
Task 1

Write a simple definition of religion,beliefs and values.


A belief something believed; an opinion or conviction.


A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence.


A value is the importance of something.

A list of religions

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Slavic neopaganism, Celtic polytheism, Heathenism , Semitic neopaganism, Wicca, Kemetism , Hellenism, Italo-Roman neopaganism

Task 2

Find a picture of a celebration. List the things that are special about the celebration in the picture.

special things about the celebration in the picture include...

Big family feastChristmas tree and Christmas cardsCandles TurkeyChristmas hatsPoinsettia flowersChristmas presents

Task 3Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is an important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Spring Festival.

The Legend about Chinese New Year

A Monster Named Nian - The Story of Chinese New Year.mp4

Food for Chinese New Year

The evening preceding Chinese New Year's Day is an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.

The New Year's Eve dinner is very large and traditionally includes dishes of meat (usually, pork and chicken) and fish.

Most reunion dinners also feature a hot pot as it is believed to signify the coming together of the family members for the meal.

In most areas, fish (traditional Chinese: 魚; simplified Chinese: 鱼 ; pinyin: yú) is included, but not eaten completely (and the remainder is stored overnight), as the Chinese phrase "may there be surpluses every year" (traditional Chinese: 年年有餘 ; simplified Chinese: 年年有余 ; pinyin: niánnián yǒu yú) sounds the same as "let there be fish every year.

Red envelopes

Traditionally, red envelopes or red packets are passed out during the Chinese New Year's celebrations, from married couples or the elderly to unmarried juniors. It is also common for adults or young couples to give red packets to children.

Fireworks and Firecracker ban

Bamboo stems filled with gunpowder that were burnt to create small explosions were once used in ancient China to drive away evil spirits. In modern times, this method has eventually evolved into the use of firecrackers during the festive season.

Clothing for Chiese New Year

Clothing mainly featuring the color red or bright colors is commonly worn throughout the Chinese New Year because it was once believed that red could scare away evil spirits and bad fortune. In addition, people typically wear new clothes from head to toe to symbolize a new beginning in the new year.

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