Learning Races and Dynamic Capabilities

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Learning Races and Dynamic Capabilities

Terry L. Amburgey Joseph L. Rotman School of Management

University of Toronto Phone: 416-978-4063

Fax: 416-978-4629 amburgey@mgmt.utoronto.ca

Tina Dacin

Department of Management Texas A&M University Phone: 409-845-4882

Fax: 409-845-9641 tdacin@tamu.edu

Jitendra V. Singh

Department of Management Wharton School

University of Pennsylvania Phone: 215-898-0401

Fax: 215-898-0401 singhj@wharton.upenn.edu

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Emerging Technologies Management Research Program, under the aegis of The Huntsman Center for Global Competition and the Sol C. Snider Center for Entreprenuership, both at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Special thanks to Ranjay Gulati for his many helpful comments and suggestions.


Learning Races and Dynamic Capabilities


This paper examines the initiation of strategic alliances by biotechnology firms. The literature on

organizational learning and strategic alliances suggests that, in many instances, alliances constitute

learning races where firms compete to learn as rapidly as possible. We conceptualize

biotechnology alliances as constituting sequential learning races and derive 7 hypotheses

concerning factors that influence the rate at which firms initiate alliances. We test the hypotheses

using event history data for 847 biotechnology firms for the period 1973 - 1997. Our analysis

indicates that biotechnology firms engage in learning races within alliances and also learn how to

race more effectively over multiple alliances.



The interplay between competition and cooperation has become a central issue in strategic

management and organization theory. This interplay has been reflected in work on collusion,

political strategy, joint ventures, and more recently on strategic alliances. The surge in the use of

strategic alliances has sharpened the focus on competition and cooperation as theorists and

researchers observe competition within cooperative relationships. In particular, observers have

noted the emergence of races in the context of strategic alliances (Hamel, 1991).

Races between organizations occur in a variety of forms. Firms can race to introduce new

products or services (Schoonhoven, Eisenhardt, and Lyman, 1990), to acquire intellectual

property (Kamien and Schwartz, 1982), or to acquire capital (Amburgey, Singh, and Singh,

1996). In some cases, organizational races are winner-take-all situations where only one

organization receives benefits. In other cases, more than one organization can receive benefits,

with the level of benefits depending on the organization’s position relative to other organizations.

Analytically, any situation where the benefits received by an organization at some point in time

depend on its position relative to one or more other organizations constitutes a race (Khanna,

Gulati, and Nohria; 1998).

Learning races are an increasingly salient class of races, both because they appear to be increasing

in number and because theoretical developments are placing them in a more central role as an

explanation of organizational actions. Learning races (e.g. temporal competition to learn)

frequently occur in technologically intensive arenas with technological innovation and


obsolescence providing temporally dependent benefits to firms. However, increasing globalization

is stimulating learning races in which the valuable knowledge is cultural or institutional rather than

technical. Theoretically, learning races are salient because they can constitute the dynamic

acquisition of capabilities (Teece, Pisano, and Shuen; 1997). The resource- based theory of the

firm (Barney, 1986; Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt, 1984) emphasizes the primacy of assets that are

valuable, rare, and inimitable. Intangible assets such as knowledge, skills, and capabilities tend to

have these characteristics, particularly if they result from path dependent processes since path

dependence implies that imitation requires a replication of an organization’s history. In this paper

we examine both intratemporal and intertemporal aspects of learning races and examine multiple

race situations where the races can be both simultaneous and temporally ordered. Furthermore,

while most attention has been on the learning as the acquisition of technical or market knowledge,

we expand our attention to the acquisition of capabilities for learning - learning how to effectively

and efficiently acquire knowledge. Thus, we make an important contribution by focusing on two

important and related issues: that firms race to learn and additionally, that firms learn how to race.

The most influential area of theorizing within strategic management in recent times is the dynamic

capabilities approach developed by Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997). The resource based view of

the firm identifies organization-specific capabilities and assets and the existence of isolating

mechanisms as the primary determinants of performance. As Teece, et. al. (1997: 514-515) point

out, this perspective invites consideration of how firms develop new capabilities and propose the

dynamic capabilites model. They define dynamic capabilities as "...the firm's ability to integrate,

build, and reconfigure internal and external competences to address rapidly changing


environments" (1997: 516). Learning how to more effectively engage in learning races is clearly

an important dynamic capability (Teece, et. al., 1997:520).


A number of studies have examined strategic alliances among biotechnology firms using a variety

of conceptual and methodological approaches. Much of the recent work on strategic alliances

focuses upon the organizational networks that result from the formation of formal alliances, while

another stream of work emphasizes alliances as a strategic choice of individual firms (Barley,

Freeman, and Hybels, 1992). One theme common to most of this research is the consolidation of

complementary assets through the formation of strategic alliances. The true competence of

biotechnology firms is applied research devoted to the exploitation of specific scientific

discoveries; not basic research of the kind conducted in universities and governmental

laboratories, nor the engineering capabilities and marketing system necessary for large scale

production and distribution found in conventional firms (Gambardella, 1995). This disparity in

competencies and assets led to a division of labor between universities and government

laboratories, biotechnology firms, and large traditional firms. The complementary assets held by

each type of organization could then be consolidated through interorganizational relationships

such as strategic alliances (Gambardella, 1995: 147-148).

The consolidation of complementary assets has provided a powerful explanation of strategic

alliances among biotechnology firms as well as alliances in other settings. However practitioners

and theorists have noted the importance of another process as well: organizational learning. In

many instances the primary purpose of an alliance is not the consolidation of complementary


assets with a partner but the acquisition of knowledge and know how from a partner (Powell,

Koput, and Smith-Doerr, 1996; Gambardella, 1995; Gulati, 1995). In fact, even when the primary

motivation is the consolidation of complementary assets, organizational learning can provide

substantial benefits.

The acquisition of knowledge and know how from a partner reintroduces competition to the

cooperation involved in the consolidation of complementary assets. Not surprisingly, the most

recent theoretical work has focused on learning races. Khanna, Gulati, and Nohria (1998) provide

a rigorous theoretical framework for understanding the dynamics of learning races. One specific

purpose of this work is to “...show how asymmetric incentives to allocate resources to learning

may arise, even when there are no ex ante asymmetries between firms” (1998: 193). In this model,

two types of benefits accrue to participants - private and common. Private benefits accrue to

individual firms as they acquire skills and know-how from their partner(s) and they can be

acquired unilaterally. Common benefits require the creative synthesis of knowledge held by all

partners and, therefore, their production and acquisition require the active participation of all

partners (Khanna, et. al., 1998: 195). The incentive for a firm to race (engage in temporal

competition for learning) is a function of the ratio of private benefits to common benefits. If only

common benefits occur, there is no incentive to race against the partner; if only private benefits

occur the firms will race against one another and the winner exits the alliance. As the ratio of

private benefits to common benefits increases, the incentive to race grows; as it declines the

incentive to race is reduced (Khanna, et. al., 1998: 201).



Our approach to learning races is similar the framework proposed by Khanna, Gulati, and Nohria

(1998), but there are both minor and significant differences. The minor difference involves a shift

from a discrete stage based model to one operating in continuous time. The major differences

involve an extension to parallel and sequential races, a redefinition of private and common

benefits, and a redefinition of racing.

