day service will be held on 10th November commencing at 10.50am. Penny Brough

PARISH COUNCIL NEWS This item covers the main topics of discussion at the meeting of the Gunthorpe and Bale Parish Council held on 29th August at Bale Village Hall.

Our “new” NCC Councillor David Ramsbotham and our NNDC Councillor Ann Green both attended. Councillor Ramsbotham gave a briefing on the new structure of the NCC and the decision to change from a Cabinet approach to what the ruling coalition plans to be a more transparent and accountable structure from 2014. He also outlined the savings to be made in the three years from April 2014 - starting with savings of £73M in the year April 2014 to April 2015, and building each year to meet a total savings requirement of £182M over the three year period. He stressed that the NCC would be seeking the views of District and Parish Councils as well as individuals with a consultation period starting on 19 September.

Councillor Green gave a detailed explanation of the new planning rules (for full details see the NNDC web site). In effect, following the correct procedures, in the three year period commencing May 2013 householders will be allowed to add rear extensions to their property of up to 8m as permitted development. It is not a “free for all” and the Planners at NNDC will still need to be informed and consulted to ensure that the development uses the correct materials and that neighbouring properties may comment, etc, but there will be no fees for this.

Councillor Green also confirmed that Big Society funding of community projects was still open for applications.

Holt Safer Neighbourhood Team PCSO Slade of the Holt SNT described the incidents

affecting the two villages since the last Parish Council Meeting; two incidents of highway disruption, lost and found property and personal safety. PCSO Slade emphasised that with winter approaching the police expected a rise in fuel thefts, particularly oil. Everyone is urged to take the necessary precautions to protect their property. PCSO Slade also confirmed that households may request a free crime prevention survey through Holt Police Station.


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) No further information had been received from the CCG

concerning the East of England Ambulance Service. Gritting

Our request for the school bus route through Gunthorpe from the A148 to the B1354 to be included in the priority gritting schedule has been partly successful. The road up to Springfield will now be on the priority gritting schedule, with the route from Springfield to the B1354 still being on the gritting schedule as a priority 3 ie during prolonged periods of snow and ice as resources permit. The purchase of the Grit Bins for both villages has been deferred.

Gunthorpe Green The Council approved acceptance of the NCC grant

towards the cost of construction of parking spaces on the east side of the Green. The cost to the Parish of its 25% share is £916.25. These unreserved public spaces, to be used on a “first come, first served” basis by both residents and visitors, are intended to reduce damage to the Green, particularly in winter.

B1354 Junction The Council again raised concerns about the reduced

visibility of the junction with the B1354 caused by the (incorrect) Gunthorpe Lane sign placed there by the NNDC with the approval of the NCC Highway’s Dept. As both the NCC and NNDC Councillors were present they were asked to cooperate to try and find a solution to this road safety issue.

Traffic Calming in our Two Villages Both Bale and Gunthorpe have concerns with traffic, as

the use of Sat Navs may have greatly increased traffic using Gunthorpe as a short cut between the A148 and B1354. A

similar problem exists in Bale, significantly exacerbated by the number of HGVs using the route through Bale for Langham and the coast rather than using the “approved” route from the A148 at Sharrington. The very narrow road through the centre of the villages is totally unsuitable for HGV traffic. Speeding is also a problem but Speed Watch is no longer available in the villages. Councillor Ramsbotham agreed to investigate the potential use of traffic calming measures and revised speed limits in both villages if the supporting data is provided to him.

Parish Council Meeting The next Parish Council meeting will be held in Gunthorpe Village Institute at 7.30 pm on Thursday 14th November. If you have questions or topics you wish to raise for discussion at the meeting please notify our Parish Council Clerk, Anthony Hayward, e-mail arhayward@btopenworld.com. John Church, Chairman Gunthorpe & Bale Parish Council

VILLAGE ANNUAL FETE As promised the Gunthorpe 2013 Fete opened with

glorious sunshine and blue skies. A stark contrast to the thunder and lightning of 2012. Large crowds once again, enjoyed the stalls and games whilst listening to the superb Aylsham Band and enjoying cream teas and refreshments in the grounds.

The afternoon was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended both from the locality and indeed from afar. Thank you to all who so generously supported our activities on the day, which resulted in amazing takings once again. We were delighted to hand over cheques to St Mary’s Church Gunthorpe and Gunthorpe Village Institute for £2161.91 each! This is an essential part of the annual income for both buildings.

Included in this total was an anonymous donation of £200 - our heartfelt thanks to our mystery benefactor who continues to support us year on year.

The Fete Committee, friends, visitors and the villagers of Gunthorpe cannot thank Marie and Jeremy Denholm enough, for once again opening the beautiful grounds of Gunthorpe Hall for all to enjoy and for their incredibly generous support, time and commitment to the event. It is a date now set in many people’s diaries, and one I know that many visitors from far and wide look forward to so much every year.

Huge thanks must also go to the amazing, hard working staff and their supporting team at Gunthorpe Hall. Your


unfailing sense of good humour and unflappable attitude does not go unnoticed and we are hugely grateful to each and every one of you. You calm my frazzled nerves with such good grace!

We are also so fortunate to benefit from the help and support of Gunthorpians and their extended families and friends, who so willingly help run games and stalls on the day itself and all who donated prizes, jumble, tombola items, bottles, books etc. Your time is never taken for granted, and we appreciate all your efforts and enthusiasm in making the day so much fun for everyone attending - your continuing generosity knows no bounds and is a key element of our success.

The Grand Draw continues to go from strength to strength each year. Huge thanks are extended to all the local businesses and individuals who donated generous and imaginative prizes; we are so grateful; as are all the lucky winners! Many thanks also to the sister in charge of our namesake ward at NNUH for presenting the prizes.

I would also like to extend my thanks to those workers from Albanwise who help us so much with the “heavy” work, before and after the fete; we simply couldn’t manage without you!

Finally, a personal thank you from me, to my committee members; too many to mention, but you know who you are - once again, you made a very daunting job, a most enjoyable one and most importantly, great fun! As ever, so many of you went the “extra mile”, many continue to beaver away, below the radar, happy to help, and with no need for special thanks. However, it is important to note, that your hard work and commitment does not go unnoticed, by so many in the village. I feel incredibly privileged to live in a village that has such a huge heart and genuine sense of community spirit. We may not have a shop or a pub in the village, but we do have each other; my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of you.

