KSK Mahanadi Power Company Limited (KMPCL)

Post on 31-Jan-2017






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South Eastern Coalfields Limited (A Subsidiarv of Coal India LimitedlA Miniratna PSU)

C~N: U10102CT1985G01003161

Regd. Office Seepat Road, Bilaspur -495 006 (Cllhattisgarh)

Sales & Marlreting Tel: 07752- 246322 Fax: 07752- 246472 Website: www.secl.gov.in


MIS KSK Mahanadi Power Co. Limited, Narihyara. Janjgir-Champa Chhattisgarh

Sub: Liftina of coal bv Road Mode.

Dear Sir,

In continuation to our discussions on the above referred subject matter, we would like to

inform that due to the acute paucity of railway wagons the planned despatch through rail mode is not being materialized.

It is therefore necessitated to deliver coal to the units located in the vicinity of mines by

road mode for faster evacuation of coal stocks and usage of additional railway wagons

thus generated, for long distance coal transportations.

As per the logistical analysis, it i s evident that your unit is located equally at about 30-40

Kms from the mines of Gevra, Kusmunda and Manikpur OC. You are therefore advised

to revert to the lifting of your requirement of coal by road mode and place orders

accordingly so that the necessary arrangement for its delively can be initiated.

Yours faithfully,

&\=\+ -

General Manage (S&M)

Power from knowledge

KSK Mahanadh P ~ w e r Company Limited CIN No : U40300TG2009PLC064062

Works Registered Office

Near Nariyara Village, 8-2-2931821N431 /A.

Akaltara Tehsil, Road No. 22. Jubilee Hills.

Janjgir - Charnpa District, Hyderabad - 500033

Chhattisgarh Tel: +91-40-23559922-25

Tel (Site): 07817-284001 Fax: +91-40-23559930

Ref: SECL, BILAS/VVKR/2500108/304 c>/'~ Date: 25.04.2015


The General Manager (S & M)

South Eastern Coal Fields Limited !--

Seepat Road ~ ~ - t { - [ 6 Bilaspur.

Sub: Request for Lifting of Linkage coal by existing Rail Mode as per FSA.

Reference: 1. FSA SL NO N117 executed with SECL on dated 19.04.2014 and Addendum # 5

Dt. 31.03.2015.

2. SECL Letter No SECL/BSP/S&M/OPRN/749 DT 17/18.04.2015

Dear Sir,

Kindly refer to your letter cited 2 above. In this regard, we would like to inform you that we wish to

continue to lift our monthly allocated coal quantities by existing rail mode system only, under above

referred FSA. In this regard we write to bring to your kind attention following grounds which are

relevant in this matter :

1. We have done huge investments for development of a giant railway infrastructure at our

plant. The total track length of our railway infrastructure is around 48 Kms, out of which

there are 04 tracks inside the plant for the reception of coal rakes and also it houses two

wagon tipplers and two track hoppers as well, enabling us to handle coal rakes considering

our unit size of 6x600 MW. With this decision of SECL, all our efforts and investments for

setting up such massive infrastructure will go for a toss and will be a huge setback for us. In

addition, our state of the art infrastructure and unloading facility further facilitates SECL for

faster turnaround of rakes and thus directly helps your cause of increasing

materialisation/despatches from mines.

Our Plant is situated a t about 90 kms from the mines of Dipka, Gevra and Manikpur (Korba

Area) and 140 kms from Chal and Baroud (Raigarh Area). We have FSA with SECL

(KorbaIRaigarh) for two units i.e. 1200 MW .The monthly FSA allotted quantity presently is

3 lakhs tonnes per month for 2 units or 10000 MT /Day ie. around 500-600 trucks /day. The

daily coal consumption for 2 units is about 17000 MT . Linkage coal therefore, is about 60%

of our daily coal requirement. It is evident from these facts that , as anticipated by you in

your letter, our plant is at a larger distance than 30 -40 km envisaged and hence road mode

deliveries are not advisable from Logistics point of views of movement of so many vehicles

(outside plant and inside plant) and unloading infrastructure in our plant.

KSK Mahanadi Power Company Limited CIN No : U40300TG2009PLC064062


-<') KS K Power from knowledge

Works Registered Office

Near Nariyara Village, 8-2-293/821A/431 /A,

Akaltara Tehsil, Road No. 22, Jubilee Hills,

Janjgir - Charnpa District, Hyderabad - 500033

Chhattisgarh Tel: +31-40-23559922-25

Tel (Site): 07817-284001 Fax: +91-40-23559930

3. As per plant design, we are not equipped to handle road movement for such bulk quantities

and it is a herculean task to sustain uninterrupted generation. Handling around 600+ trucks

at the plant is impossible and not feasible for a unit size like ours.

4. Our plant is not designed to handle coal supply by road, due to technical restrictions and

plant design. Coal from the rake is directly unloaded a t hopper, crushed to (-30MM) size and

fed to the boiler (through mills) directly for consumption or stacked a t Unloading Yard.