First, it is important to recognize that firms are frequently involved in multiple strategic alliances

at the same time and that they are involved in sequences of strategic alliances over time. In other

words firms are frequently involved in parallel races and temporally sequenced races. The

existence of parallel races allows interdependence between races at a given point in time. As a

consequence, the dynamics of one race can be affected by actions taken in another race. The

existence of sequences of races raises the possibility of intertemporal effects; the actions taken

within the context of a given race may have implications that extend into future races. As a

consequence, decisions made within the context of a given race may be influenced not only by

immediate consequences but perceptions of future consequences as well.

The second modification involves a redefinition of private and common benefits. Khanna, Gulati,

and Nohria (1995) define private benefits as benefits that can accrue to a firm without active

learning on the part of its partner. Common benefits, on the other hand, only accrue to a firm with

active learning by the partner. The pace at which private benefits are generated for each firm is

determined by its investment in learning; the pace at which common benefits are generated for

each firm is determined by the rate of learning of the slowest firm. This difference between private


and common benefits is at the core of their model. Private benefits encourage competition (racing)

since the pace of learning is under the control of the individual firms. Common benefits

discourage competition since no firm can learn faster than its partner can learn.

We propose a different approach. We define common benefits as the benefits made available to

the partners through cooperative interaction. These benefits can take a variety of forms including

the fruits of consolidated complementary assets as well as the rewards of learning. Since they

involve the benefits produced by the consolidation of complementary assets, they can continue to

accrue to the partners in a strategic alliance even after the partners have ceased to learn. We

define private benefits as the benefits which have been appropriated by individual firms and are

available for their use in a given alliance, parallel alliances, future alliances, or non-alliance

activities. They may include the income stream generated by consolidated assets or knowledge

that has been converted into a form useful to the firm. Since our interest is in learning and learning

races, we focus on the benefits of knowledge and learning while recognizing the existence of

other types of benefits.

The last modification involves a shift of focus from the termination of alliances to the formation of

alliances. Khanna, Gulati, and Nohria (1998) propose a model where the termination of an alliance

is always the result. Since the only benefits are learning benefits, alliances not producing learning

are not productive. As a consequence their focus is on whether firms race to learn and then

terminate the alliance or patiently wait until learning is completed and then terminate the alliance.

An extension of the model to include strategic alliances where learning is not the only (or even


primary) motivation requires a conceptual redefinition of competition within cooperative


We define racing not as a temporal competition to learn as rapidly as possible and then to

terminate an alliance but rather as a temporal competition to learn as rapidly as possible and then

initiate a new alliance. The existence of common benefits produced by the consolidation of assets

suggests that an alliance will last as long as the consolidated assets produce benefits, not as long

as the partners continue to learn. On the other hand, the rapid pace of technological development

and the increasingly dense network structure of biotechnology indicates that it is important for

firms to constantly update their knowledge base through embeddedness within the network of

firms (Powell, Koput, and Smith-Doerr, 1996). We argue that firms will focus their investment in

learning in a particular alliance only as long as that ‘investment’ produces greater private benefits

than initiating a new alliance and a new round of learning. When the potential learning benefits of

a new alliance outweigh the learning benefits of the most recent alliance, firms will have an

incentive to initiate a new alliance.

Our approach to learning races gives the ability of firms to learn the key role. We focus on the

conversion of common benefits to private benefits. We propose that, within a given alliance, all

learning benefits begin as common benefits. Over time, firms convert common benefits to private

benefits with the rate of appropriation determined by a firm’s learning ability. Moreover, we

propose that the learning ability of a firm is history dependent across a temporal sequence of

alliances; biotechnology firms learn how to learn.



A substantial amount of theorizing and empirical research indicates that, as in other settings, the

consolidation of complementary assets is an important determinant of the formation of strategic

alliances by biotechnology firms. However, in addition to the consolidation of assets, we propose

that learning and its benefits significantly affect the dynamics of strategic alliance formation. We

propose 7 hypotheses; the first hypothesis relates to intra-alliance dynamics (e.g. the dynamics of

alliance formation within the context of a given learning race) while the next three hypotheses

focus upon inter-alliance (across a sequence of races) dynamics. The final three hypotheses

incorporate variations among different types of partners and alliances.

When a firm initiates an alliance with another organization, it begins a process of information

exchange and interaction that provides a forum for learning. This forum provides both declarative

and procedural knowledge to the cooperating partners (Kogut and Zander, 1992: 387; Cohen and

Bacdayan, 1996: 557). The information exchanged between the organizations typically involves

declarative knowledge, knowledge of facts and propositions. For example an organization may

provide to its partner ‘the type of data provided by our system for screening serotonin receptor

sites’ or ‘the market potential for protease inhibitors in Japan’. The ongoing interaction between

the partners provides procedural knowledge, knowledge of how to do something. For example,

by observing the behavior of its partner a firm can see ‘how to minimize contamination when

processing samples’ or ‘how to structure licensing contracts with overseas distributors


A great deal of discussion about the differences between declarative and procedural knowledge

exists in the literature on organizational learning. At this point, we want to emphasize that both

declarative and procedural knowledge is produced as a common benefit that is available to all

participants in the cooperative alliance. A partner in the collaboration receives value only to the

extent that it can convert the available common benefits into private benefits. In other words,

common benefits are potential benefits; organizational learning involves the appropriation and

exploitation of these potential benefits. We argue that the conversion of common benefits to

private benefits drives the dynamic of individual learning races.

Although there are presumably large differences between procedural and declarative knowledge

and how they are converted to produce private benefits, the conversion of both types of

knowledge requires investment on the part of an organization. The conversion of external

procedural knowledge to internal procedures is an arduous task. Procedural knowledge tends to

be tacit and learned experientially. Moreover, the modifications of existing procedures and the

creation of new procedures requires ‘unlearning’ as well as learning - old procedures are

discarded as new procedures are adopted (Huber, 1991: 104). Within the context of strategic

alliances, the acquisition and conversion of procedural knowledge is a coevolutionary process

(von Krogh and Roos, 1996: 39). External procedures are not only observed directly but as an

organization converts procedural knowledge the interaction of its new procedures and the

procedures of its partner provides additional information.


The conversion of declarative knowledge to a form useful to an organization also presents

difficulties. Information which is codified requires the ability to decode so the syntactical rules

required to decipher information must exist in the firm (Kogut and Zander, 1992: 386). The

conversion of declarative knowledge depends on the existing knowledge base of the organization.

As Powell, Koput, and Smith-Doerr (1996: 120) point out, “Knowledge facilitates the use of

other knowledge. What can be learned is crucially affected by what is already known”. This

suggests that the conversion of declarative knowledge requires unlearning as well as learning and

occurs through a coevolutionary process.