Zena Churchill Fete Coordinator

FOGPC PARISH CHURCH BBQ 2013 The Friends of Gunthorpe Parish Church gathered in the

gardens of Gunthorpe Hall for their 20th Annual Fete BBQ on Saturday evening the 27th of July. The weather was kind and attendance good with all enjoying a relaxing, al fresco, evening the night before the village fete. There were the usual drinks, dips, food and raffle and all the money raised went towards the repair and maintenance of Gunthorpe St. Mary’s Church. Many thanks to all who attended and also to all who worked so hard to make the fete on Sunday such a success for all of Gunthorpe village.

The next Friends event will be the Harvest Supper in the Village Institute. The provisional date is Saturday the 9th of November at 7pm. Watch the notice board for the date to be confirmed nearer the time. Be sure to phone Gunthorpe Hall (01263-861373) to reserve your seats as seating is limited, and also let us know then if you would like a vegetarian meal. We hope very much to see very many members of the Friends then. Marie Denholm, Friends Chairman

GUNTHORPE WARD NNUH As well as the Ward Sister presenting the prizes we were

delighted to see so many of the Gunthorpe Ward staff attending the fete, as we wish to keep our strong links to the ward, and to be able to offer financial support to the ward where appropriate. In this context we have now made a contribution of £100 to a fund raising activity of the ward to obtain new weight scales to replace the ancient equipment that they presently have. The ward sister, Melanie Griggs, has sent a very fulsome thank you to the village for this. We hope to have another function to top up the Village Ward Fund over the coming winter, but if any reader wishes to make an individual contribution to the fund please contact either Carole Wallace or Diane Blakeley - the joint administrators of the Village Fund.

VILLAGE CHRISTMAS PARTIES As an advance date for your diary please join us for

Christmas Drinks on Saturday 7th December 2013 at 7pm at The White House Barn Gunthorpe. This is a purely social event with no fundraising element attached to it and will provide a lovely opportunity for us all to relax and get together before the Festivities. All that is required is that you bring your own drinks and a plate of food! Please call Zena Churchill 07500 333172 or e mail: zenachurchill@aol.com


to co-ordinate food and RSVP in person before November 23rd 2013.

As another advance notice the Friends “50:50 Club” Christmas Party will be held on 14th December commencing at 12 Noon in the Institute. There will be an enhanced Prize Draw and a “big” raffle, along with the usual Christmas refreshments. Entry will be by raffle ticket purchase.

DOMESDAY GUNTHORPE This is Part Two of three articles on Gunthorpe’s history at, and immediately after, the Norman conquest, and it is taken from research by former village historian Ray Steffans.

Two slightly different versions of the Gunthorpe record have been given. The differences may be due to varying translations of the original, and it should be noted that Blomefield, who was one of Norfolk's most prolific archivists, died in 1752, long before copies of the records were generally available. His version first appeared in 1739, but later editions of his work were issued in 1775 and 1808. The version given in the "Victoria History of Norfolk" reads:

King's Lands "In Gunestorp is half a ploughland, which Alwin held, and four bordars; woodland for four swine, and one acre of meadow. Then, as now, 1½ ploughs. Then it was worth twenty shillings, now forty shillings. This was added to the land from the land of Almer the Bishop, and it is one leuca in length and four furlongs In breadth. It renders six pence and a half pennv in Geld".

Lands of Peter de Valognes "In Gunatorp is one freeman of Harold, with half a ploughland. Then, as now, there were six bordars and one serf. Then, as now, two ploughs. Woodland for four swine. One acre of meadow. And it is worth ten shillings. This land was delivered to Peter to make up one manor".

Blomefield's version reads: "The Conqueror had a lordship here consisting of half a carucate of land, held by Alvin, in King Edward's time, with

four borderers, pannage for four swine, one acre of meadow, and one carucate and a half. Valued then at twenty shillings and at the survey at forty shillings. And this was added to it out of the land of Ailmar, Bishop of Elmham. It was one leuca long and four furlongs broad and paid six pence halfpenny Gelt. Here was also another lordship belonging to the Conqueror, of one carucate of land belonging to the King's Manor of Causton, in South Erpingham, which King Harold held. To this there belonged eleven borderers. There was one carucate in demean, and one among the tenants etc, with two acres of meadow, and this manor was valued etc in Causton.

Some explanations are necessary. Peter de Valognes, otherwise known as Peter, Lord Valoines, was a nephew of William and was instrumental in founding Binham Priory. A "ploughland" was about 120 acres. A "bordar" (or borderer) was a small occupier who, at some stage, lived in a bord or cottage. Although not a serf (or servus) he was less free than some classes. Bordars did not own oxen, but might have a small piece of land. Sometimes they might be labourers or small craftsmen. One of their duties was to supply eggs etc. for their lord's table. A "plough" means what .the modern word means, but the plough was at that time usually drawn by eight oxen and. known as a "caruca". It is from the latter word that the term "carucate", an area of cultivated land, alternatively known as a ploughland derives. An explanation of the other terms in this article will appear in Part 3.


1. A piano. 2. Twelve eyes. (Jacks of Spades & Hearts: two each; Jacks of Clubs and Diamonds: four each). 3. Charades. 4. Liquid Crystal Display. 5. April & May. 6. 2. 7. “The X Files”. 8.”Wooden Heart”. 9. Toby. 10. 91. 11. A knight. 12. Pears.


FROM THE REGISTERS Holy Baptism: Alfie Peter Paul Banham 25th May Holy Matrimony: Lee Ransley and Jessica Blakeley 9th August Interment of Ashes: James Brown 2013

WELCOME We would like to extend a warm welcome to John

Bennett; Ben and Emily; James Feeney; Jamie and Amber; Wayne, Mary and Izzy; all of whom have come to live in Langham. We hope you will all be very happy living here.

LANGHAM CRAFT FAIR 20th & 21st July

After really hot, beautiful weather, what did we get for our two day Craft Fair?!! We had a misty, drizzly sea fret, followed by an intermittent but persistent light rain. On the Sunday it was quite cold.