Unlike this, in case of Road mode, coal shall be unloaded at stacking yard and it cannot be

crushed to (-30MM) size and fed to the boiler. Plant i s not equipped with separate crusher

or feeding unit for road mode. Further, we need to re-handle coal in plant to feed into

Hoppers for which new road infrastructure shall be needed in plant. This new arrangement

of road movement from coal yard to Hopper, by technical standards, for 600 trucks

movement within plant shall be UNSAFE practise, prone to accidents in plant. Due to the

technical design Constraints, it is impossible to handle. linkage raw coal by trucks. Any such

modifications in the plant layout are not at all feasible or possible for us at this juncture not

advisable from Safety point of view.

5. It i s pertinent to note that our rail distance from SECL siding is 98 KMs and coal requirements

are primarily being catered through BOBRN. We are maintaining the minimum rake

unloading timing at our end, restricting the same a t around 45 minutes (one of the Best

among other customers of SECLISECR). Apart from this, BOBRN wagons which are only kept

by the railways for consumers with Bottom Hopper facilities will remain unutilised and

resulting into non-performance of government assets. Due to shorter distance, the

turnaround time and availability of rakes increases by serving customers nearby by rail,

rather than serving those at far off distances, where i t will take more time to receive the

rakes back. BOBRN helps to maximise'loading and reducing the rolling stock at SECL Mines

and they are preferred for such short distance movement only. This is a win - win situation

for Railways, SECL and Customer like us. Therefore, this condition proposed is discriminatory

in nature and should not be prescribed by SECL, being a public authority only for power

plants situated near the coal mines of SECL. Any decision proposed to be implemented by

SECL must be equal on all grounds for all the coal consumers of SECL.

6. As regards paucity of wagons referred in your letter, we had also taken up the matter with

DRM/CFTM/SECR who has advised us that there is no wagon shortage, especially for

BOBRN wagons, utilised for short- lead & closed - circuit traffic on SECR. The Railway

management have also conveyed the State Govt's concern over the need to avoid large-

scale road -transportation of coal, in public interest, through adaptation of the cost-efficient

& environment-friendly rail option. Moreover, close circuit BOBRN wagons are available

with SECR to clear the entire stock of KMCPL (as confirmed by the DRM (SECR) t o CMD

SECL Bilaspur vide their letter no. P/KMPCL/15, dated 24-04-2015, Letter Attached for


7. Present road infrastructure and route from mines to our plant is not apt for movement. Such

a huge bulk coal movement by trucks will raise issues from Environment, safety, District

Administration and resistance from the local residents in the vicinity. We have experienced

these issues in past, before commencement of operations of our railway siding, when even

for very limited coal road movement, we had to stop supplies on those grounds. For a fully



KSK Power rrorn knowledge

KSK R4ahanadi Power Company Limited CIN No. U40300TG2009PLC064062

Works Registered Office

Near Nariyara Village, 8-2-293/82/N431 /A,

Akaltara Tehsil, Road No. 22. Jubilee Hills.

Janjgir - Champa District. Hyderabad - 500033

Chhattisgarh Tel: +91-40-23559922-25

Tel (Site): 0781 7-284001 Fax: +91-40-23559930

running plant like ours, this is not feasible as any stoppage of coal supplies may result in loss

of generation and huge penalties to us due to shortfall in power supplies.

8. Continuous movement of coal shall hamper due t o No-Entry points at Korba, Hardibazar,

Baloda and Akaltara the route which we have t o utilise for linkage coal movement from

08:OO am to 08:OO pm, currently imposed by the local administration in order to ensure

the safety of the enroute villagers/residents. With these restrictions it shall take asking rate

to 1200 truckslday (as movement to be enabled only in 12 hours) which is technically

impossible to handle in our plant as well as exiting State Road networks.

9. The movement of coal by road in place of rail will lead us to a huge revenue loss of approx.

123 CrIAnnum, which can not be passed on to our power consumers under the concluded

PPAs, thereby compromising the commercial viability of our power project.

Therefore considering the plant Infrastructure facilities, Safety, rake availability, Less rail

distance, reduced rolling stock , SECR Consent, hassle free movement, better evacuation of

SECL coal due to close circuit wagons use and power tariff to utilities, linkage movement by

rail is best suited for KMPCL Plant.

Considering all these aspects, we request your goodself to kindly continue our movement of

coal from SECL mines by Rail Mode as per the FSA.

Thanking you,

For, KSK Mahanadi Power C o w m i t e d ,

CC: CMD, SECL, Bilaspur ... -.L- .- .

Director Tech. (OP.), SECL, ~ i i a s ~ u r

Attached: Copy of Letter (no. P/KMPCL/15, dated 24-04-2015) from DRM (SECR) to CMD

(SECL), Bilaspur.

Association of Power Producers

R$f: APP/DG/2015-161486 081r,October,2015

Sllri A. K Mittal,Cliainlan, Railway BoardR{il Bhawan,

R{isina Road,

Nfw Delhi - 110001

Sqb: Restrictions on Raw Coal Movement to Power Utilities from SECL, Korba sidings.

