Leadership NZ Year Book 2010

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Year Book for the 2010 Leadership programme


Y e a r b o o k

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Enriching New Zealand through active leadership in a connected community.


Growing, celebrating and weaving together New Zealand’s leaders through conversation.


CourageousGenerous of spiritInclusiveActing with IntegrityInnovativeApoliticalCelebrating Diversity


PO Box 5061, Wellesley Street,Auckland 1141T: +64 9 309 3749E: info@leadershipnz.co.nzW: www.leadershipnz.co.nz


Megan Barclay – Executive Director (Alumnus 2006)Jo Brosnahan – Programme DirectorDr. Morgan Williams – Programme DirectorVicky Pond Dunlop – Support Services ManagerVijaya Nory – AdministratorMichelle Jurgens – Project SupportShawna Murray – Marketing ConsultantJudy Whiteman – SkillsBank Director


The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Leadership New Zealand, its members or the publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, no responsibility can be accepted by the publisher for omissions, typographical or printer’s errors, inaccuracies or changes that may have taken place after publication. All rights reserved.

Leadership New Zealand Trustees

Jo Brosnahan – Chair, Leadership New Zealand and Corporate Director

Tony Nowell – Deputy Chair, Leadership New Zealand and Founder, ValadeNZ

Mark Otten – Financial Trustee, Leadership New Zealand and Finance Director, The Warehouse

Reg Birchfield – Publisher, RJMedia

Dr Morgan Williams – Principal, FutureSteps

Maureen Crombie – Chair ECPAT (Alumnus 2006), Alumni representative

Frank Olsson – Corporate Director and Regional Manager NZ, FINSIA

Teresa Tepania-Ashton – Chief Executive, Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi (Alumnus 2006)

Grant Bunting – General Manager Sales, PGG Wrightson (Alumnus 2009)

Leadership New Zealand Advisory Trustees

Tony Carter – Managing Director, Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltd

Rob Fenwick – Managing Director, Living Earth

Jennifer Gill – Chief Executive, The ASB Community Trust

Bob Harvey – Former Mayor, Waitakere City Council, Advisory Board Chair

Dr John Hinchcliff – Advisory Trustee, Leadership New Zealand

Peter Kerridge – Director, Kerridge & Partners Ltd

David McGregor – Senior Partner, Bell Gully

Ian MacRae – Managing Director, Hay Group

Louise Marra – Director (Auckland), Ministry of Economic Development

Bennett Medary – Chief Executive, Simpl

Tim Miles – Former Managing Director, PGG Wrightson

Graeme Nahkies – Director, BoardWorks International

Fran O’Sullivan – Journalist

Sir Paul Reeves – Chancellor, AUT University; Former Governor General

Dr Jan White – Chief Executive, Accident Compensation Corporation

Brian Roche – CEO, NZ Post

Editorial Team

Reg Birchfield, Jo Brosnahan, Megan Barclay, Michelle Jurgens, Vicky Pond Dunlop, Shawna Murray, Gill Prentice, Viyaya Nory, Fran Marshall

Alumni Committee

Rewi Spraggon (2005), Mike Davies (2005), Adrian Sole (2006), Cheryl Holloway (2006), Maureen Crombie (2006), Minnie Baragawanath (2007), Jodi Mitchell (2007), Sina Moore (2008), Manu Keung (2008), Moi Becroft (2008), Karam Meuli (2009) and Adrian Wimmers (2009)

SkillsBank Advisory Board

Irene Durham (2005), Neville Pulman (2006), Megan Barclay (2006) (Execu-tive Director), Minnie Baragwanath (2007), Karyn McLeod (2007), Irene Feldges (2008), Tim Hamilton (2008), Judy Whiteman (SkillsBank Director)


Graduation is a time to celebrate. With it, another 30 talented leaders have joined Leadership New Zealand’s growing group of Alumni. These leaders have, over the year, been exposed

to the challenges and opportunities confronting our nation. They have learned to have in-depth conversations with some of New Zealand’s most significant leaders in every sphere. They have come to understand the importance of our unique history, symbolised by Te Tiriti, and they have experienced the diversity that is New Zealand with the countless opportunities that come from this. They have come to celebrate who we are as a nation and to look forward to stepping up to be a part of its future.

The theme for the year has been “New Zealand the Lucky Country”, a focus developed throughout the year and highlighted at our Leadership Week dinner in July with its speakers Sir Stephen Tindall and Jan Dawson. Poet Selina Tusitala Marsh, one of our participants this year, has captured the spirit of our nation with her outstanding poem, “New Zealand the Lucky Country”. She reminds us that we can focus on gross domestic product, wealth indices and other economic measures, but ultimately it is our artists who create the opportunity for us to truly explore who we are and not simply what we do.

The year has not always felt lucky. It brought some real challenges too. The Canterbury earthquake for example was a disaster of frightening proportions. It did, however, bring out the best in us by showing the resilience of those affected, the ability of that community to rally and look after their own, the robustness of the systems and processes that ensured most buildings were well engineered, with the consequence that nobody died. It was an impressive recovery action. It also showed the generosity of a nation of people who immediately responded by helping in whatever way they could. The leadership of all of those involved in dealing with the crisis was obvious. It is in such times that leadership is needed most and most needs to be seen. And as the region moves from crisis to recovery, there is a need to move to collaboration and conversation – to ensure that post-earthquake Christchurch is an even better city than it was before.

At the other end of New Zealand, another city now needs new forms of conversation. The new Auckland City has the challenge of combining all of Auckland’s eight local authorities into one, while simultaneously changing its political and executive leadership. This presents an enormous challenge. The combination of multiple communities and their different values across New Zealand’s largest city and involving a third of New Zealand’s population is mind boggling. It will require enormous amounts of goodwill by all parties to accomplish. It will test Auckland’s ability to converse, have deep conversations and to have its citizens truly listen to each other. It will take great leadership to achieve the outcomes that all those who promoted the supercity envisaged: leadership, not just from the Mayor and his team, but also from the thousands of leaders involved in any way with the city and its future. Leadership New Zealand is proud of the fact that, Penny Hulse, the new city’s Deputy Mayor, is one of our Alumni.

Sadly, this year also showed that New Zealanders are still too often inclined to develop a position and retreat to a corner to lob viewpoints. Head-banging over filming the “Hobbit” movies in New Zealand was a sad reflection of a nation that has not yet learned to have hard conversations. Nobody should receive death threats simply because they hold a contrasting viewpoint. In reality everyone wanted the Hobbit to stay in New Zealand. We seem to have some distance to go before we can resolve difficult problems in innovative ways and by building trust and mutual respect, by creating safe spaces and playing the issue, not the individual.

That is our challenge for the future. Our 2010 graduates and our Alumni are our hope for finding a different way. New Zealand needs them – their diversity, their talents, their new ideas and their ability to engage across the community. They have learned how to have the conversations that we need to have. They are our future.

Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui

Jo BrosnahanChair, Leadership New Zealand

ContentsYearbook 2010

Jo Brosnahan 1Chair’s Foreword

Megan Barclay 2Executive Director’s Overview

Sir Paul Reeves 3Leadership Endures

Hilary Sumpter 4-5Talk About Luck...

The Year in Pictures 6-9

Programme Overview 2010 10-11

Graduands Biographies 12-21The class of 2010

The Year in Pictures 22-23

Jan Dawson 24-25Our Lucky Country

Wendy McGuinness 26-27On Being an Indigenous New Zealander

Selina Tusitala Marsh 28-29New Zealand the Lucky Country

Alumni Biographies 30-42

Puamiria Maaka 43A Time for Maui?

Leadership New Zealand Events 44

Chair’s Foreword


A s 2010 ends, 30 more graduands join the growing group of fantastic New Zealand leaders who have experienced the Leadership New Zealand journey.

The year has also ended with 170 Alumni and more applicants for next year’s Programme than we can accommodate. One of those ap-plicants will become our 200th participant.

We have spent the year focusing on how to take the learnings from the programme’s first six years and use them to create and test new approaches to ensure that we deliver even more effective and unique programmes in the future.

With the contribution and support of many of our Alumni and partners, we delivered eight Cafe style conversation events, including one in collaboration with the Auckland Museum and another that brought a diverse group together to explore intergenerational issues.

We launched a new Leadership New Zealand website and started to provide monthly newsletters showcasing up-and-coming events, to reflect on programme modules and to profile our Alumni and their successes. Many of our Alumni are now moving into senior and influ-ential leadership roles and delivering their own visions for change in New Zealand.

From November, the website offered electronic back issues of our Leaders magazines and yearbooks and papers on leadership topics from our partner and global research company, Hay Group.

We have received more requests from not-for-profit groups to access the governance and board membership experience of our SkillsBank Programme. This reflects a coming of age and greater understanding by this sector that the environment in which organisations and communities operate is changing economically, structurally and culturally and that they require different leadership qualities in order to approach rapidly changing issues differently.

I recently attended a workshop on not-for-profit governance which highlighted, among many key differences in characteristics of for-profits and not-for-profits, “a focus on financial performance sup-plemented by business excellence, a balanced scorecard, benchmarking and other dashboards exist for for-profits” versus “balanced measures with financial performance one of several measures existing for not-for-profit entities”. An opportunity exists to change this traditional way of thinking about the two sectors; an approach that has greater value to New Zealand, its people and its productivity, not to mention creating greater capacity for our more socially focused organisations.

Over the year, some great think tank sessions have taken place amongst community sector groups on the varied opportunities to create greater capacity and results, particularly in the area of social entrepreneurism, a network of shared services and better econo-mies of scale for resource scarce community groups. A collaborative approach, strong leadership that embraces diversity of thinking, reciprocity of expertise and experience and the creation of space to think more strategically and creatively about how to work together

Executive Director’s Overview

and intensify outcomes, could deliver better results for both sectors. Leadership alumni members like Vicky Taylor, Minnie Barag-

wanath and Jennie Vickers are examples of our growing number of colleagues who have recognised the need to think differently about leadership and governance in New Zealand. They are creating networks such as Springboard, an organisation for young directors, and a ”soon to be revealed” leadership programme delivering to the disability sector, as well as taking a new approach to corporate governance to address gaps and to incorporate diversity. Others have been working on SkillsBank projects that address the areas of strate-gic thinking and governance within not-for-profit groups.

Our Programme encourages people to think differently about leadership issues, to find better ways to tackle and drive change and to weave their way respectfully through matters of extreme importance to their sector and this country. To further develop our organic network of up-and-coming leaders, Leadership New Zealand is now looking to bring our Alumni, Partners, friends and family together to shape the nature of our organisation and the community we are building. We will focus on the principles by which we live and connect, understanding how we fit together and how we can emerge as an even more courageous and innovative network that reflects the leadership attributes we believe New Zealand should aspire to.

There is no question that 2011 is looking promising and very excit-ing, bringing new opportunities for Leadership New Zealand. I am looking forward to spending more time with you all next year and to having the conversations we really must have.

Megan Barclay, Executive Director





The Land Wars in Taranaki lasted for five years but when the fighting stopped the conflict did not. Maori may not have been defeated on the battlefield but they were certainly

the losers in the Parliament and in the courts. The shameful con-fiscation legislation effectively separated Maori from their land.

Parihaka on the slopes of Mount Taranaki was one of the last places of resistance. But instead of fighting they adopted non violent methods such as removing the surveyors’ pegs and ploughing the land to assert their ownership. But to no avail. The Armed Constabulary entered the village on 5 November 1881 and eventually a sizeable number of men were taken prisoner and transported to Dunedin after having spent time in Hokitika, Lyttelton and Christchurch on their journey south. These were prisoners who never came to trial.

John Kenneth Galbraith says that all great leaders have one characteristic in common. They are willing to confront unequivo-cally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This and not much else claims Galbraith is the essence of leadership.

These Taranaki men were prisoners of conscience who went into exile to assert their ownership of land wrongfully confiscated. They were young, handpicked for the hazardous journey and they believed they were morally right. In fact they stated that they had not been taken prisoners but had surrendered as instructed.

Their leader was Te Whiti o Rongomai whose sayings and prophecies are still treasured in Taranaki today. He inspired confidence as these young men set off into the unknown, leaving families behind and not knowing if they would ever return. Te Whiti shared their fears but was able to strengthen their resolve because they trusted him. Hone Awhi put it this way: Te Whiti said we should be put in gaol but that he would be in gaol with us. We are in gaol through him and we are not sorry for it. We are not fighting, we gave ourselves away. Nobody took us. I believe what Te Whiti said. I believe he is with us now but cannot explain it.

Fear and anxiety are never far from those who lead and those who are led. They are a good antidote to complacency and cer-tainly keep you on your toes. A leader stays steady and holds the line when things are in a state of flux.

The time spent by the prisoners in Dunedin is well document-ed. A hulk called The Success transported them between work sites and the jail. It ended its life as the Queens Drive boating shed and now lies under Portobello Road. The men returned to Taranaki in batches. Some died in exile and at least three are buried in paupers’ graves in Dunedin’s Northern cemetery. Their names are Watene Tupuhi, Piriranga and Parirau Pitiroi.

Te Whiti greeted the last of those who returned with these words: You were not imprisoned for heinous crime or theft but for upholding the words of Te Whiti. In such a case prison houses lose their disgrace and become houses of joy. We were imprisoned for

the land, for chieftainship and for godliness. A sea fish lying dead on the sand taints the atmosphere for miles around but the fact of your unjust imprisonment is now known far and near throughout the world.

Maori in Taranaki went into survival mode in the first half of the 20th century and Parihaka as a settlement struggled. But the sayings and the example of Te Whiti remained strong. There were annual commemorations, Te Whiti’s drum was brought out to accompany waiata and poi that told of the invasion of the pa and the women wore in their hair the raukura, the three white feath-ers. The point is that leaders continue to lead even after they have died. In some ways their influence becomes more pervasive and their sayings more influential. When people are struggling to maintain a toe hold in a society, the leader, though a figure of the past, is a force in the present.

And now Parihaka is part of a negotiation with the Crown to settle outstanding claims for wrongs done in the past. There must be a resolution to the deep feelings of grievance. My experience is that negotiations with the Crown can be fraught with diffi-culty and frustration. You take your life and your history in your hands. But once again the sayings and presence of Te Whiti come to the fore. They are repeated and the effect is to move people out of anxiety and towards a confidence that they are doing the right thing. Leadership endures even beyond the grave.

Sir Paul Reeves, former Governor General, is an Advisory Trustee of Leadership NZ and Graduation Speaker.

Sir Paul Reeves: Leadership endures




Taking on the Leadership New Zealand programme is a big commitment. It impacts not only participants, but also on our employers, work colleagues and our families. For me, however, being offered a place on the programme

was too much of a ‘lucky’ opportunity to pass up. Fortunately, my board, staff and family supported my participation and, for whatever the programme might or might not deliver, I committed to making the most of the experience.

I work in the social profit sector, strengthening our commu-nities through women’s leadership development at the YWCA. I valued the chance to take on this leadership development programme for myself and for the benefits it would bring our organisation through my learnings.

I am personally committed to knowledge gathering. I realised, however, that I wasn’t operating outside of my comfort zone and so I was hugely encouraged by the breadth of topics the pro-gramme offered. It provided an opportunity for some stretch, to grow myself in terms of my leadership and the chance to discuss the really big issues – social, economic, and cultural – as they affect New Zealand and as New Zealand fits on the global stage, now and in the long term.

On day one, I wondered what I had let myself in for. Half way through the day, I felt unchanged. By the end of the day I was engaged. By the end of the first retreat, I was hooked, inspired, empowered and fully in awe of the luck that allowed me to be a part of this group. As the year draws to a close, I am asking what next? How can I continue to build on what this year has given? I will exit this year having learned so much; lessons which I know will take time to settle and consolidate before the gains from this year of intensity manifest themselves.

What we talked about in this programme was vision, courage, focus, leadership, dialogue, debate, strong decision making and life-long learning. We talked of having defined values and integrity, identifying our imperatives – moral or commercial – and of having the integrity and the vision to see how we might have both imperatives as drivers. I have appreciated the inter-sector debate, the way we as a group have learned to work with each other, to support and understand each other and all be the stronger for it.

Our speakers throughout the year consistently told us of their growth through failures and as leaders, of allowing people around

them to learn through trial and error. Leadership is often about winning and losing, and making those losses a win through learning from our failures, which make us stronger and more experienced. We have, I think, become too risk averse as a nation and stopped having the tough conversations, any real debate. We don’t articulate vision and we are afraid of making decisions through our unwillingness to confront real issues. We have become moderate and we are not making decisions for the best long-term reasons. We do not have the dialogue to make the best, long-term and sometimes hard decisions, those which truly show vision and strategy. The programme seeks to redress this balance and our speakers have provoked dialogue around very real and important issues.

We’ve been asked to debate the challenges of such things as population policy – will we be part of the playing god genera-tion? Will we set up the next generations to be required to play god? Can we manage our own nationhood which will see New Zea-land thrive long term and sustain itself for many generations?

This year has been about the place we take in our families and whanau, our workplaces, our communities, our regions, our nation and our world. Our increasing self-awareness grows our ability to be a part of our communities at every level. We’ve been reminded we don’t need to lead from the front, we need to keep our eyes on the horizon and not on the shore, and to lead from our hearts, from our vision, from the bigger picture. Let’s not think about ‘us’, let’s think about the intergenerational big picture.






