

Mrs Jan


Today we will consider…

1) How can aggression be defined?

2) Are there different types of aggression?

3) What kinds of factors are argued to cause aggression?


TASK: Let’s Get Creative!

On your worksheet draw a picture or diagram representing ‘aggression.’

Don’t show it to anyone else. Do it on your own.

You are allowed to use a maximum of three words to summarise your image if you wish to.

When you’ve finished fold your paper in half and put it under your seat.

1 Minute


TASK: Picture Perfect

3 Minutes

In pairs, consider the photo you have been given. Discuss and consider…

1) Which picture is showing the most aggression? Why?

Write your names on the back and stick it on the board.

2) What is motivating the aggression in the pictures?

3) “What happens when good people are put into an evil place? Do they triumph or does the situation dominate their past history and morality?”


What is Aggression?

“An act carried out with the intention to harm another


Hitting Name


Refusing to shake hands

Ignore/ Don’t Say Hello

Physical Verbal




What is Aggression?

There are two types depending on the motives behind the aggression…


Affective or emotional aggression. Driven by anger and by the desire to get even.Characterised by extreme rage. Examples?

Instrumental Pre meditated, emotionally detached. Serves as a means to an end, usually to solve a problem or gain reward. Examples?


What is Aggression? Zimbardo…

“What happens when good people are put into an evil place? Do they triumph or

does the situation dominate their past history and



TASK: The Complete Picture

You have one more minute to complete your original image.

Think about what you can change or add to make it a complete (more accurate) picture of


Use a different colour if possible to highlight what you’ve changed/added.

Be prepared to show your image to the rest of the class and explain what you have changed and why!

1 Minute

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