We argue that the dynamic of organizational learning and alliance formation within a given period

of time is driven by the conversion of common benefits to private benefits and reflects the relative

values of exploitation and exploration over time. March (1991) provides a model of

organizational learning and action that distinguishes between the development and improvement

of existing knowledge and procedures (exploitation) and the discovery of new knowledge and

procedures (exploration). March (1991) proposes that both activities are necessary for an

organization but the two activities present a tradeoff. We propose that the conversion of common

benefits to private benefits within a strategic alliance represents exploitation while the initiation of

a new alliance represents exploration. Further, we propose that biotechnology firms resolve the

tradeoff by comparing the value that they would expect to receive from exploitation (focusing

their efforts on further conversion of common to private benefits within an alliance) from the

value they would expect to receive from exploration (initiation of a new alliance and a new pool

of common benefits).


What dynamic pattern of alliance formation would we expect if this representation of learning

races were accurate? Immediately after the formation of an alliance, the interaction of partners

begins to produce a pool of common benefits. Since little or no exploitation has taken place, the

tradeoff faced by the organization is a comparison of the current pool of common benefits to the

pool of common benefits that can be obtained by further exploration - the initiation of a new

alliance. The likelihood of a new alliance formation is little different than immediately preceding

the formation of the current alliance.

However, once the conversion of the present pool of common benefits begins, the situation faced

by the firm is different. As March (1991: 73) pointed out, “The certainty, speed, proximity, and

clarity of feedback ties exploitation to its consequences more quickly and more precisely than is

the case for exploration...These advantages for exploitation cumulate.” The coevolutionary

interaction between partners enhances the firm’s ability to convert common benefits to private

benefits and leads to increasing value from the current alliance (exploitation) compared to the

potential value from initiating an additional alliance (exploration). Since the value of continued

exploitation increases over time and the value of exploration decreases over time, the likelihood of

the formation of a new alliance decreases with the duration of the most recent alliance.

The pool of common learning benefits produced by cooperative interaction with an alliance

partner may be substantial but it is finite. We argue that the same is true of the firm’s competence

in learning from a given partner. In contrast to March (1991: 73) who proposes that


“...organizations exhibit increasing returns to experience...” we propose that organizations exhibit

marginally declining returns to experience within a given alliance. Experience improves the firm’s

ability to learn from its partner but, over time, the incremental improvements to competence

decline in magnitude. A ceiling on competency coupled with a finite pool of common learning

benefits suggests that, after some point, the conversion of common benefits to private benefits will

begin to decline. The value of continued investment in learning within the given alliance

(exploitation) declines relative to the potential value of a new pool of common benefits

(exploration). Consequently, the likelihood of the formation of a new alliance increases.

We propose that the value received from the conversion of common learning benefits to private

benefits (exploitation) increases and then decreases over time during a given strategic alliance;

conversely the value of exploration (initiation of a new alliance) declines and then rises. The

specific time path will undoubtedly vary among biotechnology firms, depending upon prior

experience, size, age, the stock of intellectual capital, et cetera. Nonetheless, we expect the rate of

alliance formation to have a U-shaped relationship with the elapsed time since the formation of the

last alliance. One way to capture this effect is to use a second order polynomial function of

elapsed time (elapsed time and its square). As a general hypothesis we propose:

Hypotheses 1. The rate of alliance formation decreases with the elapsed time since the most recent alliance was formed and increases with the square of the elapsed time since the most recent alliance was formed.

Intertemporal Effects Our first hypothesis relates to the dynamics of alliance formation within the context of a single

strategic alliance. Is this the only, or best, context to approach organizational cooperation and


learning? A substantial body of theory and research suggests that it is not. March (1991: 81)

pointed out that a “...major feature of the social context of organizational learning is the

competitive ecology within which learning occurs and knowledge is used”. More specifically

March (1991: 81-85) argues that the existence of a competitive ecology stimulates an emphasis on

relative position (learning races) and alters the relative value of exploitation and exploration

(within race conversion of common benefits to private benefits versus the creation of new pools of

common benefits). Empirically, recent research on strategic alliances among biotechnology firms

documents the existence of a competitive ecology of learning wherein firms are locked in a

struggle for relative position (Powell, Koput, and Smith-Doerr, 1996). The existence of a

competitive ecology is not idiosyncratic to biotechnology. Research on strategic alliances in other

industrial contexts leads to similar conclusions (Gulati, 1995).

What implications arise within the context of multiple sequentially ordered alliances? The most

obvious is that it shifts the theoretical focus of competition for relative position from within-race

position to across-race position If there are no important interdependencies across sequentially

ordered races then a firm’s cumulative position is a simple aggregate of its sequence of races. The

important factors are those that affect the rate at which firms learn from partners in a race and

examination of multiple races is valuable only to the extent that it provides more data points for

estimating within race effects. If there are interdependencies across races, then a simple pooling or

aggregation is misleading; a given race’s sequential position provides information above and

beyond its cumulative value. We argue that there are important interdependencies across

sequences of learning races.


One simple form of interdependence is order within the sequence. We argue that having a given

number of alliances at any point in time has an effect above and beyond the stock of knowledge

produced by that number of alliances (learning races). A number of scholars have suggested that,

as a result of experiential learning and the effects of reputation, the dynamic behavior of alliance

formation depends on sequential order (Powell, Koput, and Smith-Doerr, 1996; Gulati, 1995). To

the extent that experiential learning is responsible for the order effect observed in previous

research, the implication is that a firm’s ability to learn, its absorptive capacity, is not a relatively

stable characteristic but rather a function of prior experience in learning from partners. This leads

to the following hypothesis:

Hypotheses 2. The rate of alliance formation increases with the number of prior alliances.

If, as March (1991) argues, organizations exhibit increasing returns to experience, Hypothesis 2

should hold across the entire sequence of alliances experienced by a biotechnology firm. If

experience produces declining marginal returns across races as well as within a race, then there

will be an additional empirical pattern observed across a sequence of alliances; early experience

will provide greater incremental benefits than later experience. This leads to our third hypothesis:

Hypothesis 3. The effect of prior alliances on the rate of alliance formation declines with the number of prior alliances.

Although hypotheses 2 and 3 are plausible and grounded in prior theory and research, the effects

of reputation and access to complementary assets produce serious potential confounds. Powell,


Koput, and Smith-Doerr, (1996) and Gulati (1995) argue that a history of forming alliances with

other firms produces a reputation for cooperative behavior and trustworthiness. This good

reputation makes a firm a more desirable partner for a strategic alliance and increases the

likelihood of alliance formation over time.

Similarly, a greater number of strategic alliances embeds a firm more deeply in a network of

complementary assets and makes it a more desirable partner. Research on capital races indicates

that embeddedness in a network of complementary assets signals an enhanced capacity for

generating economic rents (Amburgey, Singh, and Singh, 1996) and the research of both Powell,

Koput, and Smith-Doerr (1996) and Gulati (1995) emphasize the importance of network

centrality above and beyond the simple number of alliances. In short, hypothesis 2 is entirely

consistent with the effects of both reputation and network embeddedness. To the extent that

reputation and access to complementary assets also exhibit declining marginal returns, hypothesis

3 is also confounded.