Hilary Sumpter’s graduation speech reflects on just how lucky she feels about undertaking Leadership New Zealand’s 2010 programme journey.

Talk about luck...



I have, thanks to the programme, set my own paths for the future by defining the ways in which I will contribute to our nation, the times I am at my best, the things I don’t do. I have my dreams. I now know what my next steps are, what I can do to contribute, what I can do to grow our communities, where I am at my best. This has been my transformation, my clarification and my affirmation.

We’ve all had some challenges. For me it has been keeping an open mind and reflecting, so I can make the most of what has been presented to us. It’s been tiring, but that is part of the growth. I have been challenged, stretched, and committed to get all I can out of the experience. I have relished the reading; having my eyes opened to many different perspectives I may not have found my own way to.

Through the year we experienced social engineering and experienced natural social justice. We’ve seen cows with human genomes, ceilings of roses, the halls of power, the plains of Canterbury when they were still flat, a suburban transformation driven from some brave hearts, the king of the north, the birth-place of the nation. We’ve seen some stuff. We shot, we sang, we danced, we ate! We’ve shared with each other and we’ve had the most astounding gifts of people’s time, of themselves and of their total honesty.

We’ve examined Aotearoa from every aspect – from under the ground to what we’re sitting on, to what we carry in our hearts and minds, to what makes us ‘us’. Water, sustainability, innova-tion, niche asset development, economic development, genomes, voting, meritocracy, our assets, our weaknesses, our nation, our inter-generational futures, our place on the global stage, being true Treaty partners – we’ve talked it all.

We’ve had some of our nation’s greatest thought leaders bare their souls with us, sharing things I never thought I would be so privileged to hear. I’ve been moved, enraged, humbled and made to not just listen but also to hear and see. I’ve also had to think damn hard. To think about myself in relation to where I fit and the way I think about things. We’ve been motivated to think with humility, scepticism, awareness and perspective. We’ve been asked to look at and learn from our history which ‘warns us of the dangers of assuming there’s only one way to look at things’.

We are lucky in this little country with its many assets. We need to practise being lucky. We need to realise how lucky we are and how much luckier we need to be to sustain ourselves long term through vision and leadership. And then there’s the luck of being ourselves and appreciating the fantastic heritage we inherited from tangata whenua, the adaptability, the strength and the tolerance of a people who are the intrinsic part of our unique identity.

There are now 30 more people in New Zealand who will debate issues, who will confront and discuss, who will test concepts. This is ideas generation, this is thoroughly testing theory and finding solutions, and not being mediocre through compromise.

In this column last year George Riley talked about continuing conversations around long-term, inter-generational strategic planning for our country. With the class of 2010, we add our conversations to the group of 2009 and those years before us. We too are ready for our next adventures and addressing the issues.

To the team at Leadership New Zealand – Jo, Morgan, Megan, Michelle, Vicky, Vijaya and Shawna, Trustees and Advisors – thank you from all of us. To those employers who themselves are ready to see and champion the developing of our people long term – thank you for your investment. To our whanau and families, thank you for giving the space and the support for us to participate – it will be worthwhile.

To the class of 2010, thank you and congratulations to you all. I look forward to seeing you again as we take our places in our world. Remember we are accountable; to each other, to Leader-ship New Zealand, and to our communities – local, national and global. Keep your eyes not on the shore, but on the horizon.

Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui.


Welcome to the class of 2010

“I have learned that the core of leadership is largely based around having a ‘holistic’ viewpoint born out of a rich understanding of the past and an eye to the future, the presence of well formed and tested beliefs, the degree and breadth of personal experience, clear and concise communication, to think big not small and most importantly, to have the faith and conviction to do what is right and follow your vision.”NICK ASTWICK

“Leadership New Zealand has completely redefined how I see and would now implement my own leadership journey.” DEVIN BROWN

“Like standing on a mountain top and looking into the heart of the country and its peoples.”“The year I have seen triumphs, tragedies, challenges and beliefs from a range of perspectives and this has been a unique experience in itself.“GORDON BROWN

“Leadership is being able to connect with the past, present and future – it will nurture and nourish those moving forward.”OLIVE BROWN


Welcome to the class of 2010

“My Leadership New Zealand year has been a great exposure to the significant tapestry of New Zealand society. The structure of the programme allows in-depth review of key issues and opportunities facing all New Zealanders and as such, has made me think more widely when considering my own personal and business challenges. Above all, Leadership New Zealand creates a conversation that targets positive outcomes for the future of New Zealand and does so across a fantastic diverse group of people.”BERNIE CHOTE

“The programme redefined leadership for me, as a personal journey, an enquiry into who I am, what I stand for and what I will personally commit to create value for society.”DEB GODINET

“It falls on us all to listen, research topics of importance, discuss and get involved in our communities to make a difference.”STEPHEN GUERIN “By holding the space and using a process of intentional, focussed, deep and spirited conversations I now know that we can find shared understanding and in spite of our differences, can work together on issues of common interest for the benefit of all. “PUAMIRIA MAAKA


Class of 2010

“I have learned so much from some of New Zealand’s most innovative, courageous, ingenious and stalwart leaders. I have also learned much from my gifted, humble, funny, talented, committed, brave and adventurous fellow participants – some of whom I know I will know for life. For this year, I am humbly thankful.” SELINA TUSITALA MARSH

“The metaphor, picturing a far distant horizon versus the movement of the tides at our feet, will stick with me. It challenges our ability to see further, to foresee more as we approach the horizon and it moves away, to persuade others to follow us while all the time, avoiding the draw of simply the inevitable flowing tides.”DAVE McATEER


Class of 2010

“My Māori mentors have taught me that a task of the leader is to create Te Ao Marama, a world of learning and enlightenment, through transforming the potential of Te Kore into reality. The leaders I met this year have demonstrated a stunning range of ways to release the potential in people, opportunities, and challenges. Their personal stories about what makes them get up in the morning, what keeps them awake at night, their vision, hopes and aspirations have inspired my research, writing, and speaking.”CHELLIE SPILLER

“This has been a year to raise my eyes to the horizon, and it has been transformational. Through conceptual in-depth dialogue, we’ve been given the gift of vision from some of our country’s leading minds.” HILARY SUMPTER

The 2010

February – exploring Leadership – Parnell rose Gardens, aucklandTeam building day, leadership and reflection, exploration of leadership.

Louise Marra & Anouk Graav Directors, Spirited LeadershipTim Miles Managing Director, PGG WrightsonBob Harvey Mayor, Waitakere CityPat Snedden Publisher, Chair, Adviser, Treaty NegotiatorIan MacRae Managing Director, Hay Group

March – a civil Society – Tamaki Transformation Offices of housing NZElements of a civil society, ethics, values, communities, community engagement, social entrepreneurism, deprivation, human rights, diversity, housing, education, migration, refugee resettlement, youth.

Alfred Ngaro Founding Member of The Inspiring Communities Exchange, Tamaki Community Development TrustRt Hon Sir Douglas Graham Company Director, Former Minister of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations and Attorney GeneralDr Lesley McTurk Chief Executive Officer, Housing New ZealandSoana Pamaka Principal, Tamaki CollegeTess Liew Manager, Kau Mau Te Whero TrustMike Ikilei Team Leader, Community Action on Youth and Drugs Project (CAYAD)Bruce Forbes Director, Forbes Civil EngineersDr Edwina Pio Associate Professor, Faculty Business & Law, AUT UniversityJill Conway Manager Northern Regional and National Resettlement, Refugee Services, Aotearoa New ZealandRobyn Gerrity Carol White Early Education Centre Manager

Margaret Chittenden Director, Refugee Education Adults and Family Centre, Selwyn CollegeProfessor Manying Ip Professor, School of Asian Studies, University of AucklandDr John Hinchcliff Former Vice Chancellor, AUT University

aPriL – Our People – Matakana, Whangarei, Moerewa and Te Tii Marae, WaitangiMaori perspectives, the Treaty, human rights, race relations, diversity, creating community and community leadership.

Richard Didsbury Property Developer & Community Maker, MatakanaChris Farrelly CEO, Manaia Health PHO, WhangareiDebbie and Ngahau Davis Joint General Managers, He Iwi Kotahi tatou Trust, MoerewaSir John Goulter Company Chair, Chair of Ngapuhi Asset Holding Co LimitedLorraine Hill Northland Regional Councillor and community leaderGeorge Riley Iwi Development Coordinator, Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngapuhi and Leadership NZ Alumnus 2009Liz Marsden Interim Manager, Te Runanga a IwiRobert Willoughby Hapu Development, Ngati KutaSir Paul Reeves Chancellor, AUT; former Governor GeneralWayne Brown Mayor, Far North District Council

May – 21st century Governance – NZ Post house, Parliament, Olympic MuseumNZ governance in a global context (central, local, corporate, SOE), the changing role of the state and societal expectations, participation in decision making, the citizen’s role in democracy, personal development and leadership in sport.

Colin James Political Journalist & CommentatorHon Dr Lockwood Smith Speaker of the House of Representatives, NZ ParliamentVicki Buck Community Developer, former Mayor of ChristchurchBarry Maister Secretary General of NZ Olympic CommitteeCharles Callis Director of the Olympic Museum, WellingtonChris Ineson Owner and Director, Driving Forces, OtakiMai Chen Founding Partner of Chen Palmer, Barristers & SolicitorsProf Jonathon Boston Director, Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria UniversityDr Therese Arseneau Political Commentator; Senior Fellow, University of CanterburyDr Fiona Barker Lecturer, School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, Victoria UniversityDr Alan Bollard Governor of the New Zealand Reserve Bank of NZ

Programme Overview

JuNe – The New Zealand economy – copthorne hotel commodore and chateau on the Park, christchurchEconomic and business challenges, entrepreneurship, Maori economic development, natural resources and energy, the interconnection with the environment and communities and the learnings from the special place that is Antarctica.

Dr Don Elder CEO, Solid EnergyPeri Drysdale CEO, Untouched WorldDr Lou Sanson CEO, Antarctica New ZealandSir Tipene O’Regan Asst Vice Chancellor (Maori) University of CanterburyPeter Townsend CEO, Canterbury Employer’s Chamber of CommerceDr Warren Parker CEO, Landcare ResearchJohn Penno CEO, SynlaitSacha McMeeking General Manager Strategy and Influence, Te Runanga o Ngai TahuBob Frame Principal Scientist, Sustainability and Society, Landcare Research

auGuST – rural New Zealand – Dairy NZ and agresearch, hamiltonNZ, a biotic economy, Global food demands and trends, the opportunities and challenges NZ faces in global food markets of great complexity, Food futures – showing the way, a NZ journey along the global food trails, NZ leaders looking for leads.

Prof. Jacqueline Rowarth Professor of Pastoral Agriculture, Massey UniversityAssociate Prof Hugh Campbell Director of the Centre for the Study of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, University of OtagoGreg and Gerry Glover Directors/Dairy Farmers, Drumlea Farm, WaikatoJohn Van Vliet & Jaimee Burns Managing Directors, JR Orchards, WairarapaWarren Taylor Director, Greenfield Group, MarlboroughSam Robinson Chair, AgResearchDr Stewart Ledgard Principal Scientist, Climate, Land and the Environment, AgResearchDr K ‘Vish’ Viswanath Section Manager, Applied Biotechnologies, AgResearchDr Stephen (Steve) Goldson Executive Director AgResearch & Strategy Advisor, The Office of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory CommitteeDr Tim Mackle CEO, Dairy NZNicola Shadbolt Associate Professor, Farm and Agribusiness Management, Massey UniversityGrant Howie Integrated Category Manager, Silver Ferns Farms, OtagoVaughan White Marketing Manager, PGG Wrightson Ltd, Canterbury

SePTeMber – Media Session – bell gully, Vero centre, auckland & KPMG, Viaduct harbour avenue, aucklandAspects of media, film, television, radio, social documentary, new media, how media contributes to the way we think.

Dr Wayne Hope Associate Professor, School of Communication Studies, AUT UniversityDr Martin Hirst Associate Professor, School of Communication Studies, AUT UniversityJohn Barnett CEO, South Pacific PicturesGordon McLaughlin Writer and EditorSonya Haggie Acting CEO, Maori Television

Qiujing Wong Owner, BORDERLESS ProductionsChe Tamahori Managing Director, SHIFT and Alumnus 2005Rod Oram Journalist and CommentatorCarol Hirschfeld Head of Programming, Maori TelevisionJohn Campbell Journalist and Presenter, ‘Campbell Live’Oscar Kightley Comedian, Writer, Firehorse FilmsLouise Marra Director, Spirited Leadership

OcTOber – Leadership and innovation – Kiwibank at NZ Post house & Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School,WellingtonCreative systems thinking for society’s needs.

John Allen CEO and Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and TradeDiana Crossan Retirement CommissionerSam Knowles Former CEO Kiwibank LtdDr Helen Anderson Independent Director, former CEO MoRSTDr Ocean Mercier Lecturer, Maori Studies, Victoria University, Member of MoRST Oxygen GroupDr Richard Shaw Lecturer, Massey University, Member of MoRST Te Waka Tangata GroupJo Randerson Writer, Director, Performer and EntrepreneurChris Mulcare Investment Manager, Clean Technology, Investment New ZealandKeith Turner Company Director, Chair, New Zealand InstituteNick Gerritsen Principal, Crispstart

NOVeMber – New Zealand on the Global Stage – browns bay boating club & Northridge country Lodge

Tony Nowell Director Valadenz Ltd and Deputy Chair Leadership NZNeil Walter Former Diplomat, Company DirectorProfessor Richard Faull Director, Centre for Brain Research, NeuroscientistPenny Hulse Deputy Mayor Auckland City, Alumnus 2008Andrew Ferrier CEO, FonterraJonathan Ling CEO, Fletcher Building LtdLouise Marra Director, Spirited Leadership


Graduand BiographiesGraduand Biographies

Tui Ah L00 Director, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi Tāmaki

BackgroundI have been raised in a Whānau steeped in tikanga Māori influenced strongly by my Ngāti Porou and Tuhoe parents which has informed and underpinned my leadership and the roles I have been employed in. I have worked in a variety of roles, mainly within the public sector, ranging from providing advice, information and support to the Māori community to providing Māori responsiveness and effectiveness advice to senior management in the departments I have worked for. For the past 10 years, I have been in leadership roles in the tertiary sector, leading to the provision of a “one stop shop” for Māori stu-dents on campus as well as leading the develop-ment of the operational management of Unitec’s Te Noho Kotahitanga marae. More recently I was appointed as the Director of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi Tāmaki campus, responsible for leading the development and operational management of the Auckland campus at Unitec in Mt Albert, Auckland.

ReflectionMy time spent on Leadership New Zealand has provided me with a deep and meaningful insight into the engine room of leadership in Aotearoa – New Zealand. I have been exposed to leaders that I would never have had the opportunity to meet. The programme has provided me with an opportunity to broaden my learning and experi-ences and strengthen my ability to dialogue across a wider sector of the community.

Skills offeredProviding Māori responsiveness and effective-ness advice to senior management to enable them to actively engage with the Māori com-munity with confidence.

Current community involvementInaugural member of Porou Ariki kapa haka group; member of the Auckland District Police Māori Advisory board; member of Unitec’s Runanga.

Location Auckland

Nick AstwickGeneral Manager, Consumer Finance, Kiwibank

BackgroundWith a background in retail and investment banking in New Zealand and abroad, I returned home from London in early 2003 looking for a wonderful opportunity to build a leadership career back here in Godzone. This wonderful opportunity presented itself with Kiwibank, shortly after its launch, to be part of a great team with the goal of building a great business that all New Zealanders are proud of. Eight fran-tic years later, I am very proud of what we have achieved but mindful of my ongoing responsibil-ity to ensure we continue the progress from suc-cessful start-up to a great company. My current role at the bank is a member of the executive leadership team with functional responsibility for the consumer finance business.

ReflectionMy biggest take out from my participation in the Leadership New Zealand programme is that to be a great leader in New Zealand is so much more than being functionally excellent in your job. Great leadership is about presence and that presence is hard earned, not bestowed. In my opinion, I have learnt that the core of leader-ship is largely based around having a ‘holistic’ viewpoint born out of a rich understanding of the past and an eye to the future, the presence of well formed and tested beliefs, the degree and breadth of personal experience, clear and concise communication, to think big not small and most importantly, to have the faith and conviction to do what is right and follow your vision.

Skills offeredLeadership; governance; financial services expe-rience; strategy & organisational development; marketing; risk management.

Current community involvementLocal School, Community Micro Lending Initia-tives.


Glen BennettLocal Coordinator, Incedo New Zealand

BackgroundExcept for a two-year stint in the television industry, the rest of my adult life has been spent serving in the community and youth sectors; first in Wellington and now for the past 10 years in New Plymouth. I’ve worked for The Salvation Army, Presbyterian Services and Youth for Christ. Now with Incedo, a Christian mission order, I offer an open home of hospitality and long-term accommodation for teenage boys. I also offer community support and run projects around community engagement and participa-tion in Marfell, a lower socioeconomic suburb of New Plymouth.

ReflectionUnderstanding myself better, building my confi-dence, recognising my talents and skills, seeing that leaders come in very different shapes and sizes has all been part of my learning through-out the Leadership New Zealand programme this year. I have often seen leadership as something reserved for the articulate, educated and power-ful, but now see that leadership is something I have and something that I must embrace with a humble reverence. Through the programme, I have grown hugely and feel challenged to step up and build into the future of New Zealand where I am.

