KALLELSE 1920-KF-02 · 2020. 2. 11. · To: talman@ths.kth.se Subject: Entledigande KF Hej! Eftersom jag åker på utbytesstudier under vårterminen 2020, önskar jag att entlediga

Post on 27-Jan-2021






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  • Till: Kårfullmäktiges ledamöter

    För kännedom:THS Medlemmar THS ValnämndTHS Kårstyrelse THS PersonalTHS Sakrevisorer THS InspektorTHS Valberedning Osqledaren

    Stockholm, den 28 januari 2020

    KALLELSE 1920-KF-02

    Tisdagen den 25 februari

    Mat serveras 17:00-18:00 i Nya Matsalen, Nymble

    Mötet hålls 18:00-23:00 i Nya Matsalen, Nymble

    Härmed kallas till THS kårfullmäktigesammanträde. Tid och plats enligt ovan.

    Alla ledamöter, inklusive suppleanter, förväntas närvara på mötet om inget annat särskilt meddelas talmanspresidiet.

    Ledamöter som inte kan närvara på mötet samt medlemmar som vill närvara anmäler detta till talmanspresidiet senast tre dagar före mötet via talman@ths.kth.se.

    Motioner, interpellationer samt missförtroendeförklaring ska vara talmanspresidiet till handa senast den 4 februari för att kunna behandlas på mötet.

    Följdmotioner samt enkla frågor ska vara talmanspresidiet tillhanda senast den 18 februari för att kunna behandlas på mötet.


    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se


  • To: Delegates of THS Union Council

    For information:THS Members THS Nomination comitteeTHS Board THS Election BoardTHS Auditors THS StaffTHS Inspector Osqledaren

    Stockholm, 28. januari 2020

    SUMMONS 1920-KF-01

    Tuesday the 25th of Febrary

    Dinner is served 17:00-18:00 in Nya Matsalen, Nymble

    The meeting is held 18:00-23:00 in Nya Matsalen, Nymble

    You are now summoned to a meeting of THS Union Council at the timeand place above.

    All delegates, including deputies, are expected to attend the meeting unless absence is notified to the speakers.

    Delegates who are not to attend and members who would like to attend the meeting is to notify the speakers at least three days in advance through mail to talman@ths.kth.se.

    Motions, interpellations and distrust statements should be provided to the speakers no later than the 4th of February to be possible to processat the meeting.

    Consequence motions and simple questions should be provided to the speakers no later than the 18th of February to be possible to process atthe meeting.


    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se


  • Stockholm2020-02-25

    Kårfullmäktigesammanträde #4 19/20Datum: 2020-02-25Tid: 18.00 – 23.00Plats: Nymble, Campus Valhallavägen

    FÖREDRAGNINGSLISTA1920-KF-041 Formalia * = bilaga i handlingarna1.1 Mötets öppnande

    1.2 Justering av röstlängd

    1.3 Mötets behöriga utlysande*

    1.4 Fastställande av föredragningslista*

    1.5 Adjungeringar

    1.6 Val av justerare tillika rösträknare

    1.7 Föregående protokoll Kårfullmäktige

    1.8 Inkomna entlediganden*

    1.9 Anmälningsärenden

    2 Rapportering2.1 THS halvårsprognos* Kårstyrelsen

    2.2 Ekonomirapport* Kårstyrelsen

    3 Beslutsuppföljning3.1 Talmanspresidiets beslutsuppföljning* Talmanspresidiet

    4 Val till Kårfullmäktige4.1 Fastsällande av fyllnadsvalets resultat till KF Talmanspresidiet

    5 Valfrågor5.1 Val av THS Sakrevisorer 19/20 Valberedningen

    5.2 Val av THS Valberedning 19/20 Talmanspresidiet

    5.3 Val av THS Valnämnd 19/20 Talmanspresidiet

    6 Interpellationer6.1 Interpellation angående restaurangen Jonas Rechreche

    7 Beslutsfrågor

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm,www.ths.kth.se

  • Stockholm2020-02-25

    Kårfullmäktigesammanträde #4 19/20Datum: 2020-02-25Tid: 18.00 – 23.00Plats: Nymble, Campus Valhallavägen

    7.1 Proposition om Kommunikationschef Kårstyrelsen

    7.2 Motion om utredning av Köket

    7.3 Motion om bestämmelserna kring restaurangen Jonas Rechreche

    8 Diskussionsfrågor8.1 Diskussion om minskning av THS klimatpåverkan

    9 Övriga frågor9.1 Övriga frågor

    9.1.1 Översättning av mötesordning

    9.2 Nästa möte

    10 Mötets avslutande

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm,www.ths.kth.se

  • Re: Entledigande KF

    Hej Josephine!

    Vi har tagit emot ditt entledigande och kommer behandla det på nästa KF. Stort lycka tillmed utbytesstudierna!

    Varma hälsningar,Talmanspresidiet

    From: Josephine BergSent: 19 December 2019 22:04To: talman@ths.kth.seSubject: Entledigande KF


    Eftersom jag åker på utbytesstudier under vårterminen 2020, önskar jag att entlediga migfrån mitt uppdrag som KF-ledamot från och med den 15:e januari.

    God jul och gott nytt år!

    Vänliga hälsningar,Josephine Berg


    Sun 2020-02-02 16:31

    To:Josephine Berg ;

    Re: Entledigande KF - talman@ths.kth.se https://webmail.kth.se/owa/talman@ths.kth.se/#...

    1 of 1 2/11/20, 3:04 PM

  • Re: Status

    Hej Nadia!

    Ditt entledigande är mottaget, vi kommer ta upp det på nästa KF.