One way to analytically separate the effects of reputation and network embeddedness from

experiential learning across a sequence of alliances is to examine directly whether or not

sequential position affects intra-alliance dynamics. The effects of reputation and network

embeddedness operate to affect the base rate of alliance formation across a sequence of alliances;

each alliance increases the likelihood of a subsequent alliance. Notions of reputation and

embeddedness are mute with regard to the dynamics of alliance formation within the duration of a

given alliance. Experiential learning, on the other hand, leads to specific predictions regarding


intra-alliance dynamics. If, in fact, the absorptive capacity of a firm is dependent on its history of

alliance formation then the conversion of common benefits to private benefits is increasingly rapid

across a sequence of alliances. Each alliance will exhibit a U-shaped pattern but the slopes of the

‘U’ will be increasingly steep. This suggests our fourth hypothesis:

Hypothesis 4. The effects of elapsed time since the most recent alliance was formed and the square of the elapsed time since the most recent alliance was formed, increase with the number of alliances formed.

Types of Alliances and Partners

We expect a different dynamic of formation rates for commercial and research alliances since

there are substantial differences between the two types of cooperative activity. First, the

interaction between partners varies across the two types. Both research and commercial alliances

typically involve contracting but joint research involves more intense interaction than licensing and

distribution agreements. Second, research alliances involve the core competencies and assets of

the biotechnology firms in the alliance while commercial alliances do not. Broadly speaking,

research alliances require the firm to conduct research while commercial alliances involve the

commercialization of products or processes where the foundation research has already been

conducted (the licensing of patents from universities or government agencies are exceptions to the

general rule). Finally, the nature of the partners varies across the two types. Commercial alliances

generally involve downstream partners while research alliances involve a mix of upstream and

downstream partners and other biotechnology firms.

As a consequence of the more intense interaction, we expect that research alliances produce

common benefits more rapidly. Similarly, the greater involvement of the core capabilities and


assets in research alliances suggests that the conversion of common benefits to private benefits

will occur at a greater pace. . Consequently we propose the following hypothesis:

Hypothesis 5. In research alliances, the rate of alliance formation decreases more rapidly with the elapsed time since the alliance was formed and increases more rapidly with the square of the elapsed time since the alliance was formed.

Partner Specific Experience

Just as alliances can vary by type, so can alliance partners. One important way that alliance

partners can vary is by familiarity, i.e. whether or not the current partner has been an alliance

partner at a previous point in time. The nature of ‘repeated ties’ among alliance partners has been

the focus of both theoretical and empirical work by scholars. For example, this work has

emphasized the importance of trust and the social structuring of network relations in alliance

process (Eisenhardt and Schoonhoven, 1996;Gulati, 1995a ; Gulati, 1995b ; Ring and Van de

Ven, 1992). This stream of work suggests that the development of alliances and the type of

governing mechanism used to coordinate the activities of the partners depend on the trust existing

between allied companies.

A related, but analytically distinct, aspect of repeated ties between alliance partners is the role of

partner-specific experience in learning. For example Gulati (1995a: 92) argues that “The idea of

trust emerging from prior contact is based on the premise that through ongoing interaction firms

learn about each other and develop trust around norms of equity…”. We argue that firms learn

about each other and, in subsequent alliances, they more rapidly develop common benefits and


more rapidly convert common benefits to private benefits. Consequently we propose the following


Hypothesis 6. In repeat alliances, the rate of alliance formation decreases more rapidly with the elapsed time since the alliance was formed and increases more rapidly with the square of the elapsed time since the alliance was formed.

Domestic and International Alliances

We believe that the learning dynamic proposed is also moderated by the nationality of the alliance

partner (same country or different country). We argue that cultural differences between alliance

partners inhibits organizational learning in a number of ways. Differences in the basic cultural

assumptions about social interaction coupled with differences in language inhibit effective

communication through errors in interpretation and other losses of meaning. Differences in

organizational structures and operating procedures and incompatible organizational practices slow

learning by inhibiting the integration of social networks and mismatches of personnel and skills.

Cultural differences between alliance partners are likely to have their strongest impact on the

conversion of procedural knowledge. In many respects a firm’s ability to appropriate declarative

knowledge is a function of its technical expertise rather than its cultural characteristics.

Organizational practices, on the other hand, are inevitably embedded within a larger matrix of

cultural practices and institutional arrangements. Since we believe that experiential learning and

the acquisition of procedural knowledge provide the basis of absorptive capacity and determine

the basic dynamic of learning races, learning in cross-cultural alliances should proceed at a much

slower pace. Consequently we propose the following hypothesis:


Hypothesis 7. In domestic alliances, the rate of alliance formation decreases more rapidly with the elapsed time since the alliance was formed and increases more rapidly with the square of the elapsed time since the alliance was formed. DATA AND METHODS

The data used in the study consists of 847 new biotechnology firms founded during the period

1973 to 1997. The significance of the beginning date was the major Cohen-Boyer breakthrough of

1973. We used two primary sources to compile the sample. The first was the BIOSCAN database

published by Oryx Press. The second source was the U.S. Companies Database compiled by the

North Carolina Biotechnology Center (now Bioworld). We purged the consolidated list of

companies of all firms which were founded before 1973, which were not U.S. firms, or which

were non-independent entities (subsidiaries, divisions and joint ventures) to arrive at 847

companies. During the period under study, 235 firms exited from the industry through either

liquidation or acquisition.

These data, and other sources, were used to construct an event history for each company. Event

histories are data structures that include information on the number, timing and sequence of the

events that are being examined. Our research on biotechnology firms currently includes, in

addition to strategic alliances, date of incorporation or authorization to do business, liquidations,

name changes, mergers and acquisitions, patents, initial public offerings, secondary public

offerings, and private placements of equity. Each firm's history began at the time of its

incorporation or qualification to do business and ended at the time of an event or at the end of the

month, whichever came first. The organization's second spell began on the following day and

ended at the time of an event or the end of the month. This pattern continued until the firm exited


(through failure or acquisition) or until the end of the observation period, in which case spells

were coded as "right censored." This, procedure allowed time-varying covariates to be updated

throughout the firm’s history at monthly intervals.

A wide variety of sources were used to augment the information in our two primary sources. We

examined the legal archives on the Lexis-Nexis service to obtain exact dates of incorporation or

qualification to do business as well as dates of mergers, acquisitions, and changes of name. A

search of the news archives on Lexis-Nexis (including specialized outlets such as Biotechnology

News Watch) was used to identify dates of events. Similarly, the online archives of Recombinant

Capital provided supplemental information on strategic alliances. Information from the U.S.

Patent and Trademark Office was the primary source for the assignment of patents. In those cases

where only the month and year of an event could be determined, the day was set at the midpoint

of the month to minimize errors in timing.


The dependent variables are the alliance formation rate λ(t). The rate is defined as

λ(t) = lim[q(t, t+∆t)/∆t], ∆t→0

where q is the discrete probability of the firm initiating an alliance between t and (t+∆t),

conditional on the history of the process up to time t. This rate summarizes the information on the

intervals of time between successive events, with higher values of the rate corresponding to

shorter times between events and vice versa.

Independent Variables


Two types of independent variables were used in the analysis: attributes of the environment and

attributes of individual firms. Contextual variables included population density, corporate patents

granted, values of the NASDAQ monthly composite index, a venture capital availability index,

and counts of alliances by other firms. Population density was defined as the total number of

biotechnology firms in existence at the beginning of a calendar year. The density variable was

adjusted to reflect the disappearance of firms through failure, acquisition, or merger.