Skills offeredParticipatory action research work; community issues facilitation; community events coordina-tion; group facilitation.

Current community involvementChairperson of Marfell Combined Culture Trust, Marfell Community School Board of Trustees member.


Graduand Biographies


Graduand Biographies class of 10

Devin BrownSales Manager, Asia Pacific, Northpower Ltd

BackgroundBorn and raised in Canterbury, I have lived in Auckland for the past 12 years. I hold degrees from Lincoln University, in BCom Valuation and Property Management and BCom Marketing. Most of my career has been involved around sales, marketing and project management. The main sectors I have worked in are electricity distribution, commercial property development and telecommunications.

ReflectionLeadership appeared simple on the outside. Consensus, buy in, win-win outcomes; all phases associated with leadership? However true leader-ship is the most complex and diverse subject I have ever experienced. To date, Leadership New Zealand has completely redefined how I see and would now implement my own leadership journey. Given its complexity, my challenge is to take the inspirations and guidelines provided by the diverse range of leaders we have interacted with to change my own leadership style. As I am fast becoming aware, one’s own style of leader-ship will continue to evolve to meet the variety of change you are required to implement. Prior to Leadership New Zealand, I defined people into leaders and non-leaders, however I now believe that everyone has the potential to become a leader to a certain level. It is my hope to develop my leadership style so that I can learn to foster that potential or spark. I think now a true leader is one that can create, recognise and implement change across all forms of diversity.

Skills offeredFinancial, commercial and project management; development and implementation of strategies to grow organisations. These skills have been refined in the sectors of commercial property development, electricity distribution, manufac-turing and more lately telecommunications.


Gordon BrownRegional Contracts Manager, Downer New Zealand

BackgroundMy current role is the Regional Contracts Manager for Downer New Zealand, covering the Auckland and Northland regions and I am re-sponsible for all contracts that we either tender, operate or wish to secure.

I have been in the civil engineering industry for some 30 years and have worked across con-struction, consultant and client organisations. I have lived and worked in South Africa, England, USA, New Zealand and Australia. I am also an International qualified football (soccer to the philistines) coach.

I left the UK for the last time in 1999 and landed in New Zealand, where I embarked upon an array of interesting jobs before signing a contract with Opus Consultants in Whangarei. I spent two years there before moving to Tauranga and then onto Napier and Wellington. I now live in Auckland and have a home in Tairua.

Reflection “Like standing on a mountain top and looking into the heart of the country and its peoples.”

The year has provided me with unprecedented access to the people and industries that I believe make New Zealand tick. I have seen tri-umphs, tragedies, challenges and beliefs from a range of perspectives and this has been a unique experience in itself.

Some people have left me charged and up-lifted, others have shown me that there is still a long way to go to forge the direction in which we should all go to develop and shape this coun-try and ensure that it is an enduring success for its future generations.

Skills offeredPeople mentoring; planning and programming skills; relationship development; negotiating skills; I am an internationally qualified soccer coach.

Current community involvementNil – although I have worked in youth de-velopment through development of sporting academies and school tuition through physical education programmes.

Location Auckland (Coromandel at weekends)

Olive BrownProject Manager HIKTT Retrofit, He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust, Moerewa

BackgroundMy current position is the Project Manager of HIKTT Retrofit and the Administration Manager for Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau. He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust (HIKTT) is a not-for-profit commu-nity organisation established in the early 1980s, focusing on Community Development – developing programmes that meet the needs of the commu-nity and growing initiatives from the ground up.

Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau is a joint venture partnership that was established in early 2008 between two long established Northland charitable community enterprises – He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust (HIKTT) and the Community Business & Environment Centre (CBEC) from Kaitaia. Retrofitting involves installing ceiling and underfloor insulation, underfloor polythene, hot water cylinder wrap and draught stopping around doors.

ReflectionI have been challenged in many areas – my thinking, my values, my beliefs, even when I truly believed I knew an issue like the back of my hand; I was pushed to question all that I know and all that I thought I knew. I have been challenged to listen – really listen, dump all my prejudices at the door and go into a conversa-tion with a truly open mind, to actively listen to an idea, concept etc. In my opinion leader-ship is not just hierarchy, structure, process and skepticism, but it is also self-awareness, vision, compassion, and humility. Leadership is being able to connect with the past, present and future. It will nurture and nourish those moving forward.

Skills offeredImplementation of systems and processes, payroll, PAYE, GST, MYOB; board experience, mentoring.

Current community involvementHIKTT Board of Trustees staff representative; coffee Korero – Moerewa School Staff / parent focus group discussion. Women’s self esteem and assertion mentor.



Graduand BiographiesGraduand Biographies

Angela BullGeneral Manager Property Development, Foodstuffs (Auckland) Limited BackgroundI am a born and bred Aucklander, and a lawyer by training. I practised in environmental and planning law for 10 years prior to joining Foodstuffs in 2006. My current role involves leading a team who identify and secure sites suitable for supermarkets and the design and development of those supermarkets, ready for opening. It is an exciting and challenging role working with people who are very passionate about grocery shopping! I am also a passionate (very amateur) netballer, now retired and more of a passionate fan! ReflectionLeadership is such a personal and dynamic jour-ney. This year has offered a unique opportunity to hear the personal and professional journey of a diverse range of New Zealand leaders, and it has been a privilege to participate in such an inclusive and challenging environment. From those discussions I have become aware of my personal leadership values, accepted that I have and will continue to make mistakes, and that the learnings from those mistakes make you a better leader. The friendships formed this year will be so valuable in the years to come – from a bunch of strangers at the start of the year we have quickly become friends in a trusting and supportive environment. Skills offered Property; environmental law; governance. Current community involvement Dress for Success Auckland board member. LocationAuckland

Bernie ChoteGeneral Manager, Winstone Aggregates

BackgroundI am a Mining Engineer managing a fantastic iconic New Zealand firm that has a very proud and substantial history. I come from a very traditional pakeha background but one which allowed me to explore new ideas and concepts. I love a challenge and in the field I am in, there are plenty to deal with! I am a long-term thinker and player which suits my current role and allows me to deliver a brighter future for New Zealand and more importantly, my young boys Josh and Sam.

ReflectionMy Leadership New Zealand year has been a great exposure to the significant tapestry of New Zealand society. The structure of the programme allows indepth review of key issues and oppor-tunities facing all New Zealanders and as such, has made me think more widely when consider-ing my own personal and business challenges. Above all, Leadership New Zealand creates a conversation that targets positive outcomes for the future of New Zealand and does so across a fantastic diverse group of people.

Skills offeredProject management and delivery associated with resource projects; broad strategic planning and implementation, including converting strategy to action.

Current community involvement Coaching of junior soccer at Three Kings United Football Club; significant community liaison on the associated activities of Winstone Aggregates.

Location Auckland

Craig ChurchillSouth Island Regional Manager, Courier Post/Express Couriers Ltd

BackgroundAfter almost 30 years in the competitive transport and logistics industry and having held a number of senior sales and management positions, I currently look after Express Couriers Limited CourierPost operations in the Southern Region (a joint venture business between New Zealand Post and DHL) where I am respon-sible for a large network and team of staff and contractors spread over a number of sites throughout the lower half of New Zealand. I am a Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport in New Zealand.

ReflectionI have been really engaged by the Leadership New Zealand programme, having attended a number of leadership development programmes over my career that have been more about adding to my existing base of competencies and skills. The programme has challenged that very base, stripping away some of my previous views about leadership and what it took to be a leader within a true New Zealand context.

As leaders, we often become ‘siloed’ within our respective industries/fields, whereas the programme has broadened my understanding of the issues facing leaders within a diverse New Zealand context and made me think about what I actually give as a leader as opposed to what I take.

Skills offeredLeadership: Strategic planning; business devel-opment; supply chain and operational manage-ment; change management and organisation structure optimisation.


Graduand Biographies


Graduand Biographies class of 10

Barbara DelaneyLawyer

BackgroundThe first part of my adult working life was spent in the travel industry. I went to university as a mature student and spent five years doing a BA/LLB. I have been practising as a lawyer for the past five and a half years. During this period, I have also been a board member for a variety of not-for-profit organisations. I am currently a board member for Netball North.

ReflectionThe Leadership New Zealand programme brings with it a high level of interaction with a wide variety of New Zealand leaders. Having this interaction has meant that the notion I had of leadership has both changed and been chal-lenged. I have learnt that leadership comes in a wide variety of forms and does not necessarily mean that it is someone who is at the top of their industry or organisation. Leadership is also about being individual and creating a new environment so that other people may be able to lead a more fulfilling life.

From my perspective at this point in time, leadership is not a journey that is a straight line; it is generous, recognises talent and allows individuals to change and grow, it respects difference and honours values within a com-mercially bound world. Leadership is also an ever-changing state of mind for the person who has the leadership role and truly becomes moments of not what the challenges are that you face as an individual, but how you face those challenges and resolve them in a way that makes the difference.

Skills offeredGovernance; legal counsel.


Justin EnsorDirector, Corporate Finance, KPMG

BackgroundI am a Director in KPMG’s Financial Advisory Services team, specialising in the provision of valuation, acquisition and divestment and financing advice. I have over 17 years of profes-sional experience in New Zealand and London. Whilst training as a chartered accountant in the early stage of my career, I also trained as a town planner, before rejoining KPMG to focus on corporate finance.

ReflectionMy journey in leadership in 2010 has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience, and has provided a great opportunity to hear the stories of New Zealand leaders and to start the process of having a conversation about the issues and opportunities for New Zealand that need to be addressed. “Dogs don’t bark at parked cars.”

Skills offeredGovernance.


Tony GerritsenArchdeacon for Ministry Development, Anglican Church, Diocese of Wellington

BackgroundBeginning my career as a chemistry, physics and maths teacher at Feilding High School, I have been a parish priest in three churches in the North Island, served as chaplain of Wanganui Collegiate School, Principal of St Andrew’s High School in Tonga and for three years as Archdea-con for Mission. I am now Ministry Educator for the Diocese of Wellington; essentially covering the bottom half of the North Island. Married to Jillian, we have four children and two grand-children. Golf, gardening, reading and watching good movies fill my leisure time.

ReflectionLeadership New Zealand has broadened and given clearer definition to my understanding of what leadership is. I now see three important qualities in leaders: high emotional intelligence, strong relational ability and a preparedness to be vulnerable.

I have valued being with a group of such di-verse people as we have explored all the varied facets of what makes New Zealand the stunning place it is. I have learnt that water is the new gold, that while we may think we are ‘clean and green’ that quality may be up for debate and that our isolation means we need to think smarter about our economic and social future.

Skills offeredFacilitating reviews of organisations, primarily using the Appreciative Inquiry model. Assisting with conflict resolution.

Current community involvement Primarily through church and para-church organisations.

LocationPalmerston North


Graduand BiographiesGraduand Biographies

Deb GodinetManager Property, Auckland Transport

BackgroundI am a lawyer and planner by professional training. I have worked as a lawyer in both the private and public sectors. For the past sevenyears, I have worked at Auckland City Council as the manager of property development and more recently as manager of CBD projects. In Novem-ber I was appointed to the role of ManagerProperty for the new Auckland Transport organi-sation.

ReflectionThe programme redefined leadership for me, as a personal journey, an enquiry into who I am, what I stand for and what I will person-ally commit to create value for society. A unique opportunity and privilege to deepen my understanding of the critical issues constrain-ing our collective ability to improve and sustain the quality of life for all New Zealanders. We have met a lot of inspirational, intelligent, humorous and generous people who are creat-ing the space for people to deliver positive outcomes. I believe the experience will enable me to make a more effective contribution within my sphere of influence to a sustainable fu-ture for our children and grandchildren.

Skills offeredI am a lawyer and planner by professional train-ing and was recently awarded the Auckland City Council’s Chief Executive Urban Design Excel-lence Award.

Current community involvementI contribute to the community through my role as Group Manager of CBD Projects Auckland City Council, a strategic implementation unit with responsibility to deliver a 10 year strategy to transform Auckland’s CBD into a premier busi-ness location, civic and cultural centre, centre of excellence for education, research and devel-opment, and a high quality urban environment. Outside of my job I have no formal community commitment. Location Auckland

Stephen GuerinGeneral Manager Fruitfed Supplies, PGG Wrightson Ltd

BackgroundI am responsible for the strategic and operation-al direction as well as the development of our people for the Fruitfed Supplies business unit in the New Zealand horticultural market. The business operates from the Far North to Central Otago, with a highly dedicated and motivated team of up to 200 staff – in the peak of the sea-son – delivering solutions to our horticultural clients focused on food safety, market access and quality produce for the New Zealand domes-tic and international wine and food markets.

A desire to complete my professional qualifica-tions saw me join my current employer about 22 years ago. The reason I have stayed with my employer is because of the people I work with, the values of our organisation, the role we play in the New Zealand economy and the challenge of the various roles I have had.

ReflectionThis year has been one I will always remember. Why? The people on the course, the speakers we interacted with and the topics we covered. The key takeouts for me have been – there is no grand plan for New Zealand that we are working to. There is however a collection of people in communities with plans, ideas who are commit-ted to making a difference. It falls on us all to listen, research topics of importance, discuss and get involved in our communities to make a difference. The leadership journey for me has only just started.

Skills offeredGovernance; finance; strategic planning; people management and development.

Current community involvementBoard member Netball North; Young Horticultur-alist of the Year.


Puamiria Maaka Manukura (General Manager), Te Waipuna Puawai Mercy Oasis LimitedBackgroundI am from Ngati Paruaharanui, Ngati Hinerangi hapu and Ngati Pikiao iwi and am a mother to three teens. I have spent over 20 years in management and leadership roles in local gov-ernment and community development and have an avid interest in social justice. My previous roles have included Roading Services Manager, Bicultural Relationships Manager with Auckland City, Accountant with Onehunga Borough and establishment Project Manager of Ka Mau Te Wero.

ReflectionI expected to be exposed to diverse leaders, peo-ple, perspectives, knowledges, values, and was. I looked forward to expanding my understanding of issues of significance to all New Zealanders, and I did. I hoped to become a member of a network that I would not otherwise have had access to, and I have. By holding the space and using a process of intentional, focussed, deep and spirited conversations I now know that we can find shared understanding and in spite of our differences, can work together on issues of common interest for the benefit of all. I didn’t expect to have hope restored for our collective future, but it has been. We each recognise that everyone has a contribution to make and collec-tively can encourage and support each other.

Skills offeredCommunity development; organisational management; relationship building with diverse communities; strategic thinking; project man-agement.

Current community involvementMember of Tāmaki Inclusive Engagement Strategy (TIES) team; member of Hunga Tiaki Rāpā and their elected observer at the Tāmaki Transformation Programme Board. Secretary for Paruaharanui Marae. Trustee on various Māori land trusts. Te Kura Māori O Nga Tapuwae parent and supporter.

LocationTamaki Makaurau (Auckland)

Graduand Biographies


Graduand Biographies class of 10

Selina Tusitala MarshTenured Lecturer, Poet, English Department, University of Auckland BackgroundI am of Samoan, Tuvalu, English and French de-scent. My mother’s maiden name, also my grand-father’s name ‘Tusitala’, means ‘storywriter’. It is a legacy I have grown into. In 2005 I was the first person of Pacific Island descent to gain a PhD in English at the University of Auckland under the supervision of Albert Wendt and Terry Sturm. I currently teach Maori and Pacific Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Auckland while researching Pacific poetry, women’s writing and global literature. I am also a poet and pub-lished my first collection, ‘Fast Talking PI’ (Auck-land: AUP) in 2009. In 2010 it won the coveted New Zealand Post Jessie Mackay Best First Book of Poetry Award. I continue to write and perform my poetry throughout New Zealand while living on Waiheke Island with my husband David (fel-low Avondale College prefect and sweetheart) and our three delicious boys: Javan (Hebrew for effervescent, full of life), Micah (Prophet of Just-ness and Mercy), and Davey (Beloved). ReflectionLeadership New Zealand has enabled me to experience different people, different paradigms, and different passions beyond my immediate environs. My experience this year has allowed me to be more comfortable and confident in standing firmly in my own unique leadership style which passionately embraces creativity in poetry and a compassion for marginalised communities. I have learnt so much from some of New Zealand’s most innovative, courageous, ingenious and stalwart leaders. I have also learnt much from my gifted, humble, funny, talented, committed, brave and adventurous fellow participants – some of whom I know I will know for life. For this year, I am humbly thankful. Skills offeredRunning creative writing workshops; editing self-published creative writing (poetry/short story). Current community involvementI am a regular speaker (as a Pasifika role model and poet) and performer at both primary and sec-ondary schools and other communities (Refugee Background Youth). I regularly edit unsolicited scripts from the Pacific community both within and beyond New Zealand. LocationAuckland

Scott McAlisterGeneral Manager, Cleeve Transport

BackgroundEducated at Canterbury University, I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Ad-ministration. After 18 months as a rep I moved into the management of the family transport business. The role has now evolved into the management of three separate transport compa-nies based in Auckland and Christchurch.

ReflectionLeadership New Zealand has allowed me time to develop my style of leadership. You learn to question your approach and constantly evolve your style during the year. The broad range of speakers and participants give you insights into areas you have never experienced, leaving you very well equipped for the future.

Skills offeredOperations management; general management and strategic planning.