    Varma hälsningar,Talmanspresidiet________________________________________From: Nadia Gonzálvez LäthSent: 13 January 2020 17:27To: talman@ths.kth.seSubject: Status

    Hej!Jag ville bara meddela att jag vill entlediga mig från Kårstyrelsen på grund av personliga skäl.


    Nadia Gonzálvez LäthKårstyrelseledamot | Board memberTekniska Högskolans Studentkår | Student union at KTHnlath@kth.se0760864383


    Sun 2020-02-02 16:15

    To:Nadia Gonzálvez Läth ;

    Re: Status - talman@ths.kth.se https://webmail.kth.se/owa/talman@ths.kth.se/#...

    1 of 1 2/11/20, 3:05 PM

  • Intäkter Kostnader Resultat

    1 Administration 50 kr 1 121 284 kr- 1 121 234 kr-

    10Organisation och

    medlem3 330 948 kr 904 954 kr- 2 425 994 kr

    2 Kårfullmäktige - kr 34 406 kr- 34 406 kr-

    20 Kårpresidiet 589 100 kr 400 345 kr- 188 755 kr

    3 Kårstyrelsen 28 000 kr 130 862 kr- 102 862 kr-

    4 Nymble Drift 8 393 kr 3 960 428 kr- 3 952 036 kr-


    Korttidsuthyrning159 920 kr 57 014 kr- 102 906 kr


    Långtidsuthyrning1 346 705 kr - kr 1 346 705 kr

    43 Nymble Föreningsrum 250 000 kr - kr 250 000 kr

    44 Nymble Studieplatser - kr - kr - kr


    verksamhet7 058 548 kr 5 834 753 kr- 1 223 795 kr

    6 Osqvik 82 264 kr 146 209 kr- 63 945 kr-

    7 Kommunikation - kr 203 682 kr- 203 682 kr-

    8 Eventverksamhet 1 863 928 kr 1 637 215 kr- 226 713 kr

    81 RN Eventteknik 494 944 kr 424 357 kr- 70 587 kr

    11 THS Armada 8 126 604 kr 2 794 220 kr- 5 332 384 kr

    13 Osqledaren 1 540 kr 312 074 kr- 310 534 kr-

    17Studiesocial &

    internat. verksamhet1 158 300 kr 971 708 kr- 186 592 kr

    18 Studentmedverkan 415 000 kr 166 190 kr- 248 810 kr

    19 Mottagning 237 500 kr 422 310 kr- 184 810 kr-

    50 THS Näringsliv 441 400 kr 291 785 kr- 149 615 kr

    51 Students' Nobel NightCap - kr 10 550 kr- 10 550 kr-

    Totalt 25 593 144 kr 19 824 346 kr- 5 768 797 kr

    Check för felsummering:

    SNNC has no costs during the autumn. KTH will help to cover the cost of the project


    Currently less booking than estimated.

    Nothing specific to report.

    Nothing specific to report.

    Nothing specific to report.

    Armada 2019 was a success and has met revenue goals. A bit uncertain which costs


    Revenue from sponsors is less than budgeted for.

    Nothing specific to report.

    Costs have been a bit lower due to only one CFU. The new CFU:s have set up a plan

    for the spring.

    Had higher costs during the autumn but without a reception coordinator this will

    propably end on a positive result.

    Company events have been successful. Uncertain with regards to projects.

    Nothing specific to report.

    KommentarerUtfall per 2019-12-31

    Nothing specific to report.

    Nothing specific to report.

    Nothing specific to report.

    Nothing specific to report.

    Lower revenue from the daily operation, however we have had more big external

    events that have covered this loss.

    Nothing specific to report.

    We have a part-time consultant now, nothing else to report.

    Nothing specific to report.


    Nothing specific to report.

    Fewer members than two previous years. ArcMember costs have increased.

    Halvårsrapport 2019/2020

  • RS Intäkter Kostnader Resultat Intäkter Kostnader Resultat

    1 57 760 kr 2 285 706 kr- 2 227 946 kr- 57 760 kr 2 333 807 kr- 2 276 047 kr- 48 101 kr-

    10 4 162 000 kr 1 912 896 kr- 2 249 104 kr 4 084 500 kr 1 973 907 kr- 2 110 593 kr 138 511 kr-

    2 - kr 214 288 kr- 214 288 kr- - kr 156 428 kr- 156 428 kr- 57 860 kr

    20 1 050 000 kr 1 099 605 kr- 49 605 kr- 1 024 100 kr 1 003 480 kr- 20 620 kr 70 225 kr

    3 - kr 300 000 kr- 300 000 kr- - kr 283 500 kr- 283 500 kr- 16 500 kr

    4 - kr 8 765 135 kr- 8 765 135 kr- 8 393 kr 8 978 302 kr- 8 969 909 kr- 204 774 kr-

    41 410 000 kr 138 136 kr- 271 864 kr 319 400 kr 109 866 kr- 209 534 kr 62 330 kr-

    42 910 000 kr - kr 910 000 kr 910 000 kr - kr 910 000 kr - kr

    43 500 000 kr - kr 500 000 kr 500 000 kr - kr 500 000 kr - kr

    44 1 500 000 kr - kr 1 500 000 kr 1 500 000 kr - kr 1 500 000 kr - kr

    5 14 100 000 kr 13 205 910 kr- 894 090 kr 13 800 000 kr 13 011 825 kr- 788 175 kr 105 915 kr-

    6 190 000 kr 400 194 kr- 210 194 kr- 190 000 kr 427 194 kr- 237 194 kr- 27 000 kr-