However, although visitor numbers were down, the stall holders kept smiling, eating our wonderful food and purchasing each other’s goods. Everyone admired the colourful ceramics, the choice of glass, silver or pewter jewellery, beautifully designed cushions, clocks, lamps and cards. There was so much to choose from. You could even purchase a vintage evening dress or boater!

I would like to thank the removal men who prepared the Church and Parish Room and put up signs and bunting. John Hughes was marvellous as usual. Without him and his team an event like this cannot take place.

Thank you too, to the ladies who helped serve our visitors and, of course, our splendid hard-working scone/cake-making team. The cakes were so good we almost ran out and we had to start baking again. Stall fees amounted to £1453, the tombola raised £227 and refreshments £622.60. After the many expenses were deducted, a cheque for £2067 has been presented to the Langham Church Building Trust.

Pauline Bartlett


Langham Parish Council and the Friends of Langham will be organising their renowned fireworks display and barbeque on Tuesday 5th November.

The barbeque starts at 6 pm. Lighting of the bonfire 6.30pm. Firework display 7pm.

We have invested in a spectacular new display which will be well worth watching so come along for a spectacle which will beat all the ones in previous years! Entry is free and we will have a bucket collection. Watch out for posters for details of venue and make a note in your diary. See you there!

The Friends of Langham


In the early hours of Monday 26th March 1945 a Wellington bomber ‘F’ for Freddie, MKX111, serial NB824, took off from Langham airfield on an anti-shipping strike off the Dutch coast. There was light rain at the time. A few seconds after take-off, it is thought that the starboard engine failed and the plane crashed in a field just off the Cockthorpe/Binham road. It immediately burst into flames. Sadly four of the crew were killed but three survived. They were helped away from the burning plane, with armaments exploding, by W.A.A.F Leading Aircraftwoman Ivy Cross, who was subsequently awarded the British Empire Medal for her bravery.

I have recently met up with the brother of the co-pilot, Flt. Sgt Fred Harris, who sadly was one of those to perish. John Harris and his wife Pat, are interested to learn any more information about the accident. If anyone can recall the crash, I would be most grateful if they could contact me.

Patrick Allen 01328 830348

STALL ON THE GREEN Four stalls for this event in August raised £327. 50 for

Langham Church General Fund. Thanks go to all who served on the stall, helped to put up the gazebo, to John who stored the stall and to Sue who kindly provided much welcome coffee to the stallholders. Thank you also to all those who came to buy and to those who provided delicious looking cakes and wonderful produce. It proved to be an enjoyable social occasion and we had some interesting conversations! Langham P.C.C.

CHRISTMAS FAIR Langham Parish Room

November 30th 10-12noon I know, it doesn’t seem possible that we are talking

about Christmas as I sit here in September sunshine! Please come to our lovely re-furbished Parish Room and

support us in raising money for the Langham Church General Fund. Please would you be kind enough to save all your unwanted presents, books and anything suitable for the raffle or tombola for this event. The P.C.C. would be most grateful. Goods can be deposited in the porch at 30, Binham Road, with a note, so that I can thank donors or I can collect, any time after mid November. Many thanks for your continued support. Ann Sherriff 01328 830 605


MOBILE LIBRARY This will now visit on a four weekly basis, on

Thursdays: 3 October, 31 October, 28 November. The van will call, each of these days, for 20 minutes at: St. Mary’s - 10.00am. Old Post Office - 10.25am. Swan’s Close - 10.50am The Cornfield - 11.15am. Enquiries : Wells Library Tel: 01328 710467.

RVS LANGHAM CAR SERVICE Schedule to December 8th 2013

Weekly driving duties beginning on a Monday Sept. 30th Tel: 830 821* Nov. 4th Tel: 830 606* Oct. 7th Tel: 830 056 Nov. 11th Tel: 830 847 Oct.14th Tel: 830 731 Nov. 18th Tel: 830 847 Oct.21st Tel: 830 537* Nov. 25th Tel: 830 605 Oct.28th Tel: 830 677 Dec. 2nd. Tel: 830 605

Rate: 25p per mile. * These drivers do not go to Norwich If the driver for the week is unable to do the trip, contact

the next person on the list. If your appointment is cancelled, please also cancel your car service booking.

Please give three days notice wherever possible, except in an emergency. It would be very helpful if a car booking is made as soon as an appointment is arranged or journey planned so that drivers can arrange their schedule. When booking please advise of any walking aids to be transported. Please bring change.

In the infrequent event that no driver is available – contact the Holt Caring Society Tel: 01263 711243 giving as much notice as possible.

This roster is also sited on the church porch and village notice boards with dates beyond the above schedule, after November 9th. Ann Sherriff 01328 830 605

MAUREEN’S EVENTS By coach to Nidd Hall near Harrogate Yorkshire. Four

days May 2nd – 5th 2014 £299 p.p. in twin/double Signature room. Limited singles £60 supplement. If you are interested in joining us please contact me a.s.a.p.

Maureen 830 731

WHAT AN OUTING! On Tuesday 3rd September, 30 senior citizens were once

more treated to a most enjoyable day out under the care of the ‘Friends of Langham’. When you hear that we did – bus, train, bus, bus, train, bus, you will see that we had plenty of exercise getting from one to the other!

We departed from Langham at 10am in a Peelings coach and arrived at Sheringham. Oh! We’re going to the beach we thought. No. We boarded the train and ended up at Wroxham where we alighted and got back on our bus which was waiting for us. We were then taken to Wymondham, through the very narrow streets, to the ‘Green Dragon’ where we all enjoyed a very tasty meal.

We had a short period of free time after our refreshment in which to view the 12thC Wymondham Abbey or wander round the town centre with its Market Cross.

We returned to our bus and prepared ourselves for the longest part of the journey that the driver said we were about to embark upon. Exactly three minutes later he drew up and said we were to disembark! We had only gone as far as Wymondham station! Here we got on the train into a reserved coach and enjoyed an eleven mile, four station journey to Dereham. The staff, all voluntary, on this Mid-Norfolk railway, pointed out interesting landmarks as we journeyed through the Tiffey valley, including the beautifully restored station at Hardingham which won the owner the prestigious Ian Allen Heritage Award in 2001.