Current community involvementSurf lifesaving; kayaking.


Dave McAteerGeneral Manager, Foodstuffs Own Brands Ltd

BackgroundI joined the Foodstuffs Group early in 2006, and recently was appointed to my current role leading a team of people who provide a national overlay for specific activities across three regional trading co-operatives. This mainly fo-cuses around the development and marketing of products where Foodstuffs has ownership of the brand identities. Prior to this position I enjoyed most of my working career within the grocery industry, predominantly in sales, marketing and general management roles within various food manufacturing businesses in New Zealand.

ReflectionI think this programme has truly been a privi-lege to participate in and provided a unique perspective on leadership across many dimen-sions. I have been personally challenged, as the programme has developed and have a positive sense of discomfort in reflecting on wider chal-lenges for our nation.

During the year, we often discussed the absence of appropriate debate and lack of long-term thinking or a defined vision. I think the metaphor, picturing a far distant horizon versus the movement of the tides at our feet, will stick with me. It challenges our ability to see further, to foresee more as we approach the horizon and it moves away, to persuade others to follow us while all the time, avoiding the draw of simply the inevitable flowing tides.

Skills offeredI have a broad commercial experience, anchored in the grocery sector covering both sides of the industry. This includes exposure to custom-ers through the Foodstuffs Group and also broadly across a number of supplier businesses in various management roles. I have experi-ence in negotiation, sales, marketing, merger & acquisition projects, together with experience in leading teams. I enjoy providing mentor and leadership support on both an individual and group basis.



Graduand BiographiesGraduand Biographies

Claire McQuilken Head of Insurance Systems and Information, ACC

BackgroundI have diverse experience in both public and pri-vate sectors and have been at ACC for the past eight years. Originally working in the Relation-ship Management area, I am now leading a team of dedicated people who manage ACC’s levy payer information and invoicing systems.

ReflectionLeadership New Zealand has been a journey of discovery. Each month has provided stimulating and provocative ideas, conversation and debate that have challenged my world view, my under-standing of leadership and my thinking for the future. I have been inspired by the environment and challenged to continue my journey.

Skills offeredMentoring; management; leadership develop-ment.

LocationsChristchurch, Wellington

Steve MerchantManager, Call Centres, Auckland Council

Background I am the Manager Call Centres for the new Auck-land Council and lead a team of talented people to deliver a high quality customer service to the people of Auckland. My previous roles in local government, banking and telecommunications have been primarily operational and I am very excited about the opportunity I have to work at a more strategic level and help shape the future of Auckland Council service delivery. On the home front, I am married, have three boys and live in West Auckland, a far cry from the city of London where I was born.

Reflection The year with Leadership New Zealand has pro-vided me with the opportunity to meet a fan-tastic group of leaders from diverse backgrounds and consistent exposure to speakers of amazing-ly high quality. To say that this year has chal-lenged my thinking would be an understatement and it has seen me lift my vision from what is just in front of me to what feels like brand new horizons. I feel I have a greater sense of what it means to be a servant leader, what contributing to the community really looks like and just how much potential we have as a nation. I also feel a greater sense of responsibility for developing the next generation of leaders and taking a step up to help make New Zealand an even greater place to live.

Skills offeredCoaching and mentoring.

Location Auckland

Judy NichollGeneral Manager, Human Resources, Auckland International Airport Ltd

BackgroundI have worked for Auckland Airport since early 2006, providing strategic HR leadership through several years of changes and challenges. Prior to the airport, I worked in a diverse range of industries, sectors and companies.

ReflectionThe Leadership New Zealand programme created a space to think deeply and critically on leader-ship. An inspiring space that working life rarely permits. The type of thinking is like a circle of ‘ripples’ – interesting and inspiring at the core and at the time, but each re-visit of the con-cepts is deeper, more linked and encompasses more – work, home, life, NZ.... an immersion in perspectives that I have grown from. Thank you.

Skills offeredStrategy; human resource leadership; conflict resolution.


Graduand Biographies


Graduand Biographies class of 10

Stuart OrmeRegistered Forest Consultant (and aspiring wilderness/fishing guide)

BackgroundI was born in Southland, raised in North Otago and established in the Wairarapa 23 years ago (as part of a 12 month visit on the way back south).

I have a 30-year background in the New Zea-land forest industry with management involve-ment in training, all facets of forest operations, processing and marketing, culminating in full value chain consulting over the past 10 years as a private consultant.

Interests include a love and commitment to family, the outdoors and land-based industry as part of New Zealand’s history and future.

ReflectionWhen considering applying for the Leadership New Zealand programme, a former chairman, mentor and friend advised it would do me good “to get out of the ‘valley’ and gain a wider perspective” – how true those words were.

It has been a privilege to spend time with such a diverse range of views, ideas, perspectives, support and honest discussion, encapsulated in the attendees and presenters to this year’s 2010 Leadership New Zealand programme.

It is a rare thing to have/make the time to re-flect meaningfully on so much quality interaction.

I have been challenged to reconsider my posi-tions on many things, some have been reinforced, others have taken a qualified paradigm shift – all have added positively.

I will always be grateful that the selection panel made this opportunity available to me and look forward to a continuing involvement with Leader-ship New Zealand in the years ahead.

Skills offeredGovernance experience both on start-up and established boards; land-based perspective to New Zealand opportunities and challenges (strategy, planning, implementation…mentor-ing); ‘camp fire’ relaxation to Leadership New Zealand alumni.

Current community involvement Board member of Tourism Wairarapa; chair of the New Zealand Farm Forest Association - Wairarapa Branch; trustee on the ‘Reach House Trust’.

LocationMasterton – Wairarapa

Kirsty Pillay-HansenNational Training Manager, Foundation for Youth Development

BackgroundI am an Indian-Pakeha woman, a committed mother and partner, family member and friend. I am non-judgmental, socially inclusive and respectful. I am a professional who strives for diverse learning and challenges. Being a young leader in my field, I value working collaborative-ly and sharing knowledge and resources. I have demonstrated my leadership skills and capacity through a range of diverse work, voluntary and networking roles. I am passionate about contrib-uting my new skills back into my organisation, networks and community.

ReflectionA dynamic, challenging and stimulating experi-ence. The Leadership New Zealand experience provides diverse opportunities for personal and professional development. I have grown intellectually and emotionally and have learnt more effectively how to stretch myself beyond my usual comfort zone. I’ve met an amazing group of people and engaged on new topics and learning.

Skills offeredYouth development; youth participation; train-ing and facilitation; youth sector collaboration; project management; mentoring.

Current community involvementCommittee member and representative on several national youth sector networks and organisations, Community Plunket and whanau playgroups; involvement in projects in local community.


Diana RattrayVicar, All Saints Ponsonby, Anglican Church – Diocese of Auckland

BackgroundWith degrees in Psychology and Theology much of my work has been centred around communi-ty building and working alongside people of all ages. I have a passion for working with young people and those on the fringes of society. I make a serious effort to cycle as my main form of transport as well as for recreation.

ReflectionThis year has been a fantastic opportunity to interact with a cross-section of New Zealand leaders as well as to learn from and be chal-lenged by them. I have been on an amazing journey and the opportunity to reflect on leadership has increased my desire to make a difference for good in my work role, community and country. It was great to experience and learn from sectors of business and industry with which I had no previous contact.

Skills offeredCommunity project management; chaplaincy; celebrant; pastoral care; group facilitation; mentoring.

Current community involvement Church ministry and leadership; Police Chaplain; New Zealand Police Nga Pirihimana O Aotearoa.

Location Auckland


Graduand BiographiesGraduand Biographies

Emily RedmondHead of Business Management, Insurance and Prevention Services, ACC BackgroundMy working career has consisted of roles in both the private and public sectors. In the private sector, I worked in brand development and marketing manager positions, and in the public sector, customer relationships and business management. I graduated from Victoria Univer-sity with a Bachelor of Science.

I enjoy questioning the status quo and I value relationships, honesty, and free spirited inde-pendent thinkers who aren’t afraid of taking risks and standing up for what they believe in.

I have a seven-year-old son who is absolutely wonderful and who keeps me on my toes!

ReflectionThe Leadership New Zealand experience has been a fantastic journey. The quality of speakers has been second to none and the experience of being in an environment once a month with diverse, smart, interesting colleagues has been invaluable.

My thinking and skills around leadership has strengthened and my knowledge of the issues facing New Zealand has broadened significantly. Overall it has been a thoroughly rewarding experience and I’m extremely grateful to ACC for giving me the opportunity to participate.

Skills offeredBusiness planning; business writing; strategy development.


Chellie SpillerPost-Doctoral Fellow, Te Ara Poutama, AUT University

BackgroundI am tangata whenua (Ngati Kahungunu) and tangata Tiriti (Pakeha). I have a Masters in International Relations (Victoria University) and a doctorate in Māori business (University of Auckland). My research shows why and how all businesses can create relational wellbeing and wealth in terms of Five Wellbeings – economic, social, environmental, cultural and spiritual. I teach Māori economic development and manage-ment, and am undertaking Fulbright research on indigenous modes of business. My previous roles include 15 years abroad developing tours into countries as diverse as Bhutan and North Korea. I have also worked in personal invest-ment advice, training, and sustainability with my husband Rodger.

ReflectionMy Māori mentors have taught me that a task of the leader is to create Te Ao Marama, a world of learning and enlightenment, through transform-ing the potential of Te Kore into reality. The leaders I met this year have demonstrated a stunning range of ways to release the potential in people, opportunities, and challenges. Their personal stories about what makes them get up in the morning, what keeps them awake at night, their vision, hopes and aspirations have inspired my research, writing, and speaking. I have been inspired by my Leadership New Zealand colleagues, a diverse group united in a desire to contribute to helping New Zealand fulfil its potential. Skills offeredCoach; mentor; keynote speaker; training on Māori business approaches.

Current community involvement Speaking to diverse groups on relational wealth and wellbeing; involvement in the Virtues Group and NVC (Compassionate Communication); member of international organisations dedicated to creating equality; member of Academy of Management.


Matt StrattonInvestment Administrator, ASB Community Trust

BackgroundI have worked in the investment arena for the past 25 years. I have been at the ASB Commu-nity Trust since 2001 supporting the wonderful work of not for profit groups in the Auckland and Northland regions. Prior to that, I spent five years at Sovereign Funds Management as an Investment Analyst. I have also worked in the industry in Sydney and London. A born and bred Aucklander, I live in Ponsonby with Rebecca and our two children.

ReflectionThe insights and experiences shared by the diverse mix of outstanding New Zealanders and the opportunity to question and challenge them among our fine group of participants has been inspirational. The programme has provided me with much thought around the many real issues that face Aotearoa and the world going forward. One key takeaway for the year would be a quote from Dr Morgan Williams, that while personal leadership is important, support and team thinking are the ultimate determinants of success.

Skills offeredOperations & process management; investment strategy & planning.


Graduand Biographies


Graduand Biographies class of 10

Hilary SumpterCEO, YWCA Auckland

BackgroundAfter some years working overseas, I returned to New Zealand working in the corporate world, then went to the creative sector and am now in the social profit arena, working with women’s leadership development, gender equity and community strengthening. My experiences have given me broad-ranging skills and have required me to have knowledge of all sectors, to stay aware of trends, patterns and market forces. I’ve had to learn to work at all levels and to communicate effectively within all spheres. I’m passionate about sports, the arts and our great wee nation – and everything that affects it. My greatest achievement without doubt has been parenthood – the next generation of amazing New Zealanders.

ReflectionThis has been a year to raise my eyes to the horizon, and it has been transformational. Through conceptual in-depth dialogue, we’ve been given the gift of vision from some of our country’s leading minds. It’s been affirming of who I am and what I am doing, and totally clarified where I am going. We have been chal-lenged to address the issues, to not shy away, to take our places as leaders in New Zealand, to take responsibility for our inter-generational futures. I have relished the experiences and am committed to the challenge of being a contribu-tor to Aotearoa’s long-term future.

Skills offeredGovernance; communications; planning; innova-tion; problem solving; negotiation; partnership development & collaboration.

Current community involvement National Council – NZAAHD; National Council of Women – Auckland Executive; eNACT – Charita-ble Events Company.

LocationsAuckland and Northland

Caine ThompsonViticulturist, Mission Estate Winery. Director, Spatial Solutions

BackgroundI am the Viticulturist for Mission Estate based in Hawkes Bay. I am responsible for strategic and tactical management for company fruit supply, including company owned vineyards and liaison with contract growers. I am also Director of Spatial Solutions precision viticultural agri-culture company, offering NDV1, EM38 and GPS mapping of vineyards, orchards and farms in New Zealand. Technical advisor, Gimblett Grav-els, Assistant Project Manager of VEP, Massey University training – BapplSc and PGDiploma in Plant Science.

Born and raised in Tauranga, aged 28. 2009 Young Horticulturist of the Year.

ReflectionWe have met some of New Zealand’s great lead-ers who have shaped themselves, companies, people, society and communities over a wide range of sectors, business and organisation which has been amazing to be part of. The diversity of the people, their experiences and the leadership style each person and speaker has is all available to learn from. It has been a privilege to listen and learn. Leadership New Zealand and the people we have met through this programme highlighted the necessity and importance of a vision and passion to achieve.

Skills offeredBudgeting; development/tracking – horticul-tural/viticultural advice; business management; logistics management.

LocationHawkes Bay

Melanie WoodfordHead of Sales and Service, ANZ Bank

BackgroundI am a 37-year-old professional woman jug-gling a career I love with motherhood. It isn’t easy. I grew up in a military family of mixed religion and mixed ethnicity. I have lived in five different countries so am used to adapting. I call myself ‘other European’. I studied Educa-tion Welfare at university but discovered I was sorely lacking at teaching practice.

As a result, I stumbled into banking and the rest is history as they say... I found that I had two key skills that made me attractive to this industry – I could sell and I could lead. Fifteen years later I am at the top of my profession. I am also the mother of a 2-year-old which is a far more rewarding job.Belonging to a generation that was told ‘you can have it all’ has been interesting. My great-est challenge has been to continue to redefine what ‘success’ means. And, in turn, what failure means.

My personal challenge is to master my own drivers. ReflectionLeadership New Zealand challenged me. I ini-tially felt marginalised as an Anglo Saxon em-ployee of a ‘for profit’ organisation. The greatest benefit of this programme to me has been the opportunity to build a network from passionate New Zealanders from different industries. I have been challenged intellectually and culturally. Through this, I have found a peace around what it means to be Te Tiriti. Skills offeredAligning strategy to action; aligning fundraising to PR. Current community involvement None currently. Previously, a mentor for Future Leaders within YWCA. LocationAuckland


Leadership Week Dinner

“I have been inspired by the environment and challenged to continue my journey.”CLAIRE MCQUILKEN

“I have grown intellectually and emotionally and have learnt more effectively how to stretch myself beyond my usual comfort zone.”KIRSTY PILLAY-HANSEN “I also feel a greater sense of responsibility for developing the next generation of leaders and taking a step up to help make New Zealand an even greater place to live.”STEVE MERCHANT

“The programme has provided me with a deep and meaningful insight into the engine room of leadership in Aotearoa, New Zealand.”TUI AH LOO

“The Leadership New Zealand programme created a space to think deeply and critically on leadership. An inspiring space that working life rarely permits.”JUDY NICHOLL

“I have been challenged intellectually and culturally. Through this, I have found a peace around what it means to be Te Tiriti.”MELANIE WOODFORD


Café Events

“I have been challenged to reconsider my positions on many things, some have been reinforced, others have taken a qualified paradigm shift – all have added positively.”STUART ORME “I have been on an amazing journey and the opportunity to reflect on leadership has increased my desire to make a difference for good in my work role, community and country.”DIANA RATTRAY

“I have become aware of my personal leadership values, accepted that I have and will continue to make mistakes and that learnings from these mistakes make you a better leader.”ANGELA BULL “Leadership is also about being individual and creating a new environment so other people may be able to lead a more fulfilling life.”BARBARA DELANY


Luck, according to the Macquarie Dictionary is “good fortune, advantage or success considered as a result of chance”. The Oxford Dictionary calls it “chance thought of as a force that brings either good or bad fortune”.

It seems a little ironic to be focussed on luck during a leadership week, as leadership is generally regarded as either an innate skill or a disciplined approach. I think of golfer Arnold Palmer’s often used quote that “the more I practise the luckier I get”.

But here I think we are using luck as a proxy for a leading environ-ment – a country that strives to be world class by using its resources to the best advantage and is constantly looking for the next way to make it better still. We’ve all heard the saying “you make your own luck”. Luck is not, however, all it takes to be successful. For a leader or a country there needs to be an environment and a mindset to allow luck to flourish. It could be argued that we have the advan-tage of low barriers to luck as New Zealand remains one of the most deregulated countries in the world.

To start a company you only need a dollar or two, one director and 15 minutes to register the company via the internet. Compare this with many other countries, particularly in Europe. New Zealand has a higher proportion of small businesses than many, but not all, OECD countries – but perhaps this is be-cause we don’t grow large companies.

What does New Zealand have that could create the view of it being “lucky”?

People or, more correctly, demog-raphy. We have a demographic that reflects global markets and that is willing to try new products and technologies. For example, New Zealand had one of the first eftpos systems in the world.

We could have four million “testers” who trial new products and initiatives. This characteristic presents New Zealand with the pos-sibility of access to fresh thinking and ways of doing things ahead of the pack.