    7 - kr 531 887 kr- 531 887 kr- - kr 471 962 kr- 471 962 kr- 59 925 kr

    8 3 240 000 kr 3 051 408 kr- 188 592 kr 3 358 227 kr 3 168 258 kr- 189 969 kr 1 377 kr

    81 920 000 kr 888 424 kr- 31 576 kr 921 668 kr 897 289 kr- 24 379 kr 7 197 kr-

    11 8 270 000 kr 3 857 123 kr- 4 412 877 kr 8 333 994 kr 3 691 821 kr- 4 642 173 kr 229 296 kr

    13 400 000 kr 792 616 kr- 392 616 kr- 231 540 kr 735 511 kr- 503 971 kr- 111 355 kr-

    17 1 583 000 kr 1 502 226 kr- 80 774 kr 2 043 000 kr 1 877 100 kr- 165 900 kr 85 126 kr

    18 830 000 kr 641 957 kr- 188 043 kr 875 000 kr 628 027 kr- 246 973 kr 58 930 kr

    19 525 000 kr 579 388 kr- 54 388 kr- 467 500 kr 429 547 kr- 37 953 kr 92 341 kr

    50 1 888 000 kr 1 110 578 kr- 777 422 kr 1 512 000 kr 1 163 663 kr- 348 337 kr 429 085 kr-

    51 - kr 174 473 kr- 174 473 kr- 150 000 kr - 206 273 kr 56 273 kr- 118 200 kr

    40 535 760 kr 41 451 950 kr- 916 190 kr- 40 287 082 kr 41 547 760 kr- 1 260 678 kr- 344 488 kr-

    Ekonomiprognos 2019/2020

    Prognos 2020-06-30 Avvikelse resultatBudget 19/20

  • Ekonomirapport 2

    Tobias Edwards

    THS Kårstyrelse



    Sida 1(1)

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se


    Bakgrund Nu har halva verksamhetsåret för 19/20 runnit förbi och det är tillfälle att titta på några konkreta siffror på hur vi har spenderat våra pengar under hösten 2019 och hur vi tror att vi kommer att ha spenderat under hela verksamhetsåret. Jag, Tobias Edwards THS Vice Kårordförande för verksamhetsår 19/20, har, tillsammans med de personer i Kårledningen och Kansliet som har ansvar för något resultatställe, tagit fram en prognos över hur vi tror att vi kommer att landa den 30 juni 2020.

    Vad hände egentligen den 31 december? Ibland kan det spåra ut på nyårsafton, men inte på THS. Vid halvårets gång har THS omsatt lite drygt 25 miljoner kronor och gjort sig av med 20 miljoner kronor. De flesta resultatställen ligger enligt budget. Den kanske största avvikelsen så här långt är antalet THS medlemmar. Vid halvåret hade THS 8734 medlemmar, ca 130 medlemmar färre än föregående år och ca 270 medlemmar färre än verksamhetsår 17/18 vid motsvarande tid på året.

    Hur blir det vid verksamhetsårets slut? THS går mot ännu ett stort minusår, mer än vad vi budgeterat för. Prognosen säger att vi landar på ungefär minus 1,2 miljoner kronor. Driftkostnader för Nymble är höga och vi kommer antagligen inte nå det budgeterade målet för medlemsavgifter. Den största avvikelsen i prognosen är RS50, Näringsliv. Av olika anledningar har det inte funnits förutsättningar under året för Näringslivschefen att nå upp till de budgeterade målen som sattes under förra året.

    Hur påverkar resultatet THS framtid? Prognosen mår man eventuellt lite illa av, det är ju en hel del pengar som rinner iväg. Tillsammans med resultatet från föregående verksamhetsår kommer THS att ha gått ungefär 2,2 miljoner kronor minus. Tittar vi ännu längre bak i THS ekonomiska historia så ser vi dock att THS har haft flera år med positiva resultat. Likviditeten är fortsatt god för THS och det är tydligt att vår ekonomi svänger som en diskretiserad och vacker sinuskurva. Arbetet för budget 20/21 har inletts och utifrån denna prognos kommer jag att försöka lägga en budget som har ett plusresultat.

  • Talmanspresidiets beslutsuppföljning1920

    Statustyper: Genomfört Påbörjat Försenat Ej Påbörjat Aktiva ärenden: 8Beslutsnummer Titel Beskrivning Beslutsdatum Senast uppdaterad Ansvarig Status Kommentar


    Val av THS Sakrevisorer 19/20 Hitta en kandidat. 2019-03-21 2019-10-29 Valberedningen Försenat 2/3 revisorer är valda, senast på 1920-KF-021819-KF-04006 Val av THS Valberedning 19/20 Hitta tre kandidater. 2019-03-21 2020-02-11 Talmanspresidiet Försenat Tre kandidater valdes 1819-KF-05.