APP lctter No. APP/DG/2O15-161465 dated 7th September 2015

il" ll^ M/^'r

write in reference to our above mentioned letter (copy enclosed) addressing the constraints ofcoal movement to Power Utilities whereby we have been intimated by our members about the

of restriction on raw coal tnovemeltt. as detailed below:

ilway Board has directed to liquidate pending indents from SECL Korba area by loading onlyustrial destination lNon-power sector) rakes lrom OId Kusmunda and New I(usmunda- I & 2ings at I(orba till further advice, resulting in constrained loading for Power sector frorn theserngs.

icting power sector rake loading from these sidings significantly impacts coal suppiies toplants as the above three sidings account for -35-45% of the total coal being sLrpplied by

L to power projects. The severity ofthe situation is illustrated by the fact that in the rnonth of' I 5, fhe share of raw coai supplies 10 powef sector was only 54%o against the average loading

of 860/o in the previons months. The table below represents the facts in this regard:








501-502, sth Floor, Mohan Dev Building, 13, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-110001Tel: +91-11-43628357/58/59 Fax : +91-11-43628356 Web.: www.aopindia.oro.in

1 FY15-t6 Jull 15


S hale


lr plso rppears tltat the satnc above trerrd is beirrg followed in Oct' 15. As per. dala avrilable wirhLIsf it is estimated that the average loading share for power sector will be around 60% since lheIo{ding for non-power sector continues to be rnuch higher than the program.

In thi^s connection, we would like to bring to your attention that although rnany plants drawing rawco[l frorn l(orba area ofSECL are having comfortable coal stock position upio35-40 days (basedon cEA Sep'15 report on coal stock), the power plants situated within 500 km distance havedepleted theil coal stocl<s from 17 days (on 1.tSep'15) to I0 days (on 30tr, Sep'15) ancl theirco[dition continues to be critical with the lesser coal supplies from SECL Korba.

IrLtttlteL, you would appreciate that for Power sector, the coal program remains valid tillthe 3rd oflh$ Inonth fb llowin g the rnontlt of allotrnent and Iapsing of entitled coal due to shod supp ly of coalon account of no loading of rakes irnpacts the critical Power Plants in meeting their obiigationsunper the Long Term PPA for supply of power to Discoms.

R(q ucst

ln ]view ofthe above, we request you to kindly advice SECR for resuming coal movement to power

Utilities from Old l(usmunda and New Kusmunda 1&2 sidings at Korba area. These restrictionsaggravatir,g the short coal supply position already being faced by the power projects.


rs s incerely,

Association of Power Producers

ok I(hurana)

tor CeneralDi


I : As above

y to:


istry of Power,

Shakti Bhawan,




Ne Delhi, 110001

Anil Swanrp,

istry of Coal,


Delhi, 1 10 001

Ajay Shukla,

ber Tlaffic,Iway Board, Rail Bhawan,sina Road,

Delhi -ll000l






Submitted to:

KSK Mahanadi Power Company Limited (KMPCL) Hyderabad

Submitted by:

Vimta Labs Ltd.

142 IDA, Phase-II, Cherlapally

Hyderabad–500 051

env@vimta.com, www.vimta.com

February, 2016

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 1

1.0 Background

KSK Mahanadi Power Company Limited (KMPCL) (earlier known as Wardha Power

Company Limited) is in the advanced stage of developing a 3600 (6x600) MW

coal based thermal power plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil, Janjgir-Champa

District in Chhattisgarh. KMPCL is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) promoted by

KSK Energy Ventures Limited (KSK) (a power plant development company) based

at Hyderabad.

In line with the EIA Notification dated 14th September 2006, KSK Mahanadi Power

Company Limited was accorded Environmental Clearance by MoEF vide its letter

no. J 13012/44/08 – IA.II (T) dated 19th Oct, 2009 and the validity of the

Environmental clearance was extended upto 31st December, 2017 vide MoEF’s letter No. J-13012/44/2008-IA.II (T) dated 23.09.2015. Copies enclosed as


Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB) has granted “Consent for Establishment” for 3600 MW power plant of KMPCL and also granted “Consent to

operate” for two units on 28.02.2013 and 15.04.2014. “Consent to operate” is

valid upto 31st May,2016. Copies enclosed as Annexure-II.

As on today, KMPCL has commissioned two units of 600 MW capacity each on

14.08.2013 and 26.08.2014 and source of coal is South Eastern Coalfields

Limited, a subsidiary of Coal India Limited. The generated power is being supplied

to Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh States through

Long Term Power Purchase Agreements. Balance units are under advance stage

of construction and will be commissioned before end of December-2017.

1.1 Status of Project

Details of execution of power plant facilities are presented in Table-1.



