Les workflows dans SharePoint 2013 et Office 365 Casablanca Sharepoint days 2014

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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•Les workflows dans SharePoint 2013 et O365

Serge Luca, SharePoint MVP, ShareQL

Serge Luca

Serge Luca

SharePoint MVP depuis 8 ans, Bruxelles

Consultant, speaker, trainer

Managing partner de www.ShareQL.com

SharePoint depuis 2001

Blog: http://sergeluca.wordpress.com/sergeluca@ShareQL.com

@SergeLucaSerge Luca


Co-auteur examen de certification Workflow Foundation pour Microsoft Learning

A propos




Isabelle Van CampenhoudtMVP SQLTheSQLgrrrl.wordpress.com@thesqlrrrl

Serge LucaMVP SharePointSergeluca.wordpress.com@sergeluca

ShareQL un mariage réussiPrès de 40 années d’expertise et d’expérience sur le monde de la base de données et de SharePoint




Workflow Architecture

Creating workflows with SharePoint Designer 2013

Creating workflows with Visual Studio




• SP 2013 improvements for developers

Access servicesWorkflow

SharePoint client object model (CSOM, REST)

Office and SharePoint Store

Apps et cloud app model

Search Workflows

Comparing 2010 and 2013 Workflows

SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013

Legacy (backward comp, i.e upgrade)


Coupled to SP servers Decoupled (other consuming platforms)

In process Out process, on premise or cloud (Azure if O365)

Declarative or custom code


SP Foundation and SP server

SP server

Content types No*

App friendly

.Net framework used by SP (.Net 3.51)

.Net framework xxx (.Net 4.5 today, xxx tomorrow)

• Like in SharePoint 2010: Lists workflows

• Collect Feedback*• Collect Signatures*• Approval*• Disposition Approval*• Tree State*

Sites workflows

History List Tasks List Association forms Initiation forms Tasks forms

8* out of the box

SP2013 Workflows Architecture

2 workflow platforms

2 workflow platforms

SP 2013 farm Workflow FarmWorkflow Farm

SharePoint 2010 workflows

Windows Server

SQL Server

Non supporté en SharePoint Foundation

SharePoint 2013 workflows

Windows Server

SQL Server

Workflow Farm = 1 or 3 machines (not 2, not 4,…)

• Collocated = Workflow Manager on (1 or 3 ) SP machines• Federated = Workflow Manager farm serving multiple

SharePoint Farms• Distributed = Multiple Workflow Manager farms serving

multiple SharePoint tenants and potentially SharePoint Farms


Topologies: co-located (from Harbar & wilén)

Running Workflow Manager on adequately resourced Web Servers in the SharePoint farmCarefully factor this into your overall farm topology design

load balancer

Workflow Manager

Workflow Manager

Workflow Manager

Topologies: Federated (from Harbar & wilén)

Workflow Manager farm serving multiple SharePoint Farms

load balancer

Workflow Manager

Scope 1(SP Farm 1)

Scope 2(SP Farm 2)

Topologies: ‘Distributed’ (from Harbar & wilén)

Multiple Workflow Manager farms serving multiple SharePoint tenantsAnd potentially SharePoint Farms

load balancer

Workflow Manager

Scope 1(SP Tenant1)

Scope 2(SP Tenant 2)

Workflow Manager

Scope 1(SP Tenant3)

Scope 2(SP Tenant 4)

SP Tenant 1

SP Tenant 2

SP Tenant 3

SP Tenant 4

SharePoint 2013 and Workflow Service


ContentEvents People

SharePoint2010 WF


Workflow Services Manager

Service Bus

Instances Interop



WF Service Application Proxy

Workflow Manager


Access Control





SharePoint Designer 2013 and workflows

Which Microsoft Workflow tool ?

SharePoint Designer 2013 Visual Studio 2013

Power Users, SP devs SP devs

Can use Visio No

Cannot debug Can debug, including SP online

No ALM support Full ALM support

Cannot be part of Apps Can be part of Apps


What’s new in SPD workflows

Complex variable ‘Dictionary’

Full integration of Project server workflows

Support SP2010 workflows + interoperability

Call web services (HTTP/REST)

Improved parallel blocks

Portability WSP and s VSDX (Visio) files

LoopsText mode or graphical mode editor

App level operation with App Step

Stages Actions “Assign A Task” & “Start a Task Process”

copy & paste

Demo 1

Text mode or graphical mode editor

App level operation with App Step

Stages Actions “Assign A Task” & “Start a Task Process”

copy & paste

Why are Web Services super important in your workflow strategy ?


• Reason 1. No custom code in the workflow Manager platform->no advanced customizations ->Wrap custom code in web services and invoke the web service from the workflow (can access SharePoint with the SP REST api)

• Reason 2. If you move to a tool like Nintex or K2,…your work is reusable

• http://api.worldweatheronline.com/free/v1/weather.ashx?q=casablanca&format=json&num_of_days=2&key=txq75v64h4szxyqft7e9kcyx



Demo 2 : calling REST/JSON web services

Complex variable ‘Dictionary’

Call web services (HTTP/REST)



• How can I access SharePoint list items by using the SharePoint REST API ?

Demo 3 : calling the SharePoint REST API (GET)

Complex variable ‘Dictionary’

Call web services (HTTP/REST)

• Create a SharePoint list with the SP Rest api


Demo 4 : calling the SharePoint REST API (POST)

Complex variable ‘Dictionary’

Call web services (HTTP/REST)

Visual Studio and workflows

Do your remember ?

SharePoint Designer 2013 Visual Studio 2013

Can use Visio No

Power Users, SP devs SP devs

Cannot debug Can debug, including online

No ALM support Full ALM support

Cannot be part of Apps Can be part of Apps


• Main benefit : great integration with the SharePoint App Model

• A VS workflow can be deployed as an App Each app is isolated in an individual child site (“App Web”)

• VS workflows logically “run” in the App Web: Site workflows are associated with the App Web Site List workflows are associated with lists in the App Web Site Use the AppWeb task lists Use the AppWeb history list Actually the workflows physically run in Workflow Manager


• Workflows in Apps : 2 main options:

Option 1.The workflow is hidden in the App

Option 2.The workflow is visible in SharePoint (new since June 2014) = “Integrated workflow app” (!only O365)


The workflow is hidden in the App


Demo 5 : (App) Workflow hidden in the App

Integrated workflow apps

• How to make an Integrated workflow app ?


Demo 6 : (App)Workflow visible in SharePoint


• Workflow Manager nice, but no custom task forms/Visio• Third party tools still in the SP 2010 “workflow

platform”• Don’t throw away the old workflow platform

• SharePoint Designer workflows can access Web Services & the SP api (REST)• Decouple your workflows !• Read (GET) easier than Modify (POST)

• Devs should always create VS workflows (Apps)

• Task delegation is missing…

• Apps are the future…

• A real forms engine is missing !



Questions ?


Thank you for your attention!This presentation will be available on the Casablanca SharePoint Days web site after the event.

Merci de votre attention !Cette présentation sera disponible sur le site internetde SharePoint Days Casablanca, après l’événement.

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