Knowing Christ…..Making Christ Known · Knowing Christ…..Making Christ Known January 24, 2021 9:00 A.M. Traditional - Live Stream Worship GATHERING THOUGHT Jesus said to them,

Post on 25-Jan-2021






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  • WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Knowing Christ…..Making Christ Known

    January 24, 2021 9:00 A.M. Traditional - Live Stream Worship


    Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him. —Mark 1.17-18 People get up from familiar nets and follow a leader into a future unknown but trusted, a new day— a gift of God and the work of the people. Steve Garnaas-Holmes


    January 24, 2021 9:00 A.M.

    PRELUDE A Children’s Medley Traditional

    In honor of Sue Spotts for her dedication to the Children’s Ministry


    CALL TO WORSHIP: (from Romans 12)

    Leader: For as in one body we have many members, and all the

    members do not have the same function,

    People: So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and

    individually members one of another.

    Leader: Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us,

    let us use them.

    People: And let our love be genuine; let us hate what is evil,

    and hold fast to what is good.

  • HYMN #1 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty


    Lord, we know in the tradition of Your church, we inherit

    understandings of faith to carry forward. These essential tenets

    are navigational tools that help us explore and understand our

    faith more fully. So Lord, we confess we have not always paid

    attention to the truths we have received. We have also been

    unwilling to learn new lessons for ministry as Scripture calls us

    to do. Forgive our transgressions, and renew us and Your

    church….....(time for us to offer silent prayers of confession.)


    Pastor: Friends, believe the good news of the gospel.

    People: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

    RESPONSE #582 Glory to God


    ALL: I trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior, acknowledge Him

    Lord of all and head of the church, and through Him believe

    in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I accept the

    Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be, by the Holy

    Spirit, the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ

    in the church universal, and God’s word to me.

  • OFFICERS-ELECT: I sincerely receive and adopt the essential

    tenets of the Reformed faith as expressed in the confessions of

    our church as authentic and reliable expositions of what

    Scripture leads me to believe and do, and I will be instructed

    and led by those confessions as I lead the people of God.

    I will fulfill my ministry in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the

    authority of Scripture and be continually guided by our

    Confessions. I will be governed by our church’s polity, and

    abide by its discipline. I will be a friend among my colleagues

    in ministry, working with them, subject to the ordering of God's

    word and Spirit.

    In my own life I will seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love

    my neighbors, and work for the reconciliation of the world. I

    promise to further the peace, unity and purity of the church,

    praying for and serving the people with energy intelligence

    imagination and love.

    ELDERS: I will be a faithful ruling elder, watching over the people,

    providing for their worship, nurture and service. I will share in

    government and discipline, serve in the councils of the church;

    and in my ministry will try to show the love and justice of Jesus


    DEACONS: I will be a faithful deacon, teaching charity, urging

    concern, and directing the peoples' help to the friendless and

    those in need. In my ministry, I will try to show the love and

    justice of Jesus Christ.

  • WESTMINSTER MEMBERS: We, the members of the

    congregation, accept these persons as elders and deacons,

    chosen by God through the voice of this congregation, to

    lead us in the way of Jesus Christ. We agree to encourage

    them, to respect their decisions, and to follow as they guide

    us, serving Jesus Christ, who alone is head of the church.


    TRUSTEES: I promise to give the business affairs of this

    congregation my devoted attention, to encourage generosity,

    and, in all my dealings, work to further our service of Christ in

    the world.

    WESTMINSTER MEMBERS: We receive these persons as our

    trustees, and promise to support them in their work for the





    ……….Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

    Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in

    heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our

    debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, and the power

    and the glory forever, Amen.

  • OFFERTORY A Promise for Strength Schwoebel

    They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They that

    wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings as eagles.

    They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

    They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They that

    wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings as eagles. They that

    wait shall be renewed.


    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all

    creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.

    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.


    Merciful God, You have saved us for a purpose. We dedicate these

    gifts as we dedicate our lives to You, that You will make us fishers

    of people. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

    SCRIPTURE LESSON Mark 1: 14-20

    Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the

    good news of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of

    God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” As Jesus

    passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew

    casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to

    them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” And

    immediately they left their nets and followed him. As he went a little

    farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in

    their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left

    their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.

  • Pastor: The Word of the Lord.

    People: Thanks be to God.

    SERMON “Who Ya Gonna Call?” Don Lincoln


    HYMN #691 Lord, When I Came Into This Life


    CHORAL RESPONSE May the Road Rise Up to Meet You Lau

    POSTLUDE Laudation Martin

    A Few Notes

    Happening Today:

    Celebrate Wonder KidsConnect (via Zoom) from 8:45-9:30am

    every Sunday as we honor the spiritual life of your children.

    Journey Class this morning via zoom, 11:30 am

    The Color of Compromise: Reconstructing White Supremacy in the

    Jim Crow Era/Remembering the Complicity in the North facilitated

    by Ann Hatfield.

    Middle School Creator Space via zoom – 4:00-4:45pm.

    High School Creator Space via zoom – 7:00-7:45pm.

    Upcoming Events:

    Tuesday Morning Fellowship, 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Join us on

    Tuesday to hear Steve Simonson and Scott Lockledge talk about A

    Doctor & Scientist Look at COVID.

    Pray in the Sanctuary, 12:00-3:30pm on Mondays and 10:00am-

    1:30pm on Fridays. You may reserve 30 minutes to come and pray

    in the sanctuary. To sign up type the following in your browser: or

    contact Barb Drain at

  • Book Discussion Group, Monday, February 1 at 10:00am via

    Zoom. Join us via Zoom to discuss News of the World by Paulette

    Giles. Questions? Contact Ivy Jost at

    Red Cross Blood Drive, February 4 and 17, 12:00-6:00 p.m. in

    Spellman Hall. Type the following into your computer browser to

    sign up: and use sponsor code WPC.

    Preschool Registration for 2021-2022. Westminster’s Preschool

    registration for the 2021-2022 school year is underway. Registration

    is online or through the mail because the Preschool is currently

    closed due to COVID-19. Questions? Contact Jackie Steinmetz, our

    Director of the Preschool, at

    Outreach Opportunities

    January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and we are

    collecting household items for Dawn’s Place all month long.

    Place any of the following items in the marked bin outside near the


    Large trash bags – 30 gallons Toilet paper

    Dish washing detergent Kleenex

    Ziplock bags – 1 gallon Paper towels

    Disinfecting wipes Napkins

    Swiffer Wet Jet refill Laundry detergent

    Bathroom cleaner spray Glass cleaner

    Hand soap Dryer sheets

    Furniture polish



    December 2020

    General Fund – Missions and Church Operations

    % vs.

    Actual Budget Budget

    YTD Tithes and

    Offering $2,221,954 $2,337,066 -5%

    YTD Expenses $2,253,374 $2,551,818 -12%

    We want to sincerely thank you for keeping your General Fund

    pledges up to date; as you can see, this month tithes and offering have

    fallen short of what we expected and budgeted. We encourage you to

    keep up consistent giving, so that we can achieve 100% of our

    pledged support. Please consider electronic giving. Setting up your

    giving is simple through the “Donate” button on the “Give” page on

    the church website, or request an authorization form by contacting the

    church office.

    Thank you for your commitment to the mission and ministry of


    Worship Schedule

    Live Streaming Weekly Worship Schedule

    Sundays: 9:00am – Traditional Worship

    10:30am – Contemporary Worship

    Wednesdays: 9:10 – 9:30am – Service of Prayer and Communion

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Ministers of Jesus Christ All the Members of the Congregation Pastors Jennie Clark, Jon Frost, Ann Hatfield, Don Lincoln Pastor Emeritus Robert D. Young Director of Music Bob Morris Associate Director of Music/Organist Glenn Kinckner Church Administrator Gerry McShane Director of Communications Lynn George Financial Administrator Donna Harrison

    Westminster Presbyterian Church 10 W. Pleasant Grove Rd. West Chester, PA 19382 ● 610-399-3377 ●

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