At Dereham we were treated to tea and scones in the station buffet before we departed, on our coach, for Langham where we arrived at 5.30pm.

As you will gather, this took a lot of organising and grateful thanks must go to Peter Barlow and John Hughes who did a wonderful job between them which resulted in a most enjoyable day for the ‘Oldies’. Thank you!

LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH We were blessed with good weather for our July sale

and managed to raise over £1,000. Thank you to everyone who brought and bought.

Our last sale for this year, when we shall have lots of £1 items, will be on Saturday October 19th 10-12 noon in the Parish Room. Look forward to seeing you all.

Maureen 830 731


WVS, WRVS, NOW RVS 1938 – 2013

On Monday May 20th 2013 WRVS celebrated their 75th Anniversary. The organisation was born out of a need to pull together and offer practical hands on support for possibly one of the greatest challenges Britain has ever faced – World War II. It was founded in 1938 as the ‘Women’s Voluntary Services for Air Raid Precautions’ by Lady Stella Reading, a very forward looking lady who understood what lay ahead and realised the valuable support that women would be able to give.

Coming into the 21st century, the image of this voluntary service was becoming historical and little known rather than actual and contemporary. Activities have been ongoing, and not just female orientated, but the name did not make that clear and the current brand discouraged men from asking for support and from volunteering.

After much consideration a re-launch has taken place and the organisation is now known as ‘Royal Voluntary Service’ (RVS), losing the ‘W’ so as to be more inclusive and emphasising the ‘Royal’ to recognise the honour of Royal patronage. Queen Mary was the first Patron, granting her involvement just three days after the organisation was founded. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II became Patron of WVS on 22 July 1952 and in 1966, in recognition of the organisation’s work for the people of Great Britain, Her Majesty granted WVS the honour of adding ‘Royal’ to its title, thus becoming the ‘Women’s Royal Voluntary Service’ – WRVS.

You will see the new logo on the car service schedule together with the new strapline – ‘Together for older people’. All the drivers participating in the Langham

Community Car Service are volunteers, both men and women, and they are to be thanked for their valuable contribution. As Lady Reading said; “Too many people think of volunteers as cheap labour. True voluntary service is nothing of the kind. It is in fact, the gift of a thoughtful person of their skill, their energy and their time”. So a big thank you to all our drivers. If you feel like joining us we have two vacancies so do please give me a call.

Ann Sherriff 01328 830 605

LANGHAM PARISH ROOM Phase 2 is complete!!! In this phase we have fitted a new

lower ceiling with sound deadening throughout the main room and kitchen/lobby area. We have changed the lighting in both these rooms to low energy lights. We have purchased a new multi media projector and permanently fixed pull down screen which can be used to show digital slides, DVDs and presentations.

The vestibule and lobby have been carpeted to also reduce the noise echo. The whole building has been rewired where necessary to bring it up to, and pass, current standards.

What an achievement! It could not have been done without your generous help and the hard work of the committee and especially Bob Brandt who has overseen both phases. Phase 1 was removing the old floor, laying concrete and insulation and laying the new oak floor.

Without Bob’s dedication, none of this would have happened. He is now retiring from this role and we thank him very much from the village for a job brilliantly done. Now it is up to you all to come and see the change and use it! Edward Allen Chairman

FRIENDS OF LANGHAM Rounders Match 8th August

On a balmy August evening more than 120 people turned out for an evening of rounders on the Langham Playing Field. This was expertly arranged by the Friends of Langham. John Hughes led the proceedings by overseeing the games. All ages joined in. The ones that didn’t want to participate had an enjoyable evening watching (and drinking wine!). A delicious barbeque was enjoyed by all. It was lovely to see this event going from strength to strength, supported by Langham villagers of all ages! Roll on next year, maybe 150 might turn up? A Villager


TWO DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sat 19th Oct. FMC Shovell Dinner 2013 at the Anchor. (Talk by Dr Simon Harris, biographer of Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell, on “Admiral Sir John Narborough of Cockthorpe: the Faceless Stuart Admiral”). Tickets £35 from Joc Wingfield 01263-740431. Sat 15th Feb. 2014. FMC Morston Quiz.

DOMINICK HARROD (1941-2013) Economist, broadcaster, journalist, editor, author and founder-member & Chairman of Friends of Morston Church, Dominick Harrod died aged 71 after a fall. After graduating from Oxford (Christchurch) he was on the Sunday Telegraph’s Albany Column, before transferring to the Daily Telegraph and spending 1966-

69 as its Washington Correspondent, and then as its Economics Correspondent for two years. He then moved to the BBC, first as BBC Radio Economics Editor and then as Economics Editor on the Today Programme. He could discuss any economic topic at the drop of a hat - a truly amazing ability; for over 20 years he interviewed every serving Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer. After John Birt’s “clear-out of the BBC’s middle-aged,” Dominick served a year as City Editor of the Yorkshire Post, before becoming Programme Director for four years of St. George’s House, Windsor Castle. Dominick edited the letters of his 3-greats uncle, Samuel Gurney Creswell, the first man to traverse the Northwest Passage, as “War, Ice and Piracy”, and he also published two books on economics. A member of the Garrick, he was on the Council of Save the Children Fund for ten years. After being a cox of note at Westminster and at Oxford, he became a keen and able sailor in small boats. His wife, Christina, died in 1974, leaving an irreplaceable gap in his life. He is survived by their son, Joe, a grandson and two stepsons. He will be sorely missed.

MORSTON FUNDAY On Sunday 25th August, Morston PCC ran a Funday in NorfolkEtc’s field, making £3,469 for the church. The Funday Committee would like to thank all those who helped in any way to make this such a success.

BOB PINCHEN & PINCHEN’S CREEK “At high tide passengers on the seal ferries – often in

fashionable clothes – are often put ashore on Blakeney point at Pinchen’s Creek” (1930s)

In 1901 the Blakeney and Cley Wild Bird protection Society created a bird sanctuary on Blakeney Point and appointed as its “Watcher”, 34-year-old Robert James

Pinchen, (Bob) the first of only eight men –up to 2012 – to hold that post, [Stubbing, Edward “The Birds of Blakeney Point: 100 Years of National Trust Ownership” British birds, [2012], 105(9), pp. 520-529]. Bob, a wildfowler and poacher on the point), lived in Durrant Street in Cley where he ran his butcher’s shop. He and his wife Alice had five children – Eleanor, Agnes, Palestine (?or Valentine), Ettie and Leonard – born between1888 and 1907. Their large family was eventually to spread all over Norfolk. As a “poacher turned gamekeeper”, the moustachioed wildfowler was ideal for the job of “watcher”.

