"La Reina" Elida Reyna in Abilene

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The Tejano Times “The PeoPle’s magazine” Belongs To jesus!

www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389 PG.16 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// Oct. 10, 2012 FREE/GRATIS FREE/GRATIS The Big Country & Concho Valley Weekly Family Entertainment Paper Magazine by Servando “Estrella” Rodriguez /// E-mail: thetejanotimes@yahoo.com

Abilene / San Angelo & Surrounding areasYou Can Buy your Photos on Location ~ Weekly Devotionals inside issue ~ Vol.9 ®™ No.07 /// Oct. 10, 2012 ~ for info call: 325-829-2389


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Get your time back.Sitting in traffic for hours feels like you’re going no-where. If you’re tired of spending more time in your

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Do you know that nothing can be hidden from God? He knows about everyone, everywhere. He knows all about you because He made you. He knows what you are

thinking. He knows what you are going to say before you say it.

Right Companions

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “A man of many companions may come

to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

(Proverbs 18:24, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Your destiny is too big to accom-plish on your own. That’s why it’s so

important to be connected to the right people. We have to understand that God has already arranged for

certain people to speak faith into you. He has already placed people in

your path that will inspire you, chal-lenge you, and help you accomplish

your dreams. The reason some people never reach their highest potential is because they never get away from

the wrong people.

Recognize today that not everyone can go where God is taking you.

You’ve got to connect with people who understand your destiny and can

call forth your seeds of greatness. You don’t have time to spend on peo-

ple who are always pushing you down, telling you what you can’t do, or

never giving you their approval no matter how hard you try. Friend, life is too short to drag people along. If you will get the wrong people out of your life, then God will bring in the right people so you can fulfill the

destiny He has in store for you.

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father in heaven, thank You for plac-

ing the right people in my life. Help me to discern the right connections You have for me. Give me strength to release the wrong relationships so

I have room in my life for the people You have chosen to connect with me

in Jesus’ name. Amen.

What a pleasure it Was having elida Who hosted the nationally televised “pura vida aWards” Where she and the band Were nominat-ed by the industry’s top professionals in a record setting five categories. elida reyna performed in Washington d.c. for president barrack obama at the latino inaugural ball Where she performed her hit song “Quedemos como amigos” With michael salgado. she has proven that she can expand on the traditional sounds of the tejano and conjunto genres, and incorporate the influences of hip hop, r&b, reggeton, mariachi and pop into her musical repertoire. she has endeared herself to the many Who appreciate her

ability and eagerness to adapt and yet stay true to that Which has made her uniQue. it Was an honor having her here in abilene Where many of us got to meet her for the first time and a pleasure of taking these pictures With her.

thank you elida and may god bless you in all that you do til We see you again!

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Best of all, He understands you. He knows why you are happy or sad. He knows why your feelings are hurt and why you are angry.

He knows why you are afraid. God knows why you act the way you do, and why you say the things you say.God understands you completely. Even when no one else seems to understand you. God does.

Don’t Let Others Limit Your Dreams


“What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God’s faithfulness?”

(Romans 3:3, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Have the opinions of other people caused you

to water down your dreams? There will always be critics and naysayers in life. It’s not what’s

said about you that affects your life, but what you say and believe about yourself.

One of the most important things you can learn is that other people don’t have to be-

lieve in you in order for your dreams to come to pass. Other people don’t set the limits for your life — you do. In Romans 3:3, the Apostle Paul is saying, “It doesn’t matter if other peo-ple don’t believe. Their unbelief is not going

to keep me from believing in my dreams.” When God puts a promise in your heart, it’s not up to other people to bring it to pass, it’s up to you! You don’t need everyone to validate you. You have to follow the voice of God for yourself

and allow Him to order your steps.

Remember, God sees the hidden treasures that you’ve had buried on the inside of you. He

wants to bring those treasures out and make your dreams reality! As you get rid of old, defeated thoughts and replace them with

what God says about you, you will remove the limits and live the abundant life God has in

store for you!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Heavenly Father, thank You for another day to see Your goodness in my life. Today, I take

off the limits and embrace the dreams You’ve placed in my heart. Empower me by Your Spirit

to fulfill Your plan for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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Oct. 10, 2012 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// PG. 13PG.04 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// Oct. 10, 2012 www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389 www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389

Hell & Heaven

HELL - Touch: Pain from burning fire, Taste: Dry mouth, extreme thirst, blood from gnashing teeth, Smell: Rotting garbage-Gehen-na; rotten eggs-brimstone, Sight: smoke-fire; corruption-gehenna

or black darkness, Sound: Moaning, weeping, crying, screaming.