Facilities % of Completion Completion


Unit-III BTG and BOP 60 30th Sep,2016

Unit-IV BTG and BOP 50 31st Mar, 2017

Unit-V BTG and BOP 30 30th Sep, 2017

Unit-VI BTG and BOP 30 31st Dec, 2017

Drainage system and Major roads 80 31st Dec, 2016

Intermediate reservoir out side plant site 80 31st Dec, 2016

Coal receipt system of balance 1800 MW 80 31st March, 2017

1.2 Project Size / Magnitude of Operation

The details of power plant are presented below in Table-2

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 2



Sr. No. Features Particulars

1 Capacity 3600 MW

2 Configuration 6x600 MW

3 Type of boilers sub critical with pulverized Coal

4 Power evacuation Power generated at KMPCL is

evacuated at both 400 KV level

5 Fuel Coal

6 Source of Coal FSA and MOU with SECL

7 Coal Requirement 14.14 Million tonnes per year

8 Sulphur content 0.3-0.6% (Max) and design


9 Ash Content in Coal 21-40% (Max) and Design (36%)

10 Ash generation 5.09 Million tonnes per year

11 Fly ash 4.072 Million tonnes per year

12 Bottom Ash 1.018 Million tonnes per year

13 ESP efficiency 99.99%

14 Stack 2 stacks

( 3 flues each of 275-m height)

15 Fresh water requirement for


8655 m3/hr (84.59 cusecs) from

River Mahanadi

1.3 Technology and Process Description

Steam Generator Units

The basic plant design considers unitized concept except for ancillary plants, as is

the practice. Judicious provisions have been considered while deciding the

margins in various system and system components and interchangeability of

equipment/system. State-of-the-art technology has been considered for design of

the proposed station. To achieve efficiency without sacrificing availability, the

choice of steam parameters has been limited to sub-critical range.

The parameters of the main plant and equipment are presented in Table-3.



Sr. No Units Details

I Steam Generation Unit

1 Capacity 2000-TPH BMCR

2 Steam Parameters 174-bar (a), 540oC

3 Type Semi-outdoor, natural circulation, single–reheat, pulverized firing construction,

balance draft.

4 Efficiency 87.5% on GCV of Coal

5 Reheat Steam Parameters 38.2- bar and 540-oC to 566 oC

II Turbo-Generator Unit

6 Capacity 600-MW at Generator terminal

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 3

Sr. No Units Details

7 Steam Parameters 166.7 bar and 538oC

8 Type Two/ Three Cylinder, regenerative,

condensing, single reheat

9 Condensing Pressure 0.1 bar(a)

10 Turbine Heat Rate 1927. 7 kCal/kwh

11 Reheat Steam Parameters 35.7 bar and 538 oC to 564 oC

12 Generator Voltage 20 Kv

13 Gross Heat Rate 2203 kCal/kwh

2.0 Need of Change of Coal Source

During development stage, KMPCL had firm coal linkage from Morga II Coal

block of Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC) Limited (for first

three Units) and Gare Pelma Sector III coal block of Goa Industrial

Development Corporation (GIDC) (for last three Units). Fuel Supply

Agreements (FSAs) were executed with both GMDC & GIDC.

The coal requirement for the power plant is about 14.14 Million Tonnes Per

Annum (MTPA). Coal was to be transported from coal mines to the site

through rail.

Due to delay in development of Morga-II coal block, KMPCL approached

Standing Linkage Committee (Long Term) (SLC (LT)) and SLC (LT) authorized

issuance of Letter of Assurance (LOA) by Coal India Limited on tapering basis

on 12.11.2008. On 11.06.2009, South Eastern Coalfields Limited, a subsidiary

of Coal India Limited, issued a Letter of Assurance (LOA) for 74,91,000 (7.49

MTPA) tonnes per annum to meet the coal requirement of 1800 MW (Units 1

to 3) out of 3600 MW capacity at the power plant.

Later, MOEF was approached for the amendment in EC to get the source of

coal changed from GMDC’s Coal Block to South Eastern Coalfields Limited until

the coal block of GMDC becomes operational. On 24.01.2012, MoEF issued the

amended EC including coal linkage from South Eastern Coalfields Limited as a

source of coal for three units.

Later, in accordance with CCEA decision, Government of India through

Presidential Directive dated 17.07.2013 mandated Coal India Limited to sign

Fuel Supply Agreements with Power developers including Tapering Linkage

holders, identified by Ministry of Power for supply of the domestic coal

quantity of 65%, 65%, 67% and 75% of Annual Contracted Quantity for the

remaining four years of the 12th Plan (ie from 2013-14 upto 2016-17). It was

also directed that to meet its balance FSA obligations, CIL may import coal

and supply the same to willing power plants on cost plus basis or Power plants

may also directly import coal themselves, if they so opt.

Further, New Coal Distribution Policy issued by Ministry of Coal, Government

of India was amended on 26.07.2013 to outline the above directives for


Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 4

On 19.03.2014, Fuel Supply Agreement was signed between KMPCL and

South Eastern Coalfields Limited to supply 49,94,000 tonnes per annum to

meet the requirement of two units of 600 MW capacity each (1200 MW).

