Kumpulan Variabel Indikator 1 3

Post on 17-Oct-2015






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    Kumpulan Variabel Penelitian Kuantitatif

    Abstract Sering peneliti pemula kesulitan menyusun variabel dimensi indikator dalam penelitian kuantitatif (deduksi teori yang harus dilakukan). Beberapa contoh ringkas ini semoga dapat memandu untuk mendalaminnya. Salam. Juwono Tri Atmodjo,M.Si

    1. Goldhaber (1990:335) mendeskripsikan instrumen survei audit komunikasi dengan kuesioner meliputi 9 topik, yaitu :

    1. amount of information received and needed from others on selected topics, 2. amount of information sent and needed to be sent to others on selected topics, 3. amount of follow-up or action taken and needed on information sent to others, 4. amount of information received and needed from selected sources, 5. timeliness of information received from key sources, 6. amount of information received and needed from selected channels, 7. quality of communication relationships, 8. satisfaction with the major organizational outcomes, and 9. demographic information.

    (1. jumlah informasi yang telah diterima dan dibutuhkan dari karyawan lain tentang masalah-masalah tertentu; 2. jumlah informasi yang dikirim dan dibutuhkan untuk dikirim pada karyawan lain tentang masalah-masalah tertentu; 3. jumlah tindak lanjut atau tindakan yang diambil dan dibutuhkan berkaitan dengan informasi yang dikirim pada karyawan lain; 4. jumlah informasi yang diterima dari sumber-sumber kunci (penting); 5. Ketepatan waktu penerimaan informasi dan dibutuhkan dari saluran-saluran tertentu; 6. jumlah informasi yang diterima dan dibutuhkan dari berbagai saluran terpilih (penting); 7. Kualitas hubungan-hubungan komunikasi; 8. Kepuasan atas hasil komunikasi organisasi yang utama (penting); dan 9. Informasi-informasi demografik (unsur dan ciri-ciri demografik sasaran komunikasi).

    2. Efektifitas Komunikasi

    Sedangkan Hendrix (2001:36) merangkum dari berbagai sumber, dimensi efektifitas komunikasi (secara ringkas) dapat dilihat berdasarkan : 1. Source credibility (kredibilitas komunikastor; trustworthiness (kepercayaan), competence

    (kemampuan), expertise (keahlian), dynamism (dinamisme), physical attractiveness (daya tarik fisik), similarities beetwen the source and receiver (kesamaan sumber dengan audien), proximity (kedekatan)).

    2. Message a. Salient information (penonjolan pesan;sejauh mana isi pesan dapat memotivasi perhatian

    audiens) b. Effevtive non verbal cues (jumlah dan jenis pesan non verbal yang dipersepsi, keseluruhan

    persepsi audiens akan pesan-pesan non verbal) c. Effective verbal cues (jumlah dan jenis pesan verbal yang dipersepsi, keseluruhan persepsi

    audiens akan pesan-pesan verbal) d. Two-way communication (isi pesan dari audiens sebagai respon melalui bergai media atau even)

    3. Receivers

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    a. Opinion leaders (pertama; posisi opinion leader, posisi formal/non formal, dan pengaruh opinion leader pada audien lain. Kedua; terpaan pesan langsung/satu tahap , dua tahap atau banyak tahap).

    b. Group influence (kedekatan antar anggota/members cohesiveness, kebersamaan, keuntungan bersama, interaksi tatap muka dan pengaruhnya pada anggota lain, nilai dan norma bersama, tingkat konformitas antar anggota/degree of conformity by each member)

    c. Selective exposure (sejauhmana sikap atau perilaku audien sulit untuk dirubah dsb) 4. Audience participation (feedback; partisipasi audiens pada event, pertayaan audien, pengiriman

    e-mail, telepon, sebagai member organisasi dsb)

    Efektifitas Komunikasi Hendrix (2001:36)

    Variabel Dimensi Indikator Skala

    a. trustworthiness (kepercayaan), Source credibility (kredibilitas Sumber)

    b. competence (kemampuan), c. expertise (keahlian), d. dynamism (dinamisme), e. physical attractiveness (daya tarik fisik), f. similarities beetwen the source and

    receiver (kesamaan sumber dengan audien), proximity (kedekatan)).

