
Content is KingMarketing is Queen



Personal VS Professional


Stay in touch

Be entertained

Kill time

Share content


Make useful contacts

Keep up to date with your career

Search for opportunities

Maintain professional identity 3

What is Linkedin?

Think of linkedin as the biggest rolodex ever (CRM)

Linkedin will help you create warm prospects from cold prospects.

Build (Connect) your 1st degree (goal/ideal person/find them)

Then tap into the power of the 2nd degree

Why am I here?Who is your ideal client?

Define your goals and then ask your self who can help you achieve them?

LInkedin business is people (business) connecting with people (your business) = B2B

What is your networking attitude?

Build credibility and trust

Share information in a proactive way. Give without expecting anything in return.

Communication - Message / share updates / Like & Comment /


Content ConnectConnectConnectConnect


ConnectBuild your ListFollow and be followedBe seen

CustomerHow to find prospective businessAdvanced SearchAdverts


Tell your story in 60 secs or less

What do you do?

What problem do you solve?

How are you different?

Why should I care?

What do you want me to do - next CTA.


Building - The Basics (Content)

Upload/sync your contacts from gmail/outlook/other to Linkedin

Connect with ex colleagues / classmates

Watch and learn from other networkers you admire…pick a few mentors and follow their lead

Join Groups (pick carefully - only 50)

People with a function or a role that interest you

Professional organisations

Trade organisationsContent



ConnectBuild your ListFollow and be followedBe seen

CustomerHow to find prospective businessAdvanced SearchAdverts


ConnectBuild your ListFollow and be followedBe seen

CustomerHow to find prospective businessAdvanced SearchAdverts


Profile View - the first impression

Professional photo

Title - “how can you help them?”

Keywords - current and past jobs

Establish credibility - Education + Experience

Build trust - your connections

Recommendations & endorsements

Customise URL

To Do List

Action TipsMake Time

Get noticed

Reach out

Spread the word

Get into groups

Follow companies

Persist (without pestering)

Common mistakes

You have an incomplete profile

You’re not building out your connections

You don’t belong in the right groups

You always ask for favours

You used to send mass emails

It is not what you know its about who you know


PersistenceContentBe interestingBe educationalBe engagingBe consistent

Follow your passion = build your business




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