Through this FSA, SECL committed to supply 3.2461 MTPA (65% of Annual

Contracted Quantity) in 2014-15, 3.34598 MTPA (67% of Annual Contracted

Quantity) in 2015-16 and 3.7455 MTPA (75% of Annual Contracted Quantity)

in 2016-17 to meet the requirement of two units.

Similarly for third unit, Fuel Supply Agreement was signed between Eastern

Coalfields Limited and KMPCL on 12.08.2014 for 1.763 MTPA.

However, Hon’ble Supreme Court, vide its orders dated 25.08.2014 and

24.09.2014 has cancelled allocation of all the coal blocks which also included

Morga II and Gare Pelma Sector III Coal Blocks that were linked to the KMPCL


Pursuant to the cancellation of allotment of coal blocks by Hon’ble Supreme Court, Ministry of Coal, on 30.06.2015, cancelled the tapering linkage granted

to KMPCL and directed CIL (SECL) to continue coal supplies to the Power Plant

under MOU mechanism till 31.03.2016 or till formulation of new policy by

Government of India, whichever is earlier.

Presently, SECL is continuing the coal supplies to 2 Units under an MOU dated

13.07.2015 to the extent of 67% of the Annual Contracted Quantity.

To meet the balance quantity of coal in line with Presidential Directive and

New Coal Distribution Policy and considering the inferior quality of coal

supplied by SECL (which is lesser than design specification of boiler of power

plant), it is now necessary to procure coal of higher GCV coal including

imported coal (available through Rail mode), in addition to Domestic Open

Market Coal (available through Road e Mode), to address the situation that

has arisen out of implementation of the Presidential Directive by Coal

India Limited. Blending of SECL’s coal and high GCV Coal from Imported and Open Market coal sources will match with the boiler requirements and also

meet the balance coal requirement of the KMPCL units.

At present, to meet the balance amount of coal for the two units, KMPCL is

also sourcing coal from SECL though forward e-auction process, which is

supplied by SECL only by Road mode.

To meet the requirement of coal for the balance four units, KMPCL is pursuing

with Ministry Coal and Ministry of Power to provide long-term coal linkages

under the new policy mechanism under consideration of the Ministry of Coal.

The New Coal Distribution policy presently in vogue mandates CIL to meet

100% of the coal requirement of the Power Sector from Domestic Coal


Till November 2015, Railway Logistics Plan allowed only Western Ports to

procure imported coal for the Power Plants situated in the state of

Chhattisgarh. However recently on 13.11.2015 and 07.12.2015, Railway

Board, Ministry of Railways approved the procurement of imported coal by

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 5

KMPCL from Eastern Ports (through Nagpur route) namely Gangavaram,

Vizag, Kakinada and Krishnapatnam ports. Details are presented in


Rail distance from Kandla Port to KMPCL Power Plant is 1675 Km, which

amounted to Rs.3277 per tonne transportation cost. After approval of Eastern

Port through Nagpur route, the distance has come down to 1467 KM which

has reduced the transportation cost to Rs.2865 per tonne and coupled with

the fall in prices of imported coal, it is now financially viable to procure

imported coal. Now on the basis of approval provided by the Railway Board,

KMPCL is intending to import coal from eastern ports.

Hence, considering all above recent developments, to meet the balance coal

requirement till CIL supplies 100% of coal from Domestic Sources, KMPCL is

planning to procure coal through forward e-auction by Rail / Road mode, local

vendors supplying SECL/CIL coal by Road mode and Imported coal from

different countries including Australia, South Africa, USA, etc as temporary


3.0 Transportation of Coal SECL, Korba area to Plant site

During development stage, KMPCL had firm coal linkage from Morga II Coal

block of Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC) Limited (for first

three Units) and Gare Pelma Sector III coal block of Goa Industrial

Development Corporation (GIDC) (for last three Units). The coal requirement

for the power plant is about 14.14 Million Tonnes Per Annum (MTPA). Coal

was to be transported from coal mines to the site through rail.For this

purpose, a dedicated Railway corridor is envisaged to cater the needs of

KMPCL plant from Morga-II and Garepelma coal block area. A Detailed techno-

feasibility and route alignment studies also have been carried out. In this

connection, MOEF specified a condition that 4th year onwards the entire coal

shall be transported through rail mode till that road transportation of coal is

permitted. Due to cancellation of allotment of coal blocks by Hon’ble Supreme Court, Ministry of Coal, on 30.06.2015, cancelled the tapering linkage granted

to KMPCL and directed CIL (SECL) to continue coal supplies to the Power Plant

under MOU mechanism till 31.03.2016 or till formulation of new policy by

Government of India, whichever is earlier.

On 19.03.2014, Fuel Supply Agreement was signed between KMPCL and

South Eastern Coalfields Limited to supply 49,94,000 tonnes per annum to

meet the requirement of two units of 600 MW capacity each (1200 MW).