We obviously have the advantage of a great natural environment, uncrowded and clean. It is hardly surprising that two of our big earners of GDP are agriculture and tourism.

As was highlighted in the KPMG Agribusiness Agenda, and subse-quently echoed by Fonterra chairman Sir Henry van der Heyden, New Zealand’s current strength is in low-cost pastoral farming.

There is, however, increasing pressure on ownership of land, control of water and pace of scientific development as the world’s population demands security of food supply. We know that we should reduce our dependency on agriculture (at least in commodity form), even though it has been our historical lifeblood.

And what about our other big earner – tourism? It can be such a fickle thing, liable to slumps from disease, GFCs,

currency changes, carbon miles, natural events, crime, violence, and anything else that stops people from travelling.

Is it lucky that this beautiful and productive land also makes us dependent on two particular industries?

What are the alternatives? Various other opportunities have been presented – financial services hubs, new-age IT developments, more mining of our resources – onshore and offshore.

None of these ideas has been really transformational and perhaps we are blinkered by our history and the environment we think we are lucky to have. When we analyse the opportunities that other countries, which we would regard as much less “lucky”, have created for themselves we often excuse our lack of recent performance on the remoteness of New Zealand. It is just as well that our agricultural forefathers didn’t use this distance as a reason why they could not sell lamb to the United Kingdom, but instead, got on and developed the shipping of frozen meat.

Perhaps we should be thinking in much bigger terms – to have a strategy that will propel New Zealand back to the top of the OECD like it was before – not near the bottom like now.

To create this strategy we should look and learn from other coun-tries’ experiences. We talk about the “luck of the Irish” – but Ireland made its own luck becoming one of the most successful countries in the world. It is a pity that the model did not prove to be sustainable.

We should learn from and avoid the same mistakes.

More recently, Finland’s Nokia has been on the wrong side of the speed of change in technology. Nokia is

Finland’s biggest company – and a driver for that economy. However, analyst group IDC is now forecasting that Apple will overtake Nokia as the number one smartphone provider in a number of countries by the end of the year.

Then there is Singapore – an island of 710 square miles, although that is constantly increasing through reclamation. The growth and development in Singapore is staggering. Billion-dollar annual surpluses and a vibrant economy are fuelled by infrastructure, open immigration policies, targeted education and a government-led strat-egy and, most importantly, a passion to be world class.

Are they lucky or have they accepted what they have and given themselves every opportunity to succeed?

If we are to make our luck and move towards that balanced Sin-gapore basket rather than a Celtic boom-and-bust creation, we will need vision, planning and action.

We are fortunate to have a values-based culture, creating a positive environment for making our own luck. Integrity and honesty makes us one of the least corrupt countries in the world.

An egalitarian mind-set means while we are not exactly a classless society we are probably the closest thing to it.

Our Number 8 fencing wire “can do” attitude shows we have great inventiveness and DIY skill. How else would Weta Workshop and TradeMe soar?






KER Jan Dawson:

our lucky country


“It’s not enough to rely on the luck of being a beautiful country... or rest on our laurels based on our history.”




Jan Dawson: our lucky country


do we want to put in our balanced basket? What impact will it have on our existing society and will we accept the potential impact?

These are important questions, because if we don’t know where we want to be, then how can we possibly get there?

So given our history of luck – whether it is by chance or one we have made ourselves, what are the drivers for New Zealand going for-ward? It’s not enough to rely on the luck of being a beautiful coun-try, the luck that we have had to date, or rest on our laurels based on our history. We should learn from other countries’ mistakes, challenges and successes and apply those lessons for New Zealand.

We should capitalise on our uniqueness but be open to debate on a range of topics from the size of our population to lateral opportuni-ties to sell our lifestyle, knowledge and demography.

Our leaders need to enunciate a clear vision for New Zealand and work on bi-partisan political agendas such as savings and invest-ment. They need to support our financial health with well consid-ered policies.

We must provide the opportunity to keep or retrieve our skills and capabilities for New Zealand. Where we have world-class New Zealanders overseas, we need to access their desire and passion to benefit New Zealand internationally.

It will be a balanced scorecard that makes us lucky going forward, and we need to make our own luck in this respect.

It will take leaders – like you – driving the financial and social health of this country so it supports a society that offers opportu-nity for all New Zealanders and a vision to be world-class.

Taking a completely different view – are we really lucky? In Aus-tralia, winning Lotto is a 1 in 8 million chance. In the UK it is a 1 in 14 million chance. And in Texas, USA it is a 1 in 26 million chance.

In New Zealand we have a one in 3.8 million chance of winning Lotto. Perhaps we are the lucky country after all.

This speech, edited to fit, was delivered by KPMG chief executive Jan Dawson to the Leadership New Zealand Leadership Dinner in July.

We punch above our weight in some areas, notably sports – New Zealand has won the most Olympic Gold medals, per capita, of all participating countries.

We can be fearless in believing in ourselves – how great was the confidence shown by the All Whites in taking on the top football teams in the world?

We’re nimble but conservative when needs be. Four million people with these values should set up New Zealand

for the future, but as a comparatively small population we believe we have to look beyond our boundaries for opportunities and solutions. This view has led to the current situation with the Kiwi diaspora containing some of our most talented people – as evidenced in the KEA list of World Class New Zealanders.

Importantly, we need to provide the incentive for our KEAs to re-turn – preferably before retirement years so that they can help build our economy during their most productive years.

The US and European stars are waning and will be in darkness for the next 5-10 years with their debt/GDP issues, structural unem-ployment and a focus on their domestic recovery. Asia, in particular China and India, is in the ascendancy with the middle class growing both in earnings and consumption. And as luck would have it, they happen to be relatively close to our doorstep. A little further away, but not out of reach, is the emerging economy of Brazil.

New Zealand should be providing services, technology and know-how from food, energy, water, education and health.

Our tourism offering to the middle-class Chinese and Indians should have the same appeal as it did for the Japanese traveller in the 1980s and ’90s. At a higher value/luxury level than the backpacker.

Do we open our borders? Should we sell New Zealand’s lifestyle services – a safe haven in a troubled world? Or capitalise on our four million testers, with global companies, to test innovation in technology?

I am not necessarily advocating any of these options, but it is im-portant to look outside the historical square. The question is – what


My personal relationship with New Zealand begins in 1853. My first ancestor to place his feet on New Zealand soil was James McKenzie in 1853 at the age of 26. He was a tailor

by profession and was joined a few years later by his 20-year-old wife and daughter. His wife went on to have 12 children and died of influenza at 43 years of age. Today, one of my children carries the McKenzie name. In fact all my ancestors came to New Zealand between 1852 and 1866.

Today, I am an indigenous New Zealander – I am not a Pākehā. The Māori Dictionary Online defines ‘Pākehā’ as ‘a New Zealander of European descent’, and is derived from the Māori word pākepakeha, meaning fair-skinned folk. However, there is more to the term than what this definition implies. The term ‘Pākehā’ was used in the Māori version of te Tiriti to describe representatives ‘of the citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland’.

So while my ancestors may have left the United Kingdom over 150 years ago, I feel I belong here. I have no other country, I be-long to this country and this country belongs to me. So positioning myself as a non-Māori, or a Pākehā does not empower me. I have found I cannot define myself by what I am not; only by what I am.

As an indigenous New Zealander, I feel a responsibility to work hard on behalf of those who have gone before me, those who are living now and those who will live beyond me. I was told by my father, a King Country sheep and cattle farmer, that we do not own the land, but the land owns us; in other words we must look after the land for its own future, not for ours – we are but temporary guardians. He told me this while sitting on a steep hill behind our house as the sun went down, he was trying to put into words his feelings for the land that lay below us. That evening those ethics seeped into my unconscious, and drive my actions today.

My ‘indigenousness’ led to the establishment of a New Zealand think-tank that not only explores long-term scenarios but takes into consideration the wider New Zealand context. Central to this is the recognition of the diversity of New Zealanders, the diversity of issues we face and the unique challenges this diversity can present. It is with this in mind that we undertake research and policy analysis, exploring the complexity of our local context with the aim of contributing to the wider, ongoing debate on our future, both in terms of our people and our land.

Our research to date has helped me appreciate the exceptional leaders we have had in the past. I would like to see the contribu-tions of New Zealand’s past leaders more widely recognised, quoted and honoured. I want to see a sculpture of King Tāwhiao (1822-1895) outside Te Papa. He became the second Māori king in 1860 (150 years ago this year) and reigned for 34 years during one of the most difficult and discouraging periods of Māori history. King Tāwhiao left a legacy of principles and a vision for Tainui; the re-birth of a self-sufficient economic base, supported by the strength and stability of the people.

Alongside King Tāwhiao, I would like to see Julius Vogel (1835-1899). As the 1860s drew to a close, New Zealand faced a depres-sion – gold production fell and wool prices slipped. In response, Julius Vogel, the then Colonial Treasurer, believed that New Zealand could only grow if it was able to attract people and capital. In 1870, he obtained massive loans from the UK to embark on an ambitious public works programme, which invested heavily in rail-ways and roads. He was in effect solving many problems with one bold plan – arguably the first blueprint for New Zealand.

Vogel did not stop there. In 1889, while in retirement, he pub-lished a futuristic novel Anno domini 2000. This was four years be-fore New Zealand women won the right to vote. Here he predicted that by the end of the millennium women would hold the highest posts in the New Zealand government and that poverty would have vanished. Here are some of his other predictions: • Air travel is universal, in lightweight aluminium ‘air-cruisers’ powered by ‘quickly revolving fans’. (This was 16 years before the Wright Brothers’ flight.)• Hydroelectricity is a major power source and large dams are constructed on the outflow from Lake Wakatipu.• Tourism, fishing and horticulture are important sources of for-eign exchange for New Zealand and we become a world-class wine producer.




SAGE Wendy McGuinness:

On being an indigenous New Zealander



lines of the five traits described above, and lucky enough to have leaders able to build a ‘solid constitutional foundation for the 21st century’. The Institute believes this could be delivered through a new treaty – a written constitution.

Importantly, underlying this discussion is recognition of three types of conversation. The relationship between these types of discussions can be conceived as three linked layers of dialogue, that together comprise a conversation about the future of New Zealand. A national conversation is clearly the most important; as the author of Global Citizens wrote, “remember that ‘one’ comes before two”; a reminder that all individuals have rights and respon-sibilities as New Zealand citizens. A Treaty conversation is next in importance because of our history and commitment to living and working together as ‘two peoples’. Thirdly, the multicultural conversation needs also to be addressed, particularly in view of the increasing numbers of migrants coming to New Zealand from the Pacific and Asia, and our responsibilities to all other ethnic minori-ties who have committed to this country.

In order to develop consensus about New Zealand’s long-term future, it is critical that a range of initiatives are put in place to build dialogue between the layers, so as to create a cohesive and robust foundation upon which to discuss and resolve current and emerging complex issues.

One such initiative came out of the Māori Party/National Party Confidence and Supply agreement in November 2008, which was a commitment to get together a group to consider constitutional issues. Another is the Institute’s initiative. Late in March the Institute is running a workshop. We believe New Zealand needs thinkers that can communicate and doers that can listen, so that New Zealand is both lucky and clever in the years to come. If this sounds like you, please join us – see www.strategynz.info.

Wendy McGuinness is the Chief Executive of the Sustainable Future Institute, an independent think tank specialising in research and policy analysis. She completed the Leadership New Zealand Pro-gramme in 2007.

On being an indigenous New Zealander• By changing soil chemistry, central North Island land is brought into productive use.• New Zealand is a leader in Antarctic research.

More recently we have had people like James Duncan (1921-2001), the Chair of the Commission for the Future. The Commission’s work is fascinating and remains relevant today, so in honour of its signifi-cant work we named our reference library – the James Duncan Refer-ence Library. Last year, at the launch, we published a think piece, claiming ‘New Zealand is No Longer New’ and as such, while we need to celebrate our past, we also need to have clarity about our future.

While looking for a theme for our upcoming workshop on this very topic, I picked up a reprint of a 1977 book, titled The Luck Factor. The American author, Max Gunthner, put forward five traits that can make people luckier, and it got me thinking about wheth-er they could also be used to help make a country lucky. So here they are, re-interpreted by me, on how to make a country lucky:1. The spiderweb structure: The government focuses on develop-ing great networks both nationally and internationally, the wider and broader the better.2. The hunching skill: The government supports culture that allows, accepts and supports people and companies acting on hunches. Importantly a hunch is not based on a hope or wish; rather it is based on a process where final decisions are made by weighing up both hard and soft data, in other words, a ‘gut-feel’ is both allowed and nurtured. 3. Fortune favours the bold: The government adopts a considered, flexible, responsive and bold approach as the way forward. Public servants continuously monitor the landscape, test assumptions, look for lucky opportunities and when appropriate act boldly. Gunthner cautions that there is a distinction between being bold and being rash.4. The ratchet effect: The government is inquiring, observant and responsive to positive and negative impacts of policies. In particu-lar, rather than getting into a rut, managers are quick to acknowl-edge mistakes, cut losses and move on. 5. The pessimism paradox: The government adopts a precaution-ary approach. Government policy needs to take into account the worst case scenario, as no country is immune from plain bad luck. Taking a precautionary approach is necessary in order to protect a country; and as such, helps make a country lucky.

Interestingly, the phrase ‘a lucky country’ has history. Austral-ian author Donald Horne, branded Australia ‘The Lucky Country’ in 1964. The label was applied ironically as he considered Australia to be lucky rather than clever. Forty years later, Horne noted that ‘the lucky country’ provides a descriptive phrase, condemning Australia for what it was, whereas the clever country is a prescriptive phrase, suggesting what Australia might become.

I believe that New Zealand needs to be both clever and lucky. New Zealand needs to be clever at creating a ‘lucky culture’ along the

Hierarchy of Necessary Conversation

National Conversation

Treaty Conversation

Multicultural Conversation


New Zealand, the lucky countryAotearoa, land of divine memorywhere Papatuanuku and Rangilovers of land, sky and seaprogenitors of Maori.

Yes – NZ’s a lucky country

Lucky, the brothers were restless sonsLucky, they warred even when dark had wonLucky, they longed for the light of the sunand the warmth of the open air.Lucky, Tane was the heart-led sonfighting for bloodless resolutionLucky, he had the strength to stand and pry his parents apart.

E iki, e iki e! Te turou o Whiti! Hiki nuku e! Hiki rangi e! Hiki nuku e! Hiki rangi e! Ha-ha! Ka hikitia tona uril Ka hapainga tona uri! I-a-ia! I-aia!

Lucky the lovers loved so muchMissing the caress of each other’s touchfor Rangi cries tears from the sky so freelyand Papa’s fecund soil’s so healing

giving us Tane-Mahuta’s forests of jade green rivers, lakes, underground springsa green belt round the nation’s hipskissed all over by Moana’s blue lipsfrom Te Wai Pounamu to Te Ika o Maui; Greenstone to fishtail – lucky, lucky country

See the Pohutakawa blush deeplyalong cliff edges rising steeplywhere the dead depart for Hawaikifrom Cape Reinga to Rakiura’s sea

Yes, NZ’s a lucky countryIf you’re not Tangata WhenuaYour Tangata TiritiWhether British, South African or SomaliChinese, Indian, or IsraeliWe’ve got the diversityno ethnic cleansing policy –Well, except for around 1833that ‘infected blanket’ strategyBritain’s ‘Manifest Destiny’Taking land by any means necessarythe historical platform for Maorifighting land wars, foreshores, Bastion Pointing the wayto O, blessed Tiriti o Waitangisetting a fire in your bellyagainst paternalistic tyrannyJust do it said Sir TipeneWay before Nike

Yes – NZ’s a lucky countryThis land, home to tauiwiFrom 1858 Wellington Guajaratito Al Wendt’s flying fox in a freedom treePule’s tapatalk canvassed ten metres by threewhere 250 thousand at Western Springsdrink deep from the well: hear them singSamoans, Tongans and KiribatiFijians, Rotumans, those from Tahiti and the fusion from Niue to Scottish Highlandersmakes Fij-ongans, Raro-moans, and Pakeha- islanders

We had our Muldoon but he was no Mugabewe’re fourth in the world with the least political conspiracywe wear our sloganed t-shirts freely In Queen street I see:Politicians are the same all over They promise a bridge where there is no river

By Selina Tusitala Marsh

New Zealand,


New Zealand, the lucky country

And this one, from Taupo, down by the lake:In NZ anyone can be Prime Minister – it’s a risk you take

NZ’s a lucky countryWhere our birth-right civic dutyLets you vote, or not – it’s freeThere’s no one purple finger voteNo machete held at your family’s throatNo AK47 to persuade you at the pollsNo standing in the dust, waving the same flag as the presidential Rolls

NZ’s a lucky countryWe’re inconvenient geographyNo land-locked topographyWe’re far but close enough to seeThat our dairy economyMakes the milk, in this land of honeyKiwi-Shakespeare shearing in farming familiesGumboot brigading, black singlet paradingNo. 8 wire mentalityIn Enterprise and IndustryFred Dagg haggling in the city

And we’ve got water like no other Wind turbines and solar polar– And Antarctica: Terra IncognitoOur polar explorers – our global heroesIt’s a land of opportunityHard work meeting synchronicity Where we can still think differently‘Cos we’re Te Moana Nui a Kiwa’s KiwisTotara waka parked next to chromed humveeNext to Vespa next to Cooper’s miniwhere beaching beauty’s for free:Reservations of canvas teepeesJandals flip-floppingRachel Hunter tip-toppingBare feet lapping the seaStamping our Holy ozone CVBro’town cartooning our TVsEagle vs. shark mentalityJim Baxter’s Jersalumming it in Ponsonby Sam Hunt’s DB Bitter poetryMansfield’s Devonshire scones over a cuppa tea Corduroy jacket dignitaries

Swarming hive blue-suited bees

Yep, NZ’s a lucky countryIt’s a plucky countryCuba street busking, husking money Where you can buy McDs and KFCnext to pork bones, puha, and palusamitaro, kumara and chopsueyswirling Indian curriesKorean woking – no msgin this free market of inclusivityand we do so good globally

Didn’t the All Whites do all right in the World Cup 20-10?Winston Reid did the deed, and we all remember when

NZ’s a lucky country whenOur nation’s greatest anomalyIs the freedom ‘to be’ or ‘not to be’To be nouveau culture or customaryTo walk with burqa or face and hair freeLow cost education high school to kindyHospitals, recycling, and libraries

NZ’s a lucky country,But like Sir Tipene and Sir Paul ReevesWe’ve got to horizon-seekOtherwise it’s ‘Goodnight Kiwi’And everything we think is freeLies hostage to a world economyWe need inter-generationality Eco-sustainabilityFor our fossil fuels and energyIn this land of space, water, and sea

We need a bit of Hillary Who, like everyone else, had a fear of heightsand knocked the bastard off’ anyway’Cos

When we grow upWe will learn to do the sameYes we will.