    En kandidat valdes 1920-KF-031819-KF-040091920-KF-010051920-KF-020051920-KF-03002

    Val av THS Valnämnd 19/20 Hitta kandidater för följande sektioner:Fria, IN, IsB, IsF, M, Media, MiT, T, TT, W2019-03-212019-10-07 2020-02-11 Talmanspresidiet Försenat

    Följande sektioner har representanter: A, B, CL, D, Dr, E, F, I, K, OPEN, S. Senaste valet var på 1920-KF-03

    1920-KF-02001 Fyllnadsval Fyllnadsvalet ska färdigställas och valnämnd ska skriva under valprotokol2019-10-29 2019-09-23 Talmanspresidiet Påbörjat Fyllnadsvalet är stängt. Valprotokollet ska skrivas på av valnämnden

    1920-KF-02007 Översättning Kårfullmäktiges arbetsordning Arbetsordningen ska översättas till engelska 2019-10-29 2020-02-11 Talmanspresidiet Genomfört Finns i handlingarna för KF04

    1920-KF-01004Sektionernas verksamhetsspråk

    Reglementet ska uppdateras 2019-10-07 2020-02-11 Talmanspresidiet Genomfört Engelsk version också uppdaterad

    1920-KF-03004 Sektionernas verksamhetsspråk 2 Reglementet ska uppdateras 2019-12-03 2020-02-11 Talmanspresidiet Genomfört Engelsk version också uppdaterad

    1920-KF-02006 prövning av pc-presidiebeslut Stadgarna ska uppdateras 2019-10-29 2020-02-11 Talmanspresidiet Genomfört Engelsk version också uppdaterad

  • Proposition om Kommunikationschef

    Elisabet Lövkvist

    THS Kårstyrelse



    Sid 1(1)

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se


    Bakgrund Under verksamhetsåret 2018/2019 skulle THS enligt verksamhetsplanen utreda möjligheten att anställa en kommunikatör istället för att ha en förtroendevald Kommunikationschef i Kårledningen. Detta gjordes och en konsult anlitades på 50% för att testa. Kårstyrelsen anser att en anställning är bra för att möjliggöra ett långsiktigt kommunikationsarbete enligt nuvarande verksamhetsplan, och vill fortsätta med detta. Detta har även förankrats på tidigare Kårfullmäktige i samband med verksamhetsplansrapporteringen.

    För att hålla våra styrdokument aktuella behöver därför posten som Kommunikationschef tas ur våra styrdokument. Posten nämns två gånger, en i uppräkningen av poster i Kårledningen (6.1) och under rubriken Kommunikationsenheten (6.1.6). Den senare punkten kan behöva uppdateras ytterligare men i dagsläget vill vi endast byta ut Kommunikationschef mot Kommunikatör.

    Strukturen för kansliet beslutas på styrelse- och kanslichefsnivå och ytterligare beslut kring kommunikatörstjänsten behöver alltså inte fattas av Kårfullmäktige.

    Förslag till beslut Kårstyrelsen föreslår därför Kårfullmäktige att besluta

    Att 1 i THS Reglemente punkt 6.1 Kårledningen ta bort punkten ”Kommunikationschef, 100%”

    Att 2 i THS Reglemente punkt 6.1.6 Kommunikationsfunktionen ändra ”Kommunikationschef” till ”THS


    THS Kårstyrelse 19/20, genom

    Elisabet Lövkvist

  • Motion about the rules of the THS restaurant

    Jonas Rechreche

    THS Kårfullmäktige



    Sid 1(2)

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se



    Background The THS restaurant is a part of THS, the student union owned by its members, which are students at KTH. In that sense, the overarching goal of the restaurant is to work for the best interest of the students. To achieve this, the role of the restaurant should be to support student initiatives while being economically viable. The student associations, undergroups and chapters have a lot of events and initiatives, with a lot of voluntary students that give all their energy and creativity to create events for the benefit of the students. When these events involve serving food in Nymble, because of the restrictive serving permit, these groups must order food and drinks through the THS restaurant. There, several rules were added by the restaurant lately, that are making these events harder to organise and are demotivating engaged students. The rules that I believe are negative for the THS subgroups, associations and chapters are summarized below:

    • The management of the room Gamble by the restaurant. The responsibility of the room Gamble has been given to the THS Restaurant during the academic year 2018-19. The goal of this decision was to allow the restaurant to organise more professional external events and therefore help the economic competitiveness of the restaurant. However, this creates a conflict of interests because one of the event organisers of THS (the THS restaurant) has the right to prevent another event organiser to have events, creating a hierarchy between the importance of different organisers in Nymble. On top of that, since the decision has been made, Gamble is almost always empty, which undermines the basis for implementing this change. Several groups have mentioned this fact already during the fall 2019. Moreover, the restaurant charges a 2000SEK fee for every internal event of a subgroup, chapter or association that wants to book this room for one to four hours. This fee is prohibitive for most of these student-driven groups, which entails that the room Gamble mostly remains empty. Also, Gamble’s “plug and play” presentation equipment such as microphones and headsets have been missing and/or working inadequately for at least two occasions during HT 2019. Both of these occasions, the personal of the restaurant were either unavailable or lacked the awareness on how to resolve these technological issues. Therefore, it makes more sense that Gamble is administered similarly as other rooms in Nymble, where RN Eventteknik can provide technological service.

    • The big events organised by associations have received prices from the restaurant on the rooms that are different from one another. I believe that this is a dishonest practice from the restaurant based on criteria that are not objective. To add to that, this goes against the PM for JML that states “THS shall be a transparent organization that communicates in an accessible way”.

    • The catering prices for student and external events have dramatically increased during 2019. Food items commonly served during student-events such as wraps and soda, have had a price increase of 17% and 47% respectively. These price adjustments could also be seen as unjust in the eyes of the student associations, since they pay an average 10 sek more per food item compared to the prices THS Café offers them to the public.

    • In 2019, the THS restaurant has been increasing the amount of time an order has to be made before an event. From 5 working days in the previous, the restaurant imposes now all orders to be completed 10 working days before. The fact of being forced to provide final orders 10 working days before provides very little flexibility for the event organisers to adapt to the student sign-ups, which are very volatile. This has the risk to make a lot of food waste as groups are forced to order a lot to be sure to accommodate everyone.