The annual number of corporate patents granted in genetic engineering was also included. This

variable was used to measure cumulative patent activity. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

publishes information on the exact timing of every patent issued. The number of patents granted

to corporations each year was constructed from this source. Annual counts of strategic alliances

among all biotech firms in the sample were used to capture competitive rivalry produced by

cooperative strategies. These counts were adjusted for each firm to remove their alliances and


Three measures of resource munificence were used. The availability of venture capital was

measured by venture capital indices obtained from Venture Economics and Price-Waterhouse-

Coopers. The NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers and Quotes) monthly stock

index was used to measure the flow of capital into small firm equity investments. The third

measure was the total number of private placements of equity each month by the biotechnology

firms in the population.


The second set of variables measured attributes of the firms themselves. The first such variable

was age, measured as the number of days since the founding or qualification of the firm. The

second was the cumulative number of prior patents. This variable was updated whenever a patent

was granted. Six research domains were used to categorize the firms: diagnostics, therapeutics,

agricultural, veterinary, food/fermentation, and other. The BIOSCAN database and information

from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center was used to classify each firm. The number of

research domains in which firms were active was a simple count. In addition to the number of

domains, we created two dummy variables indicating whether or not the firms operated in the

pharmaceutical sector (human therapeutics and diagnostics) and in the agbio sector (agricultural

and veterinarian).

Finally, the cumulative number of alliances of various types were calculated. Commercial

alliances consisted of licensing, marketing, distribution or production arrangements but not pure

supply contracts. Research alliances consist of research and/or development linkages or contracts.

International alliances involved partners outside of the United States while domestic alliances

involved partners within the U.S. Finally, repeat alliances involved partners that the focal firm had

allied with previously while initial alliances involved partners allied with for the first time.

Information on these alliances was taken from the BIOSCAN database, the Actions Database

compiled by the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, and the archives of Recombinant Capital.

These counts were updated in the same fashion as prior patents.


Two elapsed time variables were used in the analyses; the elapsed time since the most recent

formation of an alliance and the square of this elapsed time. The event history segments constitute

a sequence of alliance formations and the associated elapsed times between the formation of

alliances. The elapsed time from the most recent alliance was tracked. This elapsed time clock was

then reset to zero upon the initiation of a new alliance. Our first hypothesis predicted a U-shaped,

curvilinear relationship between the elapsed time in a given alliance and the probability of a new

alliance being formed. We modeled this relationship as a second order polynomial by including the

elapsed time and its square. Our fourth hypothesis predicted that this U-shaped relationship would

have steeper slopes as the number of alliances increased. Our remaining hypotheses predict

steeper slopes for research alliances, alliances with previous partners, and international alliances.

The effects of prior alliances, alliance type, and partner type on the alliance dynamic were

modeled by including interaction terms for elapsed time and its square.


The event series was modeled as a stochastic point process (Amburgey, 1986). The alliance rate

λ(t) was specified as an exponential function of the independent variables and a set of parameters

capturing the effects of the variables on the founding rate such that: λ(t)=exp(βXt).

Parameters were estimated by the method of maximum likelihood using the STATA program. The

estimation procedure clustered observations by firm to reduce the impact of unobserved firm-

specific effects (White, 1982). The significance levels of the parameters were evaluated by

examination of t-ratios, whereas the goodness-of-fit of the different models was evaluated by

examination of likelihood ratio statistics. The analyses (of necessity ) utilize the event histories of


firms subsequent to their first alliance. Excluding firms with no alliances left 547 firms for

analyses. Excluding the first alliance (used to start the elapsed time clock) left 5459 alliance for



Table 1 provides frequencies for selected events occurring in the population during the

observation period. As can be seen, strategic alliances represent the most frequent events and

organizational failures the most rare. Among the strategic alliances, research alliances occur more

frequently than commercial alliances, domestic alliances more often than international alliances,

and one time only alliances more often than repeat alliances.

-Table 1 About Here-

Table 2 provides descriptive statistics for the independent variables used in the analyses, other

than interaction terms. Means and standard deviations, and correlations are provided for the

variables. Almost all of the covariates are significantly correlated with one another. However the

majority of correlations are relatively low (with such a large number of observations used for the

correlations, even weak relationships with be statistically significant). There is substantial

multicollinearity among several pairs of variables but the number of alliances is large enough to

provide adequate statistical power. The most serious problem produced by the multicollinearity is

inflation in the standard error of estimates; the increase in power provided by the large number of

events deflates the standard error of estimates.

-Table 2 About Here-

Table 3 provides parameter estimates and standard errors of estimates for four models of strategic

alliances. The first model contains parameter estimates for the control variables only. The second


model adds the number of prior alliances, the elapsed time in the current alliance and the square of

elapsed time. The third model substitutes the natural logarithm of prior alliances for the

cumulative count. The fourth model adds interaction terms, the product of elapsed time and the

number of prior alliances and the product of the square of elapsed time and the number of prior

alliances. Likelihood ratio tests comparing all of the models to a constant rate model are provided

at the bottom of each column.

-Table 3 About Here-

The estimates in model 1 indicate that eight of the control variables have a significant effect on the

rate at which biotechnology firms initiate a new alliance. Three of the variables are contextual; the

number of firms, the NASDAQ index of capital availability, and the total number of alliances

among the population. The remaining five variables are organizational; age, the number of

research sectors, the number of patents held by the firm, the number of private placements of

equity, and being publicly owned. Most of these factors accelerate the rate at which the firms

initiate a subsequent alliance but age, the number of other biotech firms and increasing valuation

of NASDAQ firms retard the rate.

Model 2 provides the estimates for the model including prior alliances and the elapsed time

variables. The second model provides estimates used to evaluate Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3. The

number of other firms, the number of alliances by other firms, and the NASDAQ index all affect

the formation rate of alliances. Age, the number of research sectors, public ownership, prior

patents, and prior private placements are organizational variables with effects. Three variables are

included in model 2 that were not included in model 1, the variables used to test our first three


hypotheses. The elapsed time since the most recent alliance has a significant negative effect on

the formation rate and the square of the elapsed time has a significant positive effect on the

formation rate. Our analysis of alliances provides support for Hypothesis 1. The number of prior

alliances significantly affects the formation rate of alliances. Hypotheses 2 is also supported by our

analysis of alliances. A likelihood ratio test comparing model 2 with model 1 indicates that model

2 provides a significantly better fit with the data.

Model 3 substitutes the natural logarithm of prior alliances for the arithmetic count of prior

alliances. The parameter estimate for the logarithm of prior alliances is positive and statistically

significant. Models 2 and three are not hierarchically nested so we can't use a likelihood ratio test

to evaluate the realtive goodness-of-fit for the two models. However the chi-squared value for

model 3 is substantially less than the chi-squared value for model 2 and both models have the

same degrees of freedom. This indicates that model 2 is preferable (Aikaike, 1974). As a

consequence, hypothesis 3 is not supported by the analysis. In all remaining models, the arithmetic

count of prior alliances is used rather than the logarithm of the count.

Model 4 adds the interaction terms and provides parameter estimates used to test hypothesis 4.