In 1910 the owner of the Point, Augustus Cholmondely Gough-Calthorpe, 6th Baron Calthorpe, leased the land to University College, London (UCL), who also purchased the Old Lifeboat House at the end of the spit. In the warm months of the year Bob lived with Alice and the two youngest children, Ettie and Leonard (aged 3 and 4 in 1910) in the old metal-ribbed wooden hulk, the Britannia, an old herring lugger from Lowestoft, out at the present Seal Trip Landing Point, up the north-south creek there. The story is perhaps mythical that before 1913-14, when they moved to the refurbished Lifeboat House, Bob used to boil up shelduck in an old oil can.

In 1912, when Lord Calthorpe died, his heirs put Blakeney Point up for sale, raising the possibility of development, a public appeal, initiated by Charles Rothschild and organised by UCL Professor Francis Wall Oliver and Dr Sidney Long, enabled the purchase of Blakeney Point from the Calthorpe Estate, and the land was then donated to the National Trust. Two years later UCL established a research centre at the Old Lifeboat House (where Oliver and his college pioneered the scientific study of Blakeney Point). Through all this time Bob was kept on as the “watcher” or warden. The tern colony was not fenced off until the 1960s.

Bob was still working out on the Point in 1929 (although he does not appear in the 1921 census). The Nature Reserve Area where he worked and the creek where he lived for most of the year with some of his family (in his houseboat, the Britannia) was named after him as Pinchen’s Creek. When he retired he went to live with one of his daughters, who was running a pub in Lowestoft. Bob died in Lowestoft in January 1943.

My thanks to Bob’s cousin, Richard Pinchen of Tacolneston, the NT, IGI and Wikipedia and many others for this information.


MORSTON REGATTA WINNERS 2013 Morston Parish Council Trophy (first boat across the line): Alan Robinson (Streaker 1747) Major P. Hamond Trophy (first Morston resident): Peter Lobben (Sloopy) Hassall Trophy (first Stiffkey cockle): Jill Tibbetts (Stiffkey Cockle 112) Ward Trophy (first Norfolk oyster): Gill Kay (Norfolk Oyster Swallow) Wilson Challenge Cup (first Slow Class boat): Eleanor Sedgewick (GP14 9707) Morston Regatta Cup (first Fast Class boat) : C. Jones (RS500 694) Carter Trophy (first single-hander): Paul Strickland (Laser 181634) Muck Boat Cup (first ex-working boat): Brian Williams (Open Gypsy) National Trust Trophy (first rowing skiff): Vicky Holliday There were no entries for the Athill Trophy (first pleasure boat), the John Bean Trophy (first helm under-16), the Lapstrake Junior Cup (youngest helm) and the Temple Trophy (first catamaran).

NATIONAL TRUST: LOCAL UPDATE The latest low tide seal count on August 25th was 232

Common and 555 Grey seals, which is slightly down from earlier in the month with 309 Common and 932 Grey seals counted on August 11th. This is set to change with the influx of Grey seals for their breeding season in the next couple of months.

The breeding bird season has come to an end, and as ever, has flown by. The tern fencing has been taken down and dog restrictions lifted. We still have two Swallow nests with chicks (second broods) and also a Wood Pigeon on eggs in the garden.

Interestingly one of the Sandwich Terns ringed as a chick on the Point this summer has made it to the Dutch coast. It was sighted on 8th August at Camperduin de Putten, 250 km east of Blakeney.

This summer has been great for butterflies. Some of our weekly butterfly transects recorded over 100 individuals of up to 10 species. Small Whites and Common Blues have been particularly abundant.

If you go down to the three bridges today… over the Morston creeks to the stretch of higher ground known as the Pilot’s Path there is a buzz in the air. This year is the second

year we have signposted the “Buzz on the marsh” to provide information about the mining bees and this seems to have attracted a lot of mentions from walkers. If you would like to find out more, please visit our blog via the following link: www.norfolkcoastnationaltrust.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/ boy-theres-lot-of bees.html.

However, in brief, there are several species of mining bee in the UK, but those at Morston are Colletes halophilus. It is a nationally scarce bee, found in fewer than 25 sites. It flies from late August to October, and it is associated with high quality saltmarsh habitats. No honey is produced in the burrow; instead the mining bees maintain a nest within the burrow, supplying its nest cells with the pollen it collects from Sea Aster. They seem to be most prolific on calm, sunny evenings, when thousands can be seen. They are harmless to people (non-stinging we are reliably informed) and appear to be resilient to walkers and their dogs – their burrows or “mines” are all along the path. Thanks to the discovery by Monty and Richard Rolfe, we have since found the bees present at other locations in Blakeney, Stiffkey and Blakeney point, with only one or two burrows in each location. Thanks to Monty (5) and Richard Rolfe for their contribution. Iain Wolfe

FROM THE GARDEN What bounty there is in the countryside for us to gather

during the autumn months, and it is free! If you have your jelly pan at the ready here are some delicious alternatives. We are all familiar with the wild crab apples in our hedge rows which produce a lovely sharp pink jelly but you might ring the changes and try some Rowan jelly which is so good with venison and game. Another sugestion is to add sloes to apple, and this jelly is particularly good with meat. Mentioning sloes, if you have a weakness for sloe gin, they are almost ready for picking but the riper they are, the better the flavour, a wrinkly skin indicates they are ready for the bottle! Green Pinkie

MORSTON QUIZ by Samphire (answers on page 17)

1.What in rhyming slang is a Joanna? 2.In a pack of cards how many jacks’ eyes can be seen? 3. DEAR CASH is an anagram of what indoor game? 4.What does LCD stand for? 5.Which two months does the zodiac sign Taurus cover? 6.What number is cubed to give the answer “8”? 7.In which TV programme do Mulder and Scully appear? 8.In what UK Number One did Elvis Presley sing in German? 9.What is the dog called in a Punch & Judy Show? 10.How do we write the Roman numeral XCI? 11.Which chess piece can change direction in one move? 12.William and Conference are types of what?