HEAVEN - no hunger, thirst or heat, death or pain, morning or crying: Revelation 7:16; 21:4, beyond all we could ask for or even think of: Ephesians 3:20, as a great reward: Matthew 5:11, eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison: 2 Corinthians 4:17,18,

surpassing riches of His grace towards us: Ephesians 2:7.

What is you destiny, what is your family’s destiny? If you have been set free are you telling your own people?

Last week in my Good News article I wrote about a man that was set free from demonic

possession, think about it due to the demonic possession he could not live a normal life. This

man lived in tombs, often chained, night and day among the tombs and hills he would cry out, and cut himself with stones. Imagine if

that was you, a loved one, or someone we know, I think words would not be able to describe

the hurt that would be felt to see someone in this condition. I will never write an article to bring guilt on anyone, or a sobbing story, because you see God, through our Lord Jesus

Christ has made a way for an individual to be set free from the bondage of sin. People need

the Lord, the bondage they are in is more than enough punishment, so why add guilt to a per-

son that is already hurting, instead lead them to good news.

I want to reflect back to part of the same

scriptures I shared last week, in the New Testa-ment Holy Bible it is written in Mark 5:18-20,

As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much

the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began

to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. It is pretty safe to say if like this once demon

possessed man was a condition of ours and then set free from this bondage, we would feel like he did. We are not told how long he had been

in this condition but Mark did write about the horrible life he had prior to being set free. Yet one encounter with Jesus changed his destiny to

good news.

Tell me, what has God done for you? When I visit my parents we sit and talk about how things

are going with the family, what is going on cur-rently and eventually we start remembering

things about our past. I have seen my mom laugh, other times become emotional depending on the

subject, but overall the subject that changes everything is when we talk about the goodness

of God. You see everyone has issues, whether or not as serious as the condition of this once demon possessed man whatever the situation

might be, only that individual knows the hurt it brings. But I must tell you are not alone, God

knows what you are going through, and like this man he can set you free. It is written in the New Testament Holy Bible in John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” If you

have been set free are you sharing good news?

Please do not miss the main point we can learn from this story about this once demon pos-

sessed man, I’m sure like him after being deliv-ered from a life of torment you would want to follow the very person that helped you. But Je-sus told this man as we read in the second part of Mark 5:19, ..”Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you,

and how he has had mercy on you.” I have visited people in hospitals, supported the hurting at

funerals, and shared this gospel on the streets as well as to congregations. But as important as it is to go abroad we must make it a goal to share as Jesus told this man, “Go home to your

own people..” Family, friend, people need the Lord, are you telling, your own people..?” You do not need to be perfect, just sincere in Christ, he

will set them free, he is good news.

¡bendiciones! Robert Muñoz“Under Construction!”

web: www.rstjp3@aol.comPrayer Requests/Comments are welcome.

He Makes All Things New

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am

making everything new!’...” (Revelation 21:5, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Can you remember the time when you first discovered a big dream in your heart? Maybe you were determined to excel in your career, or as a parent, or maybe you were focused on

deepening your walk with the Lord. You prob-ably started out with enthusiasm, but maybe things got a little difficult or didn’t happen

as quickly as you would have liked. Oftentimes, when things don’t go as planned, people decide,

“I’m just going to settle here. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but at least it’s good enough.”

Friend, in this new season, recognize that you were made for more than “good enough.” You were made to increase, to excel, to grow and

stretch. Why don’t you take a step of faith this year and embrace the new life He came to give

you. Not only does Christ offer new life in eter-nity, but He offers new life here on earth. Why

don’t you pick up those dreams and be deter-mined to see them through. It’s a new day, and

He is making everything new in your life!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father in heaven, thank You for this new day.

Thank You for the opportunity to begin again. I choose to press forward and keep believing

for the dreams and desires You’ve placed in my heart. I trust You today with everything that I

am in Jesus’ name. Amen.





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Possessing YourPromised Land


“The Lord your God will thrust them out from before you and drive them out of your sight, and you shall possess their land, as the Lord your God promised you.” (Joshua 23:5,


TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria We all have giants or obstacles that try to keep us from possessing what God has prom-ised, especially in our dreams. We have two choices: we can quit and live in mediocrity, or

we can fight and take hold of the victory.