Dedicated to the inaugural Alumni Scholarship Supporters and the Leadership New Zealand class of 2010.


Alumni SnapshotsLynette Adams

Chief Executive, Sports Waitakere (Auckland)Skills offered: Sport and recreation; not-for-profit

knowledge; governance; community development and

leadership; strategy and collaboration.

Current community involvement: Bowls New

Zealand Board; Waitakere Hockey Turf Trust Board;

collaboration of community initiatives; sports administration.

Location: Auckland Grant Bunting

General Manager Sales – Agriservices, PGG WrightsonSkills offered: Sales management; strategy; market


Current community involvement: Trustee, Jumpstart

Charitable Trust; trustee, Leadership New Zealand.

Location: Christchurch

Jacqui Cleland

Group Manager, Capability New Zealand Post Skills offered: Strategy; human resource management;

organisational development; leadership development;


Current community involvement: Manager (and

supporter) for sons’ sports teams.

Location: Wellington

Edward Cook

Youth Development ConsultantSkills offered: Facilitation; training; public speaking;

change management; advocacy; left arm medium pace


Current community involvement: Director of Scouts

New Zealand and a not-for-profit house.

Location: Wellington

Bruce Cullen

Executive General Manager, Downer New Zealand

Skills offered: Project management; general

management; professional civil engineering experience.

Current community involvement: Fellow, IPENZ.

Location: Auckland

Juanita de Senna

Community Transport Planner, Auckland Transport Skills offered: Inter-agency collaboration; Maori

development; bi-cultural framework and lateral violence.

Current community involvement: Chair of Injury

Prevention Network of Aotearoa New Zealand (IPNANZ);

board member of Nga Mahi Kia Tupato o Tamaki-

makaurau; co-chair of the Maori Steering Group for Community Wellbeing

and the Trip to Work in the Counties Manukau Region.

Location: Auckland

Mark Dunlop

Director, MG Consultants Skills offered: Strategy; leadership development;

organisational learning; change management;

facilitation; project execution.

Current community involvement: Trustee –

Huntington’s Disease Association; NZ Institute of


Location: Auckland

Cheryl Gall

National Manager, Operational Capability Development, Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Rehabilitation and case management

expertise; leadership development; mentoring and

project management.

Location: Wellington

Karen Giles

Business Services Manager, Manaia Health Primary Health Organisation (PHO) Skills offered: Accounting support and systems advice;

small business management support (including HR);

project management.

Current community involvement: Voluntary accounting and fundraising

support for several local not-for-profits and clubs.

Location: Whangarei

Jason Greene

Assistant Grower – Status Produce, Turners & GrowersSkills offered: Marketing; leadership; a youth’s


Current community involvement: Encouraging the

younger generation into our primary horticultural

business, with a focus on the nursery and garden

industry sector.

Location: Auckland

Simon Hepburn

Director, Mackley Carriers Skills offered: Budgeting; financial reporting;

operations management and general management.

Location: Christchurch

Stephen Hollands Development Manager, Operations,Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Leadership; operational management;

individual mentoring programmes; injury claims


Current community involvement: Volunteer with

Refugee Services NZ; member of New Zealand Forest & Bird Society;

business advisor to Refugee Women’s Sewing Group.

Location: Wellington


Alumni SnapshotsBeth Houston

Group Manager Commercial Development, Wellington Zoo Trust Skills offered: Marketing; fundraising; communications


Current community involvement: Labour Party


Location: Wellington

Cyril HowardGrants Advisor, The ASB Community Trust Skills offered: Funding advice; sports coaching; community development support; community organisation advice and support. Current community involvement: Hapu/marae development advice and support; school whanau committee member; coach of Under 21 North Harbour Touch. Location: Auckland

Clive Jones

General Manager/Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Business, Universal College of Learning Skills offered: Courageous leadership; strategy;

disruptive innovation; change management.

Current community involvement: Speaking

engagements on climbing Mount Everest; what mountaineering teaches

us about leadership; why leadership is important to the future of New


Location: Palmerston North

Iulia Leilua Director, Silk Associates Skills offered: Maori, Pacific and indigenous

journalism; communications strategy development and


Current community involvement: Ngati Haua iwi

activities: Pacific Island Media Association.

Location: New Zealand and Pacific region including Pacific Rim countries.

Andrew McKenzie

4 Square General Manager, Foodstuffs (Auckland) Skills offered: Retail; operations management;

strategic planning; leadership development.

Current community involvement: Assisting with kids’

sports club and local school and kindy work.

Location: Auckland

Chris Martin

Director, Xpanda SecuritySkills offered: Strategy planning and execution;

financial performance management and measurement;

operational efficiency; governance.

Current community involvement: Member of three

security associations.

Location: Auckland

Karam Meuli

Employment Consultant, Workwise Employment Agency Skills offered: Innovation; personal development;

group facilitation.

Current community involvement: Shambhala

Meditation Centre.

Location: Auckland

Evie O’Brien

Regional Manager Northland & Auckland, Te Wananga O Aotearoa (Auckland)Skills offered: Community engagement; women’s

leadership & transformation; Treaty responsiveness;


Location: Auckland

Christian Penny

Associate Director/Head of Directing, Toi Whakaari:NZ Drama SchoolSkills offered: Direction; facilitation; group work.

Current community involvement: Mentor and leader

of development projects in the theatre and related arts.

Location: Wellington

Tama Potaka

General Manager Corporate Services, Tainui Group HoldingsSkills offered: Strategic planning; project

management; facilitation; governance; organisational

development &/or review; board development; legal

advice; event management.

Current community involvement: Co-chair, Maori Law Society.

Location: Hamilton

Michelle Quirk Business Development Manager, First Foundation Skills offered: Corporate; professional services;

not-for-profit strategy (including strategic review);

business transformation; board/CEO advisory.

Current community involvement: Mentor for First


Location: Auckland

George Riley

Iwi Development Coordinator, Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngapuhi Skills offered: Facilitation; presentation; reporting;

planning; analysis.

Current community involvement: Tupuna whanau

respresentative for descendants of Kiritapu Te Nana on

Te Tii Waitangi (B3) Trust since 1993.

Location: Northland

Class of 09


Alumni SnapshotsSapna Samant

Company Director, Holy Cow MediaSkills offered: Writing; producing; communication;

creative skills training.

Current community involvement: Secretary of the New

Zealand South Asia Trust that is creating space for

South Asian youth in New Zealand.

Location: Auckland

Karanina Sumeo

Senior Policy Analyst, Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs Skills offered: Governance; mentoring; peer support.

Current community involvement: Board member,

Violence Free Waitakere; Leadership New Zealand

SkillsBank contributor.

Location: Auckland

Tony Te AuGeneral Manager, Tasman Insulation New Zealand (Pink Batts) Skills offered: Strategy – commercial and financial.

Location: Auckland

Richard Vialoux

Priest in Charge of the Albany Greenhithe Anglican Mission District, Anglican Church of Aoteaora New ZealandSkills offered: Building project management.

Current community involvement: Member of Albany

Community Coordinator Board and Albany Village

Business Association Board.

Location: North Shore City

Tracy Voice

General Manager Business Enabling, New Zealand Post Skills offered: Strategy; leadership development;

information technology implementations; operations;

project management; process management.

Current community involvement: Board member of

Wairarapa Trinity Schools; Cub Leader in Scouting NZ.

Location: Wellington

Michelle Wessing

General Manager Solutions, Standards New Zealand

Skills offered: Project management; change

management; leadership development.

Location: Wellington

Adrian Wimmers Director, Corporate Finance, KPMGSkills offered: Financial; commercial; optimising the

interface between public and private sectors.

Current community involvement: Deputy chair of

Volunteer Wellington.

Location: Wellington

Rachel Wotten

Director, Wonderful Works Skills offered: A unique ability to think outside

the square, see the bigger picture, unlock creative

ideas and read people – provides organisations, their

employees or customers the ability to see and live a

clear vision, mission and purpose in order to be more successful.

Current community involvement: Ruakura Hauora O Tainui, Manukau;

various community centres in Auckland (free health and yoga


Location: Auckland

Class of 09

“Integrity and honesty makes us one

of the least corrupt countries in the


An egalitarian mind-set means while

we are not exactly a classless society

we are probably the closest thing to it.

Our Number 8 fencing wire ‘can

do’ attitude shows we have great

inventiveness and DIY skill.

We punch above our weight in some

areas, notably sports.

We can be fearless in believing in


We’re nimble but conservative when

needs be.”

Jan Dawson


Alumni SnapshotsPaul Argar

Group Tax Manager, ZESPRI GroupSkills offered: Financial & tax advice; business case

development; strategy development; facilitation;


Current community involvement: Member, NZ Institute

of Chartered Accountants; Bay of Plenty Committees

and National Tax Committee.

Location: Tauranga

Marija Batistich

Senior Associate, Bell GullySkills offered: Governance; legal advice (particularly

on environmental and local government matters).

Current community involvement: Environment

& Resource Management Committee of Auckland

District Law Society; Auckland Committee of Resource Management Law

Association; Croatian Cultural Society.

Location: Auckland

Moi Becroft

Project Manager, Maori & Pasifika Education Initiative The ASB Community TrustSkills offered: Community development; funding

advice for not-for-profit sector.

Current community involvement: With organisations

that are involved in education with Maori and Pacific Communities within

Auckland and Northland.

Location: Auckland

Michael Berry

Vicar, St Philip’s Church, Anglican Diocese of AucklandSkills offered: Chaplaincy; celebrant; pastoral care;

Christian ministry.

Current community involvement: Church ministry and

leadership; member of Auckland East Rotary Club.

Location: Auckland

Leanne Campbell

Community Development Manager, Hutt City CouncilSkills offered: Youth leadership development;

governance; fundraising; facilitation; event


Current community involvement: Vice President,

Rotary Club of Hutt Valley.

Location: Wellington

Karen Chan

Business Development Manager, Bell GullySkills offered: Media relations; professional services


Location: Auckland

Shane Chisholm

National Customer Services Manager, Housing New Zealand CorporationSkills offered: Strategic planning; operational

management; change management; project management.

Current community involvement: Volunteer, Salvation


Location: Wellington

Alistair Drake

Chartered Accountant, Department of ConservationSkills offered: General management; coaching;

facilitation and financial advice.

Current community involvement: Trustee, NorthAble


Location: Whangarei

Gillian Dudgeon

Chief of Staff – Risk Management, ANZ Skills offered: Strategic planning; project

management; financial; governance.

Location: Wellington

Irene Feldges

Manager, Manukau Community Mental Health Skills offered: Strategic planning; change management

for NFP; research; policy development.

Current community involvement: Board member ECPAT

Child Alert; Unitec research ethics committee.

Location: Auckland

Carl Graham

Building Inspector, Residential, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: Building industry advice.

Current community involvement: Board member,

Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust and Manukau

Community Families Trust.

Location: Auckland

Tim Hamilton

Chief Executive Officer, Basketball New ZealandSkills offered: Strategic planning; project

management; facilitation; fundraising; governance;

change management; event management.

Current community involvement: Member, Leadership

New Zealand SkillsBank Advisory Group.

Location: Auckland / Wellington

Class of 08


Alumni SnapshotsStephen Henry

Group Manager Customers, Enterprises & Strategy, New Zealand PostSkills offered: Strategic planning; project

management; sales; marketing; governance;

organisational development/review; change

management; board development.

Location: Wellington

Penny Hulse

Deputy Mayor, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: Local government knowledge; political

lobbying; community development; community

consultation experience.

Current community involvement: Trustee, Waitakere

Anti Violence Essential Services Trust; Community

Waitakere Trust; Swanson Community Railway Station Trust; Volunteer,

several other community organisations.

Location: Auckland

Deborah Ingold

Consultant Support Manager, Hay GroupSkills offered: Project/organisation skills; people


Current community involvement: Membership officer,

Bays North Harbour Parents Centre.

Location: Auckland

Hilda Johnson Bogaerts

General Manager Residential Care, The Selwyn Foundation Skills offered: Governance; change management; board

development; project management; mentoring; system


Current community involvement: Director/Board

Member, Eden in Oz and NZ.

Location: Auckland

Murray Jordan

Managing Director Designate, Foodstuffs (Auckland) LtdSkills offered: Strategic advice.

Current community involvement: Trustee, St Heliers


Location: Auckland

Lance Kennedy

Service Manager, Dargaville Community Probation Centre (Department of Corrections) Skills offered: Management and leadership; human

resources; mentoring and change management.

Current community involvement: Manager, Kaikohe

Rugby Senior Team; Rewarewa D Whanau Trust.

Location: Northland

Manu Keung

Independent ContractorSkills offered: Project management; community

stakeholder engagement; governance.

Current community involvement: Dress for Success;

Church Woman’s Group; Pasifika Women’s Auckland


Location: Auckland

Taane Mete

Founder & Artistic Director, Okaraka Dance CompanySkills offered: Mentoring (art, dance & choreography);

art performance management.

Location: Auckland

Dave Miller

Agri Business Consultant, AgFirst Skills offered: Strategic planning; governance.

Current community involvement: Volunteer,

Mangatautari ecological Island Trust; rural mentoring,

Harini Tennis Club support.

Location: Waikato

Sina Moore

Consultant and MBA StudentSkills offered: Governance; leadership; strategic

management; business and organisational development.

Current community involvement: Chair, C-Me

Mentoring Foundation Trust; trustee, Pacific Music Awards Trust; Board

Member, Pasifika Women’s Auckland Branch; youth mentoring and

business development projects.

Location: Auckland

Sacha O’Dea

Scheme Manager, Accident Compensation CorporationSkills offered: Strategic planning; project management;

facilitation; governance; change management; analysis

and problem solving.

Location: Wellington

Deidre Otene

Skills offered: Collaboration; youth engagement;

community development.

Location: Australia

Malcolm Paul

General Manager – Information Management Solutions, Foodstuffs (Auckland) LtdSkills offered: Strategic thinking; systems and

information technology strategy; planning and


Location: Auckland


Alumni SnapshotsManu Sione

General Manager Pacific Health, Counties Manukau District Health BoardSkills offered: Management; advocacy; strategic

planning and project management. Particular skills

working with Pacific peoples.

Current community involvement: Working with church

groups to support health programmes in the community.

Location: Auckland

Emma Taylor

Viticulture Project Manager, Villa Maria EstateSkills offered: Research; communication (scientific into

common language).

Current community involvement: Organiser, National

Young Viticulturalist Competition; board member, EIT

Advisory Board; committee member, NZ Winegrowers Research Committee.

Location: Hawkes Bay

Aaron Topp

Director Sales & Marketing, Hatuma Lime Company Skills offered: Communication; marketing; writing;

strategic planning; collaborative or individual problem


Location: Hawkes Bay

Essendon Tuitupou

Social EntrepreneurSkills offered: Business and community development.

Current community involvement: Leadership Factory

(developing community leaders); leads a community

based health and fitness initiative in South Auckland;

advisory board member for several not-for-profit


Location: Auckland

Michelle van Gaalen

Group Manager Retail, New Zealand PostSkills offered: Customer and market strategy;

branding expertise; business strategy.

Current community involvement: Trustee, Chamber

Music New Zealand.

Location: Auckland

Annie Wahl

Waikato Branch Manager, Accident Compensation CorporationSkills offered: Injury rehabilitation; performance

management; operations management.

Location: Hamilton

Wane Wharerau

Waitemata Police District Forensic Team Leader, New Zealand Police Skills offered: Governance; project management and


Current community involvement: Chair, Ngapuhi ki

Waitemata Charitable Trust; trustee,Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngapuhi; trustee,

Guardians of the Sea.

Location: Auckland

Class of 08

“We are lucky in this little country

with its many assets.

We need to practise being lucky.

We need to realise how lucky we are

and how much luckier we need to be

to sustain ourselves long term through

vision and leadership.