    Skala Likert; Efektifitas Komunikasi

    Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak


    a. Salient information (penonjolan pesan) Message b. Effevtive non verbal cues (jumlah dan jenis

    pesan non verbal yang dipersepsi)

    c. Effective verbal cues (jumlah dan jenis pesan verbal yang dipersepsi)

    d. Two-way communication (isi pesan dari audiens sebagai respon melalui bergai media atau even)

    a. Opinion leaders Receivers b. Group influence c. Selective exposure

    feedback; partisipasi audiens pada event, pertayaan audien, pengiriman e-mail, telepon, sebagai member organisasi dsb

    Audience participation

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    3. Efektifitas komunikasi organisasi Harjana (2000:23)

    Harjana (2000:23) mengemukakan Efektifitas komunikasi organisasi kriteria yang

    digunakan adalah siapa penerima atau pemakai (receiver or user), isi pesan (content), ketepatan waktu

    (time), media komunikasi (media), format (format), dan sumber pesan (source)...efisiensi komunikasi

    dengan kriteria biaya (cost), waktu (time), ketepatan (accuracy) dan kejelasan pengertian (intelligibility).

    Efektifitas Komunikasi

    Harjana (2000:23) Variabel Dimensi Indikator Skala

    Penerima/ Pemakai Isi

    penerima pesan yang sebenarnya vs penerima yang dituju (ketepatan penerima pesan)

    Isi yang diterima vs isi yang dimaksudkan

    Skala Likert; Efektifitas Komunikasi

    Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu

    Ketepatan waktu

    sesuai jadwal vs penyimpangan jadwal

    Pesan diterima (tepat/tidak) pada saat dibutuhkan

    Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak


    Media saluran yang digunakan vs saluran yang seharusnya

    Kualitas Media Jenis Media Ketepatan isi pada media yg


    Isi Pesan Isi Informasi tentang..... Kelengkapan isi Kejelasan Isi Kemudahan dipahami Pesan up to date

    Format struktur yg diterima vs struktur yang dikirim

    Sumber orang yang menyampaikan vs

    orang seharusnya menyampaikan Kredibilitas sumber Kompetensi sumber

    menyampaikan pesan Kelengkapan sumber

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    4. Efisiensi Program komunikasi

    Variabel Dimensi Indikator Skala

    Biaya nyata vs biaya menurut rencana


    Skala Likert;


    Waktu yang dibutuhkan vs waktu yg direncanakan untuk distribusi informasi

    Efisiensi Program komunikasi

    Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju


    Jumlah kesalahan pesan vs kesalahan minimun yg direncanakan

    Sangat Tidak Setuju

    Tingkat kesulitan nyata daya tangkap khalayak vs tingkat kesulitan yang diperkirakan.

    Penangkapan pesan

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    5. Profil Komunikasi keorganisasian

    Kepuasan Organisasi

    Variabel Dimensi Indikator Skala

    Kepuasan Karyawan pada organisasi

    Kerja Kepuasan Organisasi Supervisi

    Gaji &tunjangan Fasilitas Promosi Karyawan Teman sejawat Kerja

    Skala Likert;

    Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak

    Setuju Pengalaman & Persepsi Karyawan proses komunikasi organisasi

    Kepercayaan/saling percaya Iklim Komunikasi Partisipasi dlm pengambilan

    keputusan Keorganisasian Pemberian dukungan Keterbukaan komunikasi dg

    bawahan Kerelaan mendengar bawahan

    Persepsi karyawan tentang dokumen tertulis.