The effects of the control variables are similar to the effects in model 2 except for participation in

the agricultural sector which has a significant positive effect. The elapsed time interaction with

prior alliances is negative and significant. Similarly the interaction of the squared term and prior

alliances is positive and significant. The increased slopes of the 'U-shaped' elapsed time effects


predicted by Hypothesis 4 are supported by the analysis. A likelihood ratio test comparing model

3 with model 2 indicates that model 3 provides a significantly better fit with the data.

The next three tables provides the results of the analyses for several additional models of strategic

alliance formation. Table 4 provides parameter estimates and standard errors of estimates for two

models. Model 5 contains parameter estimates for a model including a dummy variable and

interaction terms for research alliances (the comparison being with commercial alliances). Model 6

is similar but it disaggregates prior alliances into prior research alliances and prior commercial

alliances. Likelihood ratio tests comparing both of the models to a constant rate model are

provided at the bottom of each column. The results provided in Table 4 indicate that, consistent

with hypothesis 5, the U-shaped effect of elapsed time is more pronounced for research alliances

than for commercial alliances. The estimates for the effects of the disagregated counts in model 6

indicate that prior research and prior commercial alliances have effects that are similar in

magnitude to each other and to the effect of the aggregate count of alliances. There doesn't

appear to be an analytic benefit to disaggregation and the chi-squared vales for the two models

suggest that there is no improvement in the goodness-of-fit of the models.

-Table 4 About Here-

Table 5 provides parameter estimates and standard errors of estimates for two models. Model 7

contains parameter estimates for a model including a dummy variable and interaction terms for

repeat alliances (the comparison being alliances with new partners). Model 8 is similar but it

disaggregates prior alliances into prior alliances with the current partner and prior alliances with

other partners. Likelihood ratio tests comparing both of the models to a constant rate model are


provided at the bottom of each column. The results provided in Table 5 indicate that, consistent

with hypothesis 6, the U-shaped effect of elapsed time is more pronounced for repeat partners

than for new partners. The estimates for the effects of the disagregated counts in model 8 indicate

that prior alliances with the current partner and with other partners have effects that are not

similar in magnitude to each other; the effects of prior experience with the same firm is

substantially greater. The effect of prior experience with other partners is similar to the effect of

the aggregate count of alliances. In this case there does appear to be an analytic benefit to

disaggregation and the chi-squared vales for the two models suggest that there is improvement in

the goodness-of-fit of the models.

-Table 5 About Here-

Table 6 provides parameter estimates and standard errors of estimates for two models. Model 9

contains parameter estimates for a model including a dummy variable and interaction terms for

international alliances (the comparison being with domestic alliances). Model 8 10 similar but it

disaggregates prior alliances into prior alliances with the international partners and prior alliances

with domestic partners. Likelihood ratio tests comparing both of the models to a constant rate

model are provided at the bottom of each column. The results provided in Table 5 indicate that

the U-shaped effect of elapsed time is more pronounced for international partners than for

domestic partners. The results of the analysis do not support hypothesis 7. The estimates for the

effects of the disagregated counts in model 10 indicate that prior alliances with international

partners and with domestic partners have effects that are not similar in magnitude to each other;

the effects of prior experience with domestic partners is larger. The effect of prior experience with

other partners is similar to the effect of the aggregate count of alliances. In this case there does


appear to be an analytic benefit to disaggregation (albeit in a pattern we find puzzling), and the

chi-squared vales for the two models suggest that there is improvement in the goodness-of-fit of

the models.

-Table 6 About Here-

In order to graphically display the pattern of results in our analyses, we've provided a set of

figures corresponding to the models in Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6. Each figure plots the multiplier of the

rate provided by elapsed time and appropriate interactions over the observed range of elapsed

time. The multiplier of the rate reflects the multiplicative effect of a variable or variables on the

rate net of other factors. Since it is multiplicative, values greater than 1 reflect an increase in the

rate while values less than 1 indicate a decrease in the rate. We truncated the value of the

multiplier at the value of 5 to facilitate comparisons.

Figure 1 displays the U-shaped elapsed time effect reflected in the estimates of Model 2. Figures

2, 3, and 4 display the U-shaped elapsed time effect reflected in the estimates of Model 4. In order

to display the prior experience interaction in the estimates of Model 4, we used three values for

number of prior alliances; 1, 10, and 20. The mean number of alliances among the spells used in

the analysis was approximately 9 with a standard deviation of approximately 13. The values used

roughly correspond to the mean plus/minus one standard deviation. As Figures 2, 3, and 4

indicate, experience substantially moderates the 'U-shaped' elapsed time effect.

-Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 About Here-


The next set of figures display the elapsed time effects reflected in the estimates of Table 4.

Figures 5 and 6 display the different patterns for research and commercial alliances; the learning

dynamic for research alliances is substantially more rapid than for commercial alliances.

-Figures 5 and 6 About Here-

Figures 7 and 8 display the different patterns for repeat and first-time alliances; the learning

dynamic for repeat alliances is dramatically more rapid than for alliances with new partners.

-Figures 7 and 8 About Here-

Finally, Figures 9 and 10 display the different patterns for international and domestic alliances.

Contrary to our expectations the learning dynamic is more rapid with partners from other

countries than for partners from the United States.

-Figures 9 and 10 About Here-


A number of different theories predict that biotechnology companies should be involved in the

formation of strategic alliances with other firms. Similarly, there are good theoretical reasons to

believe that organizations will use strategic alliances as forums for learning and that strategic

alliances constitute learning races; a temporal competition with other firms to acquire knowledge

and capabilities. A substantial empirical literature, both quantitative and qualitative, supports these


We believe that this research makes a contribution not by showing that firms race to learn, but

rather that firms learn to race. If, as Powell, Koput, and Smith-Doerr (1996) and others have

argued, biotechnology firms gain important benefits by becoming embedded in a network of


alliances, how can this be successfully accomplished? Typically, the answer given by organization

theorists is experiential learning; organizations develop a facility for creating alliances by creating

alliances. We adopted this view in Hypothesis 2 and the analyses supported the existence of

experientially based procedural know-how. Moreover, reliance on experiential learning sensitizes

us to the importance of intertemporal effects in organizational action. However, we believe that a

simple invocation of experiential learning is not an adequate response to the question.

First, an exclusive focus on experiential learning detracts our attention from the important trade-

off between exploitation and exploration delineated by March (1991) and Lant and Mezias

(1992). The benefits of embeddedness within a wide-ranging network of alliances are largely the

benefits of exploration. However, to be of use they must be exploited. The simple accumulation of

potential benefits is of little value if it comes at the expense of exploitation.

Our resolution of this conundrum was to propose that exploration does not, over time, come at

the expense of exploitation. Our fourth hypothesis proposed that experiential learning not only

provides procedural knowledge with regard to the efficient formation of alliances but that it also

increases the absorptive capacity of the organization. At any point in time, the organization faces

a tradeoff between exploitation and exploration and, within the bounds of organizational

rationality, chooses between the two according to relative value. Over time, exploitation and

exploration are mutually supportive. More efficient exploitation (e.g. conversion of common to

private benefits) allows for more exploration per unit of time; greater exploration provides


proficiency at exploitation. It is in this sense that we argue that the critical element of learning

races is learning how to race.

We believe that this research contributes to the dynamic capabilities perspective in two ways.