And then there’s the luck of being

ourselves and appreciating the

fantastic heritage we inherited from

tangata whenua, the adaptability, the

strength and the tolerance of a people

who are the intrinsic part of our

unique identity.”

Hilary Sumpter


Alumni SnapshotsAndrew Aitken

Executive General Manager, Vero General InsuranceSkills offered: Governance; business excellence; values-

based leadership.

Current community involvement: Auckland Rotary.

Location: Auckland

Matt Anderson

Co-Director, The Sleep StoreSkills offered: Small business management;

e-commerce; accident insurance; injury prevention.

Location: Auckland

Mark Baker

General Manager Supply Chain & Technology, PlaceMakersSkills offered: Operations management; strategic planning;

commercial management; retail and manufacturing process

design; technology solutions design; project management.

Current community involvement: Various Leadership NZ SkillsBank projects.

Location: Auckland

Minnie Baragwanath

Programme Advisor – Disability, Auckland Council Skills offered: Disability advice; local government

knowledge; communication; collaboration.

Location: Auckland

Cheryl Bowie

Director, VisionOnSkills offered: Project management; facilitation;

organisational development/review; change management.

Current community involvement: Supporting SpringBoard.

Location: Auckland

Sally Bramley

Branch Manager, Accident Compensation CorporationSkills offered: Culture change; performance enhancement.

Location: Waikato and Bay of Plenty

Jeanette Burns

Regional Manager Central Region Prisons, Department of CorrectionsSkills offered: General and operational management;

project management; change management.

Current community involvement: Involved in local school activities and a

number of community groups associated with the prisons.

Location: Waikato

Richard Copeland

Human Resources Manager – Tait Operations, Tait Radio CommunicationsSkills offered: Generalist human resources expertise.

Location: Christchurch

Robyn Cormack

External Communications and Marketing Manager, Department of ConservationSkills offered: Marketing and communications strategy;

social marketing; marketing research; online marketing.

Current community involvement: Chair, Belmont

School Board of Trustees.

Location: Wellington

Mark Crosbie

Director, Prolex AdvisorySkills offered: Property advice; construction/

development advice.

Current community involvement: Trustee, Keystone NZ

Property Education Trust.

Location: Auckland

Johnnie Freeland

Pae Arahi Matua, Auckland CouncilCurrent community involvement: Growing community

leadership capability at an Iwi level.

Location: Auckland

Rod Gibson

PAK’nSAVE Brand Manager, Foodstuffs (Auckland) LtdSkills offered: Project management; organisational

change management; governance.

Current community involvement: School Board of

Trustees; Treasurer for a Baptist Church; operational

care for at-risk youth.

Location: Auckland

Greg Glover

Director / Dairy FarmerCurrent community involvement: Trustee of Waipa Life

Education Trust.

Location: Waikato

Jo Kelly-Moore

Dean of Auckland, Anglican Diocese of AucklandSkills offered: Chaplaincy; celebrant; facilitation.

Current community involvement: Member, Auckland

Dioccese Council; Auckland representative, General


Location: Auckland

Caroline Knight

Skills offered: Project management; governance;

mentoring and coaching.

Location: Auckland


Alumni Snapshots Class of 07Wendy McGuinness

Chief Executive, Sustainable Future InstituteSkills offered: Strategic planning; risk management;

scenario development.

Current community involvement: Working to produce

a national sustainable development strategy for New


Location: Wellington

Karyn McLeod

Grants Manager, The ASB Community TrustSkills offered: Funding proposals; team development;

strategic planning.

Current community involvement: Trustee, North Shore

Women’s Centre; Trustee, Massive Theatre Incorporated.

Location: Auckland

Jodi Mitchell

General Manager Global Services, Simpl Skills offered: General management; IT strategy.

Current community involvement: Executive board

member, NZ Health IT Cluster.

Location: Auckland

Graeme Olding

Principal, Chapman TrippSkills offered: Governance; legal advice.

Current community involvement: Chair, Mt Roskill

Community Trust.

Location: Auckland

Greg Orchard

Director Property, Housing Consents and Licensing, Wellington City CouncilSkills offered: Strategy; planning; governence; finance;

leadership; asset management; coaching; mentoring.

Location: Wellington

Roslyn Pere

Product and Service Manager, Air New ZealandSkills offered: Marketing; product and service

development; project management.

Location: Auckland

JR Pereira

Director Communications & Marketing, Pacific Economic Development AgencySkills offered: Community governance and economic

development; marketing; communications; performing

arts management.

Current community involvement: Pacific Villages

Auckland region; Pacific Island Chamber of Commerce; Samoa-Aotearoa

National Dance Theatre.

Location: Auckland

Tara Pradhan

International Relations Manager, Economic Development, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: Facilitation; project management; event

management; sponsorship; strategic and business


Current community involvement: Board member,

Massive Company (Aotearoa Young People’s Theatre); advisory board

member, Film Auckland; supporter of not-for-profit trusts – The Zenergy

Trust and The Fledgling Trust.

Location: Auckland

Michael Price

Managing Director, JB Presentations Skills offered: Governance; business management;

operations management; project management;

electrical engineering; process improvement.

Current community involvement: School PTA

committee; organiser of fundraising events.

Location: Christchurch

Ngaroimata Reid

Community Development ConsultantSkills offered: Business and community development;

project management; cultural advice; research;

facilitation and mentoring.

Current community involvement: Chair – Board of

Trustees Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o te Kotuku; Waitemata District Health

Board Campaign.

Location: Auckland

James Smallwood

Director/Dairy Farmer, Berwick FarmSkills offered: Business development; change

management; international business experience;

personnel management; pragmatic view of the world!

Current community involvement: Chairman, South

Wairarapa District Council’s Rural Services Committee.

Location: Wairarapa / Wellington

Jennie Vickers

Principal, ZeopardLawSkills offered: Commercial law, mentoring; coaching;

public speaking; facilitation; training.

Current community involvement: Vice President,

Auckland Law Society Inc; visitor, Age Concern.

Location: Auckland

Serena Walker

Student: Masters in Counselling Psychology, AUT UniversitySkills offered: Marketing (brand, strategy, advice,


Location: Auckland


Alumni SnapshotsJane Aickin

Local and Sport Parks Manager, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: Strategic planning; project

management; workshop/meeting facilitation.

Current community involvement: Chair, NZ Recreation

Association Auckland/Northland Region.

Location: Auckland

Dean Astill

Export Manager, RD8 Fresh ProduceSkills offered: Governance; marketing; project


Current community involvement: Board member, EIT

Horticulture Advisory Board.

Location: Hastings

Ian Balme

FarmerSkills offered: Governance; project development;

environmental leadership; agricultural business;


Current community involvement: Committee member,

Waikato Hunt Club.

Location: Waikato

Megan Barclay

Executive Director, Leadership New ZealandSkills offered: Programme management; organisational

change management; organisational continuity and

improvement; facilitation.

Current community involvement: Chair, Chelsea

Kindergarten Committee.

Location: Auckland

Tom Bennett

Partner, Bell GullySkills offered: Legal advice – corporate/commercial

and local government law.

Location: Auckland

Rouruina Brown

Community Adviser, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: Strategic planning; project

management; facilitation; governance; organisational

development/review; youth development.

Current community involvement: Founding member,

Cook Islands Development Association and Cook Islands Research


Location: Auckland

Maureen Crombie

Chair, ECPAT InternationalSkills offered: Relationship management; project

management; governance.

Current community involvement: Chair, ECPAT

International; Trustee, Leadership New Zealand.

Location: Auckland

Richie Dempster

General Manager Network Asset Management, NorthpowerSkills offered: Project management; contract

management; asset management; business process

improvement; people management.

Location: Auckland / Northland

Quentin Doig

Licensed Sales & Marketing Consultant, HarcourtsSkills offered: Communications; PR; governance; HR;

change management; facilitating workshops/meetings.

Location: Picton

Peter Fenton

Chief Executive Postal Services, New Zealand PostSkills offered: Governance; business management;

human resources and operations leadership.

Current community involvement: Junior coaching;

sports administration.

Location: Wellington

Milton Henry

Deputy Principal, Selwyn CollegeSkills offered: Programme development; mentoring

– youth and adults; identifying and prioritising

resources for diverse groups; thinking and literacy

skills; promoting effective student/teacher


Location: Auckland

Cheryl Holloway

Managing Director, Kaahu CommunicationsSkills offered: Communication; facilitation; coaching;

relationship strategy; organisational change; policy

development; creative writing.

Location: Auckland


Carole Hughes

Co-Vicar (Anglican Priest), St John’s Anglican ChurchSkills offered: Supervision; group facilitation;

chaplaincy; support; celebrant.

Current community involvement: Co-Vicar, Anglican

Church, Campbells Bay; Chaplain, Murrays Bay

Intermediate School; facilitator of post-ordination

training for Auckland/Northland region; church ministry selection and

appointments advisor to the Bishop; guest lecturer, St John’s College.

Location: Auckland

Jackie Kruger

Regional Manager, Pact SouthlandSkills offered: Planning; advocacy; fundraising.

Current community involvement: Invercargill City

Council; Southland Community Wastebusters Trust;

South Catlins Environment and Development Charitable

Trust; Invercargill Creative Communities; Invercargill Te

Ara A Kewa Health Trust.

Location: Invercargill

Alistair Kwun

Communications & Strategy Advisor, New Zealand Chinese AssociationSkills offered: Media relations; events; project

management; intercultural and youth communications.

Current community involvement: Public relations

adviser for New Zealand Chinese Association; Advisory

Group (Asian Aucklanders and the Arts research), Creative New Zealand.

Location: Auckland

Theresa Le Bas

Senior Associate Planning & Environment, MaddocksSkills offered: Legal expertise in all areas of

environmental and town planning law.

Current community involvement: Victorian Planning

and Environmental Law Association; National

Environmental Law Association of Australia; AMPLA

Energy and Resources Law Association.

Location: Melbourne

Kevin Leith

Head of New Business & Claims, SovereignSkills offered: Strategic planning; general

management; marketing – brand, media management,

public relations; ecommerce and innovation; sales and


Current community involvement: Hoping to assist in

providing school board support for lower decile schools within the greater

Auckland region.

Location: Auckland

Gavin Pearce

Senior Actuary Liberty International Underwriters Skills offered: Actuarial advice; financial modelling

and forecasting.

Current community involvement: Still getting to know

my new city...Sydney.

Location: Sydney

Rangimarie Price

Director, Naturally Right Ltd Skills offered: Executive leadership and strategic

advice in the areas of organisational development and

developing strategic relationships.

Location: Whangarei

Neville Pulman

Managing Director New Zealand, Creative ActivationSkills offered: Wide commercial skills; strategic

business planning; cultural and team management;

consumer marketing; new markets planning and

development; product and category development.

Location: Auckland

Robyn Scott

Executive Director, Philanthropy New ZealandSkills offered: Organisational management; strategic

planning; workshop facilitation; supervision;


Location: Wellington

Adrian Sole

Sales Manager, Inca-Fe & Peru Cafe Skills offered: Common sense; private sector business

and governance experience; sales and marketing;

vision and innovation.

Current community involvement: iTaranaki Green


Location: Taranaki

Parul Sood

Strategic Projects Special Adviser, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: Strategic planning; project management;

resource planning; public and government body


Current community involvement: Board member,

Community Trust working in area of sustainability.

Location: Auckland

Class of 06


Alumni SnapshotsTeresa Tepania-Ashton

Chief Executive Officer, Te Runanga A Iwi O NgapuhiSkills offered: Governance; management; strategic

planning; business planning; project planning.

Current community involvement: Whanau; Hapu; Iwi;

Mid-North, Far North social, cultural, environmental

and business development; Trustee, Leadership New


Location: Northland

Koroseta To’o

Self Employed ConsultantSkills offered: Strategic planning; planning; policy


Location: Auckland

Laura Vodanovich

Director Collection and Research, Auckland MuseumSkills offered: Recruitment selection and team

building; risk management; strategic planning; and


Current community involvement: Trustee on school board.

Location: Auckland

Meredith Youngson

Skills offered: Facilitation; mentoring; community


Current community involvement: Swanson Station

Trust; Celebrating Swanson (a group committed to

fostering social capital in Swanson through a range of events and groups);

organiser for Swanson market days and Christmas Parade; organise

volunteers for the Community Constables Office, treasurer for Healthlink.

Location: Auckland

Class of 06

“In order to develop consensus

about New Zealand’s long-term

future, it is critical that a range of

initiatives is put in place to build

dialogue between the layers, so

as to create a cohesive and robust

foundation upon which to discuss

and resolve current and emerging

complex issues.”

Wendy McGuinness

“Fear and anxiety are never far from those who lead and

those who are led. They are a good antidote to complacency

and certainly keep you on your toes. A leader stays steady

and holds the line when things are in a state of flux.”

Sir Paul Reeves


Alumni Snapshots Class of 05Matt BollandCorporate Affairs, 2 DegreesSkills offered: Communications strategy development;

media relations; government relations and marketing.

Location: Auckland

Phil Burt

Self Employed ConsultantSkills offered: Governance and management

consulting; annual report preparation and

improvement; financial process improvement.

Current community involvement: Sporting and church


Location: Wellington

Debbie Chin

Chief Executive, Standards New ZealandSkills offered: Public policy; financial; private sector.

Current community involvement: Wellington Girls

College Parents Association; assistant manager of

Wellington Girls College 1st X1 cricket team.

Location: Wellington

Carlene Creighton

Executive Projects Manager, DB BreweriesSkills offered: General management; marketing;

business management; not-for-profit boards; project


Location: Auckland

Mike Davies

Skills offered: Project management; technology;

business alignment; forming/aligning/building teams

and organisations going through significant change.

Current community involvement: Youth development;

charitable board/trust.

Location: Auckland

Irene Durham

Director/Business Coach, Evoke EssentialsSkills offered: Business coach; business owner; New

Zealand Business Woman Award 1998-1999; property

and trust advice; clarity on issues for small to medium

New Zealand businesses and trusts; investment

strategy; financial planning.

Current community involvement: On boards for NorthHaven Hospice Endowment

Trust, NorthAble (Disability Services), Enterprise Northland & Destination

Northland, NRC Community Trust, & Northland Business Development Trust.

Location: Northland

Chris Fogarty

Director of Corporate Affairs, Allens Arthur RobinsonSkills offered: Media training; marketing; fundraising.

Location: Sydney

Nick Hadley

Director, Kudos WebSkills offered: IT strategy; web marketing; business

development; sales & marketing.

Current community involvement: Business Mentors

NZ Mentoring Panel; Warkworth Rotary; Warkworth

Community Telephone Directory; Jane Gifford Restoration Project.

Location: Auckland and Northland

Glenn Hawkins

Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant, Glenn Hawkins & AssociatesSkills offered: Financial management; governance;

system reviews.

Current community involvement: Director of Ngati

Whakaua Tribal Lands – Iwi Authority; director of

Eastside Training – PTE for at-risk youth; advisor to a range of Maori

organisations including Hapu, Marae, Kura, Kohanga and community


Location: Rotorua

Kristy Hill

Kaiarahi, Senior Policy Advisor: Maori, Auckland Council Skills offered: Maori development.

Current community involvement: Director, Te Puna

Hauora PHO; NZ Women’s Football Ferns; manager,

NZ U20 Women’s Football; Ngati Whatua touch team


Location: Auckland

Lisa Howard-Smith

Regional Advisor – Funding, Ministry of Social DevelopmentSkills offered: Strategic planning; project/event

management; organisational development; group

facilitation and workshop delivery; fundraising and


Location: Auckland

Tracy Moyes

Manager Strategic Projects, AucklandPlusSkills offered: Project management; event

management; branding; marketing; systems and


Current community involvement: Mentor, Project K;

Volunteer, Auckland Regional Parks.

Location: Auckland


Alumni SnapshotsGia Nghi Phung

ArtistSkills offered: Building capacity in community

organisations and bringing culturally diverse

communities together for active participation.

Location: Auckland

Phil Riley

Area Manager, Northern South Island, Accident Compensation CorporationSkills offered: General management; project

management; communication management;


Location: Christchurch

Leisa Siteine

Manager Arts & Culture South, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: People, facility and event management;

community arts management.

Current community involvement: Church leader;

trustee of Massive Theatre Fala Pasefika Committee.

Location: Auckland

Rewi Spraggon

Paearahi Poutikanga Maori Protocols Manager, Auckland CouncilSkills offered: Consultancy; broadcasting; television

presenter; event management; master of ceremonies;

Maori leadership programme kowai; creative innovation;

artist; musician; chef.

Current community involvement: Auckland Festival 2011; surf

lifesaving coach; Maori Television; Te Runanaga O Waitakere spokesperson;

traditional Maori weaponry teacher for at-risk youth; Te Waonui a Tane

board member; National Maori Men Group mentor; Te Atatu Rugby League.

Location: Auckland

Che Tamahori

Managing Director, ShiftSkills offered: Online marketing and communication

strategy; technology strategy, design consulting.

Current community involvement: Chair of Wanganui

School of Design Advisory Board.

Location: Auckland

Vicky Taylor

Director, SmartfoodsSkills offered: Strategic planning; business

development; marketing.

Current community involvement: Co-founder of

Springboard, a not-for-profit with an objective of

accelerating the development of young directors in New


Location: Auckland

Suzanne Weld

Landscape Architect/Project ManagerSkills offered: Project management; community vision

development; facilitation; council annual plan and

resource consent process advice; landscape planning

and design.