In the Bible, the children of Israel were camped right next door to their Promised Land. God had already told them He would give them the victory; all they had to do was go in and fight for the land. But, when they heard how big their opponents were, they had such a weak, defeated mentality that they just gave up. Their attitude was, “What’s the use of even trying? We’ll never defeat those people. We might as well just stay out here in the wilderness.” They settled for mediocrity

because they weren’t willing to fight.

Friend, don’t let that be you! The battle you have to fight today is in your mind. You have to change your thinking in order to possess God’s promises. Start choosing thoughts of faith and victory. Declare that you are an overcomer. As you stand and fight and win the battle in your mind, you’ll move forward and embrace the promises and dreams that

God has for you!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father, today I come to You believing that You have given me the victory. I will not focus on the obstacles before me; instead, I will focus on You. Help me to stand strong and keep my heart and mind focused on the victory You

have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389 Oct. 10, 2012 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// PG. 05PG.12 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// Oct. 10, 2012

Exodus 23:20 “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.

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1 Timothy 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic mes-sage when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

Fire up Your Dreams


“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you...”

(2 Timothy 1:6, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

I believe that God has planted seeds of great-ness on the inside of every one of us. We all have dreams and desires, things we want to

accomplish; things we want to see changed. But so many times, life has a way of stealing our

dreams. We go through disappointments, face adversity, things don’t turn out as we would

like. Too often, people just end up settling for second best. But God doesn’t want us to settle for second best. He wants us to be determined,

press on, and pursue the greatness that’s on the inside. We should never let “good enough” be

good enough!

I want to encourage you today to stir your-self up and get your fire back. Start speaking

victory over your future. If one dream has died, dream another dream. Put yourself in a

positive, faith-filled environment. Get around people of excellence who live passionately. Fan

the flame that is in you so you can move for-ward into all God has in store for you!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father, I come to You today giving You my disap-pointments, setbacks, hurts and broken dreams. I ask that You restore my passion and vision for the future. Let Your flame burn brightly in me

now and forevermore in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Oct. 10, 2012 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// PG.11PG.06 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// Oct. 10, 2012 www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389 www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389

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1 Timothy 4:9, It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance.10, For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope

on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.

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1 Timothy 4:11, Prescribe and teach these things. 12 Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in

speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of

those who believe.

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1 Timothy 4:7, But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godli-ness; 8 for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is prof-itable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also

for the life to come.

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Oct. 10, 2012 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// PG.07www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389 www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.829.2389 PG.10 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// Oct. 10, 2012

1 timothy 4:1, but the spirit explicitly says that in later times some Will fall aWay from

the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,

1 Timothy 5:22 Do not be hasty in the lay-ing on of hands, and do not share in the

sins of others. Keep yourself pure.

2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their oWn conscience as With a branding iron, 3 men Who forbid marriage and advocate abstain-

ing from foods Which god has created to be gratefully shared in by those Who believe and

knoW the truth.

4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejectedif it is received with gratitude; 5 for it is sanctified by means of the

word of God and prayer.

1 Timothy 4:6, In pointing out these things to the brethren,you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of

the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following.

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He Will Multiply You

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “And I will make My covenant (solemn pledge) be-

tween Me and you and will multiply youexceedingly.” Genesis 17:2, AMP)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

God is in the multiplication business. It doesn’t matter what your need is today, God wants to

increase you!

One time in the Old Testament, God simply multi-plied the sound of four men’s footsteps and caused

them to sound like a mighty army. When their enemies heard them coming, they took off running. Thousands of people, thousands of troops running

for their lives, scared to death, thinking they were being attacked by a massive army, when in

fact, it was just four people.

Friend, God can make you seem bigger than you really are. He can make you look more power-ful. He knows how to multiply your influence,

your strength, your talent. He can multiply your income or whatever else you need! You don’t have to figure it all out. All you have to do is believe.

If you will release your faith and get up every day expecting God’s far and beyond favor, then you’re going to see God show up and do amazing things. He’ll bless you beyond your wildest dreams and

multiply you in every area of your life!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father God, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Thank You for Your promise to bless and

multiply me. Direct my steps, keep me close to You as I increase in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Oct. 10, 2012 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// PG.09PG.08 /// THE TEJANO TIMES ®™/// Oct. 10, 2012 PH.# 325.829.2389 - E-Mail: thetejanotimes@yahoo.com ////// www.facebook.com - myspace.com/thetejanotimes - puropartyradio.com //// hispanicabilene.com - arroyocatclaw.com / PH.# 325.676.8975

Psalm 139:1. O Lord, you have searched me and known me.2. You know my sitting down and my rising up; you understand my thought afar off. 3. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquaint-

ed with all my ways.

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