    Daya tarik untuk dibaca Kualitas Media Cocok (sesuai) dengan

    kebutuhan Terpercaya (dpt diandalkan) Mudah dipahami Lengkap dan jelas Efisien

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    6. Kemudahan memperoleh informasi

    Variabel Dimensi Indikator Skala



    Distribusi informasi Penyebaran Informasi dalam struktur organisasi

    Penting/tidaknya Peristiwa terkini (berita)dsb

    Skala Likert;

    Sangat Setuju

    Kemudahan memperoleh informasi

    Persepsi karyawan tentang perolehan informasi dari berbagai sumber

    Atasan langsung Kelompok tertentu Bawahan Kolega Dokumen-penerbitan

    Obrolan lisan

    Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju

    Muatan informasi

    Persepsi pada informasi yang diterima

    Kecukupan informasi, Kekurangan informasi, Kelebihan informasi, dan Terlewatkan dr berbagai

    informasi (terisolasi)

    Sangat Tidak Setuju

    Kemurnian Pesan

    Kejelasan pesan Perbedaan pesan yang dimengerti

    dan sebenarnya ada, kesalahan dan

    penghapusan pesan.

    Budaya organisasi

    Persepsi dan pengalaman Karyawan tentang :

    (pengrertian, perhatian, mau mendengar, komunikatif, membantu, mendorong)

    (baik, jasa, kualitas, pelayanan prima). Relasi

    (bersih, rapi, teratur, aman,tertip ) Nilai-nilai


    Sumber : Wayne (1994) dalam Hardjana (1997:55-56) dimodifikasi penulis

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    7. Communication Competence

    Variabel Dimensi Skala

    Knowledge to comunicate

    Communication Competence

    Skala Likert;

    Skill to comunicate

    Sangat Setuju Setuju

    Motivations to comunicate

    Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju

    Sangat Tidak Setuju

    8. Reputations Measurement

    To begin to understand the value of reputation, we must conceptualize more

    specifically how and why public relations adds value. In their study for the Council of

    Public Relations Firms, Jeffries-Fox Associates (2000b) searched the business, public

    relations, and marketing literature for explanations of why reputation has value for an

    organization. The literature suggested the following benefits of reputation: Increasing market share. Lowering market costs. Lowering distribution costs. Being able to charge a premium. Avoiding over-regulation. Being able to weather bad times. Greater employee alignment and productivity. Being able to attract and retain talent. Being able to attract investors. Being able to gain access to new global markets. Gaining more favorable media coverage. (p. 4)

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    9. Relationship Valeus

    L. Grunig, J. Grunig, and Dozier (2002) described the value of relationships as follows: Relationships (and their product reputation) provide a context for behavior by

    consumers, investors, employees, government, the community, the media, and other strategic constituenciesbut they do not determine this behavior alone. The behavior of these constituencies affects financial performance; but many other factors, such as competition and the economic environment, also affect that performance.

    Relationships save money by preventing costly issues, crises, regulation, litigation, and bad publicity. It is not possible, however, to determine the cost of something that did not happen or even to know that the negative event or behavior would have happened in the absence of excellent public relations.

    The return on relationships is delayed. Organizations spend money on relationships for years to prevent events or behaviors such as crises, boycotts, or litigation that might happen many years down the road.

    The return on relationships usually is lumpy. Good relationships with some constituencies such as consumers may produce a continuing stream of revenue, but for the most part the return comes all at oncee.g., when crises, strikes, boycotts, regulation, litigation, or bad publicity are avoided or mitigated. Similarly, relationships with potential donors must be cultivated for years before a donor makes a major gift. As a result, it is difficult to prorate the delayed returns on public relations to the monies invested in the function each year. (p. 105)

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    10. Mengukur reputasi Berikut ini saya menemukan di Internet penjelasan lebih dalam mengenai model Harris-Fombrun (source: www.valuebasedmanagement.net/methods_corporate_reputation_quotient.html ): Emotional Appeal - good feeling about the company - admire and respect the company - trust the company Products and Services - stands behind products/services - offers high quality products/services - develops innovative products/services - offers products/services that are good value Vision and Leadership - has excellent leadership - has a clear vision for the future - recognizes/takes advantage of market opportunities Workplace Environment - is well managed - looks like a good company to work for - looks like it has good employees Financial Performance - record of profitability - looks like a low risk investment - strong prospects for future growth - tends to outperform its competitors Social Responsibility - supports good causes - environmentally responsible - treats people well