Through this FSA, SECL committed to supply 3.2461 MTPA (65% of Annual

Contracted Quantity) in 2014-15, 3.34598 MTPA (67% of Annual Contracted

Quantity) in 2015-16 and 3.7455 MTPA (75% of Annual Contracted Quantity)

in 2016-17 to meet the requirement of two units. As on today, 3.34 MTPA of

coal is being supplied from SECL, Korba region. Out of which 60% of coal is

being transported from Korba region (Kusumunda, Dipka and Gevra area) to

plant site through railway wagons and balance amount has been transported

through road mode. KMPCL requires about 14.02 MTPA of coal in operation of

3600 MW thermal power, The details of coal requirement and mode of

transport of coal from mines area to plant site is presented in Table-4.

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 6



Sr. No Particulars Coal Consumption Railway Road

1 Domestic coal of

Morga-II and Gare


14.14 100 -

2 Blended coal(MTPA)

A Linkage coal 10.03-(71.55%) 6.022(60%) 4.015(40%)

B Open market 1.40(10%) 0.70(50% 0.70(50%)

C Imported coal 2.58(18.45%) 2.58(100%) -

Total 14.02 9.310 4.715

Coal requirement for Balance four units

A Linkage coal 6.691(71.55%) 4.014(60%) 2.674(40%)

B Open market coal 0.945(10%) 0.4725(50%) 0.4725(50%)

C Imported coal 1.72 1.72(100%) -

Total 8.93

Total coal transportation of coal on road mode

5.946 3.146

3.1 Impact on Traffic Load due to coal transportation

Impact of coal transportation on roads and surroundings

Project traffic impacts have been analyzed in terms of generally acceptable

procedures for trip generation, trip distribution, and traffic assignment.

3.1.1 Impact of off-Site Traffic on Air Quality

On account of various associated activities, there will be increased vehicular traffic

on connecting roads. Generation of particulate emissions is therefore, of primary


The extent of these impacts, at any given time depends upon

The rate of vehicular emission within a given stretch of the road; and

The prevailing meteorological conditions.

The impacts have strong temporal dependence as both of these factors vary with

time and would have diurnal, seasonal as well as long term components. The

modelling stimulations has been computed based on two traffic routes from plant

to mine. Out of 3.146 MTPA will be transported by route-1 and or Route-II. Both

the routes are shown in Figure-1. The coal will be transported from Korba area to

plant by road through 28 T capacity trucks. Based on the transportation by road,

the total number of trucks required to cater need of power plant will be about 616

(370+ 246) to & fro per day.

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 7



AKaltara JN

Champa Jn

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 8

3.1.2 Details of Mathematical Modeling

For prediction of maximum Ground Level Concentrations (GLC’s), the air dispersion modeling software (AERMOD version 7.1.0) was used. AERMOD is

steady state advanced Gaussian plume model that simulates air quality and

deposition fields upto 50 km radius. AERMOD is approved by USEPA and is widely

used software. It is an advanced version of Industrial Source Complex (ISCST3)

model, utilizes similar input and output structure to ISCST3 sharing many of the

same features, as well as offering additional features. The model is applicable to

rural and urban areas, flat and complex terrain, surface and elevated releases

and multiple sources including point, area, flare, line and volume sources.

Dispersion modeling using AERMOD requires hourly meteorological data. Site

specific data is used for executing modeling studies. The site specific

meteorological data is processed using AERMET processor.

Model Input Data

The predictions of traffic volume incremental concentrations of CO, NOX and PM

due to additional traffic assumed are estimated based on site specific

meteorological conditions and line source. The line source is taken based on

nearest road transportation route from mine lease to plant boundary. The

emission rates as inputs to the line source model are calculated based on

“Emission factor development for Indian Vehicles”, a project executed by Automative Research Association of India, Pune, 2008. The inputs used for

modeling area given in Table-5.



Sr. No. Parameter Description

Quantity of coal transport 3.146 MTPA

Quantity in Tonnes per day 8619.7

1 Truck capacity 28 T

2 No. of trucks 616 Trucks/day (to & fro)

3 Emission factors

CO (g/km/vehicle) 6.0

NOx (g/km/vehicle) 9.3

Particulates 1.24

4 Emission rate

CO (g/s) 0.97

NOx (g/s) 1.5

PM(g/s) 0.28

Model Predictions

The predicted CO, NOx and PM concentrations from vehicular traffic are presented

in Table-6 and isopleths of the same are Figure-2 and Figure-7. The predicted

CO, NOx and PM concentrations of 100% transportation on routeI and Route-II

are presented in Table-6, Table-7.