First, it provides empirical substantiation. Teece, et. al., (1997: 530) pointed out that their work

sketched an outline but that further theoretical work was needed to tighten the framework and

that empirical research was critical. The framework argues that a firm's competence and dynamic

capabilities are founded in it's processes which are shaped in turn by its asset positions and its

evolutionary path (1997: 524). Although our research is largely mute regarding assets other than

know-how, it shows not just that 'history matters' but speciifically where and how that it matters.

The second contribution involves theoretical 'tightening' of the framework. Teece, et. al., (1997:

520) define learning as "...a process by which repetition and experimentation enable tasks to be

performed better and quicker". We believe that conceptualizing exploitation (repetition) and

exploration (experimentation) as complements rather than mutually exclusive choices is an

important theoretical extension of the role of learning in the dynamic capabilities model.

Our research has several limitations, both conceptual and emprirical. Our finding that the

U-shaped pattern of time dependence in the formation rate of alliances is steeper in international

alliances than domestic alliances indicates a conceptual limitation to our work. We don't believe

that the lack of support for Hypothesis 7 results from a confound with other aspects of alliances.

International alliances are significantly more likely to involve repeat partners than new partners

(which would accelerate the intra-race dynamic) but they are also significantly more likely to


involve commercial alliances than research alliances (which would decelerate the intra-race

dynamic). We conducted a supplementary analysis including controls for both repeat/new partner

and research/commercial alliance and the results are virtually identical with the estimates of Model

9 in Table 6. Similarly, there is too large a body of work documenting differences in basic cultural

assumptions about social interaction, organizational structures, practices and operating

procedures across nations to believe that such differences don't exist in the organizational field of


We believe the conceptual limitation to our work involves the formation of expectations about

future value. Our argument is that organizations face a tradeoff between exploitation and

exploration and resolve the tradeoff by comparing the value that they expect to receive from

exploitation to the value they would expect to receive from exploration. Our findings are

consistent with a world where U. S. firms have systematically lower expected values for learning

from partners in other countries than domestic partners. However, our approach does not

systematically include the formation of expectations - a conceptual limitation that will need to be

addressed in future work.

Two empirical limitations exist in our research. Organizational size is an important aspect of

biotechnology firms linked to the formation of strategic alliances but only partial information on

size is available. Moreover, the availability of information on size is not random; information is

more available in recent years than in earlier years, more likely to be found for public firms than

private firms, and more likely to be found for large firms than smaller firms. Moreover, different


measures of size (total employees, scientific staff, and square footage of physical facilities) vary in

their pattern of availability. We are in the process of collecting information on total capitalization,

another plausible indicator of size, but it is not available at this time. Another empirical limitation

is our inability to differentiate alliances involving partners with different degrees of network

centrality and to differentiate between partners of different institutional type. We would expect

alliances with centrally located firms to proceed at a slower pace than alliances with firms in the

periphery of the industry network. The length of time necessary to convert common benefits to

private benefits is not just a function of absorptive capacity but also the size of the pool of

common benefits. We would also expect alliances with non-for-profit organizations to exhibit a

different dynamic than alliances with firms. We are in the process of collecting additional

information on alliance partners, but it is not available at this time.


The existence of competition within the context of cooperation has been a concern for many

scholars and practitioners. If cooperation between organizations has important benefits and

competition threatens cooperative ventures, then this concern is well founded. We believe that

this concern may be misplaced. The prevailing view among scholars is that competition arises

between partners in cooperative relationships. We would argue that the critical competition, at

least within knowledge intensive domains such as biotechnology, arises across cooperative

relationships. To the extent that organizations focus on winning learning races within alliances

rather than across sequences of alliances, they attend to winning battles rather than winning wars.

A number of practitioners within knowledge intensive domains have come to recognize the


importance of long term competition for knowledge (Powell, Koput, and Smith-Doerr, 1996:

120). We hope that our research will develop a similar appreciation among scholars.



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Table 1. Frequencies of Events Entries 847 Exits 235 Biotechnology Patents 2467 Commercial Strategic Alliances 2920 Research Strategic Alliances 3086 International Alliances 1521 Domestic alliances 4485 One time only Alliances 4613 Repeat Alliances 1393 Initial Public Offerings 323 Private Placements 1593 Acquisitions 339 Name Changes 320


Table 2. Descriptive Statistics

Variable Mean S.D. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1. # of Firms 549.3 82.32 .74 .11 .62 -.04 -.24 .07 .26 .74 .36 -.21 .13 .18 .16 .17 .15 2. Total Alliances 454.3 138.6 .58 .88 -.03 -.22 .09 -.16 -.11 .35 -.18 .12 .23 .12 .15 .16 3. Venture Capital 686.7 265.9 .78 -.01• -.10 .06 -.84 .39 .18 -.07 .04 .18 .02 .07 .10 4. NASDAQ Index 749.7 381.0 -.02 -.22 .09 -.47 .77 .35 -.18 .10 .26 .11 .17 .18 5. Pharmaceutical 0.836 0.370 -.06 .09 -.01• -.01 -.02 .39 .11 .12 .04 -.07 -.03 6. Agbio 0.291 0.454 .10 .00• -.22 .14 .59 .30 .16 .17 -.06 -.04 7. Public 0.509 0.500 -.02 .06 .25 .16 .41 .44 .29 -.22 -.17 8. Total Patents 172.0 145.3 -.11 -.03 -.01 .01• -.09 .05 -.00• -.04 9. Total Private Placements

66.90 39.68 .32 -.18 .09 .21 .15 .17 .16

10. Age 2865 1549 .10 .36 .29 .39 .32 .31 11. # of Research Areas 2.16 1.10 .35 .23 .17 -.10 -.07 12. Prior Alliances 9.14 13.40 .57 .60 -.34 -.24 13. Prior Private Placements

1.92 2.58 .39 -.19 -.13

14. Prior Patents 1.455 5.192 -.09 -.07 15. Elapsed Time 478.4 662.2 .93 16. Elapsed Time2 66738

3 1896913

l Not significant at p < .05. Based on 48,238 spells


The Effects of Environmental and Organizational Variables on the Rate of Alliance Formation Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Number of Firms -.0011045• -.0011861• -.002• -.00121• (.0003588) (.0005042) (.000475) (.00052) Total Patents -.0000976 .0001398 .000304 .000162 (.0003954) (.0003267) (.000314) (.000327) Total Strategic Alliances .0028659• .0021985• .002051• .002172• (.0009503) (.000344) (.000323) (.000341) Total Private Placements -.0000598 .0005941 .000747 .000777 (.0002226) (.0007985) (.000762) (.000794) Venture Capital Index .0004423 .0003848 .000391 .000365 (.0002226) (.0001978) (.000195) (.000194) NASDAQ Index -.0009847• -.0006749• -.00056• -.00065• (.000228) (.0001792) (.000169) (.000179) Age -.0002502• -.0001557• -.00021• -.00015• (.0000333) (.0000218) (.00002) (.00002) Number of Market Sectors .1282854• .0749701• .073769• .070173• (.0428187) (.0208512) (.021802) (.020937) Pharmaceutical Sector .1661466 .0867104 .011884 .098473 (.1270147) (.0704228) (.061038) (.071707) Agricultural Sector .1929852 .1104871 .038273 .128017• (.1292002) (.0614828) (.062674) (.062701) Public Firm .6869963• .419773• .22244• .433215• (.0656488) (.046247) (.040394) (.047094) Number of Prior Patents .0123126• -.0061702• .00051• -.00628• (.0037834) (.0026445) (.002534) (.002377) Number of Prior Placements .0861805• .0324524• .019364• .032503• (.0136015) (.0090621) (.008781) (.00878) Number of Prior Alliances .0168188• .020663• (.0017661) (.001841) Ln (Number of Prior Alliances) .410746• (.029581) Elapsed Time -.0025586• -.0022305• -.0022• (.000115) (.000106) (.000113) Prior Alliances X Elapsed Time -.00006• (.000008) Elapsed Time2 .0000005• .0000005• .0000004• (.00000004) (.00000004) (.00000005) Prior Alliances X Elapsed Time2 .00000004• (.0000000) Number of Events 5459 5459 5459 5459 Chi2 391.80 2197.70 1667.01 2630.99 Degrees of Freedom 13 16 16 18 Probability Value P < .05 P < .05 P < .05 P < .05