FETE PROVES A GREAT SUCCESS Thanks to good organization and hard work by a

dedicated team from both villages plus ideal weather (dry and not scorching) the occasion attracted a very good crowd. Delicious teas, lots of stalls, including a hugely popular tombola, together with a range of games plus the lively jazz of Lumiere Rouge created an excellent afternoon for all. Thanks to everybody who participated! The event generated £3,250, divided equally amongst the village hall and our two churches.

GROUP SERVICE AT SAXLINGHAM On Sunday 29th September at 10.30am Holy

Communion for all ten parishes in the Benifice will be held in our church. During the service the Rector will dedicate the recently repaired nave windows. The families of Robert Beeson (1942 – 2011) and Patsy Cubitt-Smith (1917 – 2011), who contributed generously to the cost of the repairs, will be able, as indeed will the rest of the congregation, to appreciate the names of their loved ones inscribed by hand on panels in two of the four windows.


On Sunday 7th July, as part of the regular Holy Communion, the baptism took place of Sophie Emma Dye, the second daughter of Clare and Tom Dye of Green Farm. The service was, as usual, taken by the Revd. Peter Bowles of Wells. The PCC are most grateful to Peter for generously continuing to give his time and support to St.Margaret’s in his retirement.

OUR NEWEST ARRIVAL We congratulate Hannah and Robert Carter on the birth of their son, Robert George Carter.

ARCHDEACONS’ CHARGE On the first May Bank Holiday, May 6th, Pippa Long

and Claire Dubbins took part in the Archdeacons’ Charge, a 10 mile sponsored walk – or run for younger entrants - in the lovely grounds of Raynham Hall near Fakenham.

The event was held to raise money for the work of the East Anglia Air Ambulance Service and participants’ parish churches with donations split between the two on a fifty-fifty basis.

The Charge was initiated by the Archdeacon of Lynn – John Ashe - three years ago following a serious car crash at Lenwade involving his wife, from which she was rescued by the Air Ambulance and airlifted to Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. Thankfully she survived and the Charge has become an annual event held by kind permission of landowners in the North Norfolk area.

Pippa Long and Claire Dubbins decided to take part and the two months prior to the walk saw them training regularly, both on their own and with willing friends and family to encourage them. How lucky that the walk to the Hunny Bell in Hunworth and back constitutes a four mile walk with the challenge of a hill!

Having covered many miles of training in thick layers of clothes throughout the extended winter, the day of the walk turned out to be the hottest day of the year with blazing sunshine throughout.

Around two hundred people took part and met in front of the Hall to hear encouraging words from the Archdeacon and the Bishop of Lynn as well as receiving a blessing from the Bishop of Norwich who kindly attended to see everyone off.

With the words of advice received from more experienced walkers and runners of their acquaintance in their minds they set off and resisted the temptation to hurtle off at speed.

Averaging around three miles an hour - a leisurely pace - they took around three hours to complete three circuits of the route which went from the Hall through the grounds and


across open fields - in the full glare of the sun - and across grassy meadows around the estate church – St Mary’s, which was opened for the day. Amongst some familiar faces from other parishes was Ven Michael Handley who regularly takes services in Sharrington Church.

At the conclusion of the walk everyone was awarded a medal and certificate. A welcome picnic was supplied by Perry Long and Roger Dubbins before Claire and Pippa headed home for a well earned rest.

The generosity of people in Sharrington and beyond in sponsoring Pippa and Claire was very much appreciated and resulted in £700 being raised – a valuable contribution to both All Saints’ Church and the Air Ambulance Service.

Anyone wishing to take part in the 2014 event should look out for details being published early next year. C.D.

CHURCH NEWS The day of our fete, 20th July, dawned rather dull with

occasional drizzle but, despite the lack of sun it was clear that we could go ahead as planned in the lovely gardens of Church Farmhouse, unlike last year when we had to use the village hall.

So by 11.00am everyone was busy setting up the stalls, laying out everything for the teas, putting up gazebos where needed and even dealing with the stray customers who wandered in somewhat early.

By 1.30pm the field car park was filling up nicely and at 2.00pm sharp the gates were opened for the very large crowd who had assembled.

As usual, the first rush was to the bric-a-brac to grab a bargain and then a more leisurely wander around to appreciate everything on offer – clothes, CDs/DVDs, books, plants, various games, cakes/preserves and tombola. Then a welcome pause for tea and cakes before doing it all again and again to the accompaniment of the music played by “Sounds Easy”.

It was a very enjoyable afternoon with nice people handing over their hard earned cash and a very happy atmosphere.

We made a net profit of just over £2,000, our best ever result, due to the large number of visitors and to the standard of goods and comestibles on offer.

A massive thank you to all who helped to bring about this great result and the same to Paul and Eunice Morgan for the loan of their gardens and kitchen.

All will be welcome at the Harvest Festival Service

which will be held on Sunday October 6th at 5pm. Light refreshments will be served afterwards at the back of the church.

To end, a thank you to Claire Dubbins who has agreed to take on the role of Sharrington Lynx Representative so that we can again be included with our news. AG

SHARRINGTON GARDENERS The group’s principal summer visit took place in June

when the majority of the members and several guests visited North Elmham where Mrs Jo Fitzalan-Howard conducted a fascinating tour of Elmham House and provided a magnificent tea.

July saw another good turn out for a visit to the garden at Langham Rectory where the Reverend Ian Whittle hosted an entertaining stroll around the rectory curtilage with his customary joie de vivre and generosity.

On what seemed the hottest Sunday morning in July, a group of volunteers gave the Village Hall grounds a much needed haircut smartening their looks for the summer months.

Thanks to Ann Garwood, David Forrest, Pippa Long and Michael Kimmins, the heady days of August and September were spent enjoying the variety of structure and planting of gardens both old and new.

The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month and at 7pm on 2 October there will be a talk on bees given by Ben Thorne in the Village Hall. For non members (who will be most welcome) there will be an admission charge of £5.00 which will include the cost of a glass of wine.

On Wednesday 4 December David Tipling will make a return visit to talk about his new book (could be a good Christmas present) and more details will be circulated nearer the time.