    Proposition of decision Our proposition is that the Student Union Council makes the following decisions:

  • Motion about the rules of the THS restaurant

    Jonas Rechreche

    THS Kårfullmäktige



    Sid 2(2)

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se

    Att 1 Transfer the responsibility of the booking of the room Gamble to a more impartial actor, like Kårx

    or the Head of Staff to create a fair playground between all event organisers.

    Att 2 That every event arranged by a THS subgroup, association or chapter with students as guests would

    be able to receive the same prices on food than in THS café and that the prices are announced before the

    31st of July on the THS website for the academic year to come.

    Att 3 That the association prices and chapter prices have to be respected in every case and the prices

    would be totally transparent on the THS website.

    Att 4 To allow 10% of the food orders to be changed until 2 days before an event.

  • Motionssvar “Motion about the rules of the THS Restaurant” Elisabet Lövkvist THS Kårstyrelse 1920-KF-04 2020-02-25 Sida 1(2) 


    Background The THS Restaurant is organised under the Chief of Staff, and the Student Union Council’s role in regulating the restaurant is mainly through deciding the budget. In addition to this, the THS Board sets directives for the restaurant (verksamhetsdirektiv). The restaurant runs on a very tight budget and high demands on what they should achieve with this budget. They are asked to provide a cheap service for student events, which they subsidise with external events. These types of events can sometimes conflict with each other.  

    While we strongly believe that the suggestions in the motion are too detailed for Union Council’s level of governing, we go through the issues presented in the motion below. The THS Board are aware that there is some frustration about the restaurant and we want to address these in the right forum and in a holistic way, not with decisions about details. 

    Gamble During the year 2018/2019 it was decided that Gamble would be used for external events, mainly to facilitate the restaurant’s external events. The decision to have it under the restaurant was motivated by a need for clear ownership in order to make sure that the room’s standards could be upheld. The statement that Gamble is almost always empty is not true - during HT19, the room has been used on average three times a week, mostly for breakfast or evening events.  

    Prices The reason that prices are higher for catering rather than the prices in the café is that catering always introduces extra costs for the restaurant, since the catering orders aren’t evenly distributed as the day-to-day operations in the cafés and restaurant are. 

    Regarding prices for chapters and associations, the restaurant makes a distinction between events that are supposed to make profit or not. If a part of THS organises an event that essentially a company pays for, it is in line with the demands we put on the restaurant to charge more, since the event organisers can cover that cost through the company. This is done so that the events where that can’t happen can be subsidised.   

    It is also important to note that renting all of Nymble costs more than just the sum of the rental costs of the individual rooms. Having the whole house booked has a big impact on the day-to-day operations of the rest of the organisation and needs to be compensated. 

    Flexibility in ordering food As for the timing of orders, the restaurant needs orders as soon as it is possible, so that they can add it to their planning and know the workload in order to schedule staff. In order to keep costs as low as possible, they want to plan their orders so that they can order as much as possible together. They always try to be flexible and make it work when changes need to be made, but introducing a hard rule of flexibility is likely to have the effect that food orders from the restaurant need to cost more. 

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se 

  • Motionssvar “Motion about the rules of the THS Restaurant” Elisabet Lövkvist THS Kårstyrelse 1920-KF-04 2020-02-25 Sida 2(2) 

    Conclusion It is not feasible for the Student Union Council to make decisions about details in a part of the organisation, and it is the THS Board’s strong recommendation that the Student Union Council rejects the motion.  

    The THS Board does however understand that the concerns presented in the motion are a result of a complex situation that needs to be understood in a better way. We have identified a need to have a more clear understanding of what is possible to do for the restaurant and what a good balance between different types of events should be in order to create more possibilities and less conflict.  

    Förslag till beslut Kårstyrelsen rekommenderar därför Kårfullmäktige att besluta 

    Att 1 avslå motionen i sin helhet 

    THS Kårstyrelse 2019/2020, genom Elisabet Lövkvist 

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se 

  • Motion om utredning av Köket

    Rasmus Antonsson, Carmen Dahlin, Joar Forsberg, Andrea Lundkvist

    THS Kårfullmäktige



    Sid 1(1)

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se


    Bakgrund Köket är en nödvändig resurs för sektionernas verksamhet och då ingen annan kökslösning finns i dagsläget är det viktigt att användningen fungerar så bra som möjligt. Då ingen utredning gjorts sedan ombyggnationen, är det läge att utföra en undersökning över hur lösningen fungerar och eventuella förbättringspunkter. Genom att undersöka hur användningen av Köket fungerar kan man förbättra användarnas upplevelse av kökslösningen. Genom att skapa en bild över hur Köket fungerar kan man mer effektivt, i tid och monetärt, åtgärda eventuella problem.

    Förslag till beslut Vi föreslår därför Kårfullmäktige att besluta

    Att 1 Styrelsen genomför en utredning över hur Köket som lösning för mattillagning fungerar för


    Att 2 Utredningen innefattar hur ofta Köket används (av sektionerna, THS centralt och utomstående), ifall

    det finns bokningsproblematik och i så fall vilken utsträckning, diskussioner i relevanta råd och ett utskick

    av enkät till medlemmar, samt annan information och undersökningar som styrelsen anser relevant.

    Att 3 Utredningen i så hög mån som möjligt ska presenteras genom statistik.

    Att 4 Utredningen är genomförd och presenteras på 1920-KF-06.

    Att 5 Etablera en rutin för genomförande av enkät angående Kökets användning för kontinuerlig

    utvärdering och förbättringsmöjligheter.