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    11. Apakah Reputasi bisa diukur? Selama beberapa tahun ini, banyak publikasi majalah Fortune (US) dan BRW Most

    Admired Companies and Business Leaders mempergunakan pengukuran yang

    berbeda, yakni:

    A. Majalah Fortune:

    1. Quality Management.

    2. Quality of products and services.

    3. Innovation.

    4. Long Term investment value.

    5. Financial soundness

    6. Ability to attract, develop, and retain talent.

    7. Responsibility to the community and the environment.

    8. Wise use of corporate assets

    9. Global business acumen.

    B. Majalah BRW:

    1. Long-term shareholder value.

    2. High-quality products, services.

    3. Innovation.

    4. Capacity to deliver growth.

    5. Strong corporate brand image.

    6. Ability to attract, develop, and retain talent.

    7. Commitment to the community environment.

    8. Effective use of corporate assets.

    9. Customer relationship management.

    10. Effective use of new technology.

    11. Successful deployment of intellectual capital.

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    12. APPLIED PUBLIC RELATIONS, Cases in Stakeholder Management, Larry F. Lamb

    University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Kathy Brittain McKee Berry College,

    Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers 10 Industrial Avenue Mahwah, New

    Jersey 07430, ,2005, p.5

    Public Relations: Stakeholder Relationships

    Understand the Practices: Critique the actions or reactions undertaken by the

    organization and its publics described here. Are they in line with accepted best

    practices? Identify the phases of the comunication or campaign cycle and the strengths

    and weaknesses of the plan and actions. In your opinion, were actions taken that were

    not necessary? Were other appropriate actions not included? Were there factors of

    timing and budgeting that impacted actions, or that could have been exploited to better



    Identify the Principles: What are the implications of this case for maintaining mutually

    beneficial relationships with the key stakeholder identified, or other strategic

    stakeholders? How does this case illustrate, either positively or negatively, common

    ethical principles for effective practice? What does this case suggest in terms of

    effective principles for public relations practitioners in other situations with the same

    stakeholder or others? The following questions may help you clarify aspects of the

    cases as you analyze these levels:

    a. What goal(s) and objectives do you think this organization is attempting to achieve through its actions or reactions?

    b. What would characterize a mutually beneficial relationship with this public or stakeholder? What would motivate members of that stakeholder group to enter into or to maintain a relationship with this organization? What might be a liability or caution about an ongoing relationship?

    c. Does this organization's actions demonstrate open- or closed-system practices and philosophies? What type of research do you believe was used in order to develop this plan of action? What more should the organization have known in order to more effectively plan and execute its communication program or campaign?

    d. What ethical philosophies or precepts are demonstrated by the organization in this case?

    e. Are there other examples you can cite of organizations that have faced similar challenges? What do those examples tell you about how this organization might have improved its relationships and its outcomes?

    f. What style of internal management does this case illustrate? Does it appear that public relations practitioners within the organization are taken seriously? Is public relations a management function within this organization?

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

  • 1 12

    Realitas (Realitas

    Ada nyata ada tidak


    Obyek Riset/apa yang diteliti


    Metodologi /Metode/ Strategi


    Desain Penelitian

    Tujuan Penelitian

    Beberapa Desain Penelitian : Eksplorasi Deskripsi Evaluasi Komparasi Korelasional Kausal Komparasi Analitic dsb

    Model Penelitian

    Unsur-unsur Penelitian

    Format Penelitian

    Penulisan Laporan Penelitian Hasil Penelitian

    Teori-teori dari

    pendekatan Obyektif, sampai

    Teori dari pendekatan subyektif

    Aplikasi Proses Riset




    ahaman seting penelitian


    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

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    Print Media studies (Readership studies) Metode Desain Penelitian


    Profile Demografic sumarrary Dimensi :

    Jenis kelamin Usia Pendidikan Penghasilan Media yang digunakan Cara memperoleh media dsb.