Membership of the group (currently 24) is open to both residents of the village and also non residents. Membership details are available from Roger Dubbins on 01263 862261 or r.dubbins@btinternet.com.


STIFFKEY ON LINE The Local Lynx hopes to keep you informed about local

matters, but is only published every two months, however now we have a new venture which brings up to date news via digital and social media.

Rocky Husain is leading the project. She says ‘Please could I ask that those of you with a Facebook account 'Like' us at facebook.com/StiffkeyVillage and please encourage all your friends/family to Like us as well. You can also follow us on Twitter @stiffkeyparish and, of course, please visit and follow the blog: stiffkeyparish@blogspot.co.uk.’

Recently there has been coverage of Norman Lamb’s Village Tour, Stiffkey Cricket matches, a photographic competition and author interviews. Most importantly the minutes of the parish council are included.

Steven Bashforth

CHURCH NOTES A reminder that (in addition to Lynx) we always post a

schedule of services at the gate to the churchyard. We share a service each month with Langham and this system works very well. Light refreshments are served at both ends after our shared services! Plenty of inter-village chat!

Many thanks to Eva for all her support in organising the Stalls on the Knoll, which she reports as follows:

‘On Bank Holiday Monday we had a fund raiser for much needed funds for the church. We had a great day and made over £800 BUT we couldn’t have done it without all your help. So thanks, to each and every one of you, who supported your Church.

There is a very long list but we would like to send special thanks to the history group for allowing us to serve refreshments at their brilliant display. Then we must thank every-one who bought the cakes and all the items we sold. Thanks also go to Arabella and her team for all their hard work (the cherry jam was gorgeous) and Pat for single-handedly organising the tombola. Thanks also to Patrick and Anne-Louise for selling the books, and Ann and John for all

their support. Let’s not forget Clive, Steven and Jamie for strong arm stuff and last but certainly not least Paul and Corenza who turned up early as they were going out but stayed and helped all morning.

It was lovely to see so many villagers there and even the weather co-operated to make the whole thing a successful day.

Our next big fund raiser will be next year on 22 June 2014 (make a note to save the day) when we are having an OPEN GARDEN DAY. So get planting and planning.

Sometimes it seems, as if all the PCC do is try to raise money – for one thing or another, NOT quite true, although there is no disguising that keeping over 360 medieval churches going in Norfolk (the highest concentration in Europe), is a huge challenge. St John the Baptist in Stiffkey has its problems but I do feel that there is now an undercurrent of support – from regular worshippers, second home owners and visitors. Problems won’t go away but we can surmount them! Keith McDougall

PLAY AREA The children’s play area on Stiffkey Playing Field is

now closed. The Parish Council have posted the following notice:


STIFFKEY FETE After the last Stiffkey Fete (2009) there were insufficient

volunteers to form a new Fete Committee. The AGM decided to leave funds in the bank account to be available should a new organising committee be formed later. As no volunteers have come forward to re-establish the Stiffkey Fete the bank account has now been closed.

In accordance with previous practice the remaining funds have been allocated to Village amenities: £1,088.82 to Stiffkey Church and £2,177.62 to Stiffkey Parish Council (now controlling Stiffkey Playing Fields and Stiffkey Village Hall).

Marlene Downs, Steven Bashforth, Peter Bedell &David Gibson (Committee Members, 2009 Stiffkey Fete)


OPEN GARDENS – THANK YOU Thank you to all who attended our NGS OPEN

GARDEN at Warborough House this summer. We raised over £3,000 for the NGS Charities, Wells RNLI and Marie Curie.

Thank you to the Stiffkey History Group who prepared a display about the house and its residents, which prompted much discussion and interest. Visitors were able to enjoy a cup of tea and cake served with a smile from the Marie Curie fundraising team and the Wells RNLI Ladies Guild.

Thank you to Karen and the village hall for their help too. Arabella and Jonathan Morgan

NATURE NOTES By the time you read this, harvest should be safely

gathered in with fair combining conditions. We can breathe a sigh of relief that the down-pour in mid August saved the sugar-beet crop which was wilting badly.

We must not forget that farming needs to be kept buoyant so that time can be given to looking after the woodlands, rough areas and (nowadays) the strips around fields which under government schemes, are intended to help wildlife – butterflies, beetles, small mammals and, of course, birds. I often think we should re-badge gamekeepers as game wardens – they manage more than simply pheasants and partridges.

Our migrant birds seem to have had several broods – especially swallows. My regular pair in my tool shed are still ‘at it’ – at the end of August. Amazing that each year they return to MY shed all the way from South Africa! But I doubt if Swifts had time to breed at all. They leave early.

I wonder if the late cold spring has hit the bat population? Fewer about my house and paddock. Pipistrelles mainly.

The hot August was a boon for butterflies – with excellent showings of the regular garden species and Chalk Hill Blues. Don’t forget a lot may be immigrants from the continent. There are 59 species in the UK as a whole.

The wild geese will soon be with us from Iceland and Russia. The Avocets have left for their wintering grounds on the South Coast.

Not many plums this year to make (my usual) jam, but apples have survived to crop reasonably well. What a joy to see plump greengages for sale at the church stalls on Bank Holiday – from a tree in the village. The ones in shops usually come from France. But greengages do not crop every year (like plums). Pightle

MOMENTOUS NEW BOOK! The Stiffkey Local History Group is launching a new

book entitled ‘Stiffkey with Cockthorpe – a story of Norfolk people.’ Published by Poppyland Publishing, (www.poppyland.co.uk, Tel 01263 610969) the book will be launched on Saturday 9th November in Stiffkey at the ‘Rescue Wooden Boats Visitors’ Centre’ adjacent to the camping field from 7pm onwards.

The team from the history group are all local people or have had close associations with the two villages. Five individuals have contributed chapters tracing the area’s earliest history through medieval, Tudor and Victorian times

right up to World War II, with a look into the future. Stiffkey and Cockthorpe have produced extraordinary figures ranging from Sir Cloudesley Shovell who rivalled Nelson in his day as a naval hero, to the Reverend Harold Davidson, famously ‘de-frocked’ for supposed indiscretions in London in the 1930s. The author Henry Williamson (who wrote Tarka the Otter), struggling to farm here during World War II, recorded his attempts in yet another book. Personalities do not stop there, and the book also includes vivid references to more traditional families who over the centuries have moulded a coastal community where the marine harvest (Stewkey Blues and mussels) from the salt marshes bred tough and resilient families; even some smuggling!