  • Motionssvar “Utredning av köket” Simon Mogren THS Kårstyrelse 1920-KF-04 2020-02-25 Sida 1(2) 


    Bakgrund I samband med att reglerna kring matlagning i sektionslokaler skärptes byggde THS ett kök där sektioner och kårföreningar kan sköta matlagning. Köket har nu varit i bruk sedan 2017, och kårstyrelsen håller med motionären om att det skulle vara lämpligt att genomföra en utredning med syfte att utvärdera hur det fungerar och ta fram förslag på eventuella förbättringar som kan göras. Kårstyrelsen ställer sig därför bakom motionärens att1, 3 och 4. 

    När det gäller att2 önskar kårstyrelsen mer frihet i att besluta exakt hur utredningen ska genomföras. Kårstyrelsen anser att det är viktigt att historiska och potentiella användare av köket får möjlighet att komma med sin feedback, men till exempel anses ett utskick med en enkät till samtliga 9000 individuella medlemmar inte nödvändigt.  

    När det gäller att5 är det bra att vi kan ta emot exempelvis felanmälningar och uppmärksammanden om problem med Köket. Som Kårstyrelsen uppfattar att5 så bedömer vi dock att vi i nuläget inte har kapacitet att implementera ett sådant mer utförligt system för kontinuerlig utvärdering. Att göra detta bygger på att någon ska ansvara för att ta emot och läsa inkommen feedback, vilket kommer bli tidsödande om varje hyrestagare ska fylla i en enkät. Detta särskilt i och med att det ligger nära tillhands att tänka att om ett sådant system finns för Köket bör det också tillämpas för alla våra andra lokaluthyrningar. Sammanfattningsvis är det inte en dålig idé att följa upp uthyrningar, men vi föreslår att börja med utredningen.  

    English summary In 2016 the KTH rules for chapter’s venues were tightened by prohibiting most forms of cooking. Therefore THS installed a big kitchen in Nymble that can be used by chapters and associations, which has been in use since 2017. The union board agrees with the proposal to evaluate the Nymble kitchen to see if any improvements can be done and recommend the council to approve the att1, 3 and 4 of the proposal.  

    Concerning att2 the union board requests more freedom in how to conduct the evaluation. Asking historical and potential users of the kitchen about their experience will be an important part while sending a survey to all our 9000 members is not considered to be a tool of use in this matter.  

    Concerning att5 the union board argues that while it is good that we can take in fault reports and notices of issues concerning the kitchen it seems like the suggested system of having a continuous evaluation is out of our current capacity. Implementing such a system would bean that someone has to be responsible for handling all incoming feedback, which would be quite a bit if all renters are supposed to answer a survey. This is especially true since it can be argued that if a system like that is implemented for the kitchen it should also be implemented for all the other rooms that are for rent. Following up on rentals is not a bad idea, but we suggest to start with the evaluation of the past three years, as suggested by att att1, 3 and 4. 

    We suggest to approve att1, 3 and 4. We suggest to reject att 2 and att5. 

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se 

  • Motionssvar “Utredning av köket” Simon Mogren THS Kårstyrelse 1920-KF-04 2020-02-25 Sida 2(2) 


    Förslag till beslut Kårstyrelsen rekommenderar därför Kårfullmäktige att besluta 

    Att 1 bifalla motionärens att1, 3 och 4. Att 2 avslå motionärens att2 och 5. 

    THS Kårstyrelse 2019/2020, genom Simon Mogren 

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se 

  • Diskussionsunderlag THS Klimatavtryck Adrian Södergren, Ossian Ahlkvist THS Kårfullmäktiges Klimatutskott 1920-KF-04 2020-02-25 Sid 1(2) 


    The climate committee The climate committee was founded after KF02 19/20, and aims to assess how THS can best reduce its climate impact. The climate committee is open to any members of KF and the board, and also incorporates outside actors with valuable expertise. 

    Members of the climate committee ● Adrian Södergren (K) ● Ossian Ahlkvist (S) ● Emanuel Ravemyr (F) ● Josephine Berg (K) ● Felix Almay (D) ● Adam Jacobs (KS) ● Friedrike Schäfer (THS International) ● Veine Haglund (Students for Sustainability) 

    Current status and ideas We have worked together on formulating what we want to impact, how we from KF best can accomplish this, as well as how we can aid other organizations in their climate work. Below one can view what we have discussed so far. Note that these are only ideas of what we could do. 

    What can/should THS do?  ● Reduce our own climate impact through restaurants, events, facilities, etc ● Take a clear stance on sustainability 

    Facing climate impact via legislature ● Have sustainability in operational plan ● Make a sustainability policy - go further than the current PM ● Introduce THS Head of sustainability 

    Identified areas where direct climate impact can be reduced 1. Resource sharing 2. Reducing one-use consumption 3. Energy-efficiency of building, heat and equipment 4. Waste management 5. Energy supply - renewable energy (solar panels) 6. Food choice - (for example carbon footprint displayed for all meals in restaurant) 7. Book shop paper consumption 

    Influence work relating to climate ● Increase digitalization in education, reduce paper being handed out ● Implement easier scanning of books in library to reduce paper usage 

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se 

  • Diskussionsunderlag THS Klimatavtryck Adrian Södergren, Ossian Ahlkvist THS Kårfullmäktiges Klimatutskott 1920-KF-04 2020-02-25 Sid 2(2) 

    ● Increase awareness of sustainability requirement of engineering degree, more sustainability perspective in the education 

    Other climate measures ● Introduce sustainability perspective in reception  

    ○ Explain the difference between pupils and students - being a student is not just about getting teached things - it is also about engagement. This should be highlighted during the reception - the possibility to influence. 

