
Leaders and Strategies

Angela BrownChapter 29 Section 1

Laying the Groundwork - NAACP

• Founded in 1909 by Niagara movement

• Interracial organization – both African Americans and Whites participated

W.E.B. Dubois

• W.E.B. Dubois was the first African American to graduate from Harvard with a doctoral degree.

• He edited NAACP magazine – Crisis

• Focused on challenging laws that prevented African Americans from exercising full rights as citizens.

• Mainly appealed to educated, middle and upper class African Americans and liberal whites.

• Emphasized achieving legal equality for all races.

• Critics charged out of touch with basic issues of economic survival that faced many African Americans.

National Urban League

• 1911 – sought to assist people moving to major cities (homes, jobs, training, labor issues)

• Russell Simmons


• 1942 founded by pacifists

• Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

• Dedicated to bringing about change through peaceful confrontation

• interracial

The Philosophy of Nonviolence

• 1957 Martin Luther King Jr. and other African American clergymen organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

• Introduced concept of nonviolent protest

• They did not resist even when attacked by opponents.

• Shifted the focus of civil rights movement to the South.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

• Small town Baptist preacher

• Symbol of nonviolent protest for entire world

• Born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929 amid southern segregation

• Morehouse College – Crozer Theological Seminary – doctorate at Boston University in 1955

• Married Coretta Scott

Mohandas Gandhi

• King was influenced by beliefs of Mohandas Gandhi a leader in India’s long struggle to gain independence from Great Britain

• He succeeded in 1947 • preached nonviolence • peacefully refused to

obey unjust laws

• Bus boycotters advised to follow 17 rules for maintaining nonviolent approach – films, songs, skits showed Gandhi’s activities

• Played a key role in almost every major civil rights event from bus boycott until death 11 years later = Nobel Peace Prize in 1964

• Often attacked physically and verbally, often put in jail, death threats were frequent

King Assassinated

• King was assassinated in Memphis, TN in April 1968 at age of 39.

• James Earl Ray was convicted in 1969 and sentenced to 99 years in prison.

SNCC Breaks Away “Snick”

• Philosophy of nonviolence won support of many white Americans for growing movement

• Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) – originally part of SCLC

• 1960 Raleigh, NC – Ella Baker wanted to give youth a greater role in Civil Rights movement

• 200 students at first meeting – next month voted to maintain independence – interracial at first

• Shifted focus from church leaders – wanted immediate change

Jesse Jackson

• Baptist minister and close aid to Martin Luther King, Jr.

• Headed Operation Breadbasket until 1971- expanded educational and job opportunities for African Americans.

• 1984 ran for Democratic Presidential Nomination .

• His candidacy spurred African American voter registration.

Anne Moody

• Anne Moody - key civil rights worker had to overcome family discouragement from cause

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