Current community involvement: Member of Resource Management Law

Association; Yachting New Zealand; Ryder-Cheshire Foundation; Life

Education Trust Rodney.

Location: Auckland and Northland

Jim White

Dean, Southern Cross CollegeSkills offered: Community/group building; thinking;


Current community involvement: Canon, Auckland

Cathedral; member/facilitator of All Saints Restorative

Justice Group; chair of Auckland RJ Umbrella Group;

College of Southern Cross Advisory Group.

Location: Auckland

Sarah Williams

Executive Director, Porter Novelli Skills offered: General PR; communications disciplines

such as communication planning, writing, production

management, media relations, issues and crisis


Location: Auckland

Class of 05

“There is optimism for the future of

Aotearoa–New Zealand as we witness

the leadership potential in our local

communities and know with certainty

that this is but a small slice of the

potential across our great country.”

Puamiria Maaka





A Time for Maui? Puamiria Maaka


It is not often that you take time out to reflect “on” community leadership rather than being “in” the practice of it. Like many others, my

work ethic is “head down – bum up”, but having taken a moment to pause, here are some leader-ship reflections informed by my experiences of working in Tāmaki1.

The character of courage and optimism are synonymous with Maui2 and Sir Hirini Moko Mead observed that:

“We need a Maui-like plan to help guide us into the 21st century, and we need to begin the search for that plan now … It is worth pointing out however, that many of our present leaders are not at all like Maui and would prefer more of the same, rather than change. This is an easy way out for them, a way of avoiding unpleasant decisions, a way of not becoming responsible for our future.” 3

There is so much potential in our communities for leadership as there is more visibility of local people taking responsibility for our future, particularly in our Māori and Pacific communities.

There is a growing awareness that different leadership models are being called for, from all sectors as more people become interested in innovative outcomes and constructive change. The notion of transforming leadership has emerged through work with other local community leaders in Tāmaki. The TIES Team describe transforming leadership in the following excerpt from their book, Creating TIES that strengthen:

“This kind of leadership is marked by its dignity, strength of character and a vision that excites interest and commitment. Trans-forming leadership is firm, intelligent and reflective; people trust leaders who have their best interests at heart. Transforming leaders show empathy and earn respect by walking their talk. The motto of transforming leadership is, ‘We won’t ask others to do anything that we’re not already doing ourselves or are prepared to do’. Such leaders understand the dynamics, tensions and burdens on each side. They persevere in difficult times, holding challenges lightly and negoti-ating complexities in search of solutions acceptable to all parties. These leaders are willing to take risks to forge new routes that bring out the whole and best of who we each are.” 4

The work in Tamaki has taught us that leadership can come from unexpected places, from many different people, from multiple levels – and can be disguised (as it often is) as steadiness, perseverance and often fierce conviction. The key is giving people a chance to develop and brokering development opportunities.

1 In this piece Tāmaki refers to the East Auckland areas of Glen Innes, Pt England and Panmure.2 Maui – half man, half god, common to the folklore of most Pacific peoples. Maui was known for courage, inquisitiveness, daring, risk-taking and a restless mind.3 Sir Hirini Moko Mead, He Ara Ki Te Aomarama: A Pathway To The Future – He Mātāpuna , 1979, p.644 TIES Team, Creating TIES that strengthen, 2010, p.108

We are fortunate to have conceptual leaders in our midst that are our visionaries, focused on the long-term. Community leadership requires a person to be visible in their community, collabo-rating with other community power brokers and creating partnerships around shared interests.

Others excel in more of an advocacy role work-ing with people and organisations beyond tradi-tional boundaries or silos encouraging everyone to see the connections between all stakehold-ers – expanding perspectives to take a ‘whole of community’ approach. These leaders aim to change policy so are seizing strategic opportuni-ties to move an issue or idea forward.

We begin with the belief that the community holds a wealth of knowledge and has been able to learn and reflect together.

Collective leadership will increase the breadth and depth of leader-ship abilities that can be galvanized to a particular cause. Through continued conversations and by holding the space we can create actions that grow from our new understandings. This collective approach is powerful and necessary as we endeavour to navigate an environment of increasing complexity. We understand that com-munity leadership is reliant on strong and healthy relationships as it requires the art of engaging others. It takes time.

One of our learnings is that as you move towards a ‘whole of com-munity’ approach you enter a space of diverse values, interests and positions. These can change from person to person, organisation to organisation and community to community and are constantly evolving.

We have also come to appreciate more the power of stories as a communication tool to engage and inspire. We are able to access a different source of inspiration and motivation i.e. knowledge from our indigenous heritage (as well as the western libraries) in craft-ing a story that will create the connections necessary for ongoing dialogue.

One of the challenges that emerges as your reputation for ‘leader-ship’ grows, is the number of requests you receive to participate in multiple forums and it is quite easy to lose yourself in others agen-das as your excitement and enthusiasm for what’s possible is trig-gered. A valuable lesson has been to hold to those things / people / activities that ground you.

There is optimism for the future of Aotearoa – New Zealand as we witness the leadership potential in our local communities and know with certainty that this is but a small slice of the potential across our great country.

So now is the time to reclaim Maui of the past into the present to navigate and guide our journey into the future.

Puamiria Maaka is a member of the TIES Team, the Manager of Te Waipuna Puawai, and a participant in the 2010 Leadership New Zealand Programme.

MC: Alumnus Grant BuntingSpeakers: Troy Newton, KPMG; Jenny Gill, ASB Community Trust; and Alumni Adrian Wimmers and Karyn McLeod Entertainment: Vicky Pond Dunlop, Alumni Mark Dunlop and Karam Meuli

Presenter/Facilitator: Graeme Nakhies, BoardWorks International

Topic: Climate Change – How does NZ maximize the opportunities that are within the challenge?MC: Alumnus Ian BalmeSpeakers: Dr Morgan Williams, Leadership New Zealand; Helen Robinson, Markit Environmental Registry; Laurence Boomert, Smart Planet Ltd; Chris Mulcare, Investment NZ; and Rachel Dobric, NZ Youth Delegation

Topic: Communities by Design – The Shape of our Future?MC: Alumnus Mark DunlopSpeakers: Alumnus Essendon Tuitupou, Social Entrepreneur; Alison Sykora, Vodafone Foundation; Ludo Campbell Reid, Auckland City Council; Mike Ikilei, Tamaki Transformation Board; and John Radford, New Zealand Artist

Topic: New Zealand’s Strategic Direction – Building a BlueprintMC: Alumnus Christian PennySpeakers: Alumnus Wendy McGuinness, The Sustainable Future Institute; Joris de Bres, Human Rights Commission; Dr Selwyn Katene, Massey University; and Alumnus Adrian Wimmers, KPMG

Topic: Water – The New Gold Rush?MC: Alumnus Grant BuntingSpeakers: Dr Bryan Jenkins, Environment Canterbury; John Donkers, Irrigation New Zealand Inc; Eugenie Sage, Environment Canterbury; Penny Nelson, Dairy NZ; and Rosalie Snoyink, Malvern Hills Protection Society

A celebration of “New Zealand the Lucky Country”MC: Carol Hirschfeld, Maori TelevisionSpeakers: Sir Stephen Tindall, Tindall Foundation; Jan Dawson, KPMG; Sir Paul Reeves; Jo Brosnahan, Leadership NZEntertainment: Aorere College Sweet 16 Choir; Selina Marsh, Programme Participant; and Alumnus Karam Meuli

Topic: Age and Cunning vs Youth and Skill…or is there another way?MC: Alumnus Sina MooreSpeakers: Dr Judy McGregor, NZ Human Rights Commission; Marie Hull-Brown, Mental Health Foundation of NZ; Simon Tefler, SpringBoard NZ; Amanda Judd, North Shore YouthWorx Trust; Dan Walker, Noel Leeming Group Ltd

Topic: ‘Prospering & Leading in Times of Turbulence’Speakers: Alumnus Peter Fenton and Morgan Williams, Leadership NZ

Topic: 2011 Leadership Programme Information SessionPanel: Morgan Williams, Leadership NZ; Alumnus Beth Houston and Frances Russell (Wellington Zoo), Alumni Christian Penny and Adrian Wimmers

Topic: 2011 Leadership Programme Information SessionPanel: Tony Carter, Foodstuffs (Auck) Ltd; Alumni Malcolm Paul and Sina Moore; Justin Ensor, Programme Participant

Topic: 2011 Leadership Programme Information SessionPanel: Stuart McKenzie, Endeavour Capital; Morgan Williams, Leadership NZ; Alumnus Mark Dunlop; Craig Churchill, Programme Participant

Topic: The Wealth Index DebateMC: Alumnus Jennie VickersSpeakers: Chellie Spiller, Fellow AUT University & Programme Participant; Dave Breuer, Anew NZ; Michael Krausse, Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd; and Jo Brosnahan, Leadership NZ

Topic: LATE 09: Innovate Environment – An event jointly hosted with the Auckland MuseumMC: Alumnus Jennie VickersSpeakers: Finlay Macdonald, Simon Terry, Guy Salmon, Nandor Tanczos

An evening to celebrate the Graduation of the 2010 Programme participantsSpeakers: Sir Paul Reeves; Graduand Representative: Hilary Sumpter

Leadership New Zealand Events 2010February

Programme Launch Cocktail Evening 19th FebruaryJubilee Hall, Parnell, Auckland

Governance Seminar 27th February, Wellington

MarchCafé Event17th MarchPavilion Café, Vero CentreAuckland

AprilCafé Event21st AprilPavilion Café, Vero CentreAuckland

MayCafé Event19th MayKPMGWellington

JuneCafé Event24th JuneUntouched WorldChristchurch

JulyLeadership Week Dinner2nd JulyEvents Centre, Auckland War Memorial Museum

Café Event14th JulyPavilion Café, Vero CentreAuckland

Bizzone21st July, TSB Arena, Wellington

2011 Information Session22 JulyACC, Wellington

2011 Information Session26 July, KPMG, Auckland

2011 Information Session27 JulyNZ Post, Christchurch

SeptemberCafé Event15th SeptemberPavilion Café, Vero CentreAuckland

NovemberCafé Event4th NovemberAuckland War Memorial Museum

2010 Graduation Event 20th NovemberThe Bluestone Room, Auckland

Scholarship Partners Leadership New Zealand Alumni ScholarshipKerridge & Partners ScholarshipHay Group ScholarshipNZ Management magazine ScholarshipTindall Foundation and Inspiring Communities Scholarships

SkillsBank PartnerTindall Foundation

Programme PartnersHousing New Zealand and the Tamaki Transformation Project Office for hosting the March programme.Milton Henry (Alumnus 2006) and the REAP centre at Selwyn College.Chris Farrelly and Manaia Health PHO for hosting us in Whangarei.Debbie and Ngahau Davis and the He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust for a wonderful welcome in Moerewa, for hosting afternoon tea and lunch and for accompanying us on to Te Tii Marae.Te Tii Marae for their generosity and care during our visit to Waitangi.Teresa Tepania-Ashton (Alumnus 2006), George Riley (Alumnus 2009) for hosting our stay at Te Tii Marae.Peter Fenton (Alumnus 2006) and the team at NZ Post who hosted us in Wellington.Tim Mackle at Dairy NZ and Dr Jimmie Suttie at AgResearch for hosting us while in Hamilton.Grant Bunting (Alumnus 2009) for support of the Rural Session in Hamilton.Grant (Alumnus 2009) and Jackie Bunting for being hosts extraordinaire at their farm in Christchurch during the Mid Year Retreat in June.Justin Ensor (Participant 2010) and KPMG who hosted us in Auckland.David McGregor, Tom Bennett (Alumnus 2006), Marija Batistich (Alumnus 2008) and Bell Gully who hosted us in Auckland.Nick Astwick (Participant 2010) and his team at Kiwibank for hosting us in Wellington.Christian Penny (Alumnus 2009) and his wonderful students at Toi Whakaari:NZ Drama School, hosts for the October programme in Wellington.Helen Anderson and Cathryn Robinson for copies of the Oxygen Group Story to all participants Chris and Jo Brosnahan for hosting the participants and Alumni for the final retreat barbeque.Wade Jackson and Steve Hill of Mind Warriors for providing copies of their publication “Jolt Challenge” for all the participants.

Meeting and Event HostsAuckland War Memorial Museum for hosting our 2010 Leadership Week Dinner.Peru Coffee for their support of our café events.Pavilion Café for hosting Auckland café events.KPMG for hosting the Wellington café event.NZ Post for sponsoring our March café event.Northpower for sponsoring our April café event.Downer New Zealand for sponsoring our September café event.Donald Clark, Adrian Wimmers (Alumnus 2009) and Morgan Williams for their support of the Wellington café event.Justin Ensor (Participant 2010) and his team at KPMG for hosting the Auckland Information Session.Clare McQuilken (Participant 2010) and her team at ACC for hosting the Wellington Information Session.David McGregor, Bell Gully and his support team on the 21st floor for generously hosting our Auckland interviews for the 2011 Leadership Programme.Nick Astwick (Participant 2010) and his Kiwibank team for kindly hosting us during our 2011 Leadership Programme interviews in Wellington.Craig Churchill (Participant 2010) and his team at Express Couriers/NZ Post for the generous

We only exist because of the generosity of others. Our sincere thanks to…

hosting of our Christchurch interviews for 2011 Leadership Programme.

Event SpeakersWe thank all speakers for their generosity in giving of their time and themselves; they are the backbone of Leadership New Zealand. Speakers are listed in the Programme Overview and in the Event Overview.

Organisation PartnersMartin Fenwick and his Altris team for providing executive coaching for our team.Graeme Nahkies of BoardWorks International for providing governance support and advice.PricewaterhouseCoopers (Nuala Baker) for undertaking the Annual Audit.Reg Birchfield, Toni Myers, Gill Prentice, Fran Marshall, and the team at Mediaweb for editing and publishing ‘Leaders’, the 2010 Yearbook and for providing graphics for numerous projects.David McGregor of Bell Gully for legal support.Nick Hadley (Alumnus 2005) and his team at Kudos Web for your generous gift of time and patience in developing our website, newsletters and evites.

Other ContributionsGrant Bunting (Alumnus 2009) for contributing as MC at the Cocktail Launch of the 2010 Leadership Programme.Jennifer Gill for speaking at the Cocktail Launch of the 2010 Leadership Programme.Karam Meuli (Alumnus 2009), Mark Dunlop (Alumnus 2009) and Vicky Pond Dunlop for their musical performance at the Cocktail Launch of the 2010 Leadership Programme and the 2010 Graduation.Sir Paul Reeves for his contribution to the Leadership Week Dinner and the 2010 Graduation.Sir Stephen Tindall, The Warehouse, for speaking at the Leadership Week Dinner.Jan Dawson, KPMG, for speaking at the Leadership Week Dinner.Tim O’Rourke of Oceania Coachlines for transportation to and from the Leadership Week Dinner.Doug Nyce and Sweet Sixteen choir from Aorere College for their performance at the Leadership Week Dinner.Selina Tusitala Marsh (Participant 2010) and Karam Meuli (Alumnus 2009) for their performance at the Leadership Week Dinner.Rewi Spraggon (Alumnus 2005) for his contribution to the Leadership Week Dinner and the 2010 Graduation.Participant Stuart Orme, and Alumni Clive Jones and Sacha O’Dea who helped at the Leadership New Zealand Bizzone booth.Our Graduation sponsors including Canon NZ, Baleringe Ltd and webfilmes.The 2011 Leadership Programme selection panel: Megan Barclay, Dr Morgan Williams, Tony Nowell, Jo Brosnahan, Frank Olsson, Teresa Tepania-Ashton, Jennie Vickers, Marija Batistich, Graeme Nahkies, Maureen Crombie, Mark Dunlop, Puamiria Maaka, Hilary Sumpter, Nick Astwick, Essendon Tuitupou, Chris Martin, Neville Pulman, Stephen Guerin, Grant Bunting and Craig Churchill.Mark Otten and Kimina Styche for providing financial advice.Richard Carstens from Town Square and Stephen Waspe from webfilmes for their generous time in capturing our café series on video.Brenda Ward (NZ Management magazine), Carolyn Dunn (Hay Group) and Serena Walker (Alumnus 2007) for contributing to our monthly newsletter.All Alumni who have given generously of their time and talent to provide ongoing support with Leadership New Zealand activities.SkillsBank volunteers: All of the SkillsBank volunteers and supporters for generously donating their time to assist not for profit organisations across New Zealand.All of our Trustees, Advisory Trustees, Funding Partners, Alumni and Forum members for their ongoing support and invaluable advice. All invited contributors to this Yearbook.

Key Partners

Supporting Partners

Event Partners

Key Partners

Supporting Partners

Accident Compensation Corporationwww.acc.co.nz

ASB Community Trustwww.asbcommunitytrust.co.nz

Bell Gullywww.bellgully.com

Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltdwww.foodstuffs.co.nz

New Zealand Postwww.nzpost.co.nz

Altris Ltdwww.altris.co.nz


BoardWorks Internationalwww.boardworksinternational.com

Canon New Zealandwww.canon.co.nz

Hay Groupwww.haygroup.com

Kerridge & Partnerswww.kerridgepartners.com

Kudos Webwww.kudosweb.com


NZ Management magazinewww.management.co.nz

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