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 9




Sr. No. Parameter Concentration (g/m3)

Champa junction

1 Carbon Monoxide 2.19

2 Oxides of Nitrogen 3.39

3 Partilculates 0.45

Akaltara junction

1 Carbon Monoxide 2.25

2 Oxides of Nitrogen 3.49

3 Particulates 0.465






Parameter Predicted

Conc. (g/m3)


Conc. (g/m3)


Conc. (g/m3)

Akaltara Junction (100% traffic load)

1 Carbon Monoxide 2.25 244.0 246.25

2 Oxides of Nitrogen 3.49 15.2 18.69

3 Particulate Matter 0.46 52.50 52.96

Champa Junction (100% traffic load)

1 Carbon Monoxide 2.19 320 322.19

2 Oxides of Nitrogen 3.39 17.5 20.89

3 Particulate Matter 0.45 52.50 52.95

The observation from predictions reveal that the maximum NOx, CO and PM

concentration of 3.49 g/m3 and 2.25 g/m3 and 0.46 g/m3 likely to occur at 10

m from the centre of the road. The CO and NOx concentrations are likely to be

very low when compared with NAAQS for CO (4000 g/m3) and WHO standard of

400 g/m3 for hourly average for NOx. Hence, it is assumed that the impact on

the present ambient air quality will be negligible due to the additional traffic from

the proposed project.

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 10



Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 11


Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 12


Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 13



Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 14



Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 15


Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 16

3.1.3 Adequacy of Existing Road Network in Study Area

The traffic contribution due to road network, will thus is the ‘to and fro’ movement of 582 vehicles per day, which is equivalent to 2619 PCU per day

wherein the maximum carrying capacity of 7 m wide road is of 15,000 PCU/day.

The estimated peak traffic in terms of PCUs, when compared to the stipulated

standards by IRC for traffic capacity of the roads and it can be observed that the

existing road network is adequate. IRC recommendations are provided in Table-






Category of Road Maximum Carrying

Capacity (PCU/day)

1 Two lane roads (7 m) with earthern



2 4- land highway with earthern shoulders 35,000

Details of Road and Project Induced Traffic

Dipka, Gevra and Kusumunda open cast mines are major sources of coal in Korba

region. 30% of linkage coal of KMPCL has been sourcing from Korba area of

SECL. From Dipka, Gevra and Kusaumuda open cast mines are directly connected

to dedicated road which joins village Harda Bazar area.The village road

connecting mine to state high way is 13 meters width with 0.5 meters of

shoulder on either side. For model computations, Right of Way (ROW) of 13.0 m

excluding 0.5 m shoulders on either side of the road has been considered for

perusal of violations of standards and accordingly receptor locations have been

chosen to account for its location with respect to edge of ROW.

Traffic study was conducted during last week of January 2016. The existing traffic

mainly includes trucks carrying coal from surrounding coal blocks of Dipka,

Kusumunda and Gevra mine area directly to KMPCL via National Highway 200

and NH-149 B also KJSL coal washery which near village Dhatura and Hind coal

washery near Balooda bazar further transport to Akalara and plant site to

deliver to end user. Trolley truck of 28 Tonnes and tipper of 25 or 15 tonnes

capacity are currently being deployed by various transporters. The total traffic

from the project is presented in Table-9. The details of road transport route are

presented in Table-10.





Material Truck


Trips PCU

1 Coal ( for 3.164 MTPA) 28 T 616 2772

The modeling has been carried out for the peak incremental traffic load of Peak-

12 trucks per hour, for the pollutants of Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen and

Particulates. Traffic census studies have been carried near Akaltara junction

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 17

during study period and results are presented in Table-11 and 12. The existing

road photos are presented in Figure-8, 9 and 10



Sr. No Route Distance( in KM) Width of the Road

( in m)

1 Manikpur-KMPCL 57 23

2 Dipka-KMPCL 65 13 and 23

3 Gevra-KMPCL 70 13 and 23

4 Kusumunda -KMPCL 64 13 and 23



Sr.No Particulars Traffic Volume PCU

Motorized Vehicles

1 Car/jeep/van 0735 367.5

2 Taxi 0025 0025

3 2 wheelers 912 0456

4 3 wheelers 0055 0055

5 Mini bus 0020 0020

6 School bus 0008 0024

7 Private bus 0016 0078

8 Light commercial vehicles 0075 0225

9 2 axle vehicles 0520 2340

10 3 axle vehicles 0412 1854

11 4-6 axle vehicles 0320 1440

12 Tractor 0007 31.5

13 Tractor trailor 0350 1575

Non-Motorized Vehicles

14 Cycle 0210 105

Total 3665 8596

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 18



Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 19



Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 20



Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 21



Sr.No Particulars Traffic Volume PCU

Motorized Vehicles

1 Car/jeep/van 1152 576

2 Taxi 0040 0040

3 2 wheelers 1600 0800

4 3 wheelers 0045 0045

5 Mini bus 0040 0040

6 School bus 0008 0024

7 Private bus 0035 0105

8 Light commercial vehicles 0120 0460

9 2 axle vehicles 0640 2880

10 3 axle vehicles 0523 2353.5

11 4-6 axle vehicles 0680 3060

12 Tractor 003 0013.5

13 Tractor trailor 0500 2250

Non-motorized Vehicles

14 Cycle 0150 0105

Total 5536 12752

It can be observed that the maximum hourly concentrations for worst case scenario

of 100% traffic volume on one road of CO, NOx and PM due to the additional

traffic load would be about 2.25 g/m3 and 3.49 g/m3 and 0.465 g/m3

respectively, likely to occur at 10 m from the centre of the road. The CO and NOx

concentrations are likely to be very low when compared with the NAAQ standards

for CO (4000 g/m3) and WHO standard of 400 g/m3 for hourly average for NOx.