This book is far more than the usual visitors guide. It is a highly readable account of one of Norfolk’s most evocative areas. Perhaps fittingly, the launch of the book will be attended by Charles Marquess Townshend whose ancestors built (the now restored) Stiffkey Old Hall and whose famous members include Sir Nicholas Bacon, Keeper of the Great Seal for Queen Elizabeth I.

Brimful of vivid character sketches and anecdotes, this new book will fascinate those of us who love Norfolk, particularly our beautiful coastline and marshes. It is lavishly illustrated with colour and historic photo-reproductions.

The book launch will be from 7pm onwards with light refreshments. The book will be available for sale at the event or at a special pre-publication price of £12.50 (plus £1 p&p where appropriate). Please order from Geraldine Green at green978@btinternet.com or Tel 01328 830245. Easy car parking is available and the event will be signposted from the west end of the village off the A149. All welcome.

Keith McDougall, Chairman, Stiffkey Local History Group


Monthly meetings: 21st October – Speaker David Reeve, one time Police Officer—‘Protecting our Royals’ 18th November – AGM, with entertainment tba Meetings are held at The Village Hall, Stiffkey on the 3rd

Monday of the month. Visitors are always welcome and refreshments are provided. Further information can be obtained from Secretary Helen Leach, Tel 01328 830349.


SCHOOL NEWS The glorious weather this July was the perfect setting for

the many end of term events for Langham Village School. The school summer fair took place on Friday 12 July, the first event for three years to be blessed with the sun throughout, and was such good fun that the field was still thronged with families long after the usual finish time. As always, the children created and ran many of the stalls, including a coconut shy, ‘manic Maltesers’ challenge (which became significantly more testing as the sun transformed the Maltesers to a single mushy mess), cup and coin magic trick, joke machine and many more. The bouncy castle, barbecue, cake stall and chocolate fountain were the usual popular favourites and helped raise £1,500 to support trips and equipment for the children. The event would not have been possible without all the hard work from organiser Mary Knowles and all the volunteers who helped on the day.

Sports Day, on Monday 15 July, was another scorcher. The heat did not deter the children from giving their best in every event, from sprint to mini marathon with dressing up race, obstacle race and egg and spoon in between. Wisely, the athletes sat in the shade of the trees between races while the audience panted on the course sidelines. Head teacher Mr Green and his team always create a truly competitive spirit and make everyone feel good about taking part.

The whole-school trip took place to Holkham Hall on Monday 22 July. The children visited the Bygones Museum and toured the Hall, where they enjoyed the paintings and ornate ceilings, saw Lady Coke’s dress collection (of interest to some more than others, one suspects) and marvelled at all the books in the library. They played in the new adventure playground, went mini beast hunting and played at the lake - ‘bird bingo’ and pond dipping. They even squeezed in some crafts, making peg dollies and acorn-people. A good time had by all.

The term ended with a leavers’ disco on Tuesday 23 July and leavers’ assembly the following day in Langham Parish Rooms. The assembly gives the

teachers, children and parents the chance to say goodbye to those moving on from Langham Village School - one of the advantages of being a small school is that there is time for a personal goodbye for each child leaving. Class 3 children (aged 8 - 11) showed a video they had made, and performed on stage with a street dance medley and a terrific poem they had written about all the things they will most remember about their time at the school. The children in Year 6 had each written about leaving Langham and their resolution for their new school (trying not to get lost, and getting their homework in on time were common themes). On behalf of the school we wish every success to all this year’s leavers: Connor McInally, Lily Everard, Bethany Everitt, Blue Wilson, Ben Wright, Fern Rhodes, Oliver Corry, Olly Holden, Joseph Harrison and Alfie Harrison.

Opportunities for everyone The school’s focus on sport and the arts is stronger

than ever this year. Additional PE sessions with Darren Gill Sports are being funded for all children, and Langham continues to make good use of the swimming pool and other sporting facilities at Alderman Peel High School in Wells. After-school sports on offer range from the traditional football and netball to table tennis, archery and fencing.

Musically, the children have the opportunity to learn recorder, flute, keyboard, saxophone and guitar. Through a government programme called First Access, all children in Class 3 are provided with a flute and receive a weekly lesson.

Welcome to this year’s new joiners We head into September welcoming a new cohort of

Reception children: Herbie Leonard, Stanley Watson, Rafe Clabburn, Rufus Freeman, Polly Harrison, Austin Mccallum, Theo Harrison, Theodore Kenyon, Annabella Rolfe, Grace Thompson, Sebastian Price and Corin Hiles. The daunting experience of beginning school is softened by introducing the children through three tester days and a delightful Teddy Bears Picnic in June and July, so that Class 1 teacher Mrs Howes and her teaching assistants are familiar faces by September.

As always, you can keep up with all the news and some fabulous pictures of the children and their activities at www.langhamvillageschool.com.

Anne-Marie Coe


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CHIMNEY SWEEP David Thompson 

01328 851081


Painter and Decorator Cley: 01263 741013

 B.A. TREE SERVICES (Tree Surgeon) 

Free quotes available Full Public Liability Insurance held 

01263 588994 or 07748 570121


10kg bags £3.20. Discount for 10+ bags Possible local delivery 

Bunting – Tel: 01328 829253  


Salon quality in the comfort of your own home Call Laura for appointments 

07810 660043


County Council Accredited – NPTA Member Control of Rats, Mice, Wasps, etc. 

01263 860112 or 861587  

SIVANANDA YOGA CLASS Tuesdays 7.00 – 8.30pm All welcome 

Field Dalling Village Hall 

Richard Redmayne 01263 862289


Qualified Domestic Plumber Also: Lead Work Undertaken 

Tel: 01263 861065 Mob:07747 690049  


Gary Waller Painter and Decorator – Fully Insured 

Tel: 01263 860705 Mob: 07990 993406


Grass & Hedge Cutting – Fencing - Patios & Paths – The complete garden service 

Tel: 01328 830694 or 07717 418725

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