La Scala di Santa Maria del Monte 2

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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The main landmark of the city is the 142-step monumental Staircase of Santa Maria del Monte, built from 1608 in the old part of the town. The peculiarity is that each step is decorated with different hand-decorated ceramics, using styles and figures derived from the millennial tradition of pottery making. On 25 July, Caltagirone celebrates St. Giacomo's day, the Patron Saint. On the Eve of 24 and 25 July the stairs are illuminated with thousand of colored oil lanterns to create a magnificent, original design. On 23 July there is a spectacular firework display from the public gardens, that can be seen from the whole city.The month of May is dedicated to the Madonna and the stairs become a fabulous display of colourful plants. During the Easter period, on Good Friday, you can watch the procession of Jesus Christ. On Easter Sunday there is the miracolous procession in the main square where the giant statue of St. Peter reunites the Madonna with her resurrected son Jesus, a very touchingYOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: (You have the link on the first slide)


CaltagironeCaltagironeCaltagirone (Caltagiruni in Sicilian dialect) is nicknamed the Queen of Mount Erei. Located in the centre of the eastern part of the Province of Catania, its fame derives from the production, both ancient and modern, of the most refined, hand-painted Sicilian ceramics. The main landmark of the city is the 142-step monumental Staircase of Santa Maria del Monte, built from 1608 in the old part of the town.

Caltagirone (Caltagiruni în dialect Sicilian) este supranumitã Regina Mun ilor Erei. Situatã în provincia ţCatania faima sa se datoreazã celei mai rafinate produc ii de ceramicã ţsmãl uitã i pictatã din Sicilia, ţ ştradi ie milenarã.ţ Cel mai faimos monument al ora ului este scara şmonumentalã Santa Maria del Monte, cu 142 de trepte, construitã în anul 1608 în partea veche a ora uluiş

Scala di Santa Maria del Monte - This long flight of steps connects the old (at the top) city, the seat of the religious authority, and the new one, where most public offices are located. On either side of this axis lie the two old quarters of San Giorgio and San Giacomo, characterized by narrow streets and concealing fine, mostly religious, buildings.

Scara cu 142 de trepte (Santa Maria del Monte) face legãtura între ora ul şvechi (situat în partea de sus), sediu al autoritã ii religioase, i ora ul nou ţ ş şunde au fost construite majoritatea clãdirilor administrative. Pe cele douã pãr i ale axei formate de scara ţmonumentalã se aflã cartierele San Giacomo i San Giorgio cu strãzile lor şînguste mãrginite de clãdiri frumoase, majoritatea fiind edificii biserice tiş

Sound: Mara Eli - Mi votu i mi rivotu

Text and pictures: Internet

Arangement: Sanda Foi oreanuş

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