    ○ Maybe something like the JML workshop but with sustainability 



    Questions for discussion ● Should KF be involved in climate affairs at KTH? ● If so, in what ways could KF most effectively reduce climate impact? ● Should we focus on the climate impact of THS itself, or on influence work 

    against i.e. KTH?  


    Supporting questions ○ Should THS quantify the current climate impact of its own activities? 

    ■ If so, who should do it? Volunteers? Professionals? (W-students doing their thesis for us, getting a small bit of pay?) 

    ○ Should the operational plan have a section about sustainability? ■ What could this section contain? Which areas of sustainability 

    should we focus on?  ○ Should THS have a sustainability policy, or is the current PM enough? 

    ■ If so, what should it say? ○ Should THS have a “Head of Sustainability”? 

    ■ If so: ● What kind of position should it be? Full-time? Half time? 

    Volunteer? ● Should it be part of KL, subordinate to KL, or 

    independent? ● What should it’s relation be to climate-related union 

    associations at THS? ○ How should THS Central relate its climate work to the chapters? 

    ■ What would your chapter think of the notion of a policy on increased/stricter climate work at THS? 

    ■ How could THS support the chapters in adapting to a possible new policy? 

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se 

  • THS Meeting order 2019/2020THS Kårfullmäktige1920-KF-022019-10-29Sid 1(6)

    THE UNION COUNCIL’S MEETING ORDER 2019/2020BackgroundAfter a decision in the Union Cuncil (1617-KF-08034) the meeting order is no longer regulated in the by-laws. To maintain good meeting custom the speakers presidency has created this document in compliance with the bylaws.The document’s purpose is also to establish standards for how the Union Council operates and what is expected in the relation between members of the Union Council, and the relation between the Speakers presidency and the Union council.

    THS’ meeting order includes the Union Council’s and the Speakers precidency’s role, along with a vocabu-lary with relevant words to the Union Council. The section regarding meeting practice describes how the speaking list functions, routines for decisions, and how decisions are made.

    Role of the Speakers presidencyThe Speakers presidency leads the Union Council’s work in compliance with THS’ statutes and bylaws. The Speakers presidency represents the Union Council in compliance with the Union Council’s decisions when not in session. The Speaker is neutral and must not express their personal opinion in any point of issue. The rest of the Speakers presidency can make points of facts in exception relating the work or procedures of the Union Council (Bylaws, section 5.1).

    The Speakers presidency is obligated to keep THS’ general regulating documents up to date, such as statutes, bylaws and policies. They also manage all the practical issues of the Union Council, sees to that locations are booked, and minutes are taken (and filed according to the PM för katalogisering, arkivering och numrering avbeslut och protokoll).The Speakers presidency has the right to interrupt speaking persons, request additional meeting documents from senders of motions and the Union Board, suspend the meeting, decide the order of speaking Union Council members, request trial voting or closed voting. The Speakers presidency are assigned these rights for the purpose of facilitating the process of the Union Council as good as possible.

    Role of the Union Council membersTo be able to conduct a meeting in the best way it is required to be well prepared in the Union Council. Read meeting documents carefully before the meeting and it is recommended to contact the one responsible for the point of issue if there are any confusions. Find out the opinions of your members, and think of how you best can express them. Write down anything you intend to move on the meeting and remember to only speak if it adds something new to the debate, if you think it will influence others or to clarify your opinion. Ordinary members of the Union Council are expected to be present on Union Council meetings. If any ordinary member cannot be present, the Speaker must be informed at latest 3 days before the meeting. If any ordinary member of the Union Council cannot be present, their substitute fills their place and informs the Speaker.

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se

  • THS Meeting order 2019/2020THS Kårfullmäktige1920-KF-022019-10-29Sid 2(6)

    Meeting practice

    Conduct of meetingThe Speaker conducts the meeting in such a way that it should be able to be adjourned within the preordinated time.

    • In the case when there are points of issues left when the preordinated time has been exceeded the meeting must be suspended if a member of the Union Council moves such. Proposals regarding suspension of the meeting are not to be decided upon during ongoing discussions, and should only be decided upon after the current point of issue is processed.

    • In the case when the preordinated time is close to be exceeded and the next point of issue is likely to exceed the remaining preordinated time the meeting can open a discussion of whether the meeting should be suspended or not.

    Speaking listThe Speakers presidency operates a speaking list while the meeting is in session. A two-way speaking list is used, where speakers that have not already spoken take precedence over speakers that have already spoken on the point of issue. The Speakers precidency breaks the order of the speaking list in 3 cases:

    • Point of order. This relates to the order or procedures of the meeting. The Speakers presidency should immediately open for discussion and decision of the point of order. Two examples of a point of order is pause for refreshments and forced completion of debate.

    • Point of fact. Always processed before any other proposals. A point of fact is a point of order one uses to express information relating the current discussion. A point of fact must not express any opinion of the speaker and is purely factual.

    • Direct reply. A reply to a question or statement directed at a person or committee. Must be approved by the Speaker.

    Agreement with the latest speaker can be expressed with silent applause (handwaving) or by exclaiming ”Pling”.

    Routines for decisionsA summary of how a point of decision formally is processed:

    1. The Speaker begins by naming the responsible for the point of issue.

    2. The responsible presents the point of issue. If it is a proposition the Board is responsible, and if it is a motion the sender of the motion is responsible.

    3. The members of the meeting can pose direct questions of the contents or nature of the point of issue. Opinions are not to be expressed at this stage (opinions should be grounded in fact, and there should be a clear distinction between fact and opinion).