TABLE 4 The Effects of Environmental and Organizational Variables on the Rate of Alliance Formation by Type of

Alliance: Research and Commercial Alliances Variables Model 5 Model 6 Number of Firms -.001168• -.0012076• (.0004667) (.0004931) Total Patents .0001333 .000078 (.0003179) (.0003262) Total Strategic Alliances .0023095• .0022877• (.0003461) (.000346) Total Private Placements .0004604 .0008523 (.0007987) (.0007993) Venture Capital Index .0003428 .0003742 (.000192) (.0001991) NASDAQ Index -.0006779• -.0007725• (.0001775) (.0001723) Age -.000154• -.0001383• (.0000216) (.0000207) Number of Market Sectors .0693809• .0736084• (.021187) (.0207892) Pharmaceutical Sector .1016292 .0605144 (.0677415) (.0696775) Agricultural Sector .1164386 .0992516 (.0628272) (.0621133) Public Firm .4011185• .4249192• (.0459849) (.0443663) Number of Prior Patents -.0047623 -.0068411• (.0025141) (.0023868) Number of Prior Placements .0267317• .0305795• (.0087208) (.0085712) Number of Prior Alliances .0156584• (.0018329) Number of Prior Research Alliances .0177825• (.0045849) Number of Prior Commercial Alliances .0128088• (.0030125) Research Alliance Dummy Variable .5711655• .4319013• (.0520887) (.0466147) Elapsed Time -.0020809• -.0019314• (.0001077) (.0001339) Research Alliance X Elapsed Time -.001732• -.0010851• (.0002377) (.0001937) Elapsed Time2 .0000004• .0000004• (.00000004) (.00000005) Research Alliance X Elapsed Time2 .0000004• .0000003• (.00000008) (.00000008) Chi2 2849.40 2701.82 Degrees of Freedom 19 20 Probability Value P < .05 P < .05


TABLE 5 The Effects of Environmental and Organizational Variables on the Rate of Alliance Formation by Type of Partner:

Repeat Partners and New Partners Variables Model 7 Model 8 Number of Firms -.0014261• -.0015253• (.0004997) (.0005066) Total Patents .0002499 .0002609 (.0003221) (.0003272) Total Strategic Alliances .0021413• .0021388• (.0003394) (.000339) Total Private Placements .0004466 .0005284 (.000793) (.0007997) Venture Capital Index .0003804 .0003838 (.0001958) (.0001997) NASDAQ Index -.0006355• -.0006602• (.0001775) (.0001787) Age -.0001484• -.000159• (.0000209) (.0000217) Number of Market Sectors .0699353• .067403• (.0195642) (.0197043) Pharmaceutical Sector .0678398 .0562823 (.0675924) (.0661624) Agricultural Sector .0729041 .0579723 (.0641188) (.0672241) Public Firm .3966869• .3964594• (.0434009) (.042585) Number of Prior Patents -.0048804 -.0048922 (.0023089) (.0023034) Number of Prior Placements .0313461• .0308578• (.0085665) (.0085723) Number of Prior Alliances .0151436• (.0017692) Number of Prior Alliances With Partner .1021744• (.0175966) Number of Prior Alliances With Other Partners


(.0015928) Repeat Partner Dummy Variable .737398• .6855986• (.0507735) (.0508575) Elapsed Time -.0021595• -.0021169• (.0001047) (.000104) Repeat Partner X Elapsed Time -.0029741• -.0030629• (.0003142) (.0003146) Elapsed Time2 .0000004• .0000004• (.00000004) (.00000004) Repeat Partner X Elapsed Time2 .000002• .000002• (.0000002) (.0000002) Chi2 2830.23 3005.17 Degrees of Freedom 19 20


Probability Value P < .05 P < .05 TABLE 6

The Effects of Environmental and Organizational Variables on the Rate of Alliance Formation by Type of Partner: International Partners and Domestic Partners

Variables Model 9 Model 10 Number of Firms -.001168• -.001273• (.0004667) (.0004629) Total Patents .0001333 .0001428 (.0003179) (.000315) Total Strategic Alliances .0023095• .0023232• (.0003461) (.000346) Total Private Placements .0004604 .0005672 (.0007987) (.000804) Venture Capital Index .0003428 .0003402 (.000192) (.000192) NASDAQ Index -.0006779• -.0006822• (.0001775) (.0001757) Age -.000154• -.0001571• (.0000216) (.0000214) Number of Market Sectors .0693809• .0637974• (.021187) (.0201162) Pharmaceutical Sector .1016292 .0935702 (.0677415) (.0682012) Agricultural Sector .1164386 .1177697 (.0628272) (.060687) Public Firm .4011185• .3952683• (.0459849) (.0458264) Number of Prior Patents -.0047623 -.0063845• (.0025141) (.0026097) Number of Prior Placements .0267317• .0255647• (.0087208) (.0084089) Number of Prior Alliances .0156584• (.0018329) Number of Prior International Alliances .0091193• (.0036977) Number of Prior Domestic Alliances .0213441• (.0034788) International Partner Dummy Variable .5711655• .5927718• (.0520887) (.0515714) Elapsed Time -.0020809• -.0020603• (.0001077) (.0001077) Repeat Partner X Elapsed Time -.001732• -.0017375• (.0002377) (.0002376) Elapsed Time2 .0000004• .0000004• (.00000004) (.00000004) Repeat Partner X Elapsed Time2 .0000004• .0000004• (.00000008) (.000000080) Chi2 2357.71 3072.63 Degrees of Freedom 19 20


Probability Value P < .05 P < .05

Figure 1. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: Baseline Model


Figure 2. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: 1 Prior Alliance


Figure 3. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: 10 Prior Alliances

Elapsed Time in Days730 1460 2190 2920 3650 4380 5110








Figure 4. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: 20 Prior Alliances


Figure 5. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: Commercial Alliance


Figure 6. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: Research Alliance


Figure 7. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: New Partner


Figure 8. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: Repeat Partner


Figure 9. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: Domestic Partner


Figure 10. Multiplier of the Alliance Formation Rate: International Partner

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