Lesson 2 Extreme Sports

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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Lesson 2 Extreme Sports. sky surfing. bungee jumping. snow boarding. white-water rafting. ice diving. 1. People do extreme sports in order to feel ____. A. excited B. nervous C. happy. A. 2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last _____. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Lesson 2 Extreme Sports

sky surfing

bungee jumping

snow boarding

white-water rafting

ice diving

2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last _____. A. 5 years B. 10 years C. 20 years

1. People do extreme sports in order to feel ____.

A. excited B. nervous C. happyA


3. People usually bungee jump from __. A. airplanes B. high buildings C. bridges4. In sky surfing people do mid-air ___. A. gymnastics B. dancing C. swimming



5. Snowboarding has similarities with ______. A. skiing B. surfing C. canoeing

6. Snowrafting is ________. A. quite dangerous B. very dangerous C. not very dangerous



8. Ice divers ___. A. swim under the ice B. walk on the bottom of lakes C. walk upside down under the ice

7. For white-water rafting you need __. A. a big river B. a warm river C. a mountain river



Sports Carol Jonathan likes

doesn’t like tenniswould liketo trywouldn’t like to try

Bungee jumping

bungee jumping


sky surfing ice diving


Listen to two people talking about extreme sports. Complete the table.

1. I get _______ you know. But when I’m jumping I feel great. It’s like ___________.

2. I’d love to try sky surfing, but it’s _____________, you know.


being a bird

very expensive

Listen and fill in the blank.

3. I also don’t like _________. I hate _________________. Like tennis. Personally, I’d prefer to ___________.4. I _____ winter sports. There’s something about snow. I love ___________.

dull sportsdoing boring sports

stay at homeprefer

going skiing

5. I love sports where there’s speed. I can’t _______________.6. I’d quite like to go ice diving-_____________!7.I can’t stand heights. I’d hate to do ______________. It look _________ _________.

stand slow sports

it sounds crazy

bungee jumpingterrifying


Listen again. Complete the Function File with the following words.

quite like, ’d love, can’t stand, love, like, wouldn’t like, ’d quite like, prefer, hate, ’d prefer

1. I ____ bungee jumping.

2. I ______ to try sky surfing.

3. I ____________ to do snowrafting.

4. I ____ doing boring sports.

5. I ________ to stay at home.


’d love

wouldn’t like


Preferences +ing/noun +to+infinitive

’d prefer

6. I ______ winter sports. 7. I ____ going skiing. 8. I _________ snowboarding. 9. I __________ slow sports.10. I ___________ to go ice diving.

lovequite likecan’t stand’d quite like


Complete the sentences in the correct form.

turn up, be into, take up, back out, go through with, put on, set up, get across

1. Ann waited for Tom for ages but he didn’t _______.turn up

2. What kind of music ___ you ____?3. A friend of mine ___ just ________ jogging in order to get fit.4. Why don’t we ______our computer in the study?5. They were going to have a party last Saturday but __________ at the last minute.

taken up

set up

backed out

hasare into

1. What sports do you like doing?2. Do you like watching sport on TV?3. Have you ever turned up late for a match?

Listen to the questions below. In which of them does the intonation go up at the end?

4. If your school asked you to be in a team, would you try to back out?5. Do you think you’ll ever take up a dangerous sport?6. What extreme sports would like to try?7. What extreme sports couldn’t you go through with?

8. Have you ever watched extreme sports on TV?

Do you find out the “rule” about intonation in questions?

The rising intonation is used in questions that can be answered by ‘yes/no’

The falling intonation is used in question-word questions, i.e. beginning with ‘wh-’

Comparing Cultures

Listen to a person talking about sports in the USA and Britain and answer these questions

1. What do American footballs have to wear? Why? They have to wear helmets and special protective clothes because it is a very physical game and they could get hurt.

2. How many baseball leagues are there in the USA? Two.3. Are basketball players well paid? Yes.4. Is football (score) very popular in the USA? No.

5. What is the most popular winter sport in Britain? Football.6. Name another winter sport played in Britain. Rugby.7. How long can a game of cricket be? Five days.

Are any of these sports popular in China?

Finish Exercise 7 on P25.


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