    4. In the case of a motion, the Union Board presents their response to the motion.

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se

  • THS Meeting order 2019/2020THS Kårfullmäktige1920-KF-022019-10-29Sid 3(6)

    5. In case of a response to a motion from the Union Board, direct questions can be posed to the UnionBoard regarding the response to the motion.

    6. Any consequence motions are presented by their sender

    7. If any consequence motion, direct questions can be posed to the sender of the consequence motion.

    8. The floor opens for general discussion, following the speaking list.

    9. Any proposal moved by a member of the Union Council under the duration of the discussion are read by the Speaker if they have not already been read.

    10. When the speaking list is empty the Speaker asks if the Union Council is ready to make the decision.If rejected, the discussion continues. If approved, the Speaker proposes an order of decision, which is used for the decision if accepted by the Union Council.

    Proposals during the meetingIf a member of the Union Council knows that they have a differing opinion regarding a point of issue, the person is strongly recommended to send a consequence motion instead. Then the opinions are known beforethe meeting and the ability to make an informed decision is heightened. All proposals during the meeting in apoint of issue are to be left to the Speakers presidency in written form before the Union Council is ready to make the decision.

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se

  • THS Meeting order 2019/2020THS Kårfullmäktige1920-KF-022019-10-29Sid 4(6)

    Methods for making decisionsIn the Union Council there are four forms of decisions:

    1. Acclamation. The default method for making decisions if nothing else is stated or desired by a member of the Union Council or the Speakers residency.

    2. Trial voting. Used if acclamation was not able to give a clear result and a full vote is deemed excessive.

    3. Full vote. Used if trial voting does not give a clear result.

    4. Closed voting. Recommended in elections and other sensitive issues.

    A member of the Union Council or the Speaker presidency can request a form of decision if it is lower in the list. Such a request must be accepted.

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se

  • THS Meeting order 2019/2020THS Kårfullmäktige1920-KF-022019-10-29Sid 5(6)

    Vocabulary Adjungerad A person is given the right to take part of the meeting, most often without right to vote.

    Ajournering, Suspension The meeting is suspended for a short time.

    Ansvarsfrihet, Discharge of responsibility Often given to the previous Board when approving the Oper-ation report.

    Beslut (Grupp), Decision (Group)

    Acklamation, Acclamation Voting with yes-exclaims

    Försöksvotering, Trial Voting Voting with raising of hands, no detailed counting

    Votering, Full voting Voting with raising of hands, with detailed counting

    Sluten votering, Closed voting Anonymous voting, either by technology or by ballots

    Bordlägga, Table/Postpone A decision to postpone a point of issue until the next meeting

    Dagordning/Föredragningslista, Agenda List of issues to be processed on the meeting

    Delegera, Delegate To give away the power to decide or implement to someone or to a group

    Fyllnadsval, By-election Election to fill vacant posts that were not filled in the ordinary election or have been vacated since

    Följdmotion, Consequence motion A motion sent before the meeting, to adress another motion

    Interpellation A question to the Union Board that has to be responded to in detail

    Justera, Adjust To verify the correctness of the meeting minutes, and correct if necessary

    Justerare, Adjuster Person appointed to adjust the meeting minutes

    Jämka, Reconcile To compile a proposal that persons of previous differing proposals can all accept

    Jävig, Conflict of interest To have a personal interest or something to gain out of the issue. Such a person should not take part in the decision

    Konsensusundersökning, Consensus investigation A non binding method for investigating how peoplestand on the issue, often to easier proceed in the debate

    Motion A written proposal from a member of the Union, has to be sent to the Speakers presidency before the meeting

    Motionssvar, Motion repsonse The Union Board’s response to a motion

    Nominera, Nominate Propose a person for a post or task

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se

  • THS Meeting order 2019/2020THS Kårfullmäktige1920-KF-022019-10-29Sid 6(6)

    Ordningsfråga, Point of order An issue that can be put forward at any time of the meeting, usually hasto be processed immediately

    Plädera, Pleading for To speak for someone or something favourably

    Proposition A written proposal from the board, sent before the meeting

    Propositionsordning, Order of proposals How proposals are decided, often if they are conflicting

    Protokoll, Meeting minutes The formal notes from the meeting of what happened

    Protokollsanteckning, Note in the minutes A note in the meeting minutes about something someone requests

    Remiss, Remittal/Referal A request for information from an expert group or a group affected by a decision, or the response from such a request

    Replik, Direct reply A short explanation or correction that ignores the speaking list

    Reservation A strong message that a member of the Union Council does not support a deci-sion, or has a very differing opinion

    Revision, Auditing Review of bookkeeping, operation and accounts

    Revisionsberättelse, Auditors’ report The auditors’ report of their review

    Röstlängd, Voting length A list of who can vote

    Rösträknare, Vote counters Appointed to count votes in a full voting or closed voting

    Streck, Forced completion A decision that no one may be added to the speaking list

    Talarlista, Speaking list A list of who has requested to speak

    Tidsbegränsning, Time limit A decision to limit the speaking time for each entry in the debate

    Valberedning, Election committee/Nomination committee Persons appointed to prepare elections, and recommend a candidate for a post

    Valnämnd, Election Board The body that oversees the election to the Union Council

    Valkrets, Constituency A group or partition of people that can vote for a part of a bigger election

    Yrkande (Grupp), Proposal (group)

    Orginalyrkande, Original proposal The original proposal in the proposition or motion

    Avslagsyrkande, Rejection proposal A proposal to reject the original proposal

    Tilläggsyrkande, supplementary proposal A proposal that adds to the original proposal

    Ändringsyrkande, Change proposal A proposal to change the original proposal

    Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm, www.ths.kth.se

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