    Life Style Segmentation (Hobies, Activities, interest, and attitude.

    Metode Survey Deskripsi demografi Komparasi demografi segmentation

    Item-selection studies

    Iided recall (responden remember)

    Eksperimen/quasi eksperimen

    One group target Komparative on several target

    Reader-non reader studies

    (frekuensi, durasi, demografi dsb) antara Pembaca dengan bukan pembaca

    Metode Survey Quasi Eksperimen

    Komparasi Komparasi

    Uses and Gratifications studies (Katz)

    Social and Psycology factor

    Motive , need, dan pola penggunaan media,

    Impak pada kepuasan akan kebutuhan informasi

    Eksploratif survey Survey Mixed Method

    Korelasional Kausal Evaluatif ke Komparasi

    Uses And Effect (Severin Windhal)

    Kognitif need

    Eksploratif survey Survey

    Korelasional Kausal Dari evaluatif ke Komparasi

    Editor-readers comparison

    Komparasi antara apa yang disajikan editor dengan publics preferensi

    Survey Quasi eksperimen Case study

    Circulation studi

    Case study

    Typografi and Mark up

    Effect of new design element, page make up etc on reader preferens

    Metode Survey Quasi Eksperimen

    Readability Research

    Keterbacaan isi menurut audiens

    Metode Survey Quasi Eksperimen

    Evaluation Dari evaluasi ke komparasi

    13 Mass Media Research Map

    Developed by Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si http://statistika21.wordpress.com or http://communications21.wordpress.com

  • 2

    Daftar Pustaka

    Emmanuel,M, 1985, Auditing Communication Practices, In Inside Organization Communication, Longman, New York.

    Goldhaber, M. Gerald, and Rogers D. P., 1979, Auditing organizational communication systems: The ICA communication audit, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

    Goldhaber, G., & Krivonos, P. (1977). The communication audit: Process, status, and critique. Journal of Business Communication, 15, 41-64.

    Goldhaber, M. Gerald,1979, Communication Audits in The Age The Internet, in Management Communication Quarterly 2002;15;p 451 from http://mcq.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/15/3/451 didownload tanggal 11 September 2009, jam 21.00 WIB.

    Goldhaber, M. Gerald, 1990, Organization Communication, 5th ed.Dubuque, IA:William C.Brown.

    Harjana, Andre, 2000, Audit Komunikasi, Teori dan Praktek, Grasindo, Jakarta

    Hargie. Owen, Touris. Dennis, Wilson.Noel, Communication Audit and Effect of Increased Information : A Follow-up Study, Jourmal of Business Communication 2002;39;414. from http://job.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/39/4/414 didownload tanggal 11 Oktober 2009, jam 21.15 WIB.

    Hendrix, A.Jerry, 2001, Public Relation Case, wadswotrh, Thomson Learning, Belmont,USA.

    Hogar, Elaine and Ellis,Roger, 2006, Evaluation and Communication: Using a Communication Audit to Evaluated Organizational Communication, Evaluation Review Vol 30 No 2. from http//erx.sagepub.com/cgi/conten/refs/30/2/171 didownload tanggal 17 Oktober 2009, jam 21.15 WIB.

    John, J.David and Chang, H.Jung, 2000, Internal and External Communication, Boundary Spanning, and Innovation Adoption, Journal of Business Communication, http://job.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/37/3/238 didownload tanggal 21 Oktober 2009, jam 21.15 WIB.

    Wayne, Pace and Faules F. Don, 2000, Komunikasi Organisasi, Streategi Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung.

    Wimmer D. Roger, 1987, Mass Media Research, Wadsworth Publisher Company, Belmont, Caligfornia

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    PR Research

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