Hence, it is assessed that the impact on the present ambient air quality will be

negligible due to the additional traffic from the proposed coal transportation from

SECL region to KMPCL area.

Adequacy of Existing Road Network in Study Area

About 616 tucks per day would be required for transportation of coal which is

equivalent to 2772 PCU per day (taking a PCU factor of 4.5 per vehicle). With

present level of traffic and the predicted increase in existing traffic due to the

project, adequacy of road/highway during operational phase of the plant has been

estimated by comparison with the recommendations stipulated by Indian Road

Congress (IRC). The IRC recommendations on traffic capacity are presented in




Sr. No.

Category of Road Max.Carrying Capacity

Akaltara Jn

Champa Jn

Proposed volume

Resultant-Akaltara Jn

Resultant- Champa Jn

1 Two lane roads (7 m) with earthen shoulders

15,000 8596 12752 2772 113368 15371

2 4-lane highway with earthen shoulders

35,000 8596 12752 2772 113368 15371

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 22

The existing roads have a width of 13 and 23 mtrs with 0.5 meters shoulder on

either side on road which are adequate for proposed transportation of coal to

KMPCL from SECL region. The estimated peak traffic in terms of PCUs is

compared with the stipulated standards by IRC for traffic capacity of the existing

roads. It can be observed that the existing road network will be well adequate for

the increased traffic.

4.0 Environmental Management Plan

Envrionmental management plan will be implemented by separate environmental

management group to maintain clean environment along the road with the help

of coal transporters

To prevent fugitive emission during loading/unloading, fixed pipe network with

sufficient water storage and pump shall be installed.

Water sprinkling shall be carried out at each and every stage of handling to

avoid generation of coal dust or other dust within premises

Coal handling unit/Agency shall ensure regular sweeping of coal dust from

internal and main road and also ensure that there is adequate space for free

movement of vehicles.

Ensure that all trucks before leaving the storage yard shall be showered with

water with adequate system,

Shall be covered with tarpaulin or any other effective measure/device

completely and also that trucks are not over loaded as well as there is no

spillage during transportation.

The vehicle carrying the coal should not be overloaded by raising the height of


Weigh scale shall be provided within the loading area only and port / coal park

authority shall ensure that no overloading is done.

The top of the vehicle should be covered with fixed cover instead of tarpaulin

cover to avoid spillage or dusting of coal.

Coal handling unit/Agency shall obtain transport permission from the local

Administration under the relevant rules.

shall carry out regular preventive maintenance to avoid breakdown of vehicle

which may cause traffic jams

Transport agency shall maintain traffic post to alert local regarding

movement of vehicle

Transport agency has construct speed breaker at the beginning of village and

end of village and also sensitive areas to regulate the speed of vehicle


shall provide adequate fire fighting measure to avoid any fire or related

hazards including adequate water storage facility in loading and unloading


5.0 Summary

The present study is conducted to estimate the additional traffic load due to

transportation of coal for four units which are under various stages of

construction of 3600 MW coal based power plant at Nariyara, Akaltara tehsil,

janjgir-champa district, Chattisgarh. Traffic due to transportation of coal of for

Environment Management Plan of Transportation of coal from Korba Area to KMPCL plant site, Nariyara through Railway and Road mode in operation of 3600 MW Coal Based Power Plant at Nariyara, Akaltara Tehsil,Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh State

Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad 23

two unit which are under operation have been already captured in baseline traffic


Transpiration of coal on road for four units is 3.146 MTPA and rest of coal will be

transported through rail mode from Korba area and also from eastern port such

Krishnapatnam or Gangavaram ports. The total additional truck density for 3.146

MTPA coal transportation will be about 616 trucks (to & fro) considering the truck

capacity of 28 T.

The worst case has been considered to use entire traffic near Chama junction and

Akaltara junction, concentration of C), NoX and Particulates varies 2.19 µg/m3

and 2.25 µg/m3, 3.39 µg/m3 and 3.49 µg/m3 and 0.452 µg/m3 and 0.461 µg/m3.

The resultant concentrations after superimposing on ambient air quality which are

revels that concentration well within the limits of NAAQMS specified by CPCB

It is concluded from the traffic density survey carried out in the study shows that

there will be marginal increase in traffic due to the proposed project activity of

the project. The estimated peak traffic in terms of PCUs, when compared to the

IRC recommendations for traffic capacity of the roads, it can be observed that the

existing road network is adequate to cater the needs of KMPCL plant.

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