ISU Bodø University of nordland

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ISU Bodø University of nordland. Autumn 2014. Frifond. 15,000 kroner for the Academic Year 2015-15 Even allocation throughout the academic year Involvement of other student organizations Norwegian and International students integration. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Autumn 2014


15,000 kroner for the Academic Year 2015-15

Even allocation throughout the academic year

Involvement of other student organizations

Norwegian and International students integration

Opening of Autumn 2014First event: ISU Welcomes You 25th of August 2014 More than 65 students Practical information Get to know each other Election for vacant positions

took place Waffles!!

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You

823 823

Counting votes!

In one frame!

Second Event: ISU Movie Night 04th of September 2014 Approximately 40 students participated

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You

823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Third Event: Norwegian Coffee Hour O8th September 2014 Norwegian and International students Supporting interntaional students to

learn Norwegian Around 20 students joined

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1

175 1462

Fourth Event: Ping pong Tournament 11th September 2014 More than 70 people showed up and 41

students took played to win the prizes

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1

175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Fifth Event: Pre-Party and Planning Lofoten Adventure 19th September 2014 Information and planning about the

biggest outdoor event of the semester – Lofoten Adventure

38 students came to the eventEvent Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1 175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sixth Event: Sunday BBQ and Canoeing at The Lake 20th September 2014 Approximately 45 students participated

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1 175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Closer to Nature!

Seventh Event: Norwegian Coffee Hour 2

22nd September 2014 Around 15 students participated

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1

175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Norwegian Coffee Hour 2

147 3402

8th Event: Culture and Music Night Talk about your home country Around 20 students joined in

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1 175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Norwegian Coffee Hour 2 147 3402

Culture and Music Night 232 3634

9th Event: Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 29th of September 2014 13 students participated

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1 175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Norwegian Coffee Hour 2 147 3402

Culture and Music Night 232 3634

Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 102 3736

10th Event: BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer Total 63 students went to lofoten islands with ISU Bodø,

03rd -05th October Stayed in Rorbuer, hiking, cycling, games, music etcEvent Name Amount Spent


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1

175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Norwegian Coffee Hour 2

147 3402

Culture and Music Night 232 3634

Norwegian Coffee Hour 3

102 3736

BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

1009 4745

Amazing autumn evening!

11th Event: Second BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

Saturday night, All 63 students *coop sponsorship

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1 175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Norwegian Coffee Hour 2 147 3402

Culture and Music Night 232 3634

Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 102 3736

BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

1009 4745

2nd BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

269 5014

Ending an Amazing weekend!

12th Event: Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 06th of October 2014. Approximately 16 students

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1 175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Norwegian Coffee Hour 2 147 3402

Culture and Music Night 232 3634

Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 102 3736

BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

1009 4745

2nd BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

269 5014

Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 321 5335

13th Event: Second Sunday BBQ at the lake

12th October 2014

26 students joined the outdoor event

Event Name Amount Spent (kr)


ISU Welcomes You 823 823

ISU Movie Night 464 1287

Norwegian Coffee Hour 1 175 1462

Ping pong tournament 828 2290

Pre party and planning lofoten

399 2689

Sunday BBQ and Canoeing

566 3255

Norwegian Coffee Hour 2 147 3402

Culture and Music Night 232 3634

Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 102 3736

BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

1009 4745

2nd BBQ in Lofoten, Å Rorbuer

269 5014

Norwegian Coffee Hour 3 321 5335

Second Sunday BBQ at the lake

663 5998

Budget and Upcoming Event 1 13th to 17th of October, International

Week at UiN Country Stands, Cross cultural seminars Fashion show, International Food Festival Cooperation with the International office

and SOB Approximate budget 1000 kroners

Budget and Upcoming Event 2 Semester ending party of English

Support Group and Business English Group

20th October 2014 Cooperation with the English department

at UiN Approximate Budget 250 Kroners

Budget and Upcoming Event 3 Semester Closing Event ISU Farewell dinner – saying goodbye to

the students leaving ISU, open for all international students

Approximate budget 1500 kroners

That’s all from us. Thank you all for your attention!

Have a nice day

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