Less interaction

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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As Flat UI Design is a trend in UI Design, Also Minimizing interactivity obstacles from the way of functionality is a much deeper trend.


  • 1. Less Interaction Abdelrahman Osama Founder & UX Director - simpleia

2. Every day we experience using different things 1 3. While designing a product experience, the rst question is, what do you want the user to feel about it ?? 2 4. TerrifyingCool 3 5. LuxuriousElegant 4 6. 5 What do you want the user to feel question is answered here. Branding Business Objectives User Info User Research Information Architecture Interaction Design Visual User Interface UX StrategyUX Strategy 7. 6 But 8. 7 Unless its not a game, movie or super fancy car, products are meant to be used to do a specic function, not as an experience on its own. 9. 8 Dieter Rams 10. 9 Dieter Rams 10th Principle of good design: Good Design Is as Little Design as Possible 11. 10 Apple iPad 2 Ad - We believe (2011) 12. 11 This is what we believe, Technology alone is not enough, Faster, Thinner, Lighter, Those are all good things, But when technology get's out of the way, Every thing becomes more delightful, Even magical, That's when you leap forward. That's when you end up with something, Like this... 13. 12 iPad 3 introduction video (2012) 14. 13 We believe technology is at it's very best, when it's invisible, when your conscious only of what you're doing, not the device you're doing it with An iPad is the perfect expression of that idea, it's just this magical plane of glass, that could be anything you want it to be. 15. 14 Invisible Design = Less Interaction 16. 15 Interactivity is the way to do a function not a goal on it's own 17. 16 As little interactivity as possible to reach the function 18. 17 Google Glass 19. 18 You dont even need to use your hands anymore 20. 19 The more technology get complex the more we need invisible designs 21. 20 Reminders Clear 22. 21 Less steps Less time Less visual processing (Flat UI) 23. 22 Too much Hard Corners are visually painful as it needs much visual processing 24. 23 Soft corners are more comfortable Less visual processing 25. 24 Why Not ? 26. 25 Learning Curve 27. 26 How users will understand how to use your interface ? 28. 27 First run wizard 29. 28 First run wizard 30. 29 Good UIs should be visually guiding 31. 30 It shouldnt need a guide to explain it 32. 31 But how ? 33. 32 Reduce Features No. of features / Complexity UserHappiness 34. 33 Remove any option if not often used by the majority of the users 35. 34 Focus on 1, 2 or 3 functions, put the rest behind the magical 3 lines !!! 36. 35 37. 36 38. 37 39. 38 LayerVault 40. 39 Progressive Reduction 41. 40 Dynamic UI http://minimalpoint.com/blog/?166 42. 41 Sometimes, some interaction goodies doesnt hurt 43. 42 Depends on the type of the product and how serious it is 44. 43 For example social media apps could use some of that 45. 44 Google+ feed effect Looks cool, doesnt get in the way 46. 45 Shown only while scrolling, and stay for a second before disappearing Removing the need of stating date on each post Removing the need of showing all options all the time 47. Thanks Abdelrahman Osama Founder & UX Director - simpleia simpleia.com simpleia

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