Is PPC Advertising a Good Choice for Your Business?

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Many businesses use PPC advertising quite effectively. Is your business ready for pay per click or should you concentrate your efforts on SEO? Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

IS PPC ADVERTISING A GOOD CHOICE?PPC advertising can be an effective way to push a large amount of additional traffic to your website in a short amount of time.

However, if you are not optimizing and managing your campaigns correctly, you’ll end up filling a money pit instead of feeding your bottom line.

Moreover, once you stop paying for those clicks? Well, all that extra traffic disappears. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

IS PPC ADVERTISING A GOOD CHOICE?If you are in business for the long haul, you need to build an online presence organically, too.

It takes a bit longer but will grow exponentially over time.

Also, organic optimization is built to last. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424


Google PPC is probably the online advertising medium you’ve heard the most about. It falls under the broad spectrum of Search Marketing as part of your paid SEM (search engine marketing) strategy (vs. a free SEO strategy).

And, as the name implies, it’s all about getting people to click your ads. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

WHAT IS PPC?You set up a Google AdWords account and campaigns within that account based on “families” of keywords.

You set up a budget based on what you are willing to pay for these clicks and away you go. Google begins displaying your ads, and you’re billed for each click.

Simple enough. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

PAY PER CLICK MANAGEMENTWhat can it do for you?

When managed well, PPC advertising can deliver bushels of traffic comprising your ideal prospects in a very short period.

Wow! That’s great but let’s not ignore that key phrase “when managed well”. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

PAY PER CLICK MANAGEMENTWhen managed not-so-well, pay per click can be an expensive lesson in what not to do.

You can end up spending a ton of money for terrible leads. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

PAY PER CLICK MANAGEMENTFor example, let's say your company provides products or services exclusively in Atlanta.

You probably don’t want to show up (and pay for clicks!) when people are looking for those products or services in Chicago.

Your campaign must be set up properly to ensure that doesn't happen. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

YA GOTTA PAY TO PLAYYou should also think about one more thing when considering the use of pay per click.

Let’s assume you’ve cleared the whole “manage it well” hurdle. The fact remains that the instant you stop paying for those clicks all that valuable traffic disappears faster than free food in the office break room. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

YA GOTTA PAY TO PLAYAs a business owner, one of your big goals is to keep the sales funnel filled.

If you are continually turning on campaigns and then turning them off because it’s too expensive (or providing disappointing results) you are choking your funnel.

All those stops and starts will not help you keep a steady stream of customers in your pipeline. Let’s Talk: +1 202.618.1424

BUILD A SOLID FOUNDATIONEvery business needs to make optimizing their website a top priority because the truth is that until you’ve done that there’s no need even to think about PPC.

Optimize your site and find out what works, then it may be time to consider pay per click.

If you have the budget, the experience and the expertise to support SEM, a PPC campaign can work wonders. Many businesses use it quite effectively. Until then, concentrate your efforts on SEO.

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