Katie Packer Gage Ashley OConnor Christine Matthews.

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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THE WOMEN’S VOTE BY PARTY SINCE 1980 Source: Roper Center Public Opinion Archives


Katie Packer Gage Ashley OConnor Christine Matthews GENERAL ELECTION TURNOUT BY GENDER SINCE 1980 Source: Roper Center Public Opinion Archives THE WOMENS VOTE BY PARTY SINCE 1980 Source: Roper Center Public Opinion Archives SPOTLIGHT: UNMARRIED WOMEN Ranges from young college women to single moms (head of household, primary breadwinner), to widows struggling to make ends meet. They comprise more than a quarter of the electorate 53 million There has been a marriage gap for years, but 2012 was the first election where special advertising was dedicated to the group Unmarried women said they care about pay equity and Planned Parenthood, both sub-issues of the economy overall many young or low-income rely on PP for health care They thought Obama was bringing America through the economic crisis and needed more time to fix it Source: Democracy Corps Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research THE REPUBLICAN SOLUTION? Create a Women for (fill in the blank) Coalition Engage women surrogates Lots of Pink. AND DONT FORGET: Why this doesnt work: Women arent moved by testimonials by the wife A too perfect family can be harmful to messaging Women tend to question the motives of the wife THE WIFE WE NEED TO TREATING WOMEN LIKE A COALITION 53% OF THE VOTE IS NOT A COALITION PITCH THE POLITICAL PLAYBOOK AND START OVER Study the way the female brain processes information Conduct innovative research to understand what women want: ITS NOT JUST REPRODUCTIVE ISSUES! Communicate with women where they live Speak to women in a language that they understand with visual and audio stimuli that will elicit a response Pay attention to tone Avoid minefields THE PSYCHOLOGY OF: MEN WOMEN Concrete thinking Goal-oriented tasks Logical solutions Competition/defens e Source: Nielsen NeuroFocus Big-picture thinking Multitasking Gut reasoning Social and verbal skills Worry/empathy When advertising to women, use creative elements and styles that resonate with the way her brain works. For example, using emotion-based visual imagery will be more effective than relying on facts and figures that focus on altruism. And be authentic. Dont use overt messaging such as offer expires or call now. Women appreciate and pick up on nuance. The female brain is programmed to maintain social harmony, so messaging shouldnt focus on conflict. - The Nielsen Company ADVERTISING: A NEW APPROACH HOW CAN GOP DO BETTER WITH WOMEN? Try to understand women that dont think like you. They dont all think like Rachel Maddow OR Sarah Palin. Most are somewhere in between. Remember, not all women are wives or mothers. Nominate candidates who dont repel women. avoid minefields. Speak about issues beyond just reproductive issues: Education, Health Care, Economic issues, Environment REMEMBER: TONE MATTERS! P.O. Box